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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


Author Topic: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments  (Read 713777 times)

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Offline Cybrax

Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: May 24, 2004, 12:03:35 am »
Next time someone says something stupid or funny in the chatroom, post the convo here.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 12:49:56 am by F-Man »

Offline Andromeda

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2004, 12:16:33 am »
Am i missing something?

Offline yse

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2004, 04:57:39 am »
Get Xero to come here. He had some absolute beauties... Sure, they weren't from our chatroom, but hey, they were funny!

<3 Thorn.

Offline yse

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2004, 07:41:18 am »
Whee, I have one, more of a monologue though:

* SprintGod kicks animation shop
<SprintGod> err YOU
<SprintGod> my left hand moved a bit to the right there
<SprintGod> hehe

I liked it...

<3 Thorn.

Offline Cybrax

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2004, 02:17:47 am »
<Cybrax> rolken play word racer with us
<Cybrax> or cherry
<Cybrax> someoneee
<Rolken> we're busy being cool
* CherryMay is cool.
<mike89> hey rolk, if youre in, im in
* Rolken is cool.
<Cybrax> LMFAO
* SprintGod is hot
* SprintGod opens a window
* mike89 disregard's SprintGod's comment

Offline SadisticMystic

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2004, 04:25:24 pm »
[16:24:48] <_> 1
[16:24:50] <__> 2
[16:24:52] <___> 222
[16:24:55] <____> 4
[16:24:56] <_____> 5
[16:24:57] <______> 6
[16:25:02] <_______> 7
[16:25:03] <________> 8
[16:25:10] <_________> ROT FOREVER, number 9! Wait, that's me......
[16:25:22] <__________> 10
[16:25:24] <___________> 11 :P Sausages
[16:25:25] <____________> 12121212121212

[16:27:02] <____________> 12
[16:27:07] <___________> 11 eventually
[16:27:13] <__________> 10
[16:28:19] <_________> brb
[16:28:22] <________> 8
[16:28:25] <_______> you **** 7
[16:28:27] <______> 6
[16:28:28] <_____> 5
[16:28:30] <____> 4
[16:28:32] <___> three?
[16:28:33] <__> 2
[16:28:34] <_> 1 - saved
« Last Edit: May 26, 2004, 04:28:24 pm by SadisticMystic »

Offline General Throatstomper

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2004, 04:41:15 pm »
In IRC, everyone went a little crazy and changed there name to only _'s. Well, SM decided we should post and order, and from then on, it got kind of weird....
* _ has joined #soniccenter
* Looking up stupidghost user info...
* stupidghost is now known as __
* SprintGod is now known as ___
<_> WTF
* ___ sets mode: -o ___
<___> :)
<DaleG> _______________
<_> no
<__> kekekekekeke!!~!
* SuperSonic101[away] has joined #soniccenter
<SuperSonic101[away]> wt?
<_> /nick ____
* SuperSonic101[away] is now known as ____
<DaleG> I know
<DaleG> fine
* DaleG is now known as _______________
<__> too many
<____> no
<____> five
<____> you need five _'s
<_______________> CF
* ___ dies
<_______________> join us......
<____> hold on a sec
<_______________> ONE OF US, ONE OF US
* ____ is now known as SuperSonic101
<CosmicFalcon> CF IS ME
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SuperSonic101
<SuperSonic101> there
* SuperSonic101 is now known as ____
<_> no
<____> damn
* ____ sets mode: -o ____
<_> that's precisely why SprintGod de-opped himself
<___> hehe
* CherryMay has joined #soniccenter
<_> /nick _____
* CherryMay blinks.
* _____ has joined #soniccenter
<_______________> hi
* ___ doesn't
* Cybrax is now known as ___________
* CherryMay is now known as ______
* _______________ doesn't
<____> woot
* ___________ is now known as _______
<____> good
<___> ok... this is getting confusing now
<_______________> not really
<____> _______, dale
<_______> haha
<_> 1 = me
<_> 2 = Ghost
<______> I'm me!
<_> 3 = SprintGod
<_______________> no
<_______________> I'm me
* ______\ has joined #soniccenter
<_______________> you're you
<______> Oh, sorry
<_> 4 = SS101
<____> \?
<_> 5 = also Ghost
* ______\ is now known as ________
<____> haha
<_______________> so
<____> Dale! CHANGE
<_______________> mk
<_> 6 = CherryMay
<_______________> how many?
<____> 9
<____> 9
<____> _________
<_> 7 = Cybrax
* _______________ is now known as _________
<_> 8 = Ghost
<____> 9= blueblaze
<____> CF, change it
<_________> Cosmicfalcon=loser
<___> ¯¯¯
<_______> yea sm knows his _'s
<_> and Ghost can't make a new user
<____> and turbos
<____> Cosmic falcon= 10
<____> turbos= 11
<_________> Turbos=Turbos
<____> do it
<_> or else he gets killed by OperServ for having 4 connections at once
<_______> haha
<_______> this is funny
<____> yeah
<____> whee.
<__> in china
<__> cosmicfalcon would be dead
<_> now, let's post IN SEQUENCE ONLY
<_> 1
<__> because he cant obey
<___> hmm?
<____> start again
<_____> ok
<_________> so
<_> NO
<________> no
* ___ dies
* _________ is killed
<_> broken, starting again
<_________> wait
<____> in order, ghost
<_________> can a line die?
<_> 1
<__> 2
<________> me
<_____> minus me
<____> NO!
<______> lol
<____> damnit, sprintgod
<CosmicFalcon> STFE
<CosmicFalcon> STFU, rather
<____> change your name
<_> 10
<____> you little white boy
<_______> lol
<____> then turbos, be 11
<_______> wheres rolken?
<_> out
<____> dead
<____> dead, cybrax
<___> meh
* CosmicFalcon is now known as __________
* ___ is now known as SprintGod
<__________> lets roll
* Flash has joined #soniccenter
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SprintGod
<__________> hey falsh
* Turbos was kicked by SprintGod (____________)
<__________> flash
<_> nick to ___________
* SprintGod is now known as ___
* ___ sets mode: -o ___
<___> :)
<_> and then we'll all post in sequence
<Flash> wow
<_________> yay
<_________> wee
<_________> mess with your mind
<_> /nick ___________
* Buck1 has joined #soniccenter
<_> /nick ___________
<_________> do you think I'm Cybrax, or Cosmivfalcon?
<Buck1> Cybrax
<____> blueblaze
<Flash> O_o
<_________> damnsit
<_______> well you spelled all of that right so your not me
<_________> your not supposed to say it
<____> well, I did
<__> ~
<____> so too bad for you
<_________> see
<_________> cee
<_________> eff
<____> Buck
<____> change name
<____> /nick __________
<_________> Some for you flash
<_______> 11
<___> meh, this is getting old now
<____> 11?
<_________> 11
<_________> 11
<____> yeah 11
<_______> your getting old
<Flash> AHHHH :-O
<____> /nick ___________
<_________> no
<_________> no
<____> BUCK
<_________> I'm not old!
<____> change your nickname
<____> to 11 _'s in a row
<Flash> like somany people talking to themsleves
<_______> flash 12
<_______> buck 11
<_________> you know, it's impossible to get directions to ourselves
<____> once buck changes it, flash change to 12
<____> yeah
<________> WE ARE BORG
<____> whoever doesn't change gets kicked by me
* Flash is now known as ___________
<_________> we're just a bunch of thoughtless lines
<_______> im taking SS if we can get this right
<__________> woo
<___________> k happy :P
<__________> lines
<_______> you will all suffer
<___________> blah blah blah
<_________> futile!
<____> buck
<_______> bick!
<____> your turn
<_______> dammit
<_________> buck is buckk
<_________> wee
<_________> wee
<_______> gooooo
<_________> ga
<____> BUCK!
<_________> le
<______> the nicks look like a horizontal bar chart
<____> flash, are you 11 or 12?
<_________> yeah
<___________> *Assimilation Crap*
<___________> 11
<____> ok
<____> Buck's 12
<____> BUCK
<_________> I'm older than _
<____> fine
<_________> :P
<_________> wee
<______> Or perhaps a skyscraper setting!
* ____ is now known as SuperSonic101
<Buck1> Im not 12
<_________> My gosh!
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SuperSonic101
<Buck1> im 14
<_> no
<_> /nick ____________
<_________> Sonic Was a line all along
<______> lol
* Buck1 was kicked by SuperSonic101 (come back when your name is "____________")
<___________> lets go to macdonalds
* SuperSonic101 is now known as ____
* ____ sets mode: -o ____
<_> now...
<____> PERFECT!
<_> in sequence!
<______> eeeexcellent
<_> 1
<__> 2
<_______> more on the way
<_> NO
<____> DAMNIT
<______> lol.
<_________> wheres Ghost?
<____> start again, SM
<__> me
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___________> -------- OK Sequence
<____> ..
<______> ....
<_______> dammit
<____> start again
* SHADOW has joined #soniccenter
<_______> you screwed it up
<_________> haha
<______> oh no
<____> change your name
<_______> shadow 12
<_> gert the hell out
<____> to ____________
<____> SHADOW, change your name or I kick you
<_______> lol
<__> kekekekeke~
* ___ explodes
<____> change your name
<____> to 12 _'s
<______> we're the lines and we're taking over the channel!
<_> /nick ____________
<____> or get kicked just like buck did
<_______> ,  /nick
<____> CHANGE IT
<SHADOW> how do I change it
<____> your messing up our perfect sequence
<_> /nick ____________
<_> say that
<______> ahaha...
<____> type that ^^
<_______> do /nick ____________
<SHADOW> you want me to be a line
<____> type /nick ____________
<______> yes.
<____> yes
<____> 12
<_______> yea
* ___ has left #soniccenter
<____> 12 _'s
<____> WTF
* ___ has joined #soniccenter
<_> no
<_______> get back here!
<_______> ok
<______> lol
<___________> XD
<_________> wee
<____> change it SJ!
<_________> XD
<SHADOW> how do I change it
<____> WE'VE TOLD YOU!
<______> this is great
<_________> you /nick
<___> /nick ____________
<_________> yep
<____> /nick ____________
<___________> evil lines
<____> TYPE THAT
<_________> BEST. IRC.Ever.
<____> "/nick ____________"
<_________> er
<___________> Resistance is futile *Dr evil laugh*
<_> /nick ____________
<____> 12 _'s
<____> DO IT
<_________> evil
<SHADOW> "/nick____________
* ______ sighs
<_> NO
<____> ..
<_> no "
<_______> lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<______> and with a space
<_________> yeps
<SHADOW> "/nick____________"
<__> shadow = dumdum
<______> NO "s
<SHADOW> >_<
<____> this is LOUSY
<____> NO "
<___________> Wee Lines galore
<_> /nick ____________
<______> you crazy person you!
<_________> what about
<____> /nick ____________
<_______> put a space after /nick
<_________> if we name ourselves
* ___________ dances
<_________> |'s instead
<____> or click commands-change nick- ____________
* SHADOW is now known as ____________
* __ is sad
<____> THANK YOU
<_________> that way
<_> YES
<____________> better
* _______ slaps ____________ around a bit with a large trout
<_> now
<_________> its easier
* ___ dies
<____> sequence time
* _________ slaps ___________ around a bit with a large trout
<_> let's do another
<_> 1
<__> 2
<_______> take SS!
* _________ slaps ___________ around a bit with a large trout
<_> NO
<______> ...
<____> shut up
<____> starta gain
<_> 1
<____________> j00 guys r teh O_o
<__> 2
<_> 1
<_______> dammit
<____> OMFG
* _________ slaps _ around a bit with a large trout
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___> 3
<____> 4
<_____> 5
<______> 6
<_______> 7
<________> 8
<_________> PICKLES DAMNIT!
<_________> I mean 9
<__________> me?
<_> NO
<______> you lose
<_______> FUCK
<_> ...
<____> .....
<_______> AGAIN
<_> 1
<_________> lol
<____> dumbass!
<____________> O_o
<__> 2
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___> WOOF
<____> 4
<_______> FUCK YOU
<_____> poop
<_> 1
<__> 2
<____________> how can we tell each other apart?
<___> WOOF
<_> 1
<______> ...
<_> 1
<__> 2
<____> 4
<_____> 5
<______> 6
<_______> 7
<________> 8
<_________> 9
<__________> 10
<___________> 11!!
<__________> 10
<____________> 12
<_________> yay
<_> NO
<____> DAMNIT!
<_________> er
<_> DIE]
<______> HAH
<_> 1
<______> HAH
<_> 1
<__________> hahaha
<__> 2
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___________> :Q:@
<_> 1
<__> 2
<_______> dammit
<_> 1
<__> 2
<_________> s
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___> 5
<____> ..
<_______> ...
<_____> .
<____> cosmic falcon messed the last one up
<____________> 12
<____> burn
<_> 1
<_> 1
<__> 2
<___> 222
<____> 4
<_____> 5
<______> 6
<_______> 7
<________> 8
<_________> ROT FOREVER, number 9! Wait, that's me......
<__________> 10
<___________> 11 :P Sausages
<____________> 12121212121212
<_> SAVED!
<_________> yay
<_________> wee
<_________> e
<_________> e
<_________> e
<_________> e
<_________> e
<____> wait
<____________> waht
<__________> now lets do it the other way around
<____> lets try again
<____________> what
<____> except
<___________> saved also
<____________> what
<_________> reverse order
<____________> 12
<____> no
* ___________ is now known as Flash
<____________> 12
<____> everyone say their number
<____________> 21
<____> not reverse
<______> :o
<____________> 12
<_________> Flash
<_________> back
<____________> 12
<____> start, #1
<__________> flashback?
<____> no!
<_________> or you get kerdeaded
<______> haha, 'flashback'
<____________> 12
* Flash is now known as ___________
<____________> backwards or forwards
<____> everyone say their number
<____________> 12
<_________> 9
<__________> 10
<_________> 9
<______> ...
<____> ..
<____________> cant count!!!!!!!
<____> FORWARD
<____> start, SM
<_> 1
<_________> backwatds
<__> 2
<____> again
<_> no
<_________> start agaimn
<____________> 12
<_______> .....
* _________ slaps ___________ around a bit with a large trout
<___________> 11 mofo
<_> Forward is already posted
<_________> so
<_> go Backward
<_________> backward
<____________> I'm tired of getting slapped
<____________> 12
<___________> 11 eventually
<__________> 10
<_________> brb
<________> 8
<_______> you fuck 7
<______> 6
<_____> 5
<____> 4
<___> three?
<__> 2
<_> 1 - saved
<_________> 1
<__________> I couldn't tell if someone slapped me. I don't even know who I am anymore. I've become a mere meaningless number.
<____> phew
* _________ slaps ___________ around a bit with a large trout
* __ slaps ___________ around a bit with a large trout
<__________> now do forwards, then backwards, in one fell swoop!
<____> CF almost screwed it up
<____> yeah
<______> and here's an idea
<__________> I did not
<______> every just say their number only
<____> exactly
<______> *everyone
<___________> 11
<____> that means you, flash
<___________> 11 11 11 eleven
<____> and SG
<____________> how about no
<_______> 12 is first..
<___> fuckit
<_> it's already posted
<____________> is this all were doing
* ___ is now known as SadisticMystic
<____> wtf?
<___________> eleven?
<____________> LOL
<____> don't you usually keep your name as _?
* ___________ is now known as Flash___
* __________ is now known as Flash
*_________ is now known as DaleG
* Flash is now known as FIash
And thus, an era of confused lines is eradicated.


