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TSC-A Glossary


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TSC-A Glossary
« on: October 10, 2006, 04:36:18 pm »
Ok, so here's the thinking. You're a new he/she registering at TSC, and someone pops a term, uses a phrase, or makes reference to an event you don't understand. You are confused, and so logically express your lack of comprehension, invariably revealing yourself to be a noob, or worse, a n00b. Ergo, here is a nifty tool for you to use and not reveal your ignorance. All questions pertaining to TSC are to be hereby directed to this glossary.

The Glossary

Aardvark-The first word in the dictionary.
Aaaaargh-The exclamation of general displeasure towards events as they transpire.
Admin-Rolken; really lame. Also: other site staff that do more nothing.
Adminner-Rolkenner; more Rolken and nostalgic.
Adminnest-Rolkennest; the most Rolken.
AHHHHH[snip]HHHHH-what SkyLights does when he is not pleased; general expression of not being pleased; I feel like annoying the everloving shit out of the entire channel.
Aitamen-Possessing a computer to depressed to live; being ohko'd by a simple sql chart.
Alondite-Identical to Antoshi; boring; kind of in the way sometimes like misplaced furniture.
American-Universally praised; intelligent; well informed; against Globalization; hoarding money into bomb shelters for when the Soviets attack.
Anticlimax-A plot with no real meaning currently being reworked and turned into a comprehensible form.
Antoshi-Always there at the right minute to spoil the ending; identical to Alondite; lacking a "pause" button.
Arse-Someone who sticks to an opinion regardless of facts; arrogant, likely to complain; see also: dick.
Aussie-Not quite British, not quite Aboriginee; a rusty eyed convict; someone living where the water in toilets spin the other way around.

b&-To be banned. Also a giant tongue about to lick the bum of some guy in a wheelchair.
B&hammer-To be banned by quick force.
B&hammer'd-To be banned by b&hammer.
Ban-a ban.
Baned-To be banned.
Bane'd-To be banned.
BANN'D-To be banned.
BANNED-To be banned.
Banhammer-To be banned by quick force.
Bandhammer'd-To be banned by bandhammer.
BLAZIN'-Yeah great!
Blueblaze-Just getting his sister's digital camera.
Boobpix-To express distate towards spam.
Boobpixplz-To really want boobpix.
Borked-To be broken beyond report.
Brian-Not missed; not forgotten; a bitter taste in the mouth; slowing down the clock in a genesis game; never able to move on from TSC; one who calls me a retarded�  fluffy bunny.
Brit-One who hangs out in libraries shelving books; compulsively erratic; with bad teeth by nature.

Canadian-An American in denial.
Chanbot-The old channel bot, prone to being exploited.
CF-CosmicFalcon; A falcon with attitude; possibly named "William", "Thester", or "Michael"; prone to long rants.
Cherry-Probably sleeping; watching anime; a red pitted fruit with an initially bitter taste, making way to a sweet aftertaste complimented by soft flavor.
CherryMay-Sleeping; highly British; watching anime; having "lolsony" cut and ready to be pasted into a conversation.
CM-See also:CherryMay, Brit.
coughxcough-That of which I speak is in fact an exception to that of which you speak; I can't think of any other sarcasm marks.
*coughxcough*-I am presently engaged in the act of choking and require immediate assistance; say, have any cough drops on you?
Cool-I can't think of a better word to say.
Convention-Read: "TSC Convention".
CosmicFalcon-Having to explain what an abbreviation is; lacking the knowledge of the fourth wall.
Cult-Short for "Sonic Cult"; a large group of self-indulgent morons praising each other for the most remedial tasks.
CyberScore-A competition site dabbling in generic games and hounding users for every detail.

Da-never mind actually.
Darn-I fear the social repurcussions of swearing.
Death-I am Emo. End the suffering.
Dick-One who reeks of stupidity; penius.
DNF-Not gonna happen.
DSMeet-Formerly half-decent website with a questionable userbase.
DWM-RPG and I are discussing breeding.

