..from here:
http://gh.ffshrine.org/soundtracks/3831And I was really enjoying it as it's a really good soundtrack. Well at least most of it is. Classic style Sega vg game music. Some of the songs are amazing. So anyway I was listening to it and I noticed how many of them are fit to be in a Sonic game. In fact some of them sounded distinctively like Jun Senoue. So I thought, did he make the soundtrack? Couldn't have... right? Anyway I abandoned my train of thought for lunch but I come back and realize that a couple of the songs are in fact tagged with his name!
03_break the emotion (hot!)
08_Blast from the desert (Sonic Heroes-ish! hot!!)
16_beat of my heart
hurhur "blazing" :D
top secret jun senoue tunes! enjoy
(plus some of the songs are credited to Richard Jacques. Oh and the song "Ignition the 2nd Generation" isn't credited to either but it rules it's a kickass remix of a song from Sega Rally 1)