Offline SadisticMystic

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2004, 07:17:57 pm »
[00:17:12] <stupidghost> i am sad
[00:17:21] <stupidghost> my mother called
[00:17:29] <stupidghost> she likes to say mean things
[00:17:32] <stupidghost> very loud
[00:17:53] <stupidghost> her voice is very high
[00:18:51] <stupidghost> in chinese
[00:18:55] <stupidghost> voice is sangyin
[00:18:57] <stupidghost> sang is throat
[00:18:59] <stupidghost> yin is sound
[00:19:02] <stupidghost> but my mom
[00:19:03] <stupidghost> should be
[00:19:07] <stupidghost> biyin
[00:19:12] <stupidghost> bi is nose
[00:19:21] <stupidghost> because her voice is so high
[00:19:26] <stupidghost> and my ears hurt
[00:19:29] <stupidghost> even on phone
[00:19:55] <Cybrax> heh
[00:19:57] <stupidghost> and i cant hear
[00:19:59] <stupidghost> anything
[00:20:03] <stupidghost> so i must come type
[00:20:05] <stupidghost> so i can talk
[00:20:08] <stupidghost> because i cant hear
[00:20:25] <stupidghost> and now i am so sad
[00:24:16] <stupidghost> baibai
[00:24:19] * stupidghost has quit IRC (Quit: )
[00:31:41] <Rolken> :o
[00:35:36] <Cybrax> LMFAO
[00:42:47] <SprintGod> best. monologue. ever.

... (18½ hours of stuff)

[19:16:11] <CherryMay> lol...  i just remembered the monologue last night
[19:16:28] <SprintGod> someone should post that in the thread on the forum
[19:16:34] <SprintGod> i would, but i haven't got a log of it
[19:17:04] <_> I do

Offline F-Man

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2004, 09:36:22 pm »
The chat hasn't been working for me the last few days, the server won't let me login.

Offline SadisticMystic

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2004, 09:40:18 pm »
That's why you pick up mIRC and stop using silly Java applets.

Offline F-Man

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2004, 09:44:01 pm »
I DO use mIRC. =P

But anyway, it finally connected now, I just had to wait like 2 minutes, lol.