Eggbot-The older channel bot, prone to random acts of violence and a loyal servant of Sprint.
Eh-Let me just ignore what you said and say something else.
Elitist Gossip-What goes on behind your back, you can't possibly know about.
Er-I know I said something stupid. Let's move on and accept that I was not perfect at that moment.
eggFl-One with a restraining order against everyone; liking Sonic 06.
EpicMafia-Town epic fails. See also mafia.

Fission Mail'd-Someone messed up and I miss 6 months ago.
flyby-Rolken's totally married wife; quoting you in English class right now.
ftl-Shit, this puts me in an awkward position; that could have gone better; *ftw.
ftw-I am in approval of what is presently happening, but don't care enough to say why.
Fu-You did something slightly disadvantageous to me. I wish to express my silent dissaproval.
Fuck-That was bad; I wish to play doctor with you.
Fucker-One who is bad.
Fuck You-I am angry and you are a bad person.
Furry-See PPA.

GameFaqs-The landfill of the internet.
genus-Superior; inferior; arrogant; modest; running the MKDS tournament; working the system; conflicted.
GerbilSoft-The current channel bot, programmed to summarise news articles, turn everything into an anti sony/microsoft argument, create :P pyramids, report on the results of deal or no deal, report fictional system specs, talk about gentoo, make urmom jokes, and drum.
gf-Read:GameFaqs, but somewhere along the lines of, say, a battered son having Fear of the parent beating them.
gfaqs-Read:GameFaqs, only in a more respectful manner.
ghost-What you'll experience for switching to a member's nick; walking down the street in communist China with no pant backings; with a very interesting grandmother.
GilgaMesh-Someone different; not brian or xebra; capable of impersonating a Chinese in a single sentence.
Good-You are following my plan quite nicely.
Great-I am heartened by your progress as an individual.
groudon-Likely to kill anyone who says anything bad about him.
grrrrrr-I am anthromorphic and wish to be spayed or nudered.
gtfo-I doubt what you are saying highly; you have inconvenience me yet again, you scoundrel!

HalfLife-Mysterious obsession of select users on the forum; kind of ok after Episode 1.
HalfOp-One without power; egotistical; without any input whatsoever; female and neither Cherry nor stealing husband's founder status.
Hax-I despondantly fear what will come; awesome; shitty.
heh-I wish to seem nonchalant to mask my sensitive personality.
hm-I am presently plotting against you.
Ho-A suburdinate.
Hum-I tire of life.

itt-In this topic, you will find all the information in this topic that you will need on this topic.

Jo Mamma-Filler space; nonterm; vaporspeech.
Joshu-The art of doubling question marks on sentences that aren't necessarily questions??

Knuckles-See: Sinbad

lawl-Look at me, I am sardonically mocking the overuse of the word "lol"!
LogBot-The oldest channel bot, prone to graphing personality traits.
lol-I am incapable of expressing my appreciation for fine humor! Please ignore my input!
lolno-I have countered your argument in my head, but am too lazy to transfer it into text, so you must accept that your logic is moot.
lol(word)-Haha, I am amused.
lolsony-The word following any announcement made by Sony; amusement culled from knowing you are investing in their products.
lolwindows-One of the only phrases GerbilSoft, our channel bot, is programmed to say.

mafia-Obsession of some members; that for which Spinny is a rankfag; genus and flyby.
mark89-Trying to throw you for a loop; reminding that there should be a section on brian and xebra.
mike89-Slightly Aussie but making more sense; about to type /nick yse; likely clueless as to this update.
MKDS-Nobody is in the room but you.
Mod-Site staff that do nothing.
mod abuse-I would like to point out the blatant misuse of authority in this given social scenario.
mofo-Just talking about Shaft here; no need to worry.
moron-What you are.
Moron Archives-A great way to spend an afternoon.

