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I have a dream.


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Offline Nextgengamer9

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #60 on: July 02, 2009, 12:03:00 pm »
Last Night I dreamt that there was a tsc Sonic 06 tournament and the stage was sonic's Wave Ocean. DsS got a time of 5 seconds(I have no fucking idea how)Parax did the same thing DsS did and got a time of 3 seconds,and I got a time of 99 hours because P.P.A. spilt soda on my Xbox and my game file got fucked up.After that,somebody kept shooting at DsS and the gun blew up after the 60th shot.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #61 on: July 02, 2009, 01:42:34 pm »
So I have discovered that there is one critical flaw with my experiment.

I didn't have the will to get out of bed and type up what I dreamt. >___>
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #62 on: July 02, 2009, 01:48:17 pm »
^ I was about to say to keep a scratchpad near your bed and just roll over to write down a few key words, but I realized the obvious problem with that. :(

Of course, you know if it's a problem better than I do.
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<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #63 on: July 02, 2009, 03:17:36 pm »
My kid brother swears that he only figured out how to beat Commander Keen 2 by dreaming about it.  Seriously.  He says the idea of turning off the light switches so the aliens don't jump came to him in a dream.  Yeah.....
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2009, 03:37:07 pm »
The only dreams I ever have are of real life with one very unusual difference.  Said difference varies per dream, but it's usually something very hard to notice out of place.  Like, my bedroom is backwards, or I see someone in class who isn't in that class.  And I tend not to remember them much anyways.

I have similar dreams. Like i dream im at school, when its the school holidays.  and blurryfied vision..

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2009, 09:06:39 pm »
^ I was about to say to keep a scratchpad near your bed and just roll over to write down a few key words, but I realized the obvious problem with that. :(

Of course, you know if it's a problem better than I do.

That is fine in theory but it is indeed flawed. Not to mention I no longer have a flat surface near my bed. =\

Anyway I later remembered some of it and typed it up on a different forum. This is what I got.

Somehow I ended up doing some competition that somehow involved being on a very large tower with platforms sticking out of each side like steps. It looked like something you could make with Lego bricks. I remember smashing the platform in front of me, which got progressively more difficult, then a fadeout and fadein later I was on the next platform, which somehow was rebuilt. This process repeated until I reached the top (the last platform reminds me of a Thwomp) and as I was announced the winner, the tower toppled forward with me on it. I viewed that part from a weird third-person perspective. A fadeout-fadein later I was still in third person, looking at myself buried under some of the platforms (I guess they fell apart when they collapsed) with paramedics trying to get them off. I heard someone say something similar to "he's the important one, there were only a couple other people hurt but they'll be fine." Then the rubble was cleared, the paramedics gone, and I was back in first person looking at the relatively small trophy that I had won. I was presented with another trophy for some reason, and there was some guy next to me that had apparently been there the whole time. I don't remember the dialog, but we noticed that there was some sort of hatch on the larger trophy that, when opened, revealed a (blank) stopwatch within. By which I mean it was part of the trophy. Who knows how it was expected to be used.

Aand that's all memory serves. That was surprisingly detailed for taking up what I can only assume is five minutes, disregarding the timelapses.
I have a feeling the music didn't influence it at all.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline ieatatsonic

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #66 on: July 08, 2009, 10:31:17 am »
New dream that I remembered.

First, I was playing a game that seemed like a cross between SM64 and SMG. It also had Fawful (I was reading about the new M&L game, as well as SMG2 Right before I slept). It was very interesting, but it was also a lot Mario-like.
The next part was where my friend and I were playing a FF game and we were stuck on the last boss. Eventually, we were able to beat it.
The final part was immediately after part 2. I found myself playing a game that looked like Maplestory but with Touhou characters in it. I had some interesting attacks, such as one were I could make green and blue blobs fall down from the sky, one were I could change eneies into red blobs that would then melt, and one where I could make enemies explode like fireworks.
Not that much that I could remember, but I could remember some of it.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #67 on: July 08, 2009, 11:43:38 am »
I recently stopped having nightmares, and while most of what I did horrify myself with is still vivid, I'll spare you the thoughts.