Offline Taco

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2004, 10:08:43 pm »

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2004, 11:47:05 pm »
Im the sillist one of all.
omochao the worst thing in the world. hold the a button down to hover use it to fly places:/ in Wepons bed

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2004, 03:01:37 am »
mIRC doesn't let me connect now...maybe I should just wait like F-Man did...
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Rolken

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2004, 09:55:19 am »
Yeah. I don't know why the Mysteria server hates certain people; when I was on a Comcast connection in Utah, it did that to me, but any other connection I've had was fine. Maybe we'll switch servers if it's really being a problem for people.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

Offline Taco

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2004, 04:55:01 pm »


*shoots rolko*

not de rolko!!! :o

Offline General Throatstomper

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2004, 07:08:22 pm »
Nintendan, Xero, and I were in IRC, speculating on what the secret character in advance would be. Xero new-he had an emulator. However, nintendan and I were oblivious, and we kept taking random guesses. They were viable characters, like Shadow, Vector, and Chaos. However, here's where the conversation got interesting, and began to stray:
<NintenDan> I was thinking more along the lines of one of the characters from a next gen console
<DaleG> ah
<NintenDan> like shadow or something
<DaleG> I see
<NintenDan> metal sonic maybe...
<DaleG> well, I bet Shadow is one too
<DaleG> or
<DaleG> what about
<DaleG> :o
<DaleG> I just realized who it is.....
<DaleG> it's......
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> you need to beat froggy's story first
<NintenDan> and get all 7 chaos emeralds
<NintenDan> to become super froggy
<DaleG> Then
<NintenDan> then once you beat the final boss
<NintenDan> big is availible
<NintenDan> !!!
<DaleG> yep
<DaleG> wait, Big's not in the game?
<DaleG> thank god
<DaleG> but, the final boss would be a disecting pan
<DaleG> completed with various utensils
<NintenDan> lol
<DaleG> for disecting
<DaleG> and then
<DaleG> if you get past it
<NintenDan> and eggman does his evil laugh
<NintenDan> and the world blows up
<DaleG> because your super
<NintenDan> because you couldnt disect froggy in time
<NintenDan> no wait
<NintenDan> froggy is a bomb
<DaleG> you have to switch the fire alarm
<NintenDan> and you have to cut the right cord
<DaleG> no
<NintenDan> aka vein
<DaleG> he's super
<DaleG> wait
<NintenDan> red wire, blue wire, red wire, blue wire
<DaleG> hm
<DaleG> *Evil laugh*
<DaleG> muhahahaha
<DaleG> my evil plans will take place soon!
<NintenDan> silly
<NintenDan> playing while typing
<NintenDan> is
<DaleG> shutup, distraction
<NintenDan> what im doin
<DaleG> I'm playing advance 2
<DaleG> OUCH
<DaleG> my eyes
<DaleG> damnit
<DaleG> must......look
<DaleG> Pupils....dilating
<NintenDan> lol
<DaleG> aspirin....needed
<DaleG> vomit....rising
<NintenDan> make sure its baby aspirin
* DaleG barfs on Game boy
<DaleG> damnit!
<DaleG> I can play through it....
<DaleG> I don't need the start button....
<DaleG> wee!
<DaleG> I either just got a world record, or had a seizure
<DaleG> wait
<NintenDan> most likely a WR
<NintenDan> :)
<DaleG> let's use the puke test!
<Xero> Dan
<Xero> Weren't you gonna play Boss 7?
* DaleG chucks at screen
<DaleG> let's see...
<NintenDan> im getting there now
<NintenDan> Im playing act 3 first
<NintenDan> so I can acces the boss
<DaleG> battery acid flew everywhere
<DaleG> and it wasn't multicolored...
<NintenDan> hey
<NintenDan> thats a good name
<NintenDan> Battery Acid Zone 1
<DaleG> and other than melting my eyes, it's done no internal damage
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> WHY!
<DaleG> Oh, Silly me
<DaleG> that's not battery acid
<NintenDan> haha
<DaleG> it's only harmless
<DaleG> "Mercury extraction"
* DaleG sighs
<DaleG> what a relief
<DaleG> and I thought it was harmful
* DaleG convulses
<DaleG> there
<DaleG> harmless, tame mercury
<DaleG> it's so safe, th-ACK!
* Turbos has joined #soniccenter
<DaleG> hey, a glass....
<DaleG> filled with liquid
<DaleG> I bet it's the cure
* DaleG drinks liquid
<DaleG> Nintendan, whats "Anti-Freeze?
<DaleG> oh well
* DaleG drinks all of the anti-freeze
<DaleG> Hey, stomach acid tickles.....yum.....
A Few minutes later
<NintenDan> damnit
<NintenDan> tails
<NintenDan> he keeps messing me up
<DaleG> haha
<DaleG> tails
<DaleG> thats a funny name
<NintenDan> this is gonna be try number 6 now
<DaleG> How can he have 2 tails?
<DaleG> He only has 1 ass
<DaleG> that we know of
<NintenDan> lol
<Xero> NintenDan
<NintenDan> how can a woman have 2 b**bs
<Xero> Knux kept hitting him for me.
<NintenDan> if she only has 1 chest?
<DaleG> well
<Xero> XD
<DaleG> How can a man have 2 (item(s) discussed in sex ed) if he only has region
<DaleG> he can't
<DaleG> same with tails
<DaleG> er
<DaleG> other side of course


Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2004, 05:52:53 am »
I was banned. All the other times mIRC was fine for me :) .
omochao the worst thing in the world. hold the a button down to hover use it to fly places:/ in Wepons bed

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2004, 12:33:08 pm »
Nature at its dumbest:
<DaleG> There's a dead bee in my house, and all these ants are trying to carry away its corpse
<DaleG> it's pretty funny
<shadowgamer196> lol
<DaleG> and theres this one ant whose just running around
<shadowgamer196> eat it!
<DaleG> I stepped on it
<DaleG> and now more ants are coming to carry away its body
<DaleG> hehe
<DaleG> Ants are idiots
<Rolken> :o
<CosmicFalcon> :o my finger has gone silver
<Rolken> :O
<DaleG> :o
<DaleG> :()
<Rolken> sell it :o
<DaleG> my jaw snapped
<CosmicFalcon> y'know that silver scratch-off stuff?
<CosmicFalcon> never scratch it off with your fingernail
<CosmicFalcon> you just scrape it onto your skin and it kinda sticks there
<DaleG> yeah
<DaleG> I learned that the hard way
<DaleG> it was stuck under my fingernail
<CosmicFalcon> its just the cheap kind. the decent stuff of scratchcards doesn't do it, its not as silvery
<DaleG> oh
<DaleG> hm
<DaleG> the ants managed to move the bee
<DaleG> fascinating
<DaleG> hehe
<DaleG> they dropped it
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> and it crushed one
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> and they're trying to carry the other dead ant away from the dead bee
<CosmicFalcon> LOL
<CosmicFalcon> whoops
<CosmicFalcon> caps was still on
<DaleG> what?
<DaleG> LOL
<Rolken> Saving Private Ant
<DaleG> same here
<DaleG> Now they've reached the door
<CosmicFalcon> I can't believe that I misplaced the pin thing for my Cube. that'd get me loads of stars.
<shadowgamer196> Saving Ant's Privats
<DaleG> and they don't have any clue what the hell they're supposed to doe
<DaleG> let's see
<DaleG> they put down the bee and the corpses
<DaleG> and are walking towards the door
<DaleG> somehow, I don't think they'll be able to open it
<DaleG> holy crap!
<Rolken> haha
<DaleG> The bee is still alive
<Rolken> they opened it? :o
<DaleG> wtf!
<Rolken> oh
<DaleG> haha
<SuperSonic101> GO PAPER MARIO 2
<DaleG> it's attacking them
<Rolken> !
<CosmicFalcon> egg types? wth? this pokemon thing has gotten complicated
<Rolken> bug saga :o
<SuperSonic101> GO PAPER MARIO 2
<DaleG> yeah
<shadowgamer196> i just saw a trailor of Papermario 2 on TV
<DaleG> but these ants are on drugs or something
<DaleG> ok
<DaleG> most of them are dead now
<DaleG> and the bee stopped moving
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> still moving
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> but the ant is hitting it with it's antennae
<DaleG> it died
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> yes
<DaleG> its dead
<DaleG> well, you heard it here folks-Ants know how to kill bees
<DaleG> ah, there we go
<DaleG> the remaining ants are picking up the other ant's corpses
<DaleG> and they let the bee alone
<DaleG> and they still can't get out the door
<_> have you seen 30 Hornets v. 30000 Bees?
<DaleG> so they're heading towards the computer room
<DaleG> no
<DaleG> hm
<DaleG> These ants are slow
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> haha
<DaleG> theres another bee in the hous
<Rolken> I was surrounded by a few hundred wasps once
<DaleG> and its attackig them
* Rolken gasps.
<DaleG> ok, theres only 1 ant left
<DaleG> and its going in circles aimlessly
<DaleG> and the bee is eating some ant corpses
<DaleG> ok
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> now the end is heading towards the stairs
<Rolken> bees eat ants?
<DaleG> Apparently
<Rolken> how horrible
<DaleG> lol
<DaleG> ok, this bee stopped moving
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> maybe Bees can't eat ants without dieing
<DaleG> and now, the last ant is going back
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> he's goingg forward again
<DaleG> no
<DaleG> now back
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> he's heading towards the computer room
<DaleG> and he just crawled under the couch
<DaleG> he's as good as dead
<DaleG> there are a lot of spiders there
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> he retreated
<DaleG> he's heading towards me!
<CosmicFalcon> :o
<DaleG> What do I do?
<CosmicFalcon> he's gonna eat you!
<CosmicFalcon> eat him
<DaleG> ok
<Rolken> :o
<DaleG> he's reached the chair
<CosmicFalcon> pretend to be a spider
<DaleG> I'm going to sit on the floor now
<DaleG> and stop moving
<DaleG> in the hopes
<DaleG> he doesn't see me
<CosmicFalcon> I'm going to go now
<CosmicFalcon> BYE OMG
* CosmicFalcon has quit IRC (Quit: ciao y'all)
<DaleG> yes
<DaleG> I hope the 1 inch ant
<DaleG> doesn't see the 4 foot 9 person
<DaleG> and yes
<DaleG> I am that short
<DaleG> now
<DaleG> the ant started to crawl up my leg
<DaleG> but I stood up to type
<DaleG> so he fell
<DaleG> and he's running away
<DaleG> he's heading towards the T.V.
<Rolken> :O
<DaleG> he's moving away
<DaleG> he's coming towards me
<DaleG> now he's heading for the door again
<DaleG> he just grabbed another dead ant
<DaleG> and hes carrying it away
<DaleG> wait
<DaleG> that ant is alive
<DaleG> it started moving
<DaleG> and
<DaleG> its still moving
<DaleG> its trying to move away
<DaleG> and
<DaleG> the 2 ants are moving towards the door again
<DaleG> ok
<DaleG> my cat just came down the stairs
<DaleG> and the 2 ants are heading towards it
<DaleG> ok, the ant who was carrying the other has let it go
<DaleG> and now
<DaleG> my cat walked up to me
<DaleG> and
<DaleG> I petted it
<DaleG> now
<DaleG> it wants food
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> I'll put food in his dish
<DaleG> ok
<DaleG> the food is in his dish
<DaleG> and
<DaleG> the ants have walked into the food
<DaleG> and
<DaleG> my cat has eaten them
<Rolken> :O
<Rolken> tragic.
<DaleG> yep
<DaleG> its like hamlet
<DaleG> only
<DaleG> no suicides
Later that day.......
<DaleG|Advance3> oh, and truly missed a great tragedy
<NintenDan> just post the very first time he got on a level
<NintenDan> why?
<NintenDan> what happened?
<NintenDan> exactly
<NintenDan> rolko said something about it
<DaleG|Advance3> when I told the story about how some ants tried to carry away a bees corpse
<DaleG|Advance3> and they all died
<NintenDan> :o
<DaleG|Advance3> should I post it?
<NintenDan> hehe
<NintenDan> sure


Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2004, 04:24:05 pm »
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2004, 06:45:11 pm »
I found these funny

<RPGnutter> I had an interesting conversation earlier
<RPGnutter> with djmat
<RPGnutter> as shocking as that is
<RPGnutter> along with GIBBO
<NintenDan> nooo
<NintenDan> 1:01
<NintenDan> noooo
<RPGnutter> which is more shocking
<NintenDan> damn it
<RPGnutter> they seem to have the idea that their gonna make a fangame too
<RPGnutter> -_-
* DaleG|Advance3 has quit IRC (Quit: )
<RPGnutter> but with level names like 'Orange Mountain Zone' and 'Hell Zone', I really dont think it'll get far
<RPGnutter> thats if they can make it
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> are their levels any better then ours?
<RPGnutter> I can remember a few more
<NintenDan> or do ours pwn
<RPGnutter> the names?
<NintenDan> like design acyally
<RPGnutter> or the actual designs?
<NintenDan> *actually
<RPGnutter> oh
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> most fan games have crappy level design
<RPGnutter> djmat's are boring, there's nothing in them
<NintenDan> hehe
<NintenDan> we shall suceed!
<RPGnutter> GIBBO's levels are impossible
<NintenDan> I got a new idea
<NintenDan> remember that spiral thing we were talking about?
<RPGnutter> practically 1 big void
<NintenDan> well
<NintenDan> it could be the level before egg fleet
<NintenDan> like
<NintenDan> sonic is running on this spiral thing right
<NintenDan> and
<RPGnutter> and MILLIONS of instant death floating plasma mines o_0
<RPGnutter> *Egg Armada
<RPGnutter> =P
<NintenDan> he passes one of the egg armada's ships
<SuperSonic101> used mushroom
* _ has joined #soniccenter
<NintenDan> with other ships visible in the background
<NintenDan> and you pass it up
<NintenDan> until its to your left
<NintenDan> then
<NintenDan> you reach the end of the spiral
<NintenDan> and some ledge
<NintenDan> fight the boss of the zone
<NintenDan> and then
<NintenDan> the ship you passed up
<NintenDan> comes in from the left
<SuperSonic101> I beat it
<SuperSonic101> it's SO EASY!
<NintenDan> and you grab on
<RPGnutter> that would work
<NintenDan> and goto eff armada!
<NintenDan> yay ss101
<RPGnutter> I'd need to change 2 of the bosses round though
<SprintGod> heh, i like chaos angel 3
<NintenDan> :)
<NintenDan> whats your time sprinty?
<SprintGod> haven't set one yet
<RPGnutter> The boss I had planned for Mecha Base 3 (the level before Egg Armada) is stationary and inside a room
<NintenDan> oh
<SprintGod> not been time attacking
<SprintGod> heh
<NintenDan> cool
<SuperSonic101> LMFAO
<SuperSonic101> that was so easy
<NintenDan> told you ss101
<RPGnutter> the 1 I had planned for Toxic Ocean was a 'running battle' with Silver Sonic
<RPGnutter> so they can be switched around
<SuperSonic101> I only lost like 10 HP in the whole battle
<NintenDan> whoa
<NintenDan> thats a good idea though
<NintenDan> damnit
<NintenDan> so close
<SuperSonic101> this is scarily similar to pokemon
<SuperSonic101> level up and learn moves
<NintenDan> er
<RPGnutter> speaking of Toxic Ocean, 2 of GIBBO's level names that stick out in my mind are 'Septic Lake Zone' and 'Hopital Zone'
<NintenDan> all rpgs are like that
<NintenDan> well
<NintenDan> most of em
<RPGnutter> 0_o
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> hospital?
<RPGnutter> I'm not sure on that 1 either
<NintenDan> we were comming up with bad zone names the other day
<NintenDan> some ideas were
<SprintGod> yay, got the last chao
<NintenDan> leaking battery zone
<RPGnutter> we should post these examples of GIBBO's stupidity in that topic
<NintenDan> elementary school zone
<NintenDan> lol sure
<NintenDan> and then
<NintenDan> post our genious ideas!
<RPGnutter> and some more stupid 1's if we can think of them
<NintenDan> only problem is programming :(
<RPGnutter> yea
<SuperSonic101> whats with the shy guy
<RPGnutter> 'Fluffy Cloud Zone'
<NintenDan> they are evil
<NintenDan> under
<NintenDan> macks power!
<NintenDan> listen ss101
<NintenDan> deafeat all the ones that are in the houses
<NintenDan> or near a house
<NintenDan> or a person
<NintenDan> but not the ones coming out of the castles
<NintenDan> you get flowers if you beat the ones pestering people
<NintenDan> :)
<SuperSonic101> RPGnutter, did you find your gamecube?
<RPGnutter> yea
<RPGnutter> well
<RPGnutter> technically no
<SuperSonic101> meaning?
<RPGnutter> I was sitting down watching TV and my mom drops it into my lap
<NintenDan> lol
* Cybrax is now known as gone
<RPGnutter> that was.....painful
<RPGnutter> 'Pain City Zone'
<NintenDan> lol
<RPGnutter> 'Genital Excruciation Zone'
<Rolken> :o
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> whatch out for de waterfall!
<NintenDan> ayeiiiii!
<RPGnutter> indeed
<Rolken> Death Bed Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<NintenDan> leaky faucet zone
<Rolken> Fungus Hill Zone
<RPGnutter> Broken Limbs Zone
<RPGnutter> Clay Aiken Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<Rolken> wait... that's what mushroom hill is XD
<NintenDan> corn maze zone 1
<RPGnutter> Crop Circle Zone Act 1
<Rolken> Belly Button Zone
<NintenDan> fish guts zone 1
<Rolken> Astro Turf Zone
<RPGnutter> Frozen Cola Zone
<RPGnutter> Sweaty Buffalo Zone Act 2
<Rolken> ahaha
<Rolken> Cess Pool Zone
<NintenDan> hehe
<RPGnutter> Hay Fever Zone Act 3- Boss- The Egg Field
<NintenDan> you guys are good at this
<RPGnutter> Mine Field Zone
<NintenDan> urine pool zone 1
<NintenDan> slippery pool zone
<NintenDan> refrigirator zone
<RPGnutter> Dark faeces Zone
<NintenDan> dirty sewer zone
<NintenDan> sex zone!
<RPGnutter> Chaotix's Apartment Zone
<NintenDan> teh elevators are dildos :o
<Rolken> Extreme Estrogen Zone
<NintenDan> lol
<SuperSonic101> Do I have to kill every Shy Guy in the city?
<RPGnutter> Awesome Adrenaline Zone
<NintenDan> no
<NintenDan> you dont have to
<NintenDan> but
<NintenDan> you'll get alot
<NintenDan> of points
<RPGnutter> Tasty Testosterone Zone
<NintenDan> the ones coming out of the castle will never stop
<NintenDan> you can kill all the other ones for good though
<NintenDan> and be rewarded
<NintenDan> but the ones bouncing out of the castle never stop
<RPGnutter> Rotten Egg Zone
<RPGnutter> Enough of the Piss Takes Zone?
<RPGnutter> Principles Office Zone
<NintenDan> YES
<NintenDan> OMG
<NintenDan> YES!!!
<NintenDan> 59:20!!!
<NintenDan> YES!!
<RPGnutter> Whos Bored of Piss Takes Yet Zone?
<NintenDan> Thank you GOD!!!
<RPGnutter> God Zone
<RPGnutter> lol
<NintenDan> heh
<RPGnutter> *posts in topic*


