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The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic


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The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: October 16, 2007, 05:43:41 pm »
EDIT: I was a strange person two and a half years ago, I suppose... the questions in the sequel to this topic, also on the Board Games board, are much more sane.

So I'm in chat and suddenly genus asks me when the last time I vomited was, or what my greatest fear is, or what my favorite color is. I have no idea where this information is going... probably to some twisted psychology experiment. Regardless I propose we make this topic with random, genus-esque questions that'll give genus all the infinitesimal details of our mind that he'll ever need, and that other TSCers can "wtf" at. Also, genus can lace this topic with whatever his heart wants to ask, and I'll edit it in up here.

I've split them into categories, and have made it so that the questions in the bottom categories are the ones that I think people are most reluctant to answer. You don't have to answer them all, but the idea's to answer the ones that strike you as weird. Here's what I got when I asked what the purpose of this is:
<genus>'s good to ask these sorts of questions
<genus> to encourage general unorothodoxy
As topic creator I'll be fair and provide my responses after a while too. >_>

- What's your greatest fear?
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
- What is your favorite color or colour?
- How are/were your grades in school/college?
- Are you socially awkward?
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
- What are your religious beliefs?
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
- Do you listen to Music? If you do, how often? What's your least favorite genre of music? If you don't like that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do? (Be logical and respect the opinions of others, please >_>)

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
- Who do you consider to be your competition?
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
- Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Invincible
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Grow
  • Shrink
  • Change monitor with Knuckles icon
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
  • Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
- What's the best thing you've never done?

Okay, now start spilling everything that you never wanted us to hear. I'm sure other people will have even more ideas for questions, so don't be surprised by anything.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 07:46:05 pm by Thorn »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 06:15:49 pm »
Why, I do believe this is the single best topic of the century.

I'll post a short list of some of the responses I collected to some questions.

Worst Injur(y,ies)
yse-Swollen foot or bruised shins.
Thorn-Two knees filled with fluid that had to be drained.
genus-Eye shoved into concrete or third degree burns on feet/hands.
CherryMay-Broken arm.
CodeGirl-/dev/sda read/write error.
Spinballwizard-Bruised tailbone.
Tails-Emerl dropping a flurry of Chu Chu bombs on his head.

Worst Fear(s)
Thorn-Stupid people in large groups.
RPG-Zombies, moths, assorted insects.
genus-Zombies, drowning, choking, evisceration, mediocrity.
ShadowJacky-Death, disease epidemics.
Quartz-Ant swarms.
Alondite-Irreversable actions.
Typo-Lack of freedom, god, satan, major change, sudden death.

Bad Habit(s)
genus-Germaphobia, peeling nails, snapping fingers, holding hands under hot water to practice self control.
ShadowJacky-Laziness, hypocrasy, hygeine.
Thorn-Masturb*shot*, whistling.

Most Taboo Thing(s) They've Ever Done
Thorn-Started a tournament out of spite, nothing else because he's a good boy.
genus-Spiked father's whiskey with antabuse, stole someone else's gerbil and fed it to a cat, stood in the middle of a popular road until a large traffic jam formed and a policeman had to be called, general destruction of biological entities.
GerbilSoft-Your mother?!
Tails-Used windows.

Most Humiliating Moment
ShadowJacky-Danced "like a complete idiot" at a birthday party with everyone watching.

Last Time They Threw Up
RR-1 year ago (carsick)
genus-1 month (pork mixed with food)

And now I'll answer your questions.

1) My greatest fears have been mentioned allready, but hey. Probably getting dissected while living, or maybe something as unremarkable as getting shot in the kneecap.

2) I'm not going to lie like I expect most people will, I'm exactly the same in real life. I dislike the social groups I can join, activities I can participate in, and people I can talk to, so I try to keep personal interaction to a minimum. Either I'm drowned out for having a particularly 'abnormal' opinion, or I'm patronized for the same reason. I'm the "punk" you see getting all the right answers in Math class and calling you dumb for overlooking the obvious, holding nothing back because you're not worth the social pretenses I'd be forced to put up. I can be superficially charming, and learn quite a bit from talking with (or around) someone, but choose not to. I'm also quite hilarious, something I feel is entirely lost over the internet. While I am blunt to a tee, I'm not going to go out of my way to call you a terrible person. Everyone, follow my model!

3) I last vomited...I believe one month ago in the comforts of my home after pork, a meat I have not consumed in a long time because I hate the taste and texture, was deliberately put in place of chicken in a dish to prove to me I would like pork. I didn't, and in something of an anticlimactic twist I vomited. You do know why this makes you throw up, right? Look up lac genes if you don't.

4) Aside from the general corruption of morals, social predatation, lack of rationality, refusal to listen, and overinvestment and superfluous relationships I see in almost everyone else, yes. Locker rooms.

5) I do not know the integral of x times the natural log of x times a variable I've never seen, but I do care. I just started a Precalculus course a few months ago, so I'll get to that material soon enough. Math is great, and is one of the few areas of study that offers a valid career path. Aside from that, numeracy is in itself a fascinating subject, and relevant from day to day life.

6) I take one hot shower every night, and I'm thorough to a point. I brush my teeth once in the morning and once at night.

7) My favorite color is grey. Nobody likes grey. I like grey though.

8) I'm currently ranked first in my class of 300-something, with the lowest grade I've received in highschool an A in English. English teachers annoy me, as they refuse to give 100's on essays, and tend to take off points for expressing an original opinion or disagreeing with a generally accepted concept that you can tell is wrong. "The Old Man and the Sea" does not have Christ symbolism, Hemmingway at that time had denounced Catholicism, which he converted to, and Protestantism, which he was born into. He was a self proclaimed agnostic. Follow?

9) I'm socially awkward in that I'm not going out of my way to talk to other people. Unless I want to know something, I don't start conversations. I also have problems with eye contact, because people say I stare. To counteract this, I've tried to avoid looking at people for too long, but when attempting this I've been told I'm not looking at them enough. Aside from that, I will cut through even the slightest bullshit, which makes most people walk away. I also do things that many would consider unusual, such as spelling out "I hate this ketchup" with ketchup packets, so you probably won't want to sit with me at lunch or anything.

10) I have very weak handstrength and handeye coordination. I took occupational therapy for some 7 years, but that didn't help much and the state stopped sponsoring it when I entered high school. My ot actually convinced my parents to buy me a console and games, which is how I first got in to video games. I also have a very bad speech impediment, and I stutter. If it can be considered an ailment, and I doubt it can, I'm underweight too.

1) My screen name is supposed to be ironic, and indicate that I've changed drastically from...I think 4 years ago. For the uninitiated, I joined the site and submitted droves of fake times, scores, rings, etc. To amuse myself one day, I joined chat using the client, and acted like more of a moron than usual. I tried to convince someone I was smart, amusingly saying 'I'm smart, I a genus'. To throw off suspicion, I also used my real name to gape at myself, setting up a script so after my sockpuppet said certain things, I would form a reply. Eventually SM noticed I was using the client, and the fun was ended.

2) I don't know who I have a grudge against really. There are many people on the site I see as lackluster individuals. I'd say Gerbil, RR, Da1, ks8, Groudon, Rick, and Alondite are probably the biggest offenders in my book. Alondite in particular tends to push my buttons.

3) I've never played any of them, and I don't really make reference to any, aside from a passing remark on how Sonic Team's not on the ball recently, citing 06 as an example.

4) ?? ...Crap, we added Shuffle? I hope this is hypothetical. Shuffle isn't competition worthy, and the only one pushing for its addition to the rankings is ks8, who's also proposing a boatload of other bad ideas as well. I mean, do we really want to become Cyberscore Jr.?

5) I've no moral qualms about playing or redistributing roms. To me, not allowing the redistribution of roms is like not allowing pictures of a painting to circulate because it might hurt a Museam's admission. Seeing a picture of the painting is not quite the same, and if someone planned to get a feel for that painting then they'd go to the museum. Now please, apply that to games and draw the obvious parallels.

6) More than anyone else, I tend to talk to Stefan, Rolken, yse, RPG, SJ, MK, and of course our fine topic hoster Thorn. I'll even point out at times that the people in chat aren't very interesting, and that they should work on that.
7) Nobody. Er...myself?

8) I don't go out of my way to play fanhacks, but I do find some enjoyable. Those I've played I played as part of Thorn's tournament. All two of them.

1) Speed sneaker to run fast, grow because being giant would be fun, fire shield because fire is great, invisibility to deflect bullets/crowbars/knives/etc, and the electric shield because I'd enjoy doublejumping and having a giant magnet. Basically I'm a fast giant invincible dude on fire. Sounds great.

2) I'd use it to either prove, or disprove, string theory. That, or I'd bludgeon people I didn't like who annoy me.

3) Super shenanigans, that should have been obvious. I'd probably jump on top of a large building, and use that to jump off larger buildings. Then I'd drop a bouncy ball at the peak of my jump, and nobody could catch me. Excellent.

4) Take 3 guesses. They were all wrong. I set off a selective bomb with a blast radius of the circumference of the earth that only targets unimaginative leeches contributed nothing to society, then by thought alone make the aliens explode. Segway to me becoming supreme ruler of earth.

New questions I'll answer Later
1) You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
2) All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
3) You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
4) You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
5) You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
6) You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
7) What's the best thing you've never done?


Edit: post got cut off.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 07:20:02 pm by genus »


Offline Stefan

Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 06:25:03 pm »
- What's your greatest fear? - Probably a combination of change/rejection. In terms of concrete nouns, needles, maybe? Torturous death?

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world? - Quirky. Rarey make a comment that's not kidding. I often am too ignorant towards other people's feelings. Because being nice and sweet didn't seem to get me anywhere but made fun of, I'm pretty much judgmental now.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? - Er.. No clue. One time recently I sort of burp-vomited at school, but that was like a teaspoon of stomach acid. Besides that, probably having the flu after eating pasta salad.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What? - Random kids making out, roadkill bunnies, lice, cockroaches at school.

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care? - I don't know, but I'll wiki it because I do care.

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night? - I shower every day. Define well.. I wash every part of my body and wash my hair, but I do it quickly. And sadly, I am not perfect at teeth brushing.

- What is your favorite color or colour? - COLOR. NO U (lol get it). Anyway blue I guess.

- How are/were your grades in school/college? - Straight A's

- Are you socially awkward? - Certainly. I'm not horribly socially, but I'm not exactly a butterfly either. I am awkward, though, because conforming to normal social standards got me nowhere.

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing? - Does being extremely skinny count?


- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything? - My first name.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially? - TBH Sondow frustrates me, but I'm sure I frustrate him right back. I wouldn't call it a grudge though.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)? - SPA I diss because RPG and Rolk like it. S06 I diss because everyone does it. Chaotix I don't comment on.  I know nothing about either of the three games.

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? - Not care.

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs? - Don't do it.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? - Um.. Well I converse with genus a lot. Mike sort of. Achlys and RR tend to be in the chat when I am. Really, it's rather a case of who I don't talk to. Not who I do.

- Who do you consider to be your competition? - Skylights. But it's not competition if I'm utterly raped, so maybe SA2 players

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most? - I really don't care, but I enjoy making music for them.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

    * Speed Sneaker
    * Invincible
    * Rocket Sneaker
    * Grow
    * Shrink
    * Change monitor with Knuckles icon
    * Fire Shield
    * Water Shield
    * Electric Shield
    * Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)

No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?

I use the electric shield to slam dunk a basketball. I Grow because I wanna know what it's like to be big. I'll electric shield for some quick cash. Fire shield so I can see what it's like in the oven. And then Speedshoe to race someone quickly.

