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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over


Author Topic: ITT the Sonic Olympics are over  (Read 9682 times)

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Offline Rolken

ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« on: November 21, 2005, 01:15:36 am »
Looks like Zizou did a 180 on DQing mike89's Sonic 2 run and we now have a win in the SO, for which as founder I'm receiving the SO winner's T-shirt. Hurray for us!

And in regular TSC news: Rush tables will be going up soon (as I've completed the game); Shadow whenever the TSC community plays through and documents all the level and division differences, which ideally will be by this weekend. I can't help in that effort, as I'm on vacation with flyby. =P

Post edited to remove commentary on the now revised DQing of mike.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2005, 02:46:59 am by Rolken »
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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2005, 02:37:00 am »
itt Zizou finally sees the light.

mike89mkscelite (5:57:28 PM): how can you accuse me of slo-mo recording when you hand-picked an emulator that couldn't handle it?
cman110690 (5:57:34 PM): Im not accusing
cman110690 (5:57:37 PM): Im giving claims
cman110690 (5:58:04 PM): 3rd party programs can slow mow though
mike89mkscelite (5:58:23 PM): regardless of the video recording speed
mike89mkscelite (5:58:33 PM): the exact same amount of frames are recorded
cman110690 (5:58:54 PM): Which means?
mike89mkscelite (5:59:19 PM): well, there're 60 frames in a second right?
cman110690 (5:59:38 PM): Yes
mike89mkscelite (5:59:42 PM): doesnt matter whether they play at 100% speed or 10% speed, there's no difference in the amount of frames in the recording
cman110690 (6:00:17 PM): We're not talking within the emulator
cman110690 (6:00:26 PM): We're talking 3rd party
mike89mkscelite (6:00:31 PM): the only other program i had running was mIRC
cman110690 (6:00:34 PM): and then sped up to meet the requirements
mike89mkscelite (6:00:50 PM): i was on my other computer, because this one won't play Gens for longer than 20 minutes without crashing
cman110690 (6:01:33 PM): oh
cman110690 (6:01:42 PM): mIRC shouldnt matter
mike89mkscelite (6:01:45 PM): exactly
cman110690 (6:02:01 PM): hmm
cman110690 (6:02:14 PM): Arrrg
cman110690 (6:02:28 PM): Why is it so large :-(
mike89mkscelite (6:02:42 PM): the point is, there's absolutely nothing illegitimate in the run, and if you were good enough you could do exactly the same on a console
cman110690 (6:03:20 PM): It'd be pretty hard without a slo-mo though
mike89mkscelite (6:03:33 PM): don't get me started on how hard it was
mike89mkscelite (6:03:41 PM): i've been playing competitively for two years to get to this level
cman110690 (6:03:50 PM): Im just playing man. Dont worry
mike89mkscelite (6:03:53 PM): the guys at TSC have helped me immensely
cman110690 (6:04:12 PM): I certainly believe the run is good
mike89mkscelite (6:04:31 PM): but you don't believe it's legitimate.
cman110690 (6:04:33 PM): We've been doing tests on file sized
mike89mkscelite (6:04:36 PM): that hardly counts for much then
cman110690 (6:04:39 PM): sizes*
cman110690 (6:05:04 PM): Because what I got from Sadistic earlier
cman110690 (6:05:20 PM): is that he has a capability of doing slo-mo 3rd party program.
mike89mkscelite (6:05:38 PM): i have four hours worth of logs from that conversation
mike89mkscelite (6:05:44 PM): tell me where he says he has that capability
cman110690 (6:05:57 PM): Want me to send u the history?
mike89mkscelite (6:06:01 PM): no need
mike89mkscelite (6:06:07 PM): i've got all i need
cman110690 (6:06:08 PM): He may have edited it
cman110690 (6:07:38 PM): sadisticmystic1:     They're sms files, which are binaries.
cman110690:     which are edited in the proper program
cman110690:     Notepad
sadisticmystic1:     If you edit an SMS file in Notepad, you're a huge idiot.
sadisticmystic1:     You need a hex editor for those.
cman110690:     So you used a Hex editor?
sadisticmystic1:     Or a disassembler.
cman110690:     Your still using the same format by typing numbers into places
cman110690:     Apperently
cman110690:     According to what your telling me
cman110690:     You are very capable of editing the files.
cman110690:     You know exactly what to do
sadisticmystic1:     For well-documented file types.
cman110690:     A team whos depsperate into winning, knows what to do. Didnt do it?
cman110690:     no way jose
cman110690:     Thats why the file size is bigger
cman110690:     and you've decided
cman110690:     to use to "zipped" format of it
mike89mkscelite (6:08:08 PM): that has nothing to do with slow motion recording
cman110690 (6:08:18 PM): Im not done
cman110690 (6:08:45 PM): From that states that he has the capability of editing those files. So why would the filesize be larger?
mike89mkscelite (6:09:00 PM): you're completely off topic
cman110690 (6:09:07 PM): explain
mike89mkscelite (6:09:09 PM): you're talking about the Master System games there
cman110690 (6:09:22 PM): he says that they are the same
mike89mkscelite (6:09:26 PM): specifically Sprint's timer fix ROM, if i recall
cman110690 (6:09:27 PM): .gir and .giz
cman110690 (6:09:45 PM): All .gir and .giz files are editable according to him
cman110690 (6:09:58 PM): HE says all he has to do is "uncompressing"
cman110690 (6:10:03 PM): and start up one of his tools
mike89mkscelite (6:10:04 PM): that doesnt matter
mike89mkscelite (6:10:09 PM): I sent you the run
cman110690 (6:10:14 PM): I have it
mike89mkscelite (6:10:15 PM): and I haven't got a clue how
mike89mkscelite (6:10:54 PM): SM has a copy of my run, he wanted to watch it just to see how good it was
mike89mkscelite (6:11:09 PM): the file i sent you is completely unedited