Also, I'm capable of hurting myself in my dreams, which was a little awkward when I pinched myself to find out if I was awake, and then had to admit to the alien in front of me that it didn't seem I was dreaming...
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #68 on: July 15, 2009, 04:04:48 pm »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2009, 04:30:32 pm »
So yeah, I guess I'll post about the dream I had earlier today.

I had a dream that I was a part of this group fighting evil.  It was me and 3 other people iirc.  Anyway, there was this bus, that I'm assuming someone evil was behind the wheel of it.  So me and my group are being chased by said bus on a highway, and we take an exit.  We then start setting a trap for the bus, but instead of taking the exit we did, it keeps going straight.  I tell the team to stay put, and that I'll investigate.  I proceed to turn into a bird, and fail at flying for about 30 seconds.  Seriously, there were so many close calls that I definitely should have ran into something.  Anyway, after failing, I turned into a hawk, and finally got the hang of flying.  So I head in the direction the bus went, and find myself in an environment with lush grass, a night sky, and many people.  It seemed that some sort of party was going on.  So I landed, went back into human form, and started looking around.  Eventually, I could see the bus in the distance, transforming, then having rockets equipped.  I then see a giant robot heading for where my group was.  I transform into a giant robot myself, seeing the design of said robot, and use my rocket thrusters to give chase.  Didn't take long at all to get the hang of it, so giving chase was rather easy.  When I finally make it to where my group is, I see an even bigger robot attacking my group, as they struggle to stay alive.  So I join in the fight to help them.  I have shit like rocket punch, where my fist flies off, punches the robot, then returns to me (which I could do by saying "Rocket Punch Activate!" while holding either one or both arms straight out at the robot, it was pretty lol).  I actually fucked up once, it had to be <action> followed by activate.  One move I tried was to activate my rocket thrusters from my "feet" and deliver a double fist punch to the face of the giant mech.  However, I said "activate rocket boots" while running towards it, thus making them fail, and almost got crushed for my stupidity.  Anyway, I pwned the giant mech in about 10 seconds.  So it goes into a second form...where it gets pwned in 10 seconds by me once again. happens...I found out something that does all but help.  Depending on what I take the form of, I lose a certain amount of power.  So there I am, barely able to stand, and the robot goes into its third and strongest form.  One of the members of my group comes over to me, and takes my hand...<insert encouraging words here>.  The other 2 come over, and we all form a link.  I feel a great power surge through me, and I feel as if I can turn into -anything- I want.  So who do you think I turn into?  Super Sonic of teammates are now unable to stand.  This giant robot, in its final form, launches a barrage of fire at my teammates.  I shield them with ease, and start -walking- towards the robot.  A barrage of flames come at me again, I just eat it and continue walking.  I finally make it close, and BAM!  I fly right through its head.  I then grab it, spin it, and launch it into space.  A few seconds later, I lose my power, and fall to the ground, knowing I saved the day, and just close my eyes.

I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

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Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #70 on: August 08, 2009, 03:01:26 am »
I also had a strange dream last night that I partially dreamt before (I think, you can never know with this stuff for sure).
I was in some magic school (which had a layout bearing resemblance to my former school on the inside. On the outside not so much, unless the school I used to go to to had four large Gothic towers and a giant part in the middle with seemingly endless stairs leading up to it. Aso a dark sky with lightnings in the background) and there were already parts that struck me as familiar, what with my current History and Philosophy teacher teaching there and the whole interior architecture of the school.
Some stuff happened that was new, and I went up those stairs while a fictive classmate went another way (we were a bit late). Either he or both of us ended up in the entrances of a couple of dungeons (with some weird creatures being the welcoming team) (this was also new). Eventually we were back in the classroom. That fictive classmate entered completely terrified and either or both of us had a vision that out also fictive class teacher was planning to... uh... do something bad to us, dunno what and apparently we could avert that by sitting all at one or two tables closely together, so I urged the others to believe that other guy's words and began putting together the tables to form 2 larger ones.
Our teacher was on the way to the room so I locked it from inside. The others were still reluctant and for some reason the tables were... whithering and turning into... large potato crisps? Anyway, then our female principal announced something in a whiny voice telling us to settle down and shortly after I woke up.
But yeah, I dreamt that last segment and I think some others near the beginning before. I think. :(

Also our class's teacher looked a bit like Charles di Britannia, if yet just slightly. And if my memories aren't too fishy already.