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)- No comment

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now? - again, no comment

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react? - finally, no comment, again.

Add to your questions list:

Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?

Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

What are your religious beliefs?

Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

My answers:

in between, closer to the firm side.
No, I probably would be unable to live, based on genetics, attitude, and reliance on current technology.
Generic Christian.
I expect I will be married by thirty, and I do want it.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 12:49:42 am by Stefan »

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 06:33:12 pm »
- What's your greatest fear? <-- Public speaking.
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world? <-- I usually keep to myself most of the time, though sometimes I have conversations with others.  I also actually go to a friend's house on a regular basis now.
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? <-- The hell if I remember.  It was probably last year or so.
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? <-- On a daily basis, no.
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care? <-- No to both.
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night? <-- I shower every weekday (and usually one day on the weekend) somewhat well, and I actually don't brush my teeth very often.
- What is your favorite color or colour? <-- Red.
- How are/were your grades in school/college? <-- Variable.  Some are good, some are not-so-good.
- Are you socially awkward? <-- As said above, I keep to myself a lot.
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing? <-- I'm not aware of any deformities I have.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything? <-- Originally, it was supposed to be my favorite Pokemon as well as its Pokedex number at the time.  However, that was way back when I first joined GameFAQs, so I decided to carry it to almost everywhere I go.
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially? <-- Right now, sdj6707.  He raped my Radical City records and is ignoring my question regarding how he makes his turns. >:(
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)? <-- I know little about Sonic06, almost none about SPA, and don't really give a crap about Chaotix, so I don't give much of any comment.
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? <-- What's a "Shuffle"?
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs? <-- Though illegal, it's highly unlikely someone from the FBI will bust down your door and arrest you.
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? <-- Here, no.
- Who do you consider to be your competition? <-- Right now, Omega DJ because of his Shadow ownage.  There's also ALAKTORN in SRA for certain stages.
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most? <-- I don't care that much, though most are crap.

Fan Fiction
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Invincible
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Grow
  • Shrink
  • Change monitor with Knuckles icon
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
  • Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them? <-- Speed Shoes (massive speed for getting to areas quickly), Invincible (gonna try to pick fights one normally couldn't win), Shrink (to sneak around the house without being heard/seen), Water Shield (not exactly sure, but it'll keep me dry in the rain), Fire Shield (umm... can't get burned?)
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please) <-- Wait to see if I could find any more.
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now? <-- Take charge whenever I feel threatened.
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react? <-- Barrel roll!

Stefan's questions:

Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between? <-- As long as it's not uncomfortable, I'm fine with it.
Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses? <-- Does the phrase "I can't live without my computer" answer that?
What are your religious beliefs? <-- No comment.
Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to? <-- To be honest, I don't even know when (or if, for that matter) I'd be married.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 06:49:04 pm by Groudon »

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 06:46:10 pm »
- What's your greatest fear?

Spiders, followed by being tortured followed by months.

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?

Er, random I guess. The RL me is pretty much the IRC me, except a little less perversion and 4chan.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?

When: Friday night.
Where: All over my bathroom floor.
Why: I was pissed out of my fucking face.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?

A few of the pics in my 4chan folder

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?

No and no

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?

Shower every other day, bath whenever I feel like it (generally only when Im ill). I brush my teeth every morning and at random times during days if I feel like it.

- What is your favorite color or colour?


- How are/were your grades in school/college?

Used to be ace, not so much anymore

- Are you socially awkward?

Not particularly

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
Eh, my left foot little toe has always been disjointed since birth, and if I stretch out my arms properly they bend in a funny angle, if that counts.

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?

About 75% of the way to the sode side

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

Ideally no

- What are your religious beliefs?


- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

No idea, depends on what life throws at me I guess, though Id have no objections to being married before thirty providing it was a loving relationship and the marriage wasnt just an attemp to save a failing relationship

- Worst Injury?

See the attachment

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?

I like RPG's.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?

No one especially enough to name.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?

I add my two cents if Ive played the game.

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?

Fuck if I care tbh, I wouldnt compete for them anyway

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?

I dont see the problem, though I understand why many do

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?

Mike/Thorn/PB would be the 3 people I talk to most

- Who do you consider to be your competition?

Depends on the game really, but I consider Mike my rival.

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?

Ill play them if I feel like it, and I periodically go hunting for new stuff on the hack/fan game frontier.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Invincible
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Grow
  • Shrink
  • Change monitor with Knuckles icon
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
  • Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?

Three shields, speed shoes, invincible, because the S3K items are win and to fight rime or somesuch!

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)

I would learn to Chaos Control because that would be fucking win.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?

Um, go super?

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?

Um nuke them?

Okay, now start spilling everything that you never wanted us to hear. I'm sure other people will have even more ideas for questions, so don't be surprised by anything.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 06:54:31 pm by Drifloon »
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2007, 07:36:08 pm »
Okay, I said I'd do it, so now I'll think about my own questions, and those of others.

- What's your greatest fear?
Already spilled by genus: stupid people in large groups. The horror... the horror...

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
I've noticed that the way I act on TSC Chat is starting to merge with my real-life personality. I'm becoming sarcastic but occasionally witty, and have backed down from less arguments than I used to. Although, I think I have a sense of morality IRL that I purposely throw away on Chat to keep the lolity flowing.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
It was a year and a half ago, about an hour after waking up. I'd had an awful nasal drip overnight, and my stomach decided to get rid of all of it. The toilet must not of agreed with it either, because all said and done the bathroom showed sure signs that the toilet vomited back at me.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
For some reason, I get grossed out when people crack their backs or show off how being double jointed lets you bend. I didn't even flinch when Sondow showed me a pic of his hands several months ago, but something about the sounds that joint cracking makes... ugh.

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
Yes, then no.

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
I shower every morning after waking up, and pretty well, thankfully. I brush my teeth every morning and night, although apparently that's not enough as I have had two fillings. They were just pinholes, though, so I received resin fillings that are the same color and texture of the teeth.

- What is your favorite color or colour?
Blue, because of my eyes, not Sonic.

- How are/were your grades in school/college?
Held a 3.6 GPA at the end of high school, and so far it looks like college is going the same way.

- Are you socially awkward?
I don't stand out in public; I can blend into a crowd just fine. That doesn't mean I can chill with the brothers from da hood though, yo.

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
Nothing, sorry. I'm a bit average for my own good.

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
In between, definitely, and I mean right in the middle. I toss and turn like crazy otherwise, and when I've been trying to attain more frequent lucid dreams, this is a no-no.

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
Live? Yes. Enjoy living? I'd rather try to confirm the existence of an afterlife.

- What are your religious beliefs?
I'm agnostic, and loving it. I got into a talk with some Christian preachy dude (only way to describe him) at lunch two weeks ago, and I made it perfectly clear that I appreciate a god, but believe more in the importance of morality than faith. The guy was actually pretty happy to hear me out - perhaps I convinced him that not all non-Christians deserve to burn in the eternal fire?

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
I won't lie, it's a toss-up, but by no means am I planning to go through life a confirmed bachelor. I need to be at least a little social.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
Aitamen picked it for me, so it doesn't mean much. I kinda like it though; it's edgy but doesn't call for unneeded attention. It beats my old style of "word##". I wonder if mike89 agrees.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
For a little bit there were tensions between RPG and I over really stupid things, but upon realizing they were stupid we became friends again (we have an epic log of an American vs. English battle from July 4th that I wanna post soon). I don't have any outstanding grudges now.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
I stand up for Chaotix because of the three it's the one I enjoy most. I'm telling you, it is playable. My opinion on the other two is "meh".

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
I rejoice, because it's another chance for a championship whether orthodox or not. Bring it on, ks8.

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
If you have the original game first, I'm sort of okay with it, except under certain circumstances such as never having paid for your original copy. When I hack, I'm catering to people who want a fresh spin on an old game, not a free game.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
There's the Quadrinity of mike, RPG, Aita, and I, and then there's the #TUSC clique of Rick, Sondow, Achlys, and I. I was surprised that Stefan had something against Sondow - maybe I don't pay attention enough, because I never noticed Sondow saying anything ridiculously annoying.

- Who do you consider to be your competition?
The entire site. No, I'm serious. When I have a giant, 90-point gap to bridge to match mike Sitewide, every stat above mine but below his drags me down. So stop submitting, you bastards. *shot*

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
I always browse the Sonic hacking forums for the next big thing. I think the community itself is lol though, and after being part of a hack team that just split forcedly, I see why. :(

Fan Fiction
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Invincible
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Grow
  • Shrink
  • Change monitor with Knuckles icon
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
  • Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
First thing's first, I have no idea what I was thinking when I pitched this or the rest of the questions, but I had to appeal to everybody somehow. X) Anyway... the Rocket Sneakers for sure, that'd just be a shitload of fun and doesn't require much thought to know how to have said fun. I'd need the Invincible because I don't imagine I could steer very well in mid-flight. I'd use the Fire Shield just to have fun with the mid-air dash (zomg I can turn in teh air!). I guess I'd take the Grow for fun, ability to intimidate, and for whatever else calls for strength that I've slowly been losing due to lack of sleep. Finally... eh, you know what, I'd use the Change; who gives a shit if TSC hates furries, I think if it was possible people would be freakin' psyched.

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
Hell, I'd toy around with it constantly. I have a serious beef with the Sonic universes' philosophy on these things, where using power when unneeded is bad, using negative power is bad, and only certain characters can do certain things. I'd spend a lot of time seeing if Chaos Control could be done. That'd save me a lot of time driving to my university every day.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?
Yeah, I think I'd follow suit with the games and check out what a Super form would be. Lack of rings in our reality means it'd only last for 50 seconds at a time though... that's when we take a lesson from Perfect Chaos, Devil Doom, etc., and tap into those negative energies that don't seem to wear off unless you suffer with some impossible amount of pain.

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?
Hm. I guess I'd try attempting peace talks first? Of course, if that doesn't work, I fall back on the last question and beat the shit out of 'em. I do think I'd play hero given the opportunity.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
The stupid people in the large group from my first answer, duh!

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
I call somebody at home and ask them to turn off the stereo and pilot light. I then call the insurance company and say, "When the hell did I sign papers for you?!?".

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
I drop it at a mentally retarded neighbor's house. He can't prove he didn't do it. I awful? Sorry. :(

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
No. I'm too much of a pussy to murder for goods, although if I'm pissed off... I wonder.

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
It's gotta be on a faulty experiment with Rocket Skates like those in a skit on Jackass. If I live playing Sonic, I demand to die going fast.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
He can't see me reach into his wallet at the hospital, right? I'll go that route.

- What's the best thing you've never done?
Every bone in my body wants to say "drugs". But falling back on an old answer makes me wanna say "learn to obtain lucid dreams at will". Screw all of this wondering about real and fantasy situations, I'd rather feel like I was experiencing them without it having any negative effect on my real life.