* DaleG has joined #soniccenter
<DaleG> hey hillbilly RPG
* RPGnutter is now known as hillbillyRPG
<hillbillyRPG> =P
<NintenDan> hehe
<SuperSonic101> FUCK THIS SHIT
<SuperSonic101> your evil
<NintenDan> lol
<DaleG> hey
<SuperSonic101> pick another number
<SuperSonic101> and I'll say yes or no
<hillbillyRPG> *raises pitchfork*
<hillbillyRPG> 97
<DaleG> ye dun eaten mah- stolen posseum piwe
<SuperSonic101> too lazy to work out
<SuperSonic101> next
<Rolken> uh oh ss101's going postal!
<Rolken> he's gonna blow!
<hillbillyRPG> 83
<SuperSonic101> too lazy
<SuperSonic101> next
<Rolken> me run
<Rolken> er
* Rolken run
<SuperSonic101> make it close to 1
<hillbillyRPG> 1
* DaleG is now known as hillbilly1
<hillbillyRPG> lol
<SuperSonic101> city escape 1
<SuperSonic101> no
<hillbilly1> 2
<hillbilly1> 4
<SuperSonic101> that level sucks
<hillbilly1> 5
<hillbillyRPG> 3
<hillbilly1> ok
<SuperSonic101> wild canyon 1
<SuperSonic101> no
<hillbilly1> how about
<SuperSonic101> SCREW IT
<hillbillyRPG> I done gotten me a follower
<SuperSonic101> i'll play my one
<hillbillyRPG> 26?
<SuperSonic101> own
<hillbilly1> Cosmic Wall 1?
<SuperSonic101> HELL NO
<hillbilly1> um
<SuperSonic101> wb3
<SuperSonic101> final
<hillbilly1> Final Chase 3?
<SuperSonic101> NO!!!!!!!!!
<hillbilly1> SS
<hillbillyRPG> Final Chase 1?
<SuperSonic101> grr
<hillbilly1> you need one of dem der anger pilliels
<hillbillyRPG> indeed he do Elmer
<hillbilly1> hey
<hillbilly1> youm like meh pet badger, Riddleskins
<hillbillyRPG> Riddleskinds be a cutie name fur a pet badger
<hillbilly1> Hes be bitin' and eatin' things long as youse be lookin
<hillbillyRPG> He be soundin' loike a narsty little bugger
<hillbilly1> thats why I done went and poked out hes little eyes
<hillbilly1> now
<hillbilly1> We had possum stew and mashed badger taters
<hillbillyRPG> Maybe poked out their eyeses is the meaning of loife?
<hillbilly1> no
<SuperSonic101> fucking hell
<hillbilly1> me think meanin' o life is the liverybone
<hillbilly1> or the heart muscle
* Rolken sets mode: +b *hillbilly*!*@*.*
<Rolken> B)
<hillbillyRPG> well me be of the onion that the meaning of loife be the green grass
#soniccenter Cannot send to channel (you are banned from this channel)
* Rolken sets mode: -b *hillbilly*!*@*.*
<hillbilly1> yaya
<hillbillyRPG> the green grass and the blue sky over yonder
<hillbilly1> RPG
<hillbilly1> Rolken says hillbillies aren't allowed in Soniccenter
<SuperSonic101> NO!!
<SuperSonic101> GRr
<SuperSonic101> asjdhgtoauierh
<hillbillyRPG> and a sharpened pitchfork for any loitering bastards
<SuperSonic101> and a STFU
<hillbillyRPG> *breathes*
<hillbilly1> and a tranquilizer
* hillbilly1 is now known as Hipee
<Hipee> Like, dude....nature is us
<Rolken> hippie
<Hipee> and if we,like,are in touch with nature
<Hipee> we're ourselves
<SuperSonic101> OH THATS HOW!
<SuperSonic101> WEEEEEEEE
<Hipee> like, chill
* hillbillyRPG is now known as Hipee2
<Rolken> hey hippee wanna screw?
<SuperSonic101> PH34R IT
<Hipee2> Like, take a chill pill dudes
<Rolken> like, for nature and stuff
<Hipee> Naturen is the only important thing
<Hipee> um
<Hipee> sorry
<Hipee2> in our lives
<Hipee> but, I'm a dude
<Hipee> wee
<Rolken> dude y'all so are imitation hippies
* Rolken is now known as Hippie
<Hipee> hands are multi-colored
<Hipee2> with flowery vehicles
<Hipee> dude, POT is nature
<Hipee> and nature is pot
<Hipee> and life
<Hipee> get this
<Hippie> it's all about free love, man!
<Hipee> is the flower
<Hipee2> POT=life
<Hipee> yeah
<Hippie> don't be holdin it to yaself!
<Hipee> Life is the flower
<Hipee2> without pot, there would be no life
<Hipee2> so we should all smoke pot
<Hipee> without nature
<Hipee> there's be no pot
<Hipee2> and eat marashmallows round a campfire
<Hipee> so
<Hipee> Nature is life
<Hipee> Nature provides
* Hipee2 is now known as Scoutmaster
* Hipee is now known as Boyscout
* Scoutmaster is now known as ScoutmasterRPG
<Boyscout> please don't be gay, scoutmaster
<Boyscout> sir
<ScoutmasterRPG> Listen carefully young scouts, I'm going to give you all a free badge
<ScoutmasterRPG> if
<ScoutmasterRPG> IF
<ScoutmasterRPG> and thats a very big 'IF'
<SuperSonic101> EYE GAWT SEB 1
<Boyscout> yes
<Boyscout> yes
<ScoutmasterRPG> you can go into those bushes, strangle a VERY large, irate and angry bear
<Boyscout> what is it, scoutmaster?
<Boyscout> ok
<ScoutmasterRPG> do you get me?
<Boyscout> SIR!
<ScoutmasterRPG> GO MY SON
<Boyscout> I will strangle a bear, but I will not have sex with you
<Boyscout> pedefile
<ScoutmasterRPG> May the force be with you
* Boyscout is now known as Goodcop
<Goodcop> ok
<Goodcop> Goodcop, badcop, and suspect
<Goodcop> like
<ScoutmasterRPG> Who said I was a paedophile? hell, a guy cant help being partial to certain things
<Goodcop> yeah
* ScoutmasterRPG is now known as Suspect
<Goodcop> so
<Goodcop> You like children
<Goodcop> you get drunk
<Goodcop> you like their innocence
<Goodcop> they don't understand
<Goodcop> so
<Goodcop> now
<Goodcop> How many children have you helped?
<Suspect> 342
<Goodcop> names?
<Goodcop> hey
<Suspect> some of those multiple times
<Goodcop> we need a bad cop
<Suspect> so in all, about 5
<Goodcop> names?
<Suspect> Gerry Atric
<Suspect> Mike Hunt
<Suspect> Wayne King
<Suspect> Paul Skinback
<Suspect> Tom Ato
<SuperSonic101> YAy.
<Goodcop> Tomato?
<SuperSonic101> Tomato.
<Goodcop> Hunt Tomato
<Goodcop> BASTard!
<Goodcop> we need a bad cop
<Goodcop> to be a bastard
* Goodcop is now known as Badcop
<Suspect> SS101!
<Suspect> lol
<Badcop> FREAK
<Badcop> BASTARD!
<Suspect> because its easier
<Suspect> and i get caugh less
<Suspect> *caught
<Badcop> YES
<Badcop> SICKAT!
<SuperSonic101> whatcha gonna do when the cops come for you?
<Suspect> The children like my sexual expertise
<Suspect> which which?
<Suspect> sandwhich?
<Badcop> My son gets teased at school by George Clooney Jr.
<Suspect> (someone should post this when were done)
<Badcop> Can you screw with his head?
<Suspect> I can screw him
<Badcop> HAHA!
<Suspect> and he can give me head
<Badcop> BAIT
<Suspect> but i cant screw with his head
<Badcop> BAD
<SuperSonic101> zz
<Suspect> well darn
<Suspect> only 1 thing for it then
<Badcop> WHAT?
* Suspect pulls out the Light Blue Chaos Emerald
<Badcop> OH, PERFECT
<Badcop> IDIOT
* Suspect becomes a blue speck in the air
* Suspect is now known as Blue\spec\in\the\air
<SuperSonic101> son of a bitch
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> I kinda found that out
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> shit
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> I'm stuck
<Badcop> HAHA
* Badcop takes out vacumn
* Badcop vacumns
<Badcop> Sanitization
<Badcop> IS DEATH!
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> again, shit
<Badcop> hm
<Badcop> IT WON'T WORK!
<Blue\spec\in\the\air> THHANK GOD
<Badcop> AH, THERE WE GO
* Blue\spec\in\the\air tries to swim in the air but doesn't go anywhere
<Badcop> YA
<SuperSonic101> I'm leaving this chat, rolken do me a favor and tell me when they stop
* SuperSonic101 has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Badcop stops
* Badcop is now known as DaleG
* Blue\spec\in\the\air also stops
* Blue\spec\in\the\air is now known as RPGnutter
<RPGnutter> some people have ABSOLOUTELY NO sense of humour
<RPGnutter> =P
<DaleG> hey
<DaleG> let's switch names
<RPGnutter> sure
<DaleG> to confuser him
<RPGnutter> yea
* DaleG is now known as RPGnutter2
* RPGnutter lets out an evil laugh
<RPGnutter2> switch
* RPGnutter is now known as DaleG2
<DaleG2> i have
* RPGnutter2 is now known as RPGnutter
* DaleG2 is now known as DaleG
<RPGnutter> yay
<RPGnutter> evil death
<RPGnutter> of doom
<DaleG> sweet sweet evil death of doom
<RPGnutter> hm
<DaleG> i'll post this in the forum after, from where you joined
<RPGnutter> someone should invite SS101 back in
<DaleG> and the RPing started
<RPGnutter> I can't ping him
<RPGnutter> hm
<DaleG> i IMed him
* SuperSonic101 has joined #soniccenter
<RPGnutter> we stopped
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SuperSonic101
<DaleG> Hey there, my main man
<SuperSonic101> k
<RPGnutter> we pondered life
<RPGnutter> and realized
<DaleG> and deathy
<RPGnutter> thay
<RPGnutter> t
<DaleG> *death
<RPGnutter> Pickles are good
<RPGnutter> so
<SuperSonic101> in other news
<DaleG> and so is pie
<RPGnutter> we stopped and ate pickles
<RPGnutter> and stopped
<DaleG> and pie
<SuperSonic101> I recruited another good Sa2b player
<RPGnutter> yay
<RPGnutter> who?
<DaleG> who?
<SuperSonic101> FinalFlash
<SuperSonic101> he's subzero1287 on gamefaqs
<RPGnutter> oh
<SuperSonic101> the guy who's famous for sonic quizzes
<RPGnutter> Don't know him
<DaleG> I do
<DaleG> I think
<RPGnutter> Hm....
<DaleG> vaguely
<RPGnutter> I think I'll do some of my own recruiting
<RPGnutter> dunduna
<DaleG> I shall assist thee
<RPGnutter> let's see
<RPGnutter> Good players
<RPGnutter> hm...
<RPGnutter> I think I'll do some of my own recruiting
<RPGnutter> dunduna
<DaleG> I shall assist thee
<RPGnutter> let's see
<RPGnutter> Good players
<RPGnutter> hm...
<NintenDan> ?
<NintenDan> what are you doing?
<SuperSonic101> I've recruited many people
* Hippie is now known as Rolken
<SuperSonic101> including ybbun
<NintenDan> for what?
<SuperSonic101> starman deluxe
<SuperSonic101> doctorbob26
<NintenDan> oh
<NintenDan> old TA's
<RPGnutter> there's Josh, who I know personally
<SuperSonic101> and many others
<NintenDan> not Nyetsu though
<SuperSonic101> I know
<RPGnutter> he's pretty good
<NintenDan> he's moved on for good
<NintenDan> :(
<SuperSonic101> I've failed to get nyetsuu and firehawk.
<NintenDan> me andSM tried getting me
<NintenDan> well
<DaleG> I recruited the PWNERIFIC skills of djmat
<NintenDan> cybrax can maybe get firehawk
<SuperSonic101> 57:82 weapons bed lost chao
<SuperSonic101> no he can't
<RPGnutter> hm
<RPGnutter> I think I'll join #soniczone
<RPGnutter> and see if I can get people to join Soniccenter
<SuperSonic101> there's one person there
<DaleG> go crazy my apostle of darkness
<SuperSonic101> SonicBoom
<RPGnutter> oh
<RPGnutter> and you
* DaleG sings Linkin Park- In The End
<RPGnutter> where else....
<RPGnutter> PPT
<RPGnutter> wait
<RPGnutter> no
<RPGnutter> Mechatankasaurus perhaps...
<RPGnutter> although he's sort of mean
<RPGnutter> so
<RPGnutter> no
<SuperSonic101> I only care about people who are actually any good
<RPGnutter> yeah, Josh is good
<SuperSonic101> how good?
<RPGnutter> I'll get him to join
<SuperSonic101> do so
<NintenDan> what does josh specialize in?
<NintenDan> like which game?
<RPGnutter> Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
<NintenDan> ah
<RPGnutter> He's the brother of one of my friends
<RPGnutter> And he likes Sonic alot
<RPGnutter> He's pretty good
<DaleG> I know a Josh who lives next door to djmat
<RPGnutter> who else....
<RPGnutter> ah, I've got nothing
<RPGnutter> I've joined only 3 forums
<RPGnutter> so
<RPGnutter> I don't know that many people
<RPGnutter> online
<SuperSonic101> why did you guys trade names?
<DaleG> who?
<RPGnutter> because
<DaleG> and when?
<SuperSonic101> you and dale
<RPGnutter> we felt like it
* DaleG scratches himself in an unorthodox place
<SuperSonic101> I'm gonna be sonux
* SuperSonic101 is now known as Sonux
<DaleG> ya
* RPGnutter is now known as SuperSonic101
<Sonux> since his nick got eaten
<Sonux> oh eyah?
* Sonux is now known as RPGnutter
<SuperSonic101> I'm not RPGnutter
<SuperSonic101> :P
* DaleG is now known as Sonux
<Sonux> I'm not Dale
<RPGnutter> I'm not Sonux.
* RPGnutter is now known as DaleG
<SuperSonic101> I'm Not SS101
<DaleG> whee
<DaleG> I'm Not SS101
<Sonux> me neither
<DaleG> then who is o.O
* Sonux is now known as shadowgamer196
<SuperSonic101> I'm not Rolken
<shadowgamer196> i have no clue who I am
* SuperSonic101 is now known as mike89
<shadowgamer196> o_0
* mike89 is now known as Rolken2
* DaleG is now known as Sonux
* shadowgamer196 is now known as zac-a-maniac
* Sonux is now known as Rolken3
<Rolken2> XD
* zac-a-maniac is an idiot
<Rolken2> hm
<Rolken2> hm
<Rolken3> agrid
<zac-a-maniac> ya
* Rolken2 is now known as Rolken4
<Rolken3> change your name to Rolken4
<Rolken3> no
<Rolken3> not you
<Rolken4> Rolken 3
<zac-a-maniac> its not changing my name
<zac-a-maniac> o_0
* zac-a-maniac is now known as Rolken5
<Rolken3> OWNZD
<Rolken5> better
<Rolken4> change your name to Rolken2
<Rolken3> no
* Rolken3 is now known as Rolken2
* Rolken4 is now known as Rolken3
<Rolken2> now you be 3
<Rolken2> and 4
* Rolken5 is now known as Rolken4
<Rolken2> yay.
<Rolken4> YAY
<Rolken3> hm
<Rolken3> _,be Rolken 5
<Rolken4> Rolken got CLON'D
<Rolken2> real rolken, you there?
<Rolken3> Cherrymay
<Rolken2> if so let's do formation
<Rolken3> Rolken 6
<Rolken3> Gone
<Rolken4> yea
<Rolken3> R2
<Rolken4> R4
<Rolken2> frack
<Rolken3> kick everyone not named a Rolken
<Rolken2> :o
<Rolken2> no
<Rolken3> excep Sprintgod And Sonux
<Rolken2> that would be abusing my op powerz
<Rolken4> ya
<Rolken4> but good abusing
* Rolken2 is now known as SuperSonic101[away]
<Rolken4> go for it
<SuperSonic101[away]> I'm going
<SuperSonic101[away]> GOOT BAI
<Rolken3> ok
<Rolken4> c ya
<Rolken3> cy
<NintenDan> byr
* Rolken4 is now known as Rolken2
<NintenDan> *bye
<Rolken3> br
<Rolken3> chicken
<Rolken3> Nintendan
<Rolken3> ./nick Rolken4
<Rolken3> oy vay
* Rolken3 is now known as DaleG|Advance3
<DaleG|Advance3> doom
<DaleG|Advance3> to all
<DaleG|Advance3> except me
<DaleG|Advance3> doom I say
* Rolken2 is now known as RPGnutter
<DaleG|Advance3> except on me
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> em
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> me
<DaleG|Advance3> mem
<DaleG|Advance3> meme!
<RPGnutter> is there anyway to copy an entire mIRC convo?
<DaleG|Advance3> no
<DaleG|Advance3> you copy part
<RPGnutter> or does it have to be copied bit  by bit?
<DaleG|Advance3> paste it in a topic
<RPGnutter> damn
<DaleG|Advance3> yes
* RPGnutter starts copying
<DaleG|Advance3> yeah
<RPGnutter> brb
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline General Throatstomper

