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Messages - Dasendrix

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Competition Central / Shadow the Hedgehog SpeedRun
« on: December 02, 2005, 08:27:21 pm »
Yeah, well thanks, but it's not in my route >.< I'm doing Dark Only, so Westopolis to GUN Fortress getting only Dark Mission Success. Well I thank you anyways for the tips, they are always welcome ^^ Well, gonna keep practicing

Competition Central / Shadow the Hedgehog SpeedRun
« on: December 02, 2005, 08:03:26 am »
Ok thanks anyway. I'll guess I'll have to find my way by myself, but that's ok.  more challenge xD. I'll just shoot my GUN Fortress best times since it's not required to have some proof. I got 3:36.78. As of the boss, if I beat any, well, it will be the case but I'll just post them here :
Egg Breaker (Cryptic Castle): 00:17.81
Egg Breaker (Iron Jungle)   :   00:06.11
Blue Falcon:                           00:44.44
Sonic & Diablon(GUN Fortress) 02:12.45

I did'nt put all because I don't remember everything >.<
I think it's on the submission page I should post them put I just wanted to tell it :)

Competition Central / Shadow the Hedgehog SpeedRun
« on: December 01, 2005, 09:17:07 pm »
Quote from: Dasendrix,Dec 1 2005, 09:15 PM
I am doing a speedrun of Shadow the Hedgehog (GC) in Dark Only, and after seeing the time here, I was surprised how far I am from these time, except some, but for most of them... ugh... in fact, only The ARK (duh), Cryptic Castle and GUN Fortress (because I beat the current time but don't have video to show it :/) here looking good for now. Westopolis, Digital Circuit and Central City have about 30 seconds each between them and the current record, and I would appreciate how the levels are done, with a video if possible (but not obligated). Thank you all.


Oh I forgot, I did'nt saw the best times for the boss, but would likely to know them ^^ thanks again!

Competition Central / Shadow the Hedgehog SpeedRun
« on: December 01, 2005, 09:15:12 pm »
I am doing a speedrun of Shadow the Hedgehog (GC) in Dark Only, and after seeing the time here, I was surprised how far I am from these time, except some, but for most of them... ugh... in fact, only The ARK (duh), Cryptic Castle and GUN Fortress (because I beat the current time but don't have video to show it :/) here looking good for now. Westopolis, Digital Circuit and Central City have about 30 seconds each between them and the current record, and I would appreciate how the levels are done, with a video if possible (but not obligated). Thank you all.


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