Wow, that didn't take long to fill out at all, and I snickered at what was heading from my brain to my fingers. I'm also kind of scared that I actually had answers to the last few questions. I should put this topic on other forums for the lolity.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 08:11:19 pm by Thorn »
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline Crowbar

Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 07:52:55 pm »
- What's your greatest fear? I suppose complete social rejection. I generally fear retribution by authority figures and those I care about.
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?Very, very shy and nervous with people I don't know very well (probably like most internet users). I get more comfortable once I'm familiar. I have a very dry sense of humour (though I'm also easily amused by stupid things).
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? A few weeks ago after a mexican-themed party and too much tequila and dodgy punch. On the host house's lawn and a little on their carpet. :X
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What? No. I'm not that easy to gross out
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?Ugh, maybe once when I actually studied maths.
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night? Shower every morning. Brush teeth twice a day. Everyone always tells me I have white really should brush them twice a day, you know.
- What is your favorite color or colour?Can't say for sure. In the past, purple or blue, dunno now.
- How are/were your grades in school/college? Above average. Did the International Baccalaureate, got 39/45, which is pretty good (went to a good school).
- Are you socially awkward? See above.
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing? Nope. :P
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between? Pretty soft.
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses? I'd fucking LOVE that. I hate technology, and how much I depend on it. I am dead serious about this.
- What are your religious beliefs? Believe their may be some higher power, and I suppose I believe in morality and karma to an extent, but no concrete religious dogma.
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to? Less people seem to get married to their partners this day. I don't mind as long as I'm happy with my life. Though I must say I hope I'm no longer a virgin by thirty.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything? I kinda like crows, or at least did at the time. Was kinda scrounging for a different screenname after the last one, which was mega-lame.
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially? eggFL. Of course everybody knows this.
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)? SPA I've played enough to know it's not bad. Sonic '06 I've played only a little but I still consider it enough to say it's horrible. Chaotix I couldn't comment on. Enough's already been said about 06 that I wouldn't bother chiming in (unless it's eggFL being a moron...actually I know it's pointless to even try to argue with him). SPA maybe.
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? Not care.
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs? For old games, who cares? For new stuff, fuck off. I dislike piracy, and absolutely despise people who think it's their god-given right to own things for free (ROMs don't really figure into this now with the modern consoles, so I'm including burned games into this).
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? SL and Ben, I guess.
- Who do you consider to be your competition? I'd say SL but he's way out of my league now. :(
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most? I don't go looking, but if an interesting one comes up for a game I know I'll try it. Been playing Kaizo Mario World a bit recently.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
Just all fun mobility-enhancing things.
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please) Um, I can't do anything, lol. It's not like any old idiot can do Chaos Control.
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now? Not just any old idiot can go super either. :P
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react? Oh, well if that's the case I guess I'd use the emeralds to beat them. I don't know if I'd "go Super" and beat them though, since I wouldn't want all the attention. Possibly try to use just a single attack and get rid of them discreetly.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 08:02:32 pm »
heh funny, here goes.

- What's your greatest fear? probably Torture... in my opinion torturing would deserve a worse after-life punishment than killing ? them. theres just so many ways you can be hurt very badly for hours/days at a time I hate thinking about it.

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?

I don't act tough or cool, I AM cool in real life :P I'm not so tough though, just really agile. (though I lack stamina since i'm not so active now :/)

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? 2 months ago, in a car, eating + riding in a car= mega sickness :(

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What? Nothing really on a daily basis, but really it takes a lot to bother me, as in almost nothing can unless its really obscene.

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care? Err... I don't have a clue what this means.

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush teeth every night?

Once every other day, well enough. and yes, everynight!

- What is your favorite color or colour?

its spelled color damn you...:P and green is definitely my favorite.

- How are/were your grades in school/college? I don't remember.... almost below average, but who cares as most of it isn't important, espcially history stuff.

- Are you socially awkward?
I guess so :(

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
you mean psyically?

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
I like it soft

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

umm.. yeah.(if I understand this right)

- What are your religious beliefs?

I don't goto any religion things, I know there has to be some kind of creator, I think that is a good belief since the world is otherwise unexplainable. but I don't wanna start a debate since no one can know for sure.

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

I dunno...I think it would be cool to not be so you get more free time, but we'll see.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?

Nothing, just picked a stupid name to replace my old ParagonX9 name I stole. I *USUALLY* use the username Demon Master (from shining force) cause its cool.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?


- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)? I know nothing.

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? who cares?

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?

I like them :) I don't think they cause harm, if anything they help companies. Why? Well I don't exactly go blindly buying GBA games with all the bs they make now, but theres some games i've downloaded I really liked so I went and bought them, cause playing on a gba> pc.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? I don't understand this question.

- Who do you consider to be your competition? I dunno.. no one wants to try to beat my SA2 stuff, S3K was my competition in SADX but he totally pwns me now so we're done. Maybe he will start kicking ass in SA2 soon?

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most? Hacks can be funny sometimes, but I don't go out of my way to find them.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

Speed Sneaker
Rocket Sneaker
Change monitor with Knuckles icon
Fire Shield
Water Shield
Electric Shield
Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)

Err do you mean in real life? I'd like a speed shoe and maybe invincibility, that'd be cool.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 08:29:27 pm »
Nobody is answering my questions and therefore my feelings are hurt!

Genus' Questions
1) This is tough, there are many groups who deserve a touch of justice. I'd say stock models, I can't stand commercials and watching these airheads with their vapid smiles plugging products that only serve to further their impressionability as people infuriates me.

2) I don't come back to the United States and get arrested for fraud, criminal negligence, and reckless endangerment, that's for sure. The Bahamas is a terrible place to get stranded, as you're more or less waterlocked and can't make a quick escape if cornered. I'd say that Latin America's the place to be. Hitch a plane to Peru, the Latin country in the best shape, and just sort of chill for a bit. After everything dies down, I'd probably locate a lookalike and have them disposed, not necessarily by murder you cynics, and take over their identity. From there, I'd emigrate to a Western country in sound standing.

3) Ideally the business end of a crematorium and then a can of coffee grinds at the supermarket, but in practice a river would also work well. You'd weigh the body down of course, and make an especially long trip away from your residence to throw off the pattern of the police. Works better if you live upriver, so the body will be found further away from you. Either way, nobody has got a handle on where the body is and the case is circumstantial at best.

4) I'd have to say no on this one, because I don't see many people worth resurrecting.
5) If I had to kill myself, I'd jump into a swimming pool of Jell-O because it's one of the coolest things you can do that will kill you.

6) He doesn't know why his eyes exploded, you don't know why his eyes exploded. So you threaten him, and say that if he doesn't pay (extremely exorbitant divedend x), you'll make his testicles go next. Cash the check, give the manager the money he wants, then use a portion to bribe the victim's higher-ups to contact you in the event a murder plot is concocted, in addition to the regional assassins you have under your payroll for the same purpose. After finding out the plan, you preempt it with a strike of your own, employing one of those trigger-happies to do your business. It may sound cold, but maybe he shouldn't have tried to kill you for bluster alone.

7) I've never subverted an entire populace.

Stefan's questions
1) I like a firm bed, I can't get comfortable on soft beds because I feel like they're too "mushy". Besides which, with soft beds you're more likely to sleep in a position cutting off circulation, and I hate having my arm fall asleep when I wake up.

2) I would not be able to survive, let alone tolerate this apocalyptic scenario, no matter how much I kid myself. Simply stated if you lose power, you lose reliable ways to mass produce food, and anyone not in a rural area is pretty much dead to begin with. Unless we factor in cannibalism, in which case I'd probably get along fine and dandy because I have no qualms about eating someone to ensure my own survival.

3) I'm an atheist, and a stereotypical one at that. I see the lack of proof in a God the main reason he does not exist. If you make a claim, you best back it up with non-partisan evidence. People say to me all the time that the idea of a central god is a recurring cultural aspect and therefore social proof, but that's not true. The majority of religions have always been polytheistic, which doesn't gel with the theory that a single god is controlling social tides. Many Christians I've talked to have said "oh those Greeks were wrong, they clearly invented Gods to explain things they could rationally not", to which my rebuttal was "but aren't you doing the same thing?'. Not to grind an axe or anything.

4) I don't expect to be married before 30 because I refuse to compromise myself for some random who's so self-important they have the audacity to think I care more about them than anything else. The people I get along with are a rare breed, so I don't see myself getting married any time soon. I would like to eventually, if only for the sake of providing my lineage a chance at living with a typical family unit. Savvy?

New Questions
1) One hand is on fire, one hand has frostbite, and you're missing a leg. Thinking of what you've done in your life and your daily routine, how did this most likely happen?

2) What do you hate most about yourself?

3) What do you like most about yourself?

4) If you give a thumbs up, do you mean to genuinely encourage someone, or are you being patronising?



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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 09:15:42 pm »
Okay, I don't normally do this, but here goes.

- What's your greatest fear?
Heights. I get scared looking down at the ground from my 6'4" frame sometimes.
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
I don't really know. Before I finished school I was really shy and found it difficult to talk to anyone, and also copped more than my fair share of bullying which didn't help. Since then, I've done a lot of work over the past year to try and correct this, but I haven't really put myself into any social situations to test it. I've basically been a recluse since March. Whether this means I haven't improved or am just lazy is for you to decide.
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
I can't remember when, but I'll bet it was because I was, y'know, sick. Not drunk or anything silly.
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
Not really, I have a pretty thick skin for that sort of thing.
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
I don't know it off hand, but I could work it out. But since I don't care, I won't.
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
About every second day. Without going into too much detail, I tend to be pretty comprehensive. And I am terrible with brushing my teeth.
- What is your favorite color or colour?
Probably a dark blue. On an unrelated note, props to Thorn for remembering that not all of us spell colour wrong.
- How are/were your grades in school/college?
Really good when I was young, then less good when I got lazy. Basically how good I went was dependent on how much I cared. As such my maths/science/commerce marks were always respectable, and English could just gtfo.
- Are you socially awkward?
Yes. I think Crowbar summed it up when he said most internet users are quite shy in "real" social situations. Or maybe I'm saying that to comfort myself. (As for the quotation marks around real, that's another story for another time.)
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
No, unless having longer limbs and just generally being more awesome than everyone is a deformity now.
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
Eh... This is a tough question as I haven't really experienced both sides. Pretty much all the time my bed has been soft, so I'll go with that for familiarity.
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
Nope. That basically sums it up :P
- What are your religious beliefs?
I believe religion is a crutch for the weak.
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
Hm, good question. I don't honestly expect it, but it'd be nice.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
mike89 was never supposed to say a whole lot. It's pretty self explanatory really. Some time later though I began to resent my lack of originality and tried to come up with something different. Thus, yse. So chosen because at the time it seemed nobody in the chat could spell "yes". And "teh" is ridiculously overused.
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
I'd like to say I don't have a grudge against anyone, but that's unfortunately not true. I generally have a policy of not dealing with morons, and part of the reason I like this place so much is because you don't get the ratio of morons you might get at other places. As such, I would say ks8, s&a, or anyone that's got themselves banned. I don't hold grudges against anyone who beats a record of mine - I know that comparatively, my records are weak.
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
Sonic 06 no, the others I know enough about. But I'll still rant about how bad they are (06 included) if it'll piss someone off.
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
In terms of competing, not care. In terms of the social situation at TSC, weep because that would mean ks8 had finally got his way.
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
This is a question I have never really thought about. Given I use them liberally it would be hypocritical to say I am opposed to them, and indeed I think in general any attempt by a company to limit what people can do with its content is limiting to the company. You can see this with the RIAA and companies like Viacom with their running lawsuits.
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
RPG, obviously. Add Thorn and Aitamen to us and you have a pretty outrageous combination. Better known as the Quadrinity. Other than that, anyone I can have an intellectual discussion with. That extends from people like Rolken and F-Man to younger guys like Achlys and Stefan. Then there's genus. He's obviously the reason this topic exists, and I give him massive respect for the opinions he has because they're far better thought out than most people's. But he has some crazy ideas too. I don't think I'd want to deliberately ostracise myself like he does.
- Who do you consider to be your competition?
Nobody really. I gave up competing with other people around 2006 when I realised how little all the championships meant to me. What's important to me about the records is that they go as low as they can. I don't care who does it. As such, if I find something out that adds to the store of TSC knowledge and takes stats even further, it is of course my duty to let everyone know.
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
Not really. I played Megamix because of all the hype it got, and frankly I was underwhelmed. A few years ago I got right into fangames and played a lot of them, but when I realised only a few were good I stopped with that, too.