*irrelevant stuff*

cman110690 (6:18:01 PM): TSC has a reputation of playing dirty
mike89mkscelite (6:18:08 PM): reputation?
cman110690 (6:18:13 PM): Yep.
cman110690 (6:18:18 PM): Incase you didnt know.
mike89mkscelite (6:18:22 PM): i would know
mike89mkscelite (6:18:28 PM): i've been around since the very beginning
cman110690 (6:18:37 PM): Good for you.
mike89mkscelite (6:18:52 PM): i've had no instance of TSC members harassing other communities
cman110690 (6:19:01 PM): which isnt your fault
cman110690 (6:19:15 PM): Just watch out whos crowed ur in.
mike89mkscelite (6:19:38 PM): i know right well who i'm involved with
cman110690 (6:19:45 PM): Im glad you do.
mike89mkscelite (6:19:59 PM): and i can't put a word against the vast majority of them
cman110690 (6:20:16 PM): I dont know the majority of them
cman110690 (6:20:29 PM): Theres only been about 3 or 4 harassers on the SCD forums anyways
cman110690 (6:20:48 PM): i mean TSC does have 600 members
mike89mkscelite (6:20:49 PM): look, it's merely a response to the way you've been with us
cman110690 (6:21:02 PM): We havent treated you guys any different
cman110690 (6:21:11 PM): Your community has been complaining since Day 1
mike89mkscelite (6:21:14 PM): in particular PrincessZelda and CosmicFalcon
cman110690 (6:21:16 PM): ooooh Kaillera is laggy!
mike89mkscelite (6:21:27 PM): the argument between those two after the S3GP event
cman110690 (6:21:28 PM): A guy with 110ms ping
cman110690 (6:21:33 PM): didnt even COMPLAIN
mike89mkscelite (6:21:33 PM): that set the tone for the rest of the tournament
cman110690 (6:21:35 PM): didnt say anything
mike89mkscelite (6:21:43 PM): now wait a minute
cman110690 (6:21:54 PM): Hey
cman110690 (6:21:59 PM): Lets get something clear
mike89mkscelite (6:22:10 PM): we're not used to netplay lag as a community, but we did not complain about its use
cman110690 (6:22:31 PM): ever since I as an individual started this Online Sonic thing, Sonic Center has been kind of pissed. Because people are grabbing interest into it
mike89mkscelite (6:22:48 PM): no, that's not it at all
cman110690 (6:22:57 PM): Ive seen the first post on Sonic Center
mike89mkscelite (6:23:07 PM): when we first found out, we thought it was a great idea and we wanted to participate in future tournaments
cman110690 (6:23:08 PM): When I paid my lousy 10bucks to get my banner up on TSS
mike89mkscelite (6:23:35 PM): hang on
mike89mkscelite (6:23:42 PM): we've strayed far from the issue at hand
cman110690 (6:23:49 PM): lol
mike89mkscelite (6:23:53 PM): animosity between the communities aside
cman110690 (6:23:55 PM): I'll accept ur game
cman110690 (6:24:06 PM): Final decisiom
mike89mkscelite (6:24:11 PM): okay. that was what i was looking for.
mike89mkscelite (6:24:17 PM): now let's put this shit behind us and move on.
mike89mkscelite (6:24:36 PM): 'kay?
cman110690 (6:24:39 PM): Hopefully SCD and TSC can be polite to each other sometime
cman110690 (6:24:41 PM): lol
cman110690 (6:25:21 PM): You know when u said u guys never Kaillera before?
cman110690 (6:25:30 PM): We never really Time Attacked either :P