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Offline flying fox

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #71 on: August 08, 2009, 10:03:19 am »
Can't remember a lot of the dreams I had, but this one I definately remember. Unfortunatley this one was a nightmare :(

This was many years ago. I was in bed sleeping and my room was on fire. I woke up and started panicking. The flames were around me and my bed sheets caught alight by my legs. That's when I woke up. What made me wake up was that fact that my legs felt hot because they were under the quilt and it was a really muggy night >_>

Also just wondered if this has happened to anyone else. Has anybody ever woken up and they couldn't move their jaw? As in you fell asleep with it open (>_>), when you woke up your jaw would be locked and you couldn't move it. This happened to me a few times when I was younger. Very scary waking up and you can't move your mouth for about 10 minutes. I would sort of have to force it shut and hear the jaw bone making a popping sound just like when a joint clicks back into place. Not the best sound in the world and probably not the best sight in the world either first in the morning, looking like that somebody had watched the video from The Ring >_>

Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2009, 10:10:30 am »
I once woke up and my entire body was paralysed for a couple of seconds. No matter what my brain told it to do, nothing would move. It felt terrible.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #73 on: August 08, 2009, 12:24:34 pm »
^ That's just sleep paralysis, and it's relatively normal. If anything, it's a prime opportunity to fall into a lucid dream, if you stay still and slowly fall asleep with the idea on your mind.

Quote from: Flying Fox
Has anybody ever woken up and they couldn't move their jaw?

Yeah, except mine's the other way around. If I sleep on my side with my face accidentally forced into the pillow, it won't be able to open very far for a while after waking up.~
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2009, 11:02:50 am »
It's amazing what a load of nonsense you can dream in a mere 2 hours.

It started with me getting involved in a real-life distorted version of Vantage Master in which everything around me was somehow dark and gritty, and partially set in a cathedral. I also had to hide the monsters I summoned from my parents or something, or was playing against my father in secret, I don't remember exactly.
Eventually, this whole situation somehow mashed into a documentation about the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and about the house of Orange which in my dream ruled Belgium (which it has not done since 170 years ago in real life) and how its constitution would have been amazingly progressive at its time and influenced many other European countries, at this point a map appeared to illustrate it, I remember Norway, Spain, France, and many other coastal states except for the Netherlands being highlighted, but how it would be outdated by now and the reason for the problems. What problems, I do not know.
Next, I awoke in a stadium with my mother, where some sort of festivity was going on, with a parade and an undefined flag being hoisted. After we removed ourselves from the playing field of the stadium, we met a young man of southern (possibly Spanish) origin, whom we then took with us on our vacation for no reason. Apparently he escaped from a prison together with a bunch of other people in a giant outbreak that happened earlier, so it was only logical that we welcomed him warmly(?!).
Somehow, the three of us eventually ended up in a basement. That was said to belong to my grandparents who were currently out on vacation as well. I remember I was still hiding the cards or something that I used to summon my Vantage Master monsters, but as I tried to hide them under a bunch of Pokémon cards my father appeared and wanted to play the Pokémon TCG with me. Huh. I also had a photo of a girl I like with me, and told my mother and the southern guy to leave it alone. Then more nonsense which I forgot happened, and somehow I ended up watching TV on a Sharp TV which seemed to belong to me already as I thought about putting it somewhere in my new apartment once I'll move next year.
Eventually, it all ended with a MAD of Yu-Gi-Oh!, involving some anime girl playing against Yami Yugi.