Neklor-Mythological #soniccenter-based monstrosity. Possibly fangorious and/or gelatinous.
nou-No, you.
no u-No, you.
no wai-Listen to me. You are a moron. Srsly.
no you-No, you.
no, you-No, you.
noob-Kind of ok but clueless guy.
nOOb-Worse than a noob; not as bad as a n00b
n00b-An arse who has not earned the right to be a dick.
n00blet-Something you'll find in chicken nuggets.

oic-I don't understand what you're saying, but you're right.
Op-Slightly higher than average in social stature.
orly-You are a moron
o rly-Read:orly
o rly?-Read: o rly

PPA-furry; has something to show you on /b/ or /d/ or /<insert letter here>/.
Ps-Oh, I forgot, I needed to make my statement sarcastic.
Psy-Any user with the prefix "Psy" before there name; kind of ok, depending on which.
PsyBorg-Paranoid; android; reptoid; about to turn off computer because of parents; ready to call bs or something.
Psyknux-Zephyr; Quartz; one of those two.
PsyMar-I'm pretty sure this is Zephyr; possibly Quartz as well.

qrirlbbrsomethingorother-What Sprint says to make you feel insignificant,

Riiiiiiidge Racerrrrrrr-Let's all remember something funny someone said.
Revostick-Penius; cock; pecker; prick; hardon; a wiimote, if you get the drift.
Rock 'N' Roll-Something else RPG will sometimes day; coming up with definitions that make no fucking sense.
Rolken-The adminner. See also; founder, but less Sprint-wise.

SadisticMystic-There is no such thing as abbreviations.
SCD-Short for "Sonic Cage Dome", a netplay site constantly at war with TSC, with the one unbiased member being SDM. Has attempted 3 mergers to date; all have failed.
Shit-An exclamation of anger. Also ShadowJacky's favourite word. A common word in ShadowJacky's comments.
Shitcasket-What RPG will say somethimes.
Shitty-For something to be of questionable worksmanship.
SM-Coadminner but less Rolken; Rolken's ho; equal to Sprint; equally nonchalant; nonchalantly equal; probably nihilist or something.
Sonic-Formerly good series constantly being reinvented and dragged down to a mediocre level, sullying the powerful effect of the original games.
Sony-The maker of 10 years of hardware in one.
Sprint-Nestled subliminally between Sony and Stupid; utterly nonchalant; kind of cares about a few things under the right circumstance; ...
Stupid-You are a moron.

TA-Short for "time attack", where a player completes a level or boss so quickly that time itself is revealed to be an illusion.
TAS-Short for "tool assisted run", where a player completes a game using any means or methods necessary.
The Convention-A mysterious gathering planned for the date of 7/7/07, in which all hell breaks lose and Anticlimax is resolved.
The Game-You just lost it.
Tiger-Cherry would rather have one.
TSC-The Sonic Center. The universally recognised competition site on the internet. Number one USA!
TSS-Some crap Sonic Site.

U-A word to be avoided at all costs. Using the word "u" in substution of the word "you" results in banhammer.

Vexing-Why you keep reading this.

Wai-Yeah! Yeah! Allright! Woo!
Wiimote-A remote that has been pissed on; a device used to expell piss from the body; a device controlling a system that has been pissed on; a device controlling a system that is piss; a device controlling a system used to expel piss from the body; the remote for the upcoming Nintendo Piss; the remote for a Wii; an old unfunny joke beaten to death; a random assortment of curse words masquerading�  as humor.
wtf-That of which you are saying does not make any sense; this event is not probable; I doubt the strength of your character; you pans, you just cheated.

Your princess is in another castle. Wait no, there's always...
Xebra-A clown.

Ya Rly-I agree.
ya rly-I agree; no seriously, I'm not a moron.

Ziz-Short for "Zizou", the egotistical founder of SCD I'm sorry SDM.
Zizou-A term used to address a joke involving headbutting; the founder of SCD.