Hey, that wasn't so bad!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 09:23:56 pm by yse »

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 09:25:11 pm »

- What's your greatest fear?

 Corporal mortification, jellyfish, general obsolescence.

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?

 Really, really antisocial and a complete mess.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?

At least five years ago.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?

Not as much as I'd think.

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?

No. It's kinda pointless if you don't know the jargon.

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?

I'm bad about that. That's all I'll say. :/

- What is your favorite color or colour?

Octarine :o.

- How are/were your grades in school/college?

meh :/

- Are you socially awkward?


- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?

Not rly.

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?

Soft is nice.

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

I'd be ready. Not sure I'd survive. I'd probably start walking across the States and see a few places I've never been able to. Or I could carjack my way across the US if I was insane.

- What are your religious beliefs?

I don't really have anything specific, like most people on site.

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

Neither, really. Then again I'm 13, so meh.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?

Nothing. WingedInsignia has a similar flow to it like SadisticMystic, and now that I think of it that's probably where it came from.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?

A few people annoy me. Not mentioning who, though.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?

I know a bit about Chaotix, know enough about '06 to know it's crap (sry Da1 :(), and SPA seems like the Premier Cup of TSC: played almost singularly by pros wanting to escape the clogged charts of S2.

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?

Root for anyone attempting to get the champ from ks8.

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?

Fine, as long as it's before N64 era, as of now they only exist on old "retro" collections. Mainly I get them to compete.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?

TUSC clique. Rick, Sondow, Thorn, and I. They can annoy me a lot but they're still cool.

- Who do you consider to be your competition?

Generally all the SA2 nubs: RR, JB occasionally, S3K at times...

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?

I lurk on S2beta occasionally. I don't think I'd make a good member there, but I enjoy watching the action at least.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
  • Speed Sneaker
  • Invincible
  • Rocket Sneaker
  • Grow
  • Shrink
  • Change monitor with Knuckles icon
  • Fire Shield
  • Water Shield
  • Electric Shield
  • Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)

Speed Sneakers for occasional lols in school hallways.
All the Shields for being awesome and etc.
Knux monitor (just so I can superglide) >_>

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?

Grind them up into powder and sell it as "magic dust".

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?

genus' Gallery of WTF

- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?

People like genus for posing odd metaphysical questions.

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?

Call a friend to turn them off.

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?

Under a kid's bed. "There's a monster under there D:"

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?

No. I don't want any special powers. I would refer him to someone I knew well though, but who wasn't my best friend, for instant life insurance.

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?

Being frozen to death, or dying in the desert.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?

File a lawsuit saying that he planted explosives in them beforehand.

- What's the best thing you've never done?

Be awesome.

Okay, now start spilling everything that you never wanted us to hear. I'm sure other people will have even more ideas for questions, so don't be surprised by anything.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2007, 10:28:56 pm »
-My Greatest Fear....I have no fear.
- My personaility is a Quiet,usually doesnt talk unless you talk to me type.
- Last time I vomited was at home...and I had a stomach virus that spread around.
- My school's Gym's Bathrooms....
- The...What....No i really dont care...
- I shower everyday on school days but during summer i skip a day or two. I Brush my teeth only in the morning.
- My Favorite Color is Green.
- Lately not good Probably a D or two here and there. But that was a progress report.
- No.
- I dont Know...Im A 12th Grader?
-Soft. But I Adapt To All.
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
- Christianity
- ......ehhh Yeah

- Not really anything...
- hmm...Sometimes Da1andonly socially. Sometimes GerbilSoft.
- I Own 06' and i hear talk about it alot. the others i never even played before.
- Shuffle charts are up! Dont care.
- I like them they are awesome.
- No
- Who do you consider to be your competition? Eredani,Groudon,Sonicam,Rolken,Sonicandamy,Da1andonlySonic,
Psborg,PPA,Sprintgod i think thats all.
- Yes i like fan games when i have spare time. I search sometimes for new ones.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

Speed Sneaker
Rocket Sneaker
Change monitor with Knuckles icon
Fire Shield
Water Shield
Electric Shield
Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
Water Shield,Play around with it bounce around town.
Electric Shield, Start running and touching High Voltage Places.
Speed Sneaker, Go Run Track :D
Invinciblity,Activate and brag that I can Use it.
Rocket Sneaker,Ha..Ride Around Anywhere I want.
- Keep It and Tell No One Of it.
- Hm....Keep them and use them however i please.
- retalitate. Destroy them all.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- People who snitch for the fun of it.
- I Give Them The Insurance.
- In a Lake. Because No one Barley Goes Fishing around here.
- No
- Shoot Myself In the Head.
- BlackMailing.
- ......Murder?

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 10:32:33 pm »
Oh what the heck.

- What's your greatest fear? Spiders, needles, and the words "Squad Broken" when they're put together. Trust me, you DON'T want to know the reason for the last one.
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world? Nothing special
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? The last time I had stomach flu
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care? I believe it is e^x +xe^x
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night? Once or twice a day.
- What is your favorite color or colour? Purple, blue, and black
- How are/were your grades in school/college? High school, 3.82. College 3.74
- Are you socially awkward? Yes, very much so.
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing? Fused ankle bones.
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between? Somewhat soft.
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses? Yes, because I know someone who's a survival expert.
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to? As much as I would like that, the chances of me getting married are slim to none.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially? No one in particular, but idiotic, stuipd, shallow comments really piss me off.
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)? Only when I know enough. In terms of Sonic 06, I'm usually the one starting the dissing.
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? Weep on the inside since I hear that game sucks.
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs? Strongly against because they seem too much like pirated software for comfort.
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? Usually SJ, RPG, and particullary intelligent discussions with Rolk (those are some real stimulating topics such as our discussion on the truth about cancer)

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so: Grow (so I can smash stuff under my foot), Lightning Shield, Speed Sneaker, clock, and invincibility.

Speed Sneaker
Rocket Sneaker
Change monitor with Knuckles icon
Fire Shield
Water Shield
Electric Shield
Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please) Use CC to travel around the world on a grand adventure. If anyone threatens me or I witness an evil act, I punish the evil doer with the full brunt of the offensive powers of the emerald (including Chaos Blast under the right circumstances.
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now? Seal six of them away in such a way that only I can access them and continue on as normal. I'd save all seven for when something truly needs their power.
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react? The aliens must obviously be evil since they're going arouond killing innocent people for no reason, so I would crush them with the Emeralds' full powers.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why? Everything and everyone. Why? For no reason what so ever. KILL MAIM BURN KILL MAIM BURN KILL MAIM BURN
- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why? The ocean. Nothing will be left in a matter of hours.
- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you? No. No kind of power is worth betraying my best friend.
- What's the best thing you've never done? Beat up Omega Zero blind-folded with only the sword and no sub-tanks.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 12:15:57 pm by magnum12 »
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2007, 11:18:53 pm »
Sounds random and fun
- What's your greatest fear? Idk Hights?

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world? Eh the quiet guy sometimes and relaxfull. Sometimes I mess around though.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited? Yesterday? I kinda vomited some acid like thing(Burned my trought)Reason? I dont know
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?No
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?What?
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night? Shower daily and hardly brush my teeth=/
- What is your favorite color or colour? Its starting to become white
- How are/were your grades in school/college? Eh in the average to A because I dont like homework.
- Are you socially awkward?I guess
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?What?
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?Idk just something comfortable
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?Hell no
- What are your religious beliefs?Ummm not sure
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to? When the time comes..... and yes.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?Nothing just sounds cool
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?Eh no one really I like the compitition.
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?Dont know squat and dont comment them.
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care? Not care mostly because I dont have it.
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?Good thing because we can have tournys like these
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who? Idk not really just random people
- Who do you consider to be your competition? Eh anyone who trys to stop me!
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
Hacks are cool but I dont really look for them.
Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

Speed Sneaker Once in a while run to my place and get anything I forgot
Invincible     Sneek into peoples houses either for pleasure or for humor heheh
Rocket Sneaker I dont feel like flying
Grow       My cock?
Shrink      Idk
Change monitor with Knuckles icon   I got nothing
Fire Shield      I got nothing
Water Shield    I got nothing
Electric Shield    I got nothing
Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)   Time travel???Do something fun stupid or whatever and then go back in time.
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)I keep it and wait for sonic to appear searching for the emerald
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now? I would use their power for unlimited energy at my place so I could play non stop.
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?I kick their asses

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why? DA BAD GUYS!
- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do? Nothing~
- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?Chop up the body into really small
pieces and then burry them in a forrest like 50ft under the ground.
- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you? Eh sure
- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why? I would never kill myself.
- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?Just work with the guy and try to get him to give me the money you know br friends.
- What's the best thing you've never done?1st rank in sitewide
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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2007, 02:50:19 am »
- What's your greatest fear?

already done

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?

its not like my user name, but I act the same as I do online.  I see no reason to act like someone I'm not.  I do hide myself from personal info, but only in certain circumstances on certain websites, but my attitude is the same in real life.  I joke a lot, but I can be serious.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?

years ago due to stomach flu in my aunt's bathroom.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?

its kinda hard to gross me out now...internet and all has pretty much desensitized me.  Burping still does it for me :/.

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?


- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?

I brush my teeth like any normal person, due to what can happen if you dont as much.  I shower like once every 4 days, but I do clean myself up in certain areas from time to time.  I do need to change this though >_<.  Also when I do bathe, its fairly well as I get everyone on my body.  (yes that means my ass and not afraid to get in between dammit)

- What is your favorite color or colour?

cant ask me on favorites...never liked those topics as I cant name just 1 favorite.  One of them would be royal blue.

- How are/were your grades in school/college?

started with an average of 4.3 throughout school till 7th grade when things kinda went downhill.  I let people get to me and it was affecting my grades.  Also I was getting sick a lot and would miss school and that totally fucked me over.  High School started out great and got me up a but in grades, but later on in my junior year, things started slipping again.  I really messed up, but I made sure I graduated.  I just didn't know what the hell I wanted to do with my life and so the classes I took were just bullshit and just something the school wanted to put me in so I could be in school.  At that point I had at least 2 classes I didn't even like so I either failed those or got a C.  It hurt me, but I just said fuck it.  I do regret some things I did like I should have done better in my math classes and I should have stayed on certain courses that I knew I would do great in as some of my classmates would wonder just what the hell I was thinking of doing a completely random class when I was good at say something like....metal shop (which would turn into something else that I cant remember).

- Are you socially awkward?

sometimes, but I'm sort of a loner.  thing is, its just knowing what to say that sucks and on that notion I could rant on just about anything.  that itself can either get awkward or get the ball rolling.

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?

deformities?  nope

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?

in between, too firm as its like a wood plank and too soft is not good for the spine/neck.  for me it needs to be more firm than soft.

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

no...yeah I fail :/

- What are your religious beliefs?

heh, funny you should ask this.  I have none, but I do get whats behind religion and its goings on.  Its just some people go a little overboard and get the wrong interpretations.  Its all in good faith on these subjects, but its something I haven't gone into deep thought about.  Another note, these backgrounds to religions with their stories are pretty facinating and how each one goes into detail of how life and civilization has begun for each of them.