Then I woke up and wtfed.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2009, 03:53:23 pm »

Eventually, it all ended with a MAD of Yu-Gi-Oh!, involving some anime girl playing against Yami Yugi.

Niconico: now haunting your dreams *ieat shot
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 05:58:59 pm by ieatatsonic »
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Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #76 on: August 10, 2009, 05:13:57 pm »

Eventually, it all ended with a MAD of Yu-Gi-Oh!, involving some anime girl playing against Yami Yugi.

Niconico: now haunting your dreams *ieat shot
It's funny because it's true. :(

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2009, 01:55:14 am »
I find it ridiculously hard to attain lucidity because most of the time when I realize I'm dreaming, my vision gets blurry and I wake up. Am I focusing too hard or what? I've had a few unintentional ones where I was actually controlling my actions and didn't notice it for a while, but I haven't had any awesome ones like Donna's GHZ one. :( I want to play SRB2 in a dream.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2009, 10:49:29 pm »
My dreams are weird and detailed.

Let me tell you that my dream is divided into segments. It's like when I wake up in anothert dream or when the setting changes.

First off, My family went on a vacation. We were at what looked like a hotel pool, even though it was in the middle of a forest. We were swimming and my parents & grandparents were discussing things. I walked out and pulled out a gameboy adv. and started playing Sonic Advance 2. My sister came and showed me  this waterproof cover for the GBA and put it on it. I proceeded to jump in the water and play my game submerged.
Next I was at a waterpark that had 2 large towers, each with a few slides going down from the top. My siblings went on a slide and my parents & I went on another. Before I got to the bottom of the slide I fell off it and landed on a platform. This had a sonic-style checkpoint on it, so I touched it. I then found myself playing a sonic game, but it seemed reality. I call this FPVM (First-person videogame mode, this type of thing happens alot in my dreams).
Next I was at a campground with my family, a few cousins, and my church youth group. We were walking to a baseball field when my brother and one of my cousins ran off to some place, and I ran after them.
Next I found myself with the afformentioned people in a grocery store with noone except us in it. It was very maze-like. After going a few different directions I finally made it past the checkout counters, and apparently there was some pop-music singer singing&dancing, accompanied by a music video playing on tvs.
Now I was at a house, presumably my house. I walked out onto the front porch of the house and saw a little kid playing a GBA. he was also playing Sonic Advance 2. I looked out to the street and saw three men (I guessed they were in their twenties) Being handcuffed to various road signs. I looked down and noticed the kid wasn't there anymore. The rest of that part I can't remember.
Next I was packing for a boy-scout outing. I packed, and eventually my mom drove me to a place where all the scouts were to meet at. Right as I got there, I awoke in another dream.
I was in my house. I walked downstairs and asked my mom "what ever happened to that scout outing?" And she said "what scout outing?" This is when I thought I woke up.
But that wasn't the end. I was playing a game with my friend, and it was online and I was in FPVM. Everybody was going through an obstacle course, and I just so happened to stumble upon a shortcut. Right as my friend asked me how I did it, the scene changed.
Next up I was in Memphis, Tennesse. There was a really fast train that ran along a set of tracks. I was in a plaza where the train would pass by on 2 ends, so you could see it twice. I almost got hit by it when crossing the tracks. My family then broke into a warehouse and, again, the scene changed.
This time I was in a church with a whole bunch of dogs that all looked at my dog. My dad was holding one. I called out my dog's name and she came running to me. I then yelled at my dad "Dad, you're holding the wrong dog!"
Then I woke up.
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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #79 on: October 03, 2009, 12:27:35 pm »
This copypasta is being served both here and on Retro. Blue parts are lucid.

