May I ask why this topic wasn't viewed until I posted in it?ptorflaxendrosis started this topic, but when I posted in it, a lot of users started viewing it. Is that fair at all? Because my post gets an immediate response by users, as his only attracts guests. So, if you guys were online, it would've been fair to say that, if you guys don't notice this topic, then you either have already viewed the topic, or completely ignored him. Not even to tell him that he wasn't getting unbanned, like what has happened when others have asked a similar question(if I recall correctly). I just think that even these topics shouldn't be ignored, and tell the person what should be said(via PM, considering the rule), going back to my original point. So, Cruizer, being as smart as you are, tell me. Was he ignored, or are certain groups of members ignored? None of us are different from banned members, so you should treat them like you treat other members(in the forums, anyways).
Note: I understand that I've gotten so off-topic, but it is doomed to that "Sonic 06 topic thing"