If yuoer albe to raed tihs you are a nred.
Actually no, if you read that you are a perfectly normal person, AND I can back that up due to scientific research. (I'll condense this).
Scientists worked out that when you read something, you only read the first and last letters in order to speed up the process.
sAnd so, it doesn't matter what order the other letters are in, all you need to read a word is the first and last letters.
(Hopefully you can read that, if not I've fucked this whole thign up. =) )
So in conclusion, if you can read the above word and Yurka's sentance, you are not a nerd, you a perfectly normal person with a fully functioning brain.
Pwned.(And if anyone's wondering how I know that, I read it on a site somewhere, they explained that in a paragraph that was using the same concepts as how i've typed 'Sometimes'
Eg Sietnsics hvae fnoud).