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

no and no >_>

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?

If anything is that I'm a fighting game fan, and if you get anything out of that is that I'm able to compete and like it.  It feels good and gets me excited when its not just me vs. CPU.  Shadow and Jacky have different meanings...but in reality it was just something I thought up of as spur of the moment to get into gamefaqs when I wanted to join the forums.

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?

eredani.  I'm not joking this time, but yes I kinda have a grudge against him.  I know he's good, but its just in the past it felt like he was picking on me for some reason.  If I were to do something in Sonic Heroes or another game I was into, he would come along and either beat me with ease.  I would track him sometimes and see what he was up to in the charts.  He has a lot of games up his sleeve, but its just his mysteriousness that I mess with him sometimes.  I dont know what he does or what's going on with him and that kinda bothers me, but I'm ok with it.  Now I can kinda hang with him, but goddammit its like he can just pick up anything an pwn with it.  Also I wish he wasn't so lazy with his stats :/ (which can be said about others here >_>)

I also have a grudge against paragod cause he's an asshole.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?

I know little about Sonic Pocket Adventure, but have seen vids and its basically Sonic 2 Jr.  It doesn't affect me in the slightest.  Sonic 06 I wish was a better game, but that also doesn't get me riled up.  I still would like to play it though.  Chaotix I have finally played and I hate it...ok not entirely, but the levels suck ass.  Overall, I still discuss in only the games I have played, but if I truly never had an experience with a game, then I don't say anything.  Still, there's some games I do discuss in which I haven't even played before...yet could you tell the difference?

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?

I dont care, because I dont have the game or a Dreamcast.

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?

It would be the same as stealing, but I dont go overboard on them.  Still, it brings new light on these games to completely do as you please with them that you couldn't on consoles.  Within the boundaries of old ass games I'm ok with.  Its just its a little bad when you go out with newer games or of a last generation that its a problem with me.  Another main thing that I like about them is the fact you get to play games on a system in which you would have never been able to before because the system isn't sold anymore or the game isn't sold anymore.  Also you cant break it or your little brothers/sisters/cousins/whoever cant either.  Also being able to play imported goods or games set in other regions because of differences.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?

nope, I try to talk to everyone...that is if they do talk or if I feel like talking.

- Who do you consider to be your competition?

anyone who interferes with my position in the standings on any game that I strive to be well in.

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?

I dont care as much as others, I do follow what everyone here considers good, but only so far as I have to see it for myself and make judgement.


- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

    * Speed Sneaker (because I love speed)
    * Change monitor with Knuckles icon (being Knuckles wouldn't be so bad as he's a powerhouse)
    * Fire Shield (assuming its the properties from S3K then hell yeah)
    * Water Shield (same as above)
    * Electric Shield (same as above)

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)

yeah I might do the whole super hero routine if I could that is...would be a little weird in reality to be able to have super powers around people and not get noticed and people freaking out...even little kids.  I would help my family in any way I could for starters.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?

hell if I know...thats too much power for any individual to handle and not too sure if my body would be able to take it without exploding or something.  If I could handle it...hell if I around with them or the same as the above only much more effective.

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?

I will fuck them dont go around blowing shit up for no fucking reason.  If there is a reason, I might be too pissed off to actually reason with them.  Then again, would the emeralds allow me to communicate with any species or language?  If so, then I guess something could be done...if its a takeover, then by all means get the fuck out of my way.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?

WTF?  Then again, have you heard of Dexter?

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?

oh shit....continue my trip.  I'm fine either way as I dont see how the pilot light being on and a stereo would result in an explosion, and if one did happen I'm insured.

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?

If I learned anything...wait, I'm kinda paranoid about these matters actually I'm not saying shit.

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?


- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?

why the hell would I do that?

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?

that would be god genus these questions, but then again I'm answering some of them >_>.  If anything he would cancel the order as he hasn't paid for anything if I were to ask him.  He wouldn't need the glasses as his eyes fucking exploded.

- What's the best thing you've never done?

yeah....>_>  I guess it would be to travel.  as simple as that.

Edit:  more answers

- Do you listen to Music? If you do, how often?

yes and very often, whenever I'm at my comp I listen to whatever I have.  If its the radio, then I skim through stations to see if anything is good (anything).  Also something I like to do if I can is go through the music stations on digital cable late at night and just listen to whatever is on on all the stations and I surprise myself on what I like.

What's your least favorite genre of music? If you don't like that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do? (Be logical and respect the opinions of others, please >_>)

My least favorite as I haven't found that even appeals to me is Country of any type.  Its just...meh, no life to me whatsoever.  I dont hate it though.  I can see why some would as its kinda like the blues to me, but its just something about the voices...>_<  Also if this could be considered as well...its most mainstream music that gets shoved down our throats.  Also I do agree on what genus said about rap...he really hit it on the head.

1) One hand is on fire, one hand has frostbite, and you're missing a leg. Thinking of what you've done in your life and your daily routine, how did this most likely happen?

oh man, I dont like puzzles >_<.  To me, it sounds like a bad expedition and survival in the Arctic.

2) What do you hate most about yourself? 

that I'm so weak

3) What do you like most about yourself? 

that I'm tall

4) If you give a thumbs up, do you mean to genuinely encourage someone, or are you being patronising?

It not like I do this often, but when I did it was patronizing :/

Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?

eredani: (who didn't see this one coming from me?) might know why.
rolken:  its just something about him besides being the creator of TSC
GerbilSoft:  this would be quite interesting as I wonder about his real life sometimes.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 12:20:01 am by Shadow Jacky »
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

Completed Runs:
Sonic Heroes: Team Sonic: SS
Rocket Knight Adventures: Easy (US): SS

In the Future:
Aero The Acrobat (Genesis) | More...

Offline P.P.A.

Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 06:55:05 am »
- Greatest fear: Vomit. I have emetophobia. :(
- IRL Personality: Rather quiet, serious, and boring. Also my TSC name is the initials of my RL name.
- Ugh: At home, at the 23.12.2004. One day before Christmas. Worst Christmas ever. Also because of that I now fear every new Christmas.
- Gross: Good reviews of Sonic 2.
- xexdx: No. You got me interested! :O
- Bath and teeh: I take a shower every morning, and no, although I should. >_<
- Colour: Dark blue.
- Grades: Usually quite good, but they dropped after I missed school 2 months because of that clinic. Have recovered though, I usually have the best total of grades in my class~
- I never meet people, so I dunno. >_>
- Sondow: No.
- Bed: Shouldn't be too soft. Most important thing is however, that my head lies somewhat upright.
- APOCALYPSE: I don't know... As much as I disapprove today's way of life, I'm not sure if I could do well without it.
- Religion: Protestantic. I keep wanting to read the Bible, then forget about it. But I'm rather religious nonetheless.
- <3: Yes, yes.

- h8: bertin. >_>
- SPA is shit. As for Chaotix and Sonic 06, I haven't played them but am interested in doing so. I just lack the consoles. THEIR SOUNDTRACKS ARE AWESOME THOUGH.
- Shuffle: IT BURRRRRNS. I feel all of this. I'm happy I won't have to play through the board game (savefile hax ftw), dunno if I'm willing to take the loading times, and don't really care in the end.
- ROMs: If I like a game as ROM, I also want it in real life. Playing ROMs instead of the real games is wrong for me.
- Cliques: I often chat with Zeupar 1-on-1, but in the chat, I talk with everyone. Assuming they don't idle. >_>
- Competition: bertin in Sonic R.
- hax: I sometimes check sites like S2B for new ones.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

    * Speed Sneaker
    * Invincible
    * Rocket Sneaker
    * Water Shield

No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
I don't care and want the Time Stones instead because they were in Sonic CD and could manipulate time. I keep it anyway.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?
I try to use Chaos Control to connect to Sonic's world so I can GET A REAL LIFE CHAO <3<3<3
Also I'll save them so I can become SUPER P.P.A. in cases of emergency.

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?
I fight back. I buy a bow, enhance it with Chaos Emerald power or something and blow alien motherships up.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- Serial Killer: People who own companies that pollute the planet. Or in general, people with power who don't catre about the environment.
- I? Touching a corpse? Eww, imagine what bacteria could be on it. *sets it on fire*
- No.
- Suicide: I don't know... But what I know is, I would NEVER do it with poison. Because poison is unhealthy. :(
- Eyeball: I paint the glasses black and tell him that when wearing these, nobody would have to see his empty eyeholes.
- Travel around and living in the nature.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 05:37:39 am by P.P.A. »

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline DsSaster

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 03:00:15 pm »
What's your greatest fear?
- My greatest fear is...fear itself!

Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
- In the real world I am mostly quiet, listening and observing...but then other days the exact opposite.

When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
- The last time I threw up was a couple, maybe 3 or 4 years ago at home from taking some medicine for my flu, man was it nasty! :(

Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
- Nope

Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
- No, and I don't give a flying ****.

How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
- I bathe at least once a day very well, and yes, I brush my teeth every night.

What is your favorite color or colour?
- Blue...what?

- How are/were your grades in school/college?
- Straight A's, sometimes a B.

Are you socially awkward?
- I would guess not. :/

Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
- No

Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
- Meh, I guess somewhere between soft and firm, doesn't really matter though.

Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
- Probably, seems interesting to me. :D

What are your religious beliefs?
- I'm a Christian

Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
- Hmm...I'm not sure if I want to be married yet. :/

In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
- My screen name is suppose to say that...I am the one, the only, Sonic the Hedgehog!  In competition, it doesn't matter what happens, cause I will never give up the fight, for I live and learn from my mistake. :)

Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
- I don't have a grudge against anyone...yet.

You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
- Hell yeah!  Sonic 06 is 1337!

Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
- lolshuffle >_>

What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
- Honestly, I don't associate myself with them...anymore. :/

Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
- Yes; Alondite, PsyBorg, ShadowJacky, PPA and CherryMay ;)

Who do you consider to be your competition?
- ...anyone who stands in my way.

Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
- Nowhere near as much as I used to, but I'll search and download every now and then.

Fan Fiction
Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

    * Speed Sneaker
    * Invincible
    * Rocket Sneaker
    * Grow
    * Shrink
    * Change monitor with Knuckles icon
    * Fire Shield
    * Water Shield
    * Electric Shield
    * Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)

No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
- Speed Sneaker, Invincible, Fire Shield, Water Shield, Electric Shield.  Why?  I could double my speed, become immune to damage or use the elements of fire, water and electricity.  With these 5 powers, you're just about fully covered for any situation.

In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
- ...O...M...G...the ability to control time and space in the palm of my hand!  CHAOS CONTROL FTW!!!

After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?