It started with me being on some cruise ship1 with my family, in a pool on the top deck that was way too deep and long for any real ship. There was this large wooden wall dividing the pool in half for the sake of jumping from the top, with a small wooden platform attached to the bottom, level with the water. My mom told me that I needed to go drink a "messiah", which turned out to be nothing more than water with yellow food coloring in it.2 I walk out of the pool and around the wall and pick up a mug of messiah that's just sitting on some random table, then walk back and drop into the pool with it, at which point pool water splashes up into the glass. I whine, and my mother tells me to suck it up and drink it. My dad says that he'll get me a fresh one since he was about to get out of the pool anyway, and he scales the wall and jumps from the top into the opposite side of the pool. I swim over to the platform at the bottom of the wall, and there's a beaver sitting on the platform. I somehow get into a conversation with the beaver about my pay rate at work, shushing my mom once during the conversation as she interrupts.3 The dream changes...

I'm suddenly floating in space with Earth nearby (relatively speaking). There's a few people nearby that my dream makes me assume are TSCers, and there's a strange, light mist right next to us. Everybody's trying to destroy the mist because apparently it's some sort of evil cosmic being or something. I suddenly have this nagging feeling that I need to do something and tell the person next to me, "I'll be right back," before flying down to Earth. When I reach the ground, I'm somehow in front of my house despite all odds, which is more than enough to let me know that I'm dreaming.4 I feel like the dream would be incomplete if I didn't get back up there and kill that mist with everybody else, so I begin to soar back up. I stop about halfway when I see a light spot that I identify as the mist, and try just willing it away. It begins to flicker but doesn't disappear completely, so I continue upwards. Instead of reaching the edge of the atmosphere to get into space, a window of darkness and stars seems to be opening in the sky. Before I enter the window back to space and the mist, I feel like I need to justify surviving out there, so I throw my arms back and try a sort of Super Sonic /Saiyan / whatever transformation. I feel nothing but begin to glow yellow a bit... close enough.5 >_> I pass through the window back to the mist in space and tell people that I've figured out that it's all a dream and to just will it away, which works within seconds. Once it's gone, I head back down to earth, again ending up on the street in front of my house. I decide that this is a boring environment and decide to try checking out an underground locale, which I acccess by jumping and slamming my fist down on the street in front of me, knocking out part of the asphalt and revealing an ominously-glowing red tunnel.6 Before I enter, the dream changes again...

I'm viewing a group of people from a third-person perspective, talking about how they know that a train is going to derail. The view shifts to a view of the outside of the train, which derails and begins plowing through gravel on the side of the tracks, only to somehow catch a parallel set of tracks and rerail. The train screeches to a halt, and I change to a first-person view of myself being on the stopped train. I open the compartment door and jump to the ground outside the tracks, which has changed from a rural environment to an urban one. There's two people there who also just jumped off of the train that I haven't seen in real life since high-school. We exchange numbers by writing them on slips of paper from each other, and one of the people comments on something nerdy I wrote. I respond with, "Well, I want him to remember me as nerdy as I was in high school," before waking up.7

Footnotes of real-life interpretations:
1 -- I took a cruise back in August with my family for vacation, and my parents are taking another one by themselves this month.
2 -- I'm not religious; my real-life classical music class has been discussing Christianity's influence on music, so I guess that word was on my mind.
3 -- I... um... what?
4 -- That's right, floating in space wasn't enough to let me know I was dreaming, it was only enough to give me an uneasy feeling. It took the sight of my house after a random descent from space that could've landed anywhere to confirm it. :P
5 -- You can blame this guy for that one... despite all of the epic stuff he did in his dream, he made that part sound the best.
6 -- ...Hell? Geez, what's with the religious subtexts in this dream?
7 -- The sarcasm in my statement was a pretty good indicator that I was waking up... when I'm in a deep sleep, I'm not logical enough to be sarcastic.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2009, 02:00:09 am »
This happened today.

I was going to meet DsS, Groudon199 and werster at some random restaurant that you could order meals with candy. Before I got inside a car with tinted windows on it pulled up and someone with a gun told me to tell the owner inside to give up everything inside worth of value or they will come inside gun blazin' (They stayed in the car while I did this). So I went inside and told the owner everything only he got very cocky and did not contact the police or 911 and ran outside to confront the mysterious crooks in the car. Later on I hear a loud gun shot and then saw the owner dead with a bullet hole in his head. Everyone started running away and Me, werster and Groudon199 and DsS as the driver got away in his car. *Wakes up*

My Reaction waking up: WTF?!