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2004, 11:02:58 pm »
<DaleG|almostsleep> now
<DaleG|almostsleep> in other news
<DaleG|almostsleep> Zombies have managed to take over Hawaii, and are now launching Nuclear Warheads to all 7 continents and the moon, and there demands are"Blah-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp"
<DaleG|almostsleep> And in other news...
<DaleG|almostsleep> Bill the new Camera guy has been eaten alive after going to Hawaii
* Sonux has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DaleG|almostsleep> lets look at some of Bill's finer moments on Channel 6....
<DaleG|almostsleep>  "Zombies have managed to take over Hawaii, and are now launching Nuclear Warheads to all 7 continents and the moon, and there demands are"Blah-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp""
<DaleG|almostsleep> and
<DaleG|almostsleep> well
<DaleG|almostsleep> that's it
<DaleG|almostsleep> And in other news, the station has been brought down by a herd of rogue zombies
<DaleG|almostsleep> Now, for the weather
<DaleG|almostsleep> "Today will be sunny with a forecast for highs of-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!
<DaleG|almostsleep> Sports!
<SprintGod> ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
<DaleG|almostsleep> "In sports news, Mike Tyson and the zombie form of Muhammad Ali boxed today. Tyson was disqualified for biting off Ali's Ear, but Ali was disqualfied for eating Tyson's brain. Upon hearing this, Ali began to devour the referee
<DaleG|almostsleep> and on a brighter note
DaleG|almostsleep> um
<DaleG|almostsleep> there is no brighter note
<DaleG|almostsleep> Coming up next on news channel 6...
<DaleG|almostsleep> Guess why this puppy is having a great time!
<DaleG|almostsleep> ......What?
<DaleG|almostsleep> He's been eaten by zombies?
<DaleG|almostsleep> ;o
<DaleG|almostsleep> ok
<DaleG|almostsleep> well
<DaleG|almostsleep> um
<DaleG|almostsleep> I guess I'm trapped in the station
<DaleG|almostsleep> with 5 living people, and 20 zombies
<DaleG|almostsleep> Coming up next on news Channel 6......
<DaleG|almostsleep> Who will be eaten first by the zombies? Find out after this commercial break!


