This topic is for showing off your CAS characters. Please show a photo and recipies are optional but welcome.
Omega (Mega Man Zero 3)
-Head: Nightmare Helm Misery 9: 02, 25 I 9: 02, 25 I 5: 11,14
-Under: Chain mail 9: 45, 28 I 9: 01, 01
-Upper: Death Curiass All 9: 02, 25
-Arm: Dueler’s gloves 3: 10, 18 I 9: 02, 25 I 1: 01,20
-Ankle: Shinobi Tabi 9: 02, 25
-Feet: Protected Greaves 9: 02, 25
-Hair: Buzz Cut 5: 11, 14
Face 2
Eyes: 9: 02, 24
Skin: 3: 8, 6
Style: Nightmare (Soul Edge Final Form)
Skills: HP Drain B, Nullify Ring out C
Notes: Forgot physique but should be moderately buff.
Gig (Soul Nomad and the World Eaters)
-Neck: Jjuok Charlet 9: 01, 14 I 9: 51, 32 I 9: 1,16 I 9: 2, 21
-Shoulders: Paladin’s Pauldrons 3: 51, 7
-Under: Protective Tatoo 3: 2, 13
-Upper: Worker’s Shirt 5: 51, 7 I 9: 12, 2 I 4: 5, 9 I 9: 1, 17
-Arm: Leather Gloves 3: 51, 7
-Legs: Slacks 0: 1, 32
-Ankle: Shinobi Tabi 9: 01, 1
-Feet: Leather Boots 0: 01, 32
-Hair: Short Unntidy 5: 1, 27
Physique -40, muscularity -11
Male voice 4 +22
Face 2
Eyes: 9: 02, 24
Skin: 3: 8, 6
Style: Zasalamel (Ankou)
Skills: Auto Impact A, Will Power, HP Drain C
Notes: Probably the most playable of my characters. Very hard to do for several reasons. 1. Only one or two sprites to work with. 2. Color style (muted with lots of lavender as opposed to lots of bright colors) is very uncharacteristic of NIS characters. Dang editor lacks wings for guys and simple bracelets. Should lighten up the hair a bit.
Laharl (Disgaea)
-Neck: Ryuoko Scarf 9: 02, 18
-Under: Protective Tatoo 3: 2, 13
-Arm: Executioner’s Braces 4: 48, 32 I 9: 11, 14 I 3: 6, 25 I 9: 13, 13
-Legs: Jester’s Breeches both 9: 2, 18
-Ankle: Shinobi Tabi 9: 1, 1
-Feet: Traveler’s Boots 9: 02, 18 I 4: 8, 7
Physique and muscularity both really low
-Hair: Short Untidy 5: 40, 11
Face 2
Eyes: 9: 02, 18
Style: Siegfried (Faust)
Notes: Physique should be very scrawny. Lack of bracelets is annoying. Shorts and shoes are too long but are otherwise a perfect match. Tatoos represent tatooed wings on his back. If the hair style had an antenae option it would be perfect. Just an art piece character since he's basically unplayable.
Yukimaru (Disgaea 2)
Notes: The lack of layering makes adding that apron thing impossible. Other than that, this is probably my best work.
I have a Zetta (merely looks okay), Oswald (looking for single handed weapon that resembles the Belderiver but am currently using Siegfried's Glam), Sapphire (still has some kinks to work out), and a Link. Will be working on Etna, Flonne, and Harpuia shortly.