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2009, 08:43:34 pm »
Earlier this week I dreamed that I was being accused of BSing in Sonic Chaos. Which I haven't played in my life.... and also don't compete in. I'm also pretty sure the visions of playing Sonic Chaos or watching Chaos videos from my dream were also extremely inaccurate, as I remember seeing Knuckles in them <_<
there was also a bunch of random stuff about "criteria for bs" and one of them was like 5 or more 3rd place stats in a game. there was like a tsc page for it and everything..... I was really confused.

tl;dr version: don't stay up until 4 am and wake up at 6:30 am consecutively people.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #82 on: December 13, 2009, 03:07:46 pm »
Earlier this week I dreamed that I was being accused of BSing in Sonic Chaos. Which I haven't played in my life.... and also don't compete in.
Strong Bad competes in games he never played confirmed.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2009, 04:49:15 pm »
Ok so the other night i had a really strange and scary dream.

I was told to go and shut the back door of the house, which is in the outhouse. i went to lock the door and came in, turned the light off, but just before i shut the door, i saw a light outside. There was no lights on outside, and this light was really dim, but i could still see it.
I dont know what it is so i come inside, then i hear a machine and the noise gets louder. I hide behind the door in my kitchen, and then a cement mixer comes in and trys to attack me. ITS NOT PLUGGED IT OR ANYTHING. So i find something to beat it up with and i kill it.

I go to my mum, whos in my sisters room, and tell her what happens. As im telling her the story, i see the lights on the car turn on. No one is in the car. I scream and she says to me "Go and turn them off". I was like HELL NO. Then a shadowy figure appears in the car and the car starts moving. It drives off down the road and comes back into the drive and crashes through our house, trying to run us over. It crashes through the house about 5 times, and the last time it hits my mum, and makes her go with the car into a hedge.

After the shadowy figure dissapears and the car breaks down, someone from down the street runs up to us and says "You have just been apart of a TV show"

It was a scary dream, i couldnt explain it any better.

Championships: Sonic Unleashed DLC.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #84 on: December 21, 2009, 12:08:51 pm »
Might as well post this since I just remembered it. Last night I dreamt that I was handling snakes O_o The bit I can remember is that I picked up this snake but I didn't pick it up properly. I know you're suppose to pick them up near their head so that they can't strike you. However, I didn't do this, I picked it up by it's tail instead. It started thrashing wildly, it was very close to biting me and I started to panick. So I tried to get it away from me but it bit me D: and that's when I woke up.

By the way it was a rattle snake >_>

Offline P.P.A.

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #85 on: December 21, 2009, 12:13:37 pm »
Tonight (during which I slept for 8 hours for the first time in 7 or 8 months) I remember in the last part of my dream (the previous ones involved Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart for some reason, although I have no memories of them beyond that) there was a Star Wars setting. Some guy grew very huge but then a jedi knight stabbed him with a laser sword and the many others in the room drew theirs too. I expected them all to run up to and ram their lightsabres into the big guy but then it was revealed he was... something, and they got out a few disgusting tentacles in some sort of container and said that this was actually him and he somehow kept himself alive with robotic constructs for the last few centuries/millennia to protect the universe. Or something.

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2010, 09:49:15 am »
yeah yeah, necro, but it's bizarre, and there's sonic, so I'm putting it here anyway.

This is the most recent (and end?) of a sequential dream I was having.  The only relevant backstory is that Albuquerque is ugly and horrid, unless viewed through binoculars and mirrors, from Japan.

So there's an exhibit in a... mall? in Albuquerque and my gf and I are going to see it.  It includes a monitor that shows a webcam looking through binocs at ABQ, and it's kinda like an awesome kaleidoscope...

