So, I know I haven't been here in 'effin ever... and I haven't played Sonic in all this times, so my skills have probably become even worse than they ever were, lol...
But if I ever (which may not happen) decide to do something here...
1. For S1, S2, S3/SK/S3K: do I understand correctly that .giz files are enough?
2. Will I need a .giz for every single stat, even if it sucks? Or should I keep the forum free of terrible .giz movies, but upload them if somebody requests me to? Which approach is better? Keep in mind, I suck, my stats will suck and my .giz movies will also suck.
3. If I accidentally end up exploiting in-game behavior that isn't reproducible on a console, how can I know? Of course, the likelihood of this is almost zero (Genesis emulators are pretty damn accurate and I suck too much to even dream of such specific glitches), but still. Is "don't care and let the experts decide" a viable option?