???!!?!-This is exagerration!!!!!!!!!
:)-I am happy!
;)-What are doing later tonight, big boy?
:(-I am sad!
:D-I am glad!
;D-That was quick and pleasant.
D:-I am not glad!
D;-That was not quick and pleasant and left me with a bruised eye.
:o-I am surprised!
:O-I am very surprised!
:0-I have a very wide mouth!
:0.-My nose is bulbous!
:o?-You are a confusing person and bore me. Please bore me more with arbitrary explanations.
:P-What is wrong with my tongue?
:X-Warning, toxic if swallowed.
>_>-I recognise my stupidity but am at peace with myself.
<_<-You just said something really dumb.
X)-I am satiated, in a perverse way.
XD-I laughed myself into a coma.
._.-I use too many emoticons.
o_o-You have my attention.
o_O-Glass eye man is skeptical.
o_0-My left eye doesn't work so good.
O_o-Glass eye man believes!
o_0-I have 1000/1000 vision thanks.
0_o-Pong. It's your turn.
:/-I express disbelief through my art.
>:D-My V brow is superior to yours.
>:o-Well that made me kinda angry.
>:O-Are you questioning my authority? See also:ho.
>:0-At least my mouth isn't loose like that other one. See also:ho.
>:O!!!-The Faec. Usage is permitted only by Zeph and Spinballwizard; I'm about to eat three upside-down lighted candles and you can't stop me!
>:O!!!!!-That which frightens RPG half to death; I feel like pissing people off; you asshole.
/me-I talk in the third person to give myself a retrospective and unbiased I look at the present situation.
/me run-I seek escapism through the use of gramatically unsound sentences; please help me find a good therapist.
/me shot-I do believe that you are about to think negatively of what I have posted in the present discussion.
~-I am elated and know more than you; what I'm saying right now is the bastardised lyrich of a formerly respectable song;�  I sing what I say to mask the pain.
*-I am making ammends with the past by fixing mistakes and moving on.
"-There is much sarcasm involved; I can't think for myself, so must copy verbatim what someone else says; I'm too lazy to summarise the article I just linked to; let me say lolwhat before you reply with XD.

If you think a term should be added, post here and it will be.

Edit: more to come as I see fit. By which I mean be patient everyone. I'm doing several things at once.

CFEdit: rar i r edit.
SBWEdit: rar i r edit too.
ZephEdit: rar i r edit 3. also known as editga.
SBWEditdeuce: rar i r edit 4. a new hope.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 11:30:07 pm by Spinballwizard »


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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 04:52:27 pm »




This signature was typed on a #@^%ING COMPUTER. Copy and paste this into your signature if you hate Sony and / or Bidoofs.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2006, 04:53:29 pm »
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2006, 04:59:09 pm »
Humorous yet useful. Lol.

and yeah, ITT is very important. To this day, I don't know what it means... whoops! :P
Was that me typing away involuntarily? :P

EDIT: Oh well, now I do.. didn't think it was so easy to figure out. :P
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 05:04:45 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2006, 05:06:18 pm »
What about >:O <--- I am both suprised and considerably irked by what has come to my attention (RPG)
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2006, 06:27:30 pm »
So that's what >_> and <_< mean.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2006, 06:38:30 pm »
Of course >_> X)

ps yes I know what that would literally 'translate' to <_<
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2006, 10:04:43 pm »
groudon-Likely to kill anyone who says anything bad about him.

I just noticed that one.  And it's pretty much near the truth.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2006, 10:35:55 pm »
SBW = Spinballwizard :P

And groudon, that's kinda funny.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2006, 10:59:35 pm »
Psyknux = Zephyr; hence the "Pay attention, Quartz! >_>" line that is often said in chat.

Also, note the lowercase k.
Hay guiz, I made a table showing how many points each game tracked by TSC is worth. You should go see it.
Also v2.0 of my TSC calculator is available to use. You should totally use it.
I update these every Monday around 2:30pm GMT.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2006, 01:47:38 am »
I'm only mentioned in passing?  That's just cruel.  Also, I'm not Psyknux or PsyMar.  I don't even live near them.  But I know what should be added...


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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2006, 01:04:32 pm »

TSS-Some crap Sonic Site that can't play.


New definitions:
:Pyramid - Shut up Gerbil, ..., INTERRUPTION!