After the exhibit, Bambi says "I need to go get new shoes", and wanders off, while I am drinking from a water fountain.  I run to catch up, but can't, so then I go looking for her.  

I leave the mall and walk around to the... back of the mall?  and there's a bunch of dumpsters and stuff, and then there's a storefront behind them, and a woman yelling at a guy in a hardhat that he built the whole damn thing backwards and she was going to have his ass.  Also, Fabio stands nearby, waiting for this woman to finish yelling.

I'm looking at a shoe because I think it looks interesting, it looks like a wire-frame shoe, but it doesn't look like it connects right (Like the rising triangle optical gimmick), so I pick it up and start looking at it, and the aforementioned woman comes over and yells at me for touching it and getting my "big greasy man-hand-prints all over it", so I tell her I'm looking for my gf, and she screams at me to get out.  On my way out, I  hear the following exchange between Fabio and the lady.

Fabio: Excuse me, are you the owner of this~
Lady: Look, I don't know who you are, so why are you talking to me?  I have better things to do... *walks away*
Fabio: o_o

Fabio then proceeds to pull a motorbike out of his hammerspace and ride off into the sunset.

Still looking for my girlfriend, I walk into a jewelery store, and while looking around at all the pretty rocks, the owner walks over and asks me to leave because I'm not dressed in the proper attire to be shopping at her store.  As I'm leaving, the bitch from the shoe store walks up and talks to the bitch form the jewelery store and they start following me.

I walk into a clothing store, same thing happens, and then I remember Bambi said she was going to get new shoes, so I try two more shoe stores, and they keep kicking me out.

At this point a security guard calls me over and asks me where my mother is, I said she wasn't here, and I was an adult, so they used a transporter to get here there, and then were threatening to handcuff me to her when she turned into a pile of tapioca pudding and slopped through the floor.  Deciding that it's not fair to try to chain me to pudding, I was allowed to leave.

Anyway, I walk past a funcoland, and I'm like "screw it, I'm at the mall, and I refuse to not look at the games, damnit!"

So I stroll inside, and at the head of a long line behind her, is my girlfriend, purchasing a copy of "Sonic and the New Shoes"

so I crack up laughing, and I'm like "yeah, my gf is awesome", and all the bitches, at that moment, catch up to me, and start yelling at each other and at me.

So I go down the list, starting with the first one, about what their businesses are doing wrong, and each one, in turn, sadfaces.  After I've gone through each one, I go back to the first one and yell, "AND YOU!  YOU DON'T KNOW WHO FABIO IS!" and the other four look at her evilly and turn into KKK-hooded members, complete with torches and pitchforks, the Benny Hill theme plays, and they run off chasing the bitch who didn't know who Fabio was.

Fabio shows up, high-fives me, the Fonz shows up out of nowhere and is like, "EYYYYY"

and I wake up.

EDIT: spelling
« Last Edit: March 30, 2010, 11:51:43 pm by Aitamen »
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #87 on: March 31, 2010, 05:01:54 am »
Double post, but I'm keeping a dream journal here for a bit... may start my own topic of move it to my old blog, ionno.

Anyway, the last thing I watched before bed was a new leaked gameplay video for S4.

I dreamt that, Today, Sonic 4 came out, but instead of being what we had all seen, it was an endless special-stage like thing... and everyone at TSC with a 360 was on voice chat cheering me on and stuff.  And it sucked.  It was, at first, a purple screen, crystals, I think, and there were rows of rings and bombs sliding down it, in two rows of 14 or so each.  You controlled a "running" sprite of Sonic from Sonic Rush, and you just moved it 8-way with the stick or d-pad, and collected rings out of every row.  it never sped up, and after about 600 rings the background changed colors... and that was it.

I woke up annoyed and pissy for a bit, until my brain separated what was actually going on.

I think it was supposed to be a nightmare, but it wasn't my recurring nightmare, so I guess I can be thankful for that.  So very bizarre to me.