And the important stuff:

cman110690 (6:29:47 PM): So is everything good now?
mike89mkscelite (6:30:13 PM): yes.
mike89mkscelite (6:30:22 PM): everything's been put out in the open, and a decision has been made
mike89mkscelite (6:30:25 PM): now we can all go back to normal
cman110690 (6:30:33 PM): Lets count up some points
cman110690 (6:30:43 PM): When was the last time we counted points?
mike89mkscelite (6:30:48 PM): after Death Egg
cman110690 (6:30:52 PM): k
mike89mkscelite (6:30:52 PM): there's four events to count
mike89mkscelite (6:31:01 PM): no, wait
cman110690 (6:31:07 PM): let me pull out a piece of paper
mike89mkscelite (6:31:07 PM): after Project Shadow 2
mike89mkscelite (6:31:16 PM): it's SCD 16, TSC 15, SoaH 4, TSS 4, TSF 3
cman110690 (6:31:21 PM): oh yeah
cman110690 (6:32:26 PM): TSC 24, SCD 22
cman110690 (6:34:47 PM): TSC 24, SCD 22, TSF 5, TSS 4, SOAH 4

And that, my friends, is that. We win, and Rolken gets the T-shirt. c:

<3 Thorn.

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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2005, 06:48:35 am »

Also Rolk, scan the T-shirt when you get it. :o
« Last Edit: November 21, 2005, 06:49:02 am by sonicam »
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Offline Tails47 2

ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2005, 06:55:57 am »

I knew we could do it!

Good job to everyone who participated!

Enjoy the T-shirt Rolken!

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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2005, 10:22:58 am »
And all is right in the world again.

Cybrax and I can probably handle the ShTH charts, or maybe just him. I'm just way behind, on the last level of only my third runthrough. I do have quite a good list of levels though, which I'll throw into my topic.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

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<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2005, 03:00:18 pm »
And all is right in the world again.

Cybrax and I can probably handle the ShTH charts, or maybe just him. I'm just way behind, on the last level of only my third runthrough. I do have quite a good list of levels though, which I'll throw into my topic.

Hey! I got Shadow today! I can handle this too.

And for a taster of my ownage:


Work in progress.

EDIT: 1:55:59. Mistakes.

EDIT2: 1:51:84 Mistakes.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 02:43:34 am by RPGnutter »
Did you not think I had a mind?

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ITT the Sonic Olympics are over
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2005, 03:01:03 pm »
So...are we with them now...or what?


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