YOUR MOM[tm] (drums) - see GerbilSoft

And how dare you forget things like "I call BS"

_ - I will correct you on the stupidly incorrect thing you just said.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2006, 01:24:06 pm »
What where is my mention >_>

Also you forgot such gems as "Rock 'N' Roll - Something else RPG will sometimes day"
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2006, 03:25:40 pm »
I'm only mentioned in passing?  That's just cruel.  Also, I'm not Psyknux or PsyMar.  I don't even live near them.  But I know what should be added...


I'm not mentioned at all so be happy :P

EDIT: STH - Shadow the Hedgehog
EDIT: ftr
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 04:18:16 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2006, 09:50:37 pm »
EDIT: STH - Shadow the Hedgehog
Just... no.

And addendum to Zizou: "A term used to address a joke involving headbutting; the founder of SCD; one who really is lol"
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2006, 06:19:38 pm »
actually this cleared up some things for me.

*awaits the next profound genus topix*
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2006, 06:44:19 pm »
Adding to Brit: one who adds unnecessary letters to words.
Adding to U: ...with exception to "no u", in which case it is praised instead of loathed.
Adding to MKDS: Mortal Kombat DS.
New Word: "ur dum" You're dumb. Please kill yourself.
New Word: "TASmanian Devil" One who obsesses over TASes and TASing over real skill.
New Word: "lol internet" You take the internet too seriously.
New Word: "Psyad" This troublesome trio is formed when all of the Psys are in one area.

*sees all of the british TSC members around him*

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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2006, 10:15:35 pm »
AR = Action replay

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2006, 05:29:33 pm »
AR = Action replay
Adding to that...

AR: Action Replay. A device that is primarily used for fooling around and glitching up games.
      It is often yelled about because people accuse owners of AR of using it to achieve record times.
      This is also a cheat device used by ex-members. (See "b&".)

There, now it includes some info about banned cheaters and about the arguments at Cyberscore.

I'm sure there are even more things that need to be added.
Inactive member, but still... occasionally... checks his private messages and aging (former) records in SA.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2006, 01:20:51 pm »
Paul Corby: One of the first cheaters banned from TSC. Origin of the "Shut down TSC or I'll tell my mommy on you" site headline.
magnum12: Eccentric Mega Man (the Zero/ZX series in particular) and Disgaea fan. TSC's harshest critic of SA2:B.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2006, 07:48:45 pm »


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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2006, 08:30:39 am »
EDIT: ... - ...
ADD: Tiger - Cherry would rather have one of these.
"A graph of cf's coolness as age increases would be exponential." - Stefan [14:26, 2008/08/23]
"I now realise that CF is complete and utter win." - Cruizer [13:46, 2009/10/23]

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2006, 01:41:24 pm »
RPG: Long time member. Kills anyone who uses his catch phrase through the use of unique yet horrible ways. Used to have his own murdering topic.
Ever know what its like to get pwned by a book? Sonic certainly does.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #23 on: November 01, 2006, 01:53:36 pm »
I still do >:O
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2007, 10:22:25 am »
Add to TSS:

TSS-Some crap Sonic site whose staff are as strict as Nazis and that SCD used to be a part of.

Lol, if TSS's admin Roarey Raccoon comes here he'll kill us all :P
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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2007, 06:38:12 pm »
Don't worry, our site is so awesome that they'd never bother coming. :P

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2007, 07:06:12 pm »
Addition requested.

sonicandamy- Gender of n00bs on TSC.  Named after a n00b member of TSC.

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2007, 12:29:56 pm »
sonicandamy - King of the Morons.

I think thats about right
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2007, 01:22:51 am »
Paragod- an evil type of player who has unmeasurable determination, if a Paragod wants a time and he know it's possible to get he won't cease play until he gets it.

basically.. uhh it's a stronger form of the word "determination"

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Re: TSC-A Glossary
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2007, 02:39:55 am »

One could also adapt that and be all like "Im going to pull a Paragd until I break [n]!" etc :o
Did you not think I had a mind?


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