Also, Thorn's voice in my dream was that of Zeus (Altered Beast) and Werey sounded like an old man with, like, wheezing and a smoker's cough.  Umby sounded like the crazy hyena from The Lion King (but, of course, his laughs "sounded" like words, so I was still getting a message from it"
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #88 on: April 02, 2010, 06:34:27 pm »
I've started a blog for my dreams and stuff, but I'll post them here too.

So, From as far back as I can remember, it started with me playing minecraft with my brother (1). He had built a cathedral, which you could only get into from underground. I followed him into it, and we reached a room entirely made out of stone. He deleted a few blocks, and the hole he created lead to a room filled with halloween decorations. In one corner, ther was a ramp that went down. I followed the ramp down, and came into a room that looked like a hotel lobby. It had many red armchairs lining the walls. Between the armchairs were small counters with magazines and potted plants atop them. At the back of the room was a huge TV, playing some news station. On the armchair closest to me was a dog. I didn't know who's it was, because it wasn't mine (2). I looked to my left, and there was a hole in the wall, the size of a two-car garage. Past it were two large escalators, leading to somewhere unknown. I didn't care where it lead to, I didn't want to leave this area just yet. I turned around and walked back up the ramp, only to find that the cathedral was now a gift shop in some dark, snowy town (3). The owner was just closing up shop, and he said to go to the escalators that lead to the hotel. I walked back down the ramp, and saw my mom in a car, driving up to the escalators. I hopped in, and strangely enough, my mom was able to drive onto the escalators, which pulled her up. I almost fell out of the car when......

Suddenly I was in a room with some game system. I started playing it (actually like playing it). It turned out to be some sort of Shadow The Hedgehog 2. Shadow was in a temple that looked like it belonged in a zelda game (4). It was covered in vines, and spider-like creatures (almost like headcrabs) clinged to them. I ran ahead and jumped onto some bars. I pressed some buttons to go from bar to bar, when I cam across a strange mechanism. It was a pulley with a platform on one end. When I jumped on the platform, it started rising. When I bressed a button, it dropped very quickly and promp0ted me to press it again. This time, I grabbed onto the other side of the rope on slid upwards. Seeing as I needed momentum, I jumped back onto the platform, waited a longer time, and then pressed the button twice, making Shadow slide up the rope. I thought it was a neat contraption. Just as I was getting farther in the level.....

Next I was in a strange sea, with islands dotted around. I could run at incredible speeds, and could run across water (5). As I ran, I saw a few Captain falcons fighting each other, but I let them be. I didn't want to wake up by a falcon punch. I kept running, and came across a wooden building. I entered it, and it turned out it was a gift shop. It sold many things based off video games. I became particularly interested in a Jinjo keychan on a Banjo-themed kiosk (6). I bought it, and when I walked past the register, it turned into a real jinjo! I collected it, and it flew around me and I saw some sort of HUD appear, showing four other jinjos. I was mad that I just lost my keychain, so I ran over to the middle of the store, were there was apparently a window on the floor, and punched the window. I started falling, and when I looked around, The scenery appeared to be sort of hellish. There was fire everywhere, a purple sky, and lava below me. But I landed on a moving platform. It was actually a series of moving platforms that made up a conveyor belt. Some platforms were orange, and some where purple. The purple ones slowly faded away and disappeared (7). I ran along the platforms, and eventually reached some land. From there, I forget everything else.


My brother has been playing that game lately.
I had seen a black dog in my yard that day, and this one looked similar.
This could be referencing my Yellwostone trip two years ago.
I have been watching many zelda let's play.
I had been thinking about sonic 4 that day.
I have been interested in BK and BT for a while.
This could be referencing many platforms similar to this in ROBLOX games.
Happiness cannot be bought but instead be achieved via countless hours of self-torture.

Offline Azure

Re: I have a dream.
« Reply #89 on: April 02, 2010, 07:14:59 pm »
Okay, I'm kind of frustrated with my dreaming... or more accurately, the lack thereof. I only have a dream that I can remember about once every three weeks. Is there anything I can do to "make" myself dream? And this talk about lucid dreaming is interesting, could someone fill me in?


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