After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?
- I'll give them a SUPER ass kickin'!

genus' Gallery of WTF
You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
- Anyone who's asking for it, literally or figuratively! >:(

All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
- I get paid. ;)

You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
- I dump it in the ocean.  Sure, it COULD be found...but that takes time. >:)

You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
- Sorry, there's no way in hell I could do it. :(

You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
- Drowning, because it'll remind me of Sonic. ;)

You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
- ...dude...I'm stuck between laughing and asking wtf!?! :/

What's the best thing you've never done?
- Give up on life. :)
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline JBertolli

Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2007, 08:11:54 pm »
I had everything neatly answered but had it fucking deleted >_>

- What's your greatest fear?
- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
few months ago, bathroom, migrane
- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
my sister
- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
no and no
- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
shower every school night fo 15 minutes (though not all that time is spent cleaning <_<) and brush my teeth every school morning and every night
- What is your favorite color or colour?
- How are/were your grades in school/college?
93% A's average but could be 98-100% or higher if I weren't lazy
- Are you socially awkward?
can't say I am
- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
just a 6 degree back curvature, nothing really
- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
more soft than firm
- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
can but would probably end up in depression
- What are your religious beliefs?
I believe in God but don't know my certain religion, if I have one
- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
Yes but then I am like a trapped bird with one mate.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
just my name
- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
know nothing of Pocket Adventure and no comment
- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
don't care
- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
Legally, you should also own the console/handheld version, but I'd like more than that.
- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
- Who do you consider to be your competition?
- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
If they are decent I will play those that TSCers suggest

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

Speed Sneaker
Rocket Sneaker
Change monitor with Knuckles icon
Fire Shield
Water Shield
Electric Shield
Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
Speedshoes in track finals, invincibility in a no-way-I'm-going-to-win fight, fire shield if my house catches on fire, water shield if I need to be underwater a long time, and electric shield when in a jewelry store.
- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
Use it, srsly, what could be cooler
- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?
become SUPER JB :D
- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?
kil dem al

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
Now why the hell would I do that?
- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
Wait, what?
- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
tie some bricks to him, stuff him in a brief case, take a cruise, and throw him in the ocean
- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
Can I restore my own life at will?
- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
a painless poison (if there be one)
- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
quit or threaten the client by putting on the glasses again

Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2007, 08:26:06 pm »
Whew, this took longer than expected.

- What's your greatest fear?
Genuinely feeling alone

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
I'm a very cold, systematic, yet polite person if you don't know me. If I know you pretty well, I'm more friendly, encourage excessive multiplayer gaming, will make many quotes to things I know we both know, and will be more than happy to do you any favors involving electronics. I also tend to stay out of everyone's way, and (for the most part) do what I'm told to avoid unnecessary conflict.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
Last year when I was running the mile for gym. I exceeded my physical limits, and my stomach wasn't happy about it.

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
Not Really...

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
Argh, I vaguely grasp the concept, but no, and no

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
I shower and brush my teeth daily. Sometimes my showers are a little slipshod, though, where I mainly just shampoo my hair.

- What is your favorite color or colour?
Black. Oh wait, that's a, then

- How are/were your grades in school/college?
Just recently lost my 4.0 :( I'd be safe in saying about 3.8, probably

- Are you socially awkward?
I have difficulty communicating with technologically illiterate, generally uneducated, or just plain unintelligent people. Otherwise, I get along with people pretty easily.

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
A scar on my right arm at the joint. That's about it.

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
I'd say somewhere in between, probably more towards the firm side.

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
I'd probably go insane

- What are your religious beliefs?

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
Not a clue. Probably, if I meet the perfect match, or else I'll make that Amy Rose robot that I've always wanted to or something <_<

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
Auriman1 incorporates my real name into it, and yet it clearly identifies me among the internet community. Seriously, no one uses this username anywhere on the internet besides me, it seems, unless they're impersonating me or have stolen my account...
At least I never really used that e-mail account

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
sonic&amy, though this grudge has weakened from lack of exposure

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
From what I've seen and heard, I guess I'd defend Sonic '06

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
I've got that game, so might as well compete in it, if time allows

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
I like to legally own the game, or buy the game shortly after downloading if I'm pleased, it's still available brand new in stores, and I don't need to sell organs to buy it. I tend to avoid buying used games for deceased systems, however, as it doesn't really support the game industry, anyway.

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
I just drop a line wherever I feel like it needs to be done. I don't really have a clique <_<

- Who do you consider to be your competition?
anyone and everyone, assuming I care even a little about what we're doing

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
I don't really search for them, but I'll try them every once in a while

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:
No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?
Speed Sneaker, Invincibility, and the three shields. I'd use the Speed Sneakers and Invincibility to play DDR to the maxx, or just freak people out performing death-defying stunts, and the shields have many practical uses.

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)
I'd use it to power my house for free, and sell some electricity back to the power company. Chaos control would also become my transportation of choice.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?
I'd go on a rampage or something for kicks, or use the energy that defies physics to cause general mayhem with new inventions.

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?
I'd go take them out, just because I can.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
Retired government and militant officials leeching off pension money.
Also stupid people. There's nothing I can't stand more than stupid people...

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
Let them burn >:)

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
I suppose I'd rig it to an explosive device, bring it out to the middle of the ocean, and then watch the fireworks. They'll have difficulty finding THAT body, won't they? Also, fish and decomposition will get the job done before they could even identify any part of it as a body, since it's already been broken up.

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
Does restoring life include your own? Otherwise, I wouldn't even consider it. Population's already out of control without zombies running around.

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
I'd go do everything I've always wanted to do, not worrying about consequences, obviously, then hang myself with a game controller or some similar ironic manner to represent what I've lived for.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
Help him sue the eyeglass company under the claim of making eye-exploding glasses, and take my share of the dough

- What's the best thing you've never done?
Changed my physical appearance and dna structure at will
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 10:17:38 pm by Auriman1 »
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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2007, 11:06:04 pm »
Some new questions:

Do you listen to Music? And if you do how often?

What's your least favorite genre of music?  If you dont like it that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do?  (you dont have to like it, but you shouldn't trash it for stupid reasons either or of what you hear from other people, self opinion is unique opinion is important)

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2007, 11:11:17 pm »
^I'm gonna add one more on top of that one that I'm surprised I hadn't typed out before. As I go along I'm trying to make questions that people'll be more and more reluctant to answer. It's a great way to tell who's really self-conscious.

- Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2007, 11:32:40 pm »
genus' Questions 2.0
1) I'm missing a leg, one hand's on fire, and the other has frostbite. Right. I got into a willpower contest with someone. One time at a party, there was a cooler filled with very cold water and ice (I believe the thermometer put it at 30 degrees farenheit), and I stuck my hand in it to demonstrate that I was stoic. Someone said that anyone could do that, and so they stuck their hand in as well. So did droves of others, so we all had our hands in this water. At the 30 minute mark, well past the point when frostbite sets in, I was the only one left. To prove how great I was, I kept my hand in for another 5 minutes before taking it out. It was mostly skin damage and I lost circulation in that hand for a good hour or so, but I proved a point. My other hand probably got set on fire from disobeying authority and playing with matches while holding my hand in cold water, as I find fire very interesting. I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden, I'm aflame. Losing my leg was most likely the result of a coyote attacking me while I was exposed, as those are a huge problem in the area. Maybe a fisher cat as well. Those things are vicious.

2) The thing I hate most about myself is probably how unemotional I am. Simply put, I could care less if someone were to, say, kill my favorite people. I've realized that this is a genuinely detrimental thing, not just a general attitude someone has towards the way you live. It's actively interfering in my personal life because I'm not able to relate to other people, and only understand their thought process on an intellectual level. I really don't care about anything either, and most interest I express is entirely synthetic, an attempt to get myself genuinely involved in something.

3) The thing I most like about myself is my ability to think logically and strategically. Simply put, I'm able to manipulate people very easily should I so choose. It's gotten me out of many tight spots before, and probably will get me out of more.

4) I give people the thumbs up sign all the time, but apparently most take offense because they think you're mocking them. That's part of the reason I asked this question. I want to know what everyone else is doing that gets everyone else so suspicious. It's really not that patronizing of a hand gesture.

SJ's questions
1) I don't go out of my way to listen to music because everyone else where I lives sees fit to blast it at max volume 24/7 in an attempt to drown things out, but I do enjoy some of it.
2) Rap I don't like. Rap glorifies a materialistic subculture based more on pissing contests than anything else. It's not all about 'capping some hos' and such, but the majority of the songs do attempt to convey similarly inane messages. Everyone is trying to talk about how awesome they are, how they are the undisputed power in their area. In music, a composer should never resort to self flattery. I suppose the 'beats' are not so bad, if not stale because it's really just a few different sounds run through a sound synthesizer, but I can't respect music when it's devoid of message.

Thorn's Questions
I'd have to say SM, Stefan, and Rolken. Simply put I want to know what makes them tick. SM I see as interesting, because he always gives off the impression he's doing something of immense importance, and I want that substantiated. A glimpse into his thought process would also prove intriguing. Stefan because Stefan gets in some of the craziest arguments, and I'd love to see what opinions he tries to fence. Finally Rolken because a day in the life of the adminner is bound to be filled with oodles and oodles of high adrenaline action.

More new questions!

1) Would you stab a neighbor in the groin, or one of your parents in the arm?

2) You've just been endowed with the benevolent gift of seeing the future, but then 10 seconds later get blown up by a passing missile that you would in no other way be able to detect. In those 10 seconds, what are you thinking?

3) Raw fear and insomnia sets in, so you wind up pacing your room several hundred times over the course of a long night. Eventually word comes that you are about to be indicted for, among other things, human rights violations. You know you stand no chance at a trial, the cops are coming for you today, and you can't escape. What do you eat for breakfast?

4) Would you sacrifice functionality for beauty? Consider, for example, long nails vs. short nails.

5) You're a serial killer. What is your preferred method of homicide and why?

6) Who do you know that would be most likely to murder you and for what reason?

7) To the east of you is a large swarm of killer bees approaching swiftly, to the west of you is a cliff with a drop of 200 meters and huge spikes on the bottom, to the north is a pack of wolves, and to the south are beartraps laced with lye. Which direction do you choose?

8) While walking down the street one sunny day with your chums, you spot a child lieing facedown in the road. You walk over to the child to help them, but nothing you do seems to move them. Your friends are confused over your actions, as they see no child. You call a policeman, who also sees no child, and is not pleased. He has phoned the funny farm, and men in white coats are on their way. Do you keep insisting that there is a child in the road, or walk away and risk being responsible for their death?

9) You're stranded on a desert island with 3 rival Columbian drug dealers who wish to kill each other and a few of their subordinates, but for now have retreated to opposite ends of the island. Drugdealer A has the most manpower, but he's a touch slow, and probably not good with snap judgements. Drugdealer B is the most tactical, but you also don't trust him because he's been known to sell people out if need be. Drugdealer C is likeable, but he has the fewest men and the worst weapons. Which drugdealer do you side with and why?


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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2007, 11:50:35 pm »
Do you listen to Music? And if you do how often?
I practically have either the radio or a CD going all day. I am pro rock music, but I listen to pretty much everything.

What's your least favorite genre of music?  If you dont like it that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do?
I can't stand rap music. Basically genus hit it on the head, though I can see how it appeals to a young audience.

Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?
1. RPG. This might seem odd because, apart from the drunken antics in chat, RPG and I are actually quite similar. The one difference is that RPG has a lot more confidence in himself than I do, and that's something I want to attain. Basically, it would be like a snapshot of where I want to be. Minus the booze.
2. genus. He's an outcast by choice, and while I don't agree with it, I'm still somewhat curious about it.
3. Sondow. Not much needs to be said about this one.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2007, 12:17:49 am »
genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why? - Well you're hardly looking for morals, so I won't take the easy route out and say I won't kill anyone. I'll kill people with inflated egos who put down everyone they "love" in a non-jesting way. Sort of self-explanatory.

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do? - I had to wiki pilot light. Anyway I call someone to turn them off :(. Can't lose my house.

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why? - I would hide the body probably in a hidden area of the plateaus around here, just because there's little likelihood it'd be found.

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you? - No.

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why? - Er. I'd do something really big probably, like jump off a well-trafficked building.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due? - I help the guy. A.) If I don't help him, owner's sued, I'm fired.
B.) If I do help him, it's morally right.


