as usual...
now for teh comments!
Mission Street
- This is sick in a good way! Lot's of thing I didn't know about. The spring I knew about, but not that zipper! Just crazy, and fast (maybe there is a way to climb up that road going up faster after you make that humoungus jump!)
Eternal Engine
- Another crazy! Heh, the card cracks me up, and it seems like a hard level to perform, so well done. Never knew about that "hovering through the wall" at the end!
Meteor Herd
-This is crazy shit! I don't understand some things though. I still dont get how pausing helped you obtain the first emerald piece without opening the door. No matter, the climb upwards is crazy! Around 35 seconds, I was thinking "Wtf, there's almost 5 seconds left and he isn't even near the 2nd emerald!" and boom, he gets those last two really fast! Well done!
Dry Lagoon
-Another crazy one. You collect the first and second piece within a second I'd say! although I don't understand why you wasted times fighting those enemies :/
Sand Ocean
- Crazy! Haven't plaeyd this level for a while though, so I can't say much about it
Mad Space
- Heh, more craziness. It would obviously look aLOT cooler without teh pauses, but it is faster with pauses (I understand how pausing helps you to perform tasks faster, yet I dont get how you got those last rings at the end, you ran in a circle, then just paused like 5 times and got the last rings you needed magically). It is still very crazy!