Offline F-Man

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2004, 04:05:56 pm »
You people need to know that quotes are usually shorter.

Offline Bilan

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2004, 04:16:34 pm »
*shrugs* its funnier if you read the whole of what was said.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Taco

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2004, 09:38:12 pm »

I dont have the log, but...

Izi inventedzi myzi ownzi languagezi!zi

Yayzi :Dzi

Offline DJ Koopa

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2004, 09:50:53 pm »
[22:03:02] <NintenDan> for sure
[22:03:07] <NintenDan> or sprinties idea
[22:03:16] <NintenDan> so either your idea, or the team name idea
[22:03:19] <NintenDan> although
[22:03:27] <NintenDan> I'd rather have team names
[22:03:35] <NintenDan> because then there aren't that many records :(
[22:03:48] <NintenDan> it would be 21 records with all the levels
[22:04:01] <NintenDan> and like 35 with bosses, and if you could time attack special stages also
[22:04:03] <NintenDan> :(
[22:04:13] <NintenDan> and plus
[22:04:15] <NintenDan> its kinda like
[22:04:20] <NintenDan> we did all that work with sonic and tails
[22:04:22] <NintenDan> and now its all crap
[22:04:28] <NintenDan> because we can now use any combo
[22:04:29] <NintenDan> while
[22:04:31] <NintenDan> with teams
[22:04:39] <NintenDan> not only do we get to keep our records with sonic and tails
[22:04:40] <NintenDan> but
[22:04:47] <NintenDan> we can also choose any team we want
[22:04:50] <NintenDan> with the OK catagory
[22:05:03] <NintenDan> so in a way
[22:05:08] <NintenDan> you get to choose anyone you want turbos
[22:05:10] <NintenDan> and at the same time
[22:05:18] <NintenDan> we get to keep our records with sonic and tails
[22:05:23] <NintenDan> so all that work didnt go to waste
[22:05:28] <NintenDan> plus there are more records to shoot for
[22:05:33] <NintenDan> what do you think of this?
[22:05:51] <Turbos> wow... 33 lines of "<NintenDan>"
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline DJ Koopa

Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2004, 11:04:22 pm »
sry for the double post but....

[23:24:50] <Turbos> well... time to "hit the hay"
[23:24:59] <NintenDan> heh
[23:25:03] <NintenDan> hit it good!
[23:25:07] <SprintGod> show no mercy!
[23:25:12] * Turbos is now known as Turbos|attacking_haystack
[23:25:20] <Turbos|attacking_haystack> aww... you screwed up the joke!
[23:25:22] <NintenDan> WHOS YOUR DADDY HAY?
[23:25:23] <Sonux> NO! NOT THE HAY!
[23:25:26] <NintenDan> hay: YOU ARE!!!
[23:25:28] * Turbos|attacking_haystack is now known as Turbos
[23:25:38] <NintenDan> hehe
[23:25:47] <Turbos> lol, that gets quoted too
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline General Throatstomper

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2004, 08:00:58 pm »
<DaleG> Grandmothers can be evil
<DaleG> Mine called before I went into the shower
<DaleG> IK talked to her, and told her to call back in half an hour
<DaleG> then
<DaleG> I go into the shower
<DaleG> Then I hear this ringing
<DaleG> and the nearest phone is downstairs
<DaleG> so I run
<DaleG> and I'm getting water everywhere
<DaleG> I try drying up, but I can't
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> I reach the phone
<Sonux> And it stops?
<DaleG> and she asks me what time it is
<DaleG> she wants to know if its been a half hour
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> I say no, and I tell her I'll call her
<DaleG> so, I go upstairs again
<DaleG> and she calls
<DaleG> I dash downstairs
<DaleG> my towel falls
<DaleG> off
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> I grab the phone
<DaleG> run upstairs
<DaleG> and get my towel
<DaleG> and then she asks me if I know her nukmber
<DaleG> I say yes
<DaleG> and hang up
<DaleG> I keep the phone upstairs, right outside the door
<DaleG> so
<DaleG> I go in the shower
<DaleG> and she calls again
<DaleG> telling me
<DaleG> that my godfather died, and the funeral was yesterday
<DaleG> I didn't really know him, but I pretended to be sad
<DaleG> I go in the shower
<DaleG> and she calls back
<DaleG> saying that I sounded so depressed
<MikeyHedgehog> XD!!
<DaleG> that she booked a psychiatrist appointment
<DaleG> and so I told her I didn't need one
<DaleG> and she said I was a terrible person
<DaleG> and hung up
<DaleG> then, I called her back
<DaleG> and she asked me for some money to borrow
<DaleG> so, I agreed
<DaleG> and I asked what it was for
<DaleG> she said
<DaleG> to get the money to put me on a suicide watch
<DaleG> she said I denied the truth
<DaleG> so I told her I was fine, and I wouldn't pay for a suicide watch, and she hasn't called back
<DaleG> yet
<MikeyHedgehog> That's quite the story there,
<CherryMay> o_o
<CherryMay> Wow, I always return from idling at the strangest of times.
<DaleG> yeah
<MikeyHedgehog> hey Strawberry Melissa.
<CherryMay> XD
<DaleG> yeah
<CherryMay> Yo, DaveySquirrel
<DaleG> hey, a phone call
<DaleG> oh great
<MikeyHedgehog> XD!!
<MikeyHedgehog> I wonder who it is..
<MikeyHedgehog> XD
<DaleG> let's see
<Sonux> o_0
* MikeyHedgehog would laugh it it was his Step-mom.
<DaleG> SUre, tel me all about your phone service
<DaleG> I won't say anything
<CherryMay> Some times when I'm bored I mess around with telemarketers..
<DaleG> But I'll be listening
* DaleG puts phone face down on table
<DaleG> that's always good
<CherryMay> hehe, yeah
<CherryMay> oh yeah, quick story time!
<DaleG> ok
<CherryMay> Once, a telemarketer called me.
<CherryMay> And I said, "hold on, I'll just get my parents"
<CherryMay> and I went downstairs and my mom was like "dinner's ready!"
<CherryMay> and somehow, i forgot all about the telephone
<CherryMay> and I sat down and had dinner
<CherryMay> and only remembered like 40 minutes later when i'd finished
<CherryMay> and they were STILL ON THE LINE
<DaleG> haha
<DaleG> what an idiot
<CherryMay> i just put the phone down ^^;
<DaleG> lol
* DaleG copies both stories