- What's the best thing you've never done? - Well. You could go the sex route, or the LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST route, or the awesome fun thing to do like skydiving route.

My soul hurts from thinking about those. :(


1) One hand is on fire, one hand has frostbite, and you're missing a leg. Thinking of what you've done in your life and your daily routine, how did this most likely happen? - I was making coffee and pouring the water into the back while holding onto the electric cord. Water spills, electrical burn on hand. Frostbite happened because, in the panic, I stuck my hand into the freezer and kept going for ice, eventually getting frostbite on the other hand. Finally, rather than own up to the fact I'm in pain, I'd potentially go to school as normal. Doing such, I have difficulty getting off the bus, trip, and my leg's run over. TADA.

2) What do you hate most about yourself? - My inability to a.) shut up at all b.) shut up at the right times

3) What do you like most about yourself? - Sense of humor, maybe. Intelligence, maybe. Hair, maybe.

4) If you give a thumbs up, do you mean to  genuinely encourage someone, or are you being patronising? - Totally mean it!


1. I listen to music all the time. All the time. Beats, melodies, harmonies, little ska up beats, everything makes the day. I love good sounds. :D I'm always listening to some extent. Or singing a melody.
2.I dislike -most- (not all) rap for the most part because it takes little musical talent. On the occasion that we have some r&b styled singer or a rapper with vocabulary (jay-z, ludacris, eminem), it's alright. But when it's stupid, baseless, bottled disrespect served on a platter of crap sounds, I don't like it. I can understand why many people would enjoy it, because it caters to their own sense of disrespect or because they like the beats or because they want to live in a hip-hop subculture. Country's another ick one. It's the same bottled disrespect only with singing and acoustic guitar. I can see some musical talent in it though. :o

Question of Thornicus

Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why? -

Genus. Because his intentional separation from most everything considered human culture intriqges me.
Mike. Because he's tall.

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2007, 12:31:37 am »
I might as well answer SJ's and my own questions now, since I'll forget my reasoning by tomorrow morning.

- Do you listen to Music? And if you do how often?
Sure, I listen to music. I listen to it as often as I happen to be in a situation with somebody else playing music. I don't usually listen to music for fun unless I'm doing something else at the same time.

- What's your least favorite genre of music?  If you don't like it that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do?
I. Hate. Rap. I sometimes struggle to find why people enjoy it, unless there's some sort of beat in the background. To me, it's just talking rhythmically.

- Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?
Heh, mike has very similar responses to my initial thoughts while making the question. Here's my logic:
1. RPG - Legal alcohol at his age? Why thank you, I'd love some. Also, I'd love to see if RPG's family thinks he's perverted as well. I'd want to try driving on the left, and perhaps attending the college classes that RPG regularly tells me he's blowing off. I could imaging meeting him on MSN the day of the swap too...

Dan | Controlled today by Thorn says:
     How are things over in Freedom World?
Thorn | Possessed by RPG says:
     Dude, I was the worst driver ever getting to your university
     I was pulled over, and this female cop had a right attitude too
     So I retorted back, and the bitch actually handcuffs me
     She's all "Anything you say will be held against you"
Dan | Controlled today by Thorn says:, not the BASH quote. PLEASE say you didn't...
Thorn | Possessed by RPG says:
     I did, sorry. X)  I said "tits" :P
     You'll have some explaining to do when you're back in your body k

2. mike - Is everything really backward in Aussieland? I want to watch the toilets spin, I want it to be summer this time of the year, and I want a kangaroo k.

Thorn | Taken over by mike says:
     It's so fucking cold here right now
     and I might have screwed things up with your girlfriend k
Mike | Controlled today by Thorn says:
     It's so fucking hot here right now
     and you never told me your family members' names, so they think I took a blow to the head
     also your height makes me feel liberated k. It sucks getting up from the floor though.

3. Sondow - I think we know why here. Sondow and I actually had a like conversation over SRB2 once on this topic. :P

* Now talking in #TUSC
* Topic is "The Freaky Friday Center - http://unofficial.soniccent- OMFG WE SWITCHED BODIES | Thorn and Sondow are teh mixors | Strong Bad is still banworthy | Word of the day: furgiggler
* Set by Rick on Wed Oct 24 18:06:42
* ChanServ sets mode: +o SonThorn
<@SonThorn> so nyway, OMFG
<~Thorndow> OMFG indeed
<@SonThorn> I cn hardly type. Or do anyting esle. But this is ,like, teh coolest exprience eevr.
<~Thorndow> Dude, you think you're surprised. I can pick things up. I have some fucking muscle tone.
<~Thorndow> I'm not exactly used to drinking things without a bendy straw though >_>
<@SonThorn> Of course X)
<@SonThorn> Aslo your brother may have pissed me off to the point where I cracked him one
<@SonThorn> Funny thig is, yor parets didnt care. He migt not bother you agan.
<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2007, 04:46:22 am »
Okay, a couple of questions. I might periodically add to this.

1. What's your motivation at TSC? Is it climbing the leaderboards, is it the community, or is it something else entirely?
2. What does the future hold for TSC?
3. Do you play sports, and if so, which one(s)? Are you pro sport in general? (commence drugs in sport spiel)

I refuse to post anything for the gallery of WTF, that's exclusively genus's territory.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 07:02:54 am by yse »

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2007, 06:08:57 am »
I highly approve of the reference to Freaky Friday

Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2007, 07:40:41 pm »
- What's your greatest fear?
Probably being alone in a place where people are interested in each other... like the 50s

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?
I'm about the same person online as offline... I'm a nutcase, always out for attention and a laugh... I'll talk about SSB/Sonic anytime someone bothers to give me the time of day and a willing ear, and I'm ALWAYS up for a debate about religion/politics/War/Sex, or anything that happened in FF7 ^_^

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?
At about noon yesterday, after slamming a 2-litre of mountain dew, I got hit in the stomach by a passing biker and puked all over him ^_^

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?
Not really, unless you count stuff I see online, like decapitations in my e-mail and the like...

- Do you know what the integral of xexdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?
Yes, and yes, I had calculus, and e is a fun number to play with ^_^

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?
Depends on where I am or who I'm around, generally... if others don't care, I generally don't either, but I brush my teeth at least every other day, but I do gargle mouthwash everyday...  I bathe whenever someone else cares, generally, or when my hair starts to hate me ^_^

- What is your favorite color or colour?
Colour, and it's probably Silver... I wear black so my silver stuff will show up... I'm a fiend for the shiny!

- How are/were your grades in school/college?
Very bad, and nearly the worst in every class, only failing twice (two semesters of history, and a semester chem that I didn't need so instead I went to the video-tech room to hang with my friends ^_^)

- Are you socially awkward?
Only if I'm around a society where screaming "STFU, N00BS!" is innappropriate...

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?
I have a BB stuck in my right foot which prevents me from running normally, and my eyes are annoyingly uneven (almost perfect but not)

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?
if I can't sink into it, it's not worth sleeping on... unless it's my gf's boobs, which I like laying between and makes the comfort of the bed itself null and void...

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?
Yes, I am a woodsman and I can hunt and fish rather easily...

- What are your religious beliefs?
I've created my own religion, the Million Spheres Concept, and have a few followers here and there.

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?
I don't believe in Marriage, though I am in a relationship that is as permanant as Marriage is supposed to be, I think...

- Do you listen to Music? If you do, how often? What's your least favorite genre of music? If you don't like that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do? (Be logical and respect the opinions of others, please >_>)
I understand why people like what they like, and I'll listen to just about anything, and sing anything that sounds good enough to be worth it... I don't like Ghetto Rap, because the people who sing it know nothing about it, and I'm commonly displeased with Country because it shows how stupid people are and how closed most relationships are (Before He Cheats, comes to mind as the #1 song to show how stupid Americans are)

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?
My name is just my name, it has a bit of history, but it's unique... google it and you'll find me: that's it's best purpose

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?
The only person I have any issue with is Sprint... and I'm not sure why.  I don't have anything but respect when it comes to in-game competition, but it's generally that I don't like him...  no harm, I just stay away from him, and he doesn't flame me either, so it's AOK

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?
I don't talk about 06 because I don't know anything about it, except that I don't like 3D games (I think all games should've stayed 2D, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy SSB/M or various other games... and yes, being MADE in 3D, regardless of gameplay axis, makes it 3D, like SSB, Rush, and various other games... as well as parts of Chaotix)
I like SPA ^_^

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?
I love it... I don't have it, atm, but I'll get it shortly!

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?
Generally, I'll buy the game if I can, but if it's just for competition or to test games, I'll play the ROM... and I'll almost always use the real game if applicable (the reason I have no real videos up)

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?
I am part of the Unholy Quadrinity (RPG, Mike, Thorn, and myself, in order of loudness to softness), and I talk to Eredani when concerning in-game challenges, since it offers no information about itself

- Who do you consider to be your competition?
myself, Danny, Denis, the quad, Eredani, and stanski, in that order

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?
I like hacks that bring out new gameplay, like S1MM, and I'm usually informed about them by people I know who online who DO go look for good hacks.

- Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why? 
The Rest of the Quad, because I think it'd be interesting to find out about them... or swap out Thorn or Eredani, because I still want to know wtf it is!

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- I want sprint shoes so I don't have to take my plane ride later today... I can just run across the ocean!
(ignoring the rest...)

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?
cute teenagers... if you have to ask, you're an idiot.

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?
*blink* repeatedly

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?
RPG's house... he'll eat it.

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?
nah... I'm too pretty to die ^_^

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?
sawed-off shotgun to my chest with blood all over a child choir at a church.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?
he's blind... stealing from the blind isn't hard... especially now that we have online-bank-accounts...

- What's the best thing you've never done?
Being me ^_^
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2007, 08:18:37 pm »
Here goes...

- What's your greatest fear?

Er... Don't know really, besides the obvious (torture, gruesome death, etc.)

- Most everybody on TSC has a screen name that really has no meaning to it, but sounds cooler or tougher than his/her real name. What's your personality like out in the real world?

Eh, I'm just a guy who tries to get his stuff done, pretty easygoing, but also easily annoyed. Oh, I'm also somewhat sarcastic.

- When, where, and why is the last time you vomited?

You think I keep track of that?

- Does anything that you see on a daily basis gross you out? What?

Not much these days, except RPG and his perverted discussions/links... >_>

- Do you know what the integral of xexxdx is (don't give the answer, or everybody'll know :P)? Do you care?

Er... what?

- How often do you bathe or shower, and how well? Do you brush your teeth every night?

Shower briefly every night, brush after breakfast and dinner, also briefly >_>

- What is your favorite color or colour?

Blue, green... blue-green? <_<

- How are/were your grades in school/college?

Huh, I had progress reports come out a few weeks ago. A, few Bs, C in history...

- Are you socially awkward?

Define awkward.

- Do you have any deformities of which TSC would be interested in knowing?

If you guys don't know by now, you FAIL.

- Do you like your bed soft, firm, or in between. To what extent between?

Um, how would an air matress classify?
...if you haven't heard of those, google it dammit

- Would you be able to live in the event that modern civilization/technology/structure collapses?

Take a wiiiiild guess...
(ps see stef's answer)

- What are your religious beliefs?

Pretty neutral, but minorly christian...

- Do you honestly expect to be married by the age of thirty? Do you want to?

Dunno. I would like to be married to a hot woman that can function well, but the future is unknown.

- Do you listen to Music? If you do, how often? What's your least favorite genre of music? If you don't like that genre of music, do you at least understand why others do? (Be logical and respect the opinions of others, please >_>)

I'm not the guy you'll see listening to music 24/7, but I appreciate a lot of kinds... except rap. Rap can go to hell.

