Whoever maltyped my name better speak up and let themselves be burnt, or the next 6 different posters shalt be murdered horribly.
and what happens if you're incapable of murdering certain members?
(or if they're incapable of being murdered by you)
Oh, right. You can claim to be murdering anyone if you want. (but not just you can)
Now, back on topic...
I was going to play Sonic Drift and SA2B more, but I'm just too busy with SADX.
Can I get into the top 10 just by making gigantic improvements in one game,
discovering lots of new stuff, making a guide, maps, and videos,
and submitting a few okay records for 2 other games?
(Probably not, so I'll have to take 1st in SA and move on to other games
in time to get into the next top 10 list.)