Offline General Throatstomper

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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2004, 07:43:27 pm »
<SuperSonic101> let's play the one word per sentence game!
<DaleG> a
<SuperSonic101> start, dale
<DaleG> hold on, time out
<SuperSonic101> k
<SuperSonic101> go
<DaleG> from whose line is it anyway?
<SuperSonic101> what?
<SuperSonic101> no
<SuperSonic101> just say a word
<Sonux> That's a song
<DaleG> ok
<SuperSonic101> then we make a sentence
<SuperSonic101> go
<DaleG> You
<SuperSonic101> are
<Sonux> fhqwhgads
<DaleG> or
<SuperSonic101> not.
<SuperSonic101> Yay!
<Sonux> URMOM
<Sonux> Oh.
<SuperSonic101> ok
<SuperSonic101> Sonux is in
<SuperSonic101> it goes:
<SuperSonic101> Dale, Me, Sonux, Dale, Me, Sonux, etc..
<SuperSonic101> Go!
<DaleG> Chicken
<Sonux> Oh, there's an order now, is there?
<SuperSonic101> Sandwiches
<Sonux> Aren't
<DaleG> humpable
<SuperSonic101> similar
<Sonux> to
<DaleG> Excalliber
<SuperSonic101> Sausages.
<SuperSonic101> Next!
<DaleG> ok
<SuperSonic101> Start, dale
<DaleG> Tests
<SuperSonic101> develop
<Sonux> I'm out. Reminds me too much of... Word association... *shudder*
<SuperSonic101> k me and dale
<SuperSonic101> I'll start
<DaleG> poison
<SuperSonic101> start again
<SuperSonic101> Gorillas
<DaleG> suck\
<SuperSonic101> donkey
<DaleG> potatos!
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> start
<DaleG> YAY
<SuperSonic101> go
<DaleG> Nudity
<SuperSonic101> is
<DaleG> multi
<SuperSonic101> sexual.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> next
<SuperSonic101> I
<DaleG> hump
<Sonux> Ok, I agree with that... I think.
<SuperSonic101> fetuses
<DaleG> turtles
<SuperSonic101> and
<DaleG> your
<SuperSonic101> mom.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> go
<Sonux> (Comedic Drumroll)
<DaleG> Mamma
<SuperSonic101> says
<DaleG> to
* Rolken sets mode: -b *!*@*
<SuperSonic101> pappa
<DaleG> suck
* Rolken sets mode: -b *!*mye-mail@*
* Rolken sets mode: -b seksek!*@*.*
<SuperSonic101> my
<Sonux> What?
<DaleG> son's
<SuperSonic101> wiener.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> Sausages
<DaleG> taste
<SuperSonic101> like
<DaleG> Michael
<SuperSonic101> Mckenzie.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> go
<Sonux> BOO! *shot*
<DaleG> I was thinking Jackson.....
<DaleG> hold
<DaleG> on
<SuperSonic101> o
<SuperSonic101> k
<SuperSonic101> a
<SuperSonic101> y
* DaleG is now known as DaleG|Dinner
* DaleG|Dinner is now known as DaleG
<SuperSonic101> yes, 10 PM probably
<Sonux> That's what it was last time
<Rolken> shame that FF7's going to beat them
<SuperSonic101> Exactly. No one expected it to do anything, but it is. I'd like to see an underdog make it.
<SuperSonic101> It is, yeah.
<DaleG> yep
<DaleG> let's all vote melee tommorow
<Sonux> StarCraft is an underdog? Under what, FF VII?
<Rolken> haha
<SuperSonic101> But I wonder if smb3 and CT can take FF7.
<DaleG> wtf
<Sonux> Melee may not be here tomorrow...
<SuperSonic101> Starcraft was an underdog the whole competition.
<SuperSonic101> Yeah, it's hard to vote melee when there is no melee.
<DaleG> Melee is winning bby a lot
<SuperSonic101> Koreans could bring it up to a win.
<SuperSonic101> But it's unlikely.
<Sonux> For now... "Young DaleG(rasshopper)"
<DaleG> Starcraft   47.54%      34189
<DaleG> Super Smash Bros. Melee   52.46%      37727
<DaleG> TOTAL VOTES   71916
<SuperSonic101> Starcraft 47.54%  34205
<SuperSonic101> Super Smash Bros. Melee 52.46%  37740
<SuperSonic101> TOTAL VOTES 71944
<SuperSonic101> So what?
<SuperSonic101> it still could win
<Sonux> Maybe when SM gets here, he will all give us a play-by-play, but I'd like no
status reports for now, please.
<DaleG> melee is probably going to win at this rate
<DaleG> ok
<DaleG> Back to the game?
<DaleG> I'll start
<DaleG> Natural
<SuperSonic101> water
<DaleG> colored
<Sonux> *Seeks refuge at SoaH Listen section*
<SuperSonic101> turquoise
<DaleG> is
<SuperSonic101> very
<DaleG> intoxicating!
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> Yay.
<SuperSonic101> Sheep
<DaleG> cannot
<SuperSonic101> ejaculate.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> Penis
<Sonux> BO-*SHOT*
<SuperSonic101> cream
<DaleG> tastes
<SuperSonic101> buttery.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> um
<DaleG> *Cries*
<SuperSonic101> =D
<DaleG> you start
<SuperSonic101> Give
<DaleG> me
<SuperSonic101> the
<DaleG> bomb!
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> , mofo!
<SuperSonic101> YAY
<DaleG> Genital
<SuperSonic101> organs
<DaleG> smell
<SuperSonic101> creamery.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> um
<SuperSonic101> I love that word
<DaleG> YAY?
<DaleG> Lobster
* SuperSonic101 changes topic to 'The Bored Center - - Where the excitement never ceases and the ops chew tinfoil and glue. | Words of the day: Pahoehoe, Creamery  | toast tastes like toast | Mikey and Sonknuck are NOT the same person. Really. For serious. | Vote Starcraft!'
<SuperSonic101> meat
<DaleG> genitalia
<SuperSonic101> tastes
<Cybrax> meeeeeeaaaaaat
<DaleG> sweet
<SuperSonic101> like
<DaleG> your
<SuperSonic101> hairy
<DaleG> mom
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> (For next time, you need a period)
<SuperSonic101> Creamery
<DaleG> ball:
<Sonux> A period? o_0
<SuperSonic101> O.o
<SuperSonic101> not that one
<SuperSonic101> as in: .
<Sonux> ., or "."?
<DaleG> whatever
<SuperSonic101> start
<DaleG> another one
<DaleG> BEans
<SuperSonic101> , beans
<DaleG> , beans
<SuperSonic101> the
<DaleG> natural
<SuperSonic101> sperm.
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> You screwed it up, but still yay.
<DaleG> you start
<SuperSonic101> Egg
<DaleG> fleet
<SuperSonic101> is
<Sonux> a
<SuperSonic101> fucking
<DaleG> potato
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q
<DaleG> now
<SuperSonic101> That was great!
<DaleG> again
<SuperSonic101> Egg fleet is a fucking potato..lmao.
<Sonux> "Egg fleet is fucking potato"? o_0
<DaleG> yes
<SuperSonic101> It's so random.
<SuperSonic101> it's funny
<DaleG> ok
<Sonux> My "a" doesn't count, silly.
<DaleG> your turn
<SuperSonic101> yes it does
<SuperSonic101> no
<SuperSonic101> yours
<Sonux> I just accedentally pressed enter.
<SuperSonic101> well it counts
<Sonux> Does not.
<DaleG> whatever
<SuperSonic101> it's our game so it does
<SuperSonic101> Go, dale.
<DaleG> somebody go
<DaleG> no, not me
<SuperSonic101> DALE YOU GO
<SuperSonic101> fine
<SuperSonic101> MY
<SuperSonic101> My
<DaleG> enhancement
<SuperSonic101> involves
<DaleG> eating
<SuperSonic101> armadillos.
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY
<DaleG> Male
<SuperSonic101> poo
<DaleG> sperm
<SuperSonic101> equals
<DaleG> yum
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> Let's
<DaleG> flash
* Rolken downloads SatAM
<SuperSonic101> sonux
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> But I'm a boy....
<Sonux> O_O
<SuperSonic101> lol
<Sonux> Oh...
<SuperSonic101> we're joking
<DaleG> 0_0
<SuperSonic101> start, dale
<DaleG> Concussions
<SuperSonic101> fart
<DaleG> in
<SuperSonic101> giant
<DaleG> herds
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> of
<Sonux> of
<SuperSonic101> IBEETU
<SuperSonic101> no
<Sonux> o_0
<SuperSonic101> it's good
<DaleG> )-(
<SuperSonic101> Concussions fart in giant herds.
<Sonux> I BEAT YOU!
<SuperSonic101> Walrus
<DaleG> blubber
<SuperSonic101> owns
<DaleG> urmom!
<DaleG> YAY!
<Sonux> *BEET U
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<Sonux> **BEET J00
<DaleG> Xebra
<SuperSonic101> is
<DaleG> a
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> and
<SuperSonic101> a
* Cybrax has quit IRC (Quit: Have a nice day!)
<DaleG> morn!
<DaleG> er
<DaleG> moron
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> Mommy
<DaleG> takes
<Sonux> ur
<SuperSonic101> large
<DaleG> stiff
<Sonux> If mine counts... o_0
<SuperSonic101> penises.
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> penis*
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> I'll go
<DaleG> HumptyDumpty
<Sonux> Now that I've already done the "o_0"...
* Sonux run
<DaleG> HumptyDumpty
<SuperSonic101> ran
<DaleG> up
<Sonux> j00 already went
<SuperSonic101> the
<DaleG> mother's
<SuperSonic101> uterus.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> eggs
<SuperSonic101> mcmuffin
<DaleG> ........having..........
<SuperSonic101> ORGASMS.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YYA!
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> Our best one so far: Egg fleet is a fucking potato.
<SuperSonic101> Mom
<DaleG> strips
<SuperSonic101> nude
<DaleG> for
<SuperSonic101> boners.
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> My turn
<DaleG> Acid
<SuperSonic101> drops
<DaleG> during
<SuperSonic101> the
<DaleG> erections
<DaleG> YAY!
<SuperSonic101> YAY
<SuperSonic101> no more
<SuperSonic101> I have to go
<SuperSonic101> but
<DaleG> ok
<SuperSonic101> here's our top 3:
<SuperSonic101> 3. Acid drops during the erections.
<DaleG> lol
<SuperSonic101> 2. Mommy takes your large stiff penises.
<SuperSonic101> 1. Egg fleet is a fucking potato.
<DaleG> YAY!
<DaleG> I liked
<SuperSonic101> YAY!
* Cybrax has joined #soniccenter
* NintenDan has joined #soniccenter
<DaleG> eggs
<DaleG> <SuperSonic101> mcmuffin
<DaleG> <DaleG> ........having..........
<DaleG> <SuperSonic101> ORGASMS.
<NintenDan> Hey is anyone casting?
<NintenDan> so taht
<NintenDan> I can listen to music
<Cybrax> your face is casting
<NintenDan> while I sutdy
<NintenDan> *study
<NintenDan> because
<DaleG> this convo is getting posted


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Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2004, 08:17:57 am »
Mine are never so long winded, mainly because I couldn't be stuffed doing loads of copying. But this is funny all the same:

<Turbos> it's still spinning
<Sonux> What is?
<mike89> the wheel  of monotony
<mike89> XD
<Sonux> Huh?
<mike89> i dont know either
<Sonux> Since when has monopoly had a wheel in it?
<mike89> XD
<mike89> methinks that goes in the topic
<Sonux> You do, do you?
<Turbos> Neopets

Those last two lines are just for those who didn't know what the wheel of monotony was... like me =P

<3 Thorn.


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