- In the same vein as the second Reality question, what is your screen name supposed to say about you, if anything?

Um, the combination of Sonic and Shadow, which I've been fond of ever since that 4kids forum fanfic? noshi

- Who on the site do you have a bit of a grudge against, either because of records or socially?

Some people annoy me, but I don't really have a grudge against anyone.

- You hear mentioning of Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic '06, or Chaotix in chat, and see the games being dissed. Do you know squat about the games, and do you comment on it (regardless of if you know anything)?

I know of the games, and have played all of them 'cept 06 (which I've seen enough about to know it's shit) and don't find Chaotix that bad. SPA isn't on my faves list either, but at least it's not S1GBA bad.

- Shuffle charts are up! Do you weep, rejoice, complain, or simply not care?

I believe the latter would be my choice, hardly knowing of Shuffle's existence myself.

- What is your moral opinion on ROMs?

Why does it matter so much? Like someone said earlier, it's not like the FBI's gonna bust your door down and arrest you for playing a version of a game from over 2 generations ago on your comp.
ps: SM64 emulated is the most fun thing evar

- Do you have certain cliques of people you talk to here more than others? Who?

Eh, not really. I think I can count Quartz and Groudon as um... not friends but not acquantices either. Something in the middle.

- Who do you consider to be your competition?

I'm not the major competitive type, you guys should know that...

- Do you care for hacks and fan games? If so, do you browse the Internet occasionally for new ones, or just follow whichever ones TSCers obsess about most?

Eh, I mainly just care about the ones I run into.

- Assume you and three other TSCers somehow become able to live each other's lives for a day. Which three do you live as, and why?

No idea... But I think that living as me would be hard. In fact, I believe we discussed that at a point in time.

Fan Fiction (Don't start crying, it's not anything ridiculous. :P It's still questions about personality.)
- Assume you are given the ability to use any five of the following items at will, each of which will last 20 seconds and can't be rapid-fire used repeatedly without a minute's break or so:

    * Speed Sneaker
    * Invincible
    * Rocket Sneaker
    * Grow
    * Shrink
    * Change monitor with Knuckles icon
    * Fire Shield
    * Water Shield
    * Electric Shield
    * Clock (assume it's functional, unlike in Sonic CD)

No 1UPs, sorry. Which would you like, why, and what would you do with them?

The clock would likely be most useful to me, as well as speedshoe... but I'm not really that sure about the other three... scratch that, two. Everyone needs an invincibility monitor.

- In a twist of fate that could only happen to a TSCer, you find a Chaos Emerald. Ignoring your Score, Ring, and Perfect Bonuses, what do you do with it, whether for fun or serious matters? (I strongly advise against selling/giving it away lest the government or some terrorist get it, but hell, it's a fake fanfic, do what you please)

Like RPG said, chaos control. ftw.

- After the above question, you played enough Sonic Adventure 2 to know that the emeralds can be used as magnets to locate one another, you smart cookie. You find them all; what would you do with them now?

I don't know what I would really do with the seven chaos emeralds. I'd probably just make them sit there looking cool, like with the banhammer in the "if you had a banhammer" topic.
Actually I'd go turn 'em into super emeralds. THEN they'd sit there looking cool.

- After the above question, aliens invade your hometown and start blowing things up for an unknown reason. You have the power to do whatever you want; how do you react?

Use the super emeralds to go hyper and kick ass, duh.
If that wouldn't work, I'd use some sort of shield around humanity and launch a hydrogen nuke.

genus' Gallery of WTF
- You're a serial killer. What group of people do you kill, and why?

Don't really know, this really is a wtf question.
But definitely that perverted moronic retard at my old school.

- All of a sudden while you're vacationing in Bermuda, you realize you left your pilot light and stereo on, and that just weeks ago you got a souped up insurance policy that covers explosions. What do you do?

Um, what?

- You just killed a man for an unknown reason, and need to get rid of his body. Where do you go to hide the body, and why?

* Super Sondow  pulls out a copy of "The Cremation of Sam McGee" and replicates the technique, except without the guy coming to life in the fire

- You are visited by the deity of your choice, and told you will be granted the power to restore life at will if you murder your favorite person, who you can never bring back. Do you?

Tough question, but likely no.

- You decide to kill yourself. How do you do it, and why?

Er. Drown or sleep in a snowstorm. Most likely the latter.

- You're working in an eyeglass factory as a trained optometrist, filling an expensive custom order from a nearsighted and affluent client, when without warning his left and right eyes explode and he's rushed to the hospital. Your boss tells you you have to get the money for the glasses and your tip, and to deliver the box for laughs. How do you get him to cough up his due?

What kind of wacky world does Genus live in?!

- What's the best thing you've never done?

...never done?
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: The genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2007, 11:56:32 pm »
Genus' Questions 3.0

1) I'd rather stab a neighbor in a groin than one of my parents in the arm because it's easier to go undetected doing that, and it's not as though you'll have to deal with the fallout resulting from medical expenses, an easy id, and trauma. I don't care how bloody it is, I can walk away from that scenario and not have to deal with it later.

2) In these 10 seconds before the missile strike, I am wondering who launched that missile. I am also thinking that getting hit by a missile probably isn't as painful a death as, say, getting garoted by fishing line, so maybe I got lucky.

3) For breakfast, I will eat croissants because they are the only good breakfast food.

4) Beauty is for me completely irrelevant. I'd rather have something be practical than beautiful. There are so many times when I've had to, say, set up a computer in such a way that the wires won't get tangled because it won't look good, or move my things because guests are coming to the house and it's not as though you want them getting an accurate assessment on how you live.

5) I hate to limit myself to one method, but if I had to choose a single way to execute, it would probably be something slow and agonizing. I'm thinking the most likely way I'd go with execution is to bind the target to a chair with a layer of sandpaper facing outwards, coated in lye. I would then systematically stab each victim a few times nonlethally, and salt their exposed wounds. From there I would probably remove one eye very slowly, being sure to scratch the cornia. The other I would drench in chili oil. At this point I would probably stab them a few more times with a knife until they bled to death. I like this idea because nobody's going to hold anything back on you in this much pain, and it is a judicious way of dealing with leeches.

6) There are many people who would enjoy seeing me dead, but only a handful that would take an active role in the initiative. In particular I can think of one fellow who has held something of a grudge against me. Unprovoked, he jumped me in elementary school, and knocked out two of my teeth. The exchange was, quite literally: "hey you *punch*". I've no idea. Obviously he was suspended, I think he transferred somewhere else. In high school this punk was in my grade again. One day I caught him carving out a desk with a knife, and then he made a very threatening and obscene gesture at me. Once more I had him reported but this time nothing was really done. So I decided to mess with his mind. I ripped up bits of cellophane and put it in his lunch. Using copies of the keys given to janitors (Interjection: You're wondering why I have these. I had the foresight to obtain these by shmoozing with one of the faculty members and earning their trust, eventually finding out that during a certain outdoor assembly he would be the only janitor inside as they did not anticipate any emergencies. Then I got someone who owes me a favor to stick two fingers down their throat to throw up on the hall opposite the main exit towards the end of the day. I walked up to the janitor and acted distraught, saying I really needed his keys because I forgot my combination, and had a paper in my locker a teacher expected due in a matter of minutes. He had to clean so he gave me the keys, trusting me to bring them back. I then left the building, went to a hardware store, and gave them an order to replicate the keys. It took 5 days for them to finish the job, thankfully I gave them the keys Thursday so could hand them in Monday without him hammering me each day.) I took his folders and such. Because he didn't have any of his stuff, he received exceptionally poor marks and dropped out. I think he has an idea that I did this because he saw me closing his locker one day. He didn't dare start anything when I have leverage (Interjection 2: he's a known crack user, I borrowed a video camera from the school to film him doing drugs in 'the stairwell' and kept several copies. I figured he would get violent if I didn't have anything on him, but of course I wouldn't dare releasing the tape for fear of sounding vindictive to the general public, and I suppose even the worst of people deserve some chances). Anyways, I pretty much rocked this guy, and he's none too pleased. I heard through the grapevine he moved out of state, so I'm really not too worried, but he's probably the person I've 'owned' the most.

7) To me this isn't too hard of a decision. I choose west because all the other deaths are slow and painful, and bound to stack. Plus if you jump off a cliff, those first few seconds have to be awesome.

8) I walk away. It's pretty clear to me at this point that I'm imagining things, but I don't want to get institutionalized. As though anyone would believe you if you yelled like a lunatic anyways. Even if a child does die as a result, I'm going to pine it off on everyone else for playing ignorant.

9) I side with Drugdealer B, the ruthless and tactical one. He may sell me out in a second, but the other two factions are going to go down because they don't have his brains, and I'd rather not die. The chances are if he's not too loyal to his crew, I can probably start a mutiny of sorts and after his assassination assume temporary command of our group of jolly misfits. In the event of a rescue, I will dissociate myself from this lot because drugs are lame. It works.

Mike's Questions 2.0

1) My main motivation to stay at tsc is probably to engage in general discourse, and provoke unusual methods of thinking and acting. I want to start a cultural revolution, but figure I need to start small. I can't do this locally, I may be dynamic but people don't trust you if you stutter too much. If nothing else, are you reading this because I don't know if you are, it's also an interesting testing ground for opinions, and a great place to launch social experiments.

2) For tsc, I see a perpetually expanding network that grows to the point of bulkiness, attempting to track games it should by no means cover. While I am pro the idea of several loosely associated subsites, I also see how it can go awry. Certain people would only bother with certain categories of games and not interact much with 'the core users', lacking common ground. Basically we'd become dissociated to the point where very few users from different subsites know each other. Cyberscore Jr. The alternative to this is the number of active users pittering out, leaving competition effectively dead. I don't see much chance for a happy balance between the two, given our current recruitment method of 'all come and maybe you'll be interested'.

3) I hate sports, I really do. I've given my antisports spiel here before right? If not, here we go. Sports in general encourage an overly competitive attitude, and in so many instances leads to hubris among players. I see it all the time. In gym class, I've seen punks who in flag football will tuck their flags into their pants, score, and when grilled by the other team about cheating deny it outright, turning it around and calling them the liars. Consider also steroids in sports, and this recent scandal with the New England Patriots stealing signals from the other team. These sorts should be removed from society. There's also the fact that you're effectively shunning the intelligent types who are otherwise able to pick up just about every sort of activity. Ever noticed it's the strung-out, doped-up, musclefilled dipshits who tend to do the best in sports? It's because they know it's the one area someone of intelligence will hold no clout in. Actually these aren't very good points, but I'm too tired to string together a coherent argument. You'll have to ask me to do my anti-sports rant another night.

New Questions

1) Do you have any distinguishing physical features?

2) All of a sudden, you have an epiphany and realize you are a completely different person than you once thought, the polar opposite. When you start acting in a new way, what do you say to other people when they ask about it?

3) For the fun of it, you decide to look at the sun during a solar eclipse. At that exact moment, your eardrums collapse and your vocal cords snap, leaving you blind, deaf, and dumb. What do you do for the rest of your life?

4) You're on your way to shoot somebody in a warehouse on the docks, first in the ear to get their attention, their kneecap to make them suffer, and then their head to make a joke about how merciful you are before lighting a match and blowing the whole place up to cover the revealing evidence. What would drive you to do this to somebody?

5) What was the last thing you stole?

6) What's the most generous thing you've ever done?

7) Why should society value you?

8) What have you done recently, relating to apples or involving them in some way, that is of importance?



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