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Messages - FocusSight64

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News and Updates / Re: Stepping down
« on: August 14, 2015, 03:13:11 am »
Fully agree. You go, FlyingFox. Enjoy yourself for once. (I know that you've been stressed most of the time you've had this position.)

Seriously, I'm glad you're getting away from it all. Must feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Wish you the best, FF.

Rules Revisions / Re: Validity of proof and clarification
« on: May 30, 2015, 03:05:28 am »
By "console video", I assume you mean using a capture card to actual record from the console. It'd be awful to record from a camera to show that you are indeed playing on a console if you already have a capture card. Anyways, I do think it's good that people on the site are actively thinking on adding a system of proof that is incorporated into the site itself. It's something TSC has desperately needed for years.

Adding new games I think would start at least a little spark, but we'd need a bigger change than that to spark activity on TSC. Look at SLW. I mean, yes, it did spark a bit of competition, but not enough. What Thorn said could actually help spark a lot of general activity on TSC.

Information Kiosk / Re: TSC 5.0
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:11:22 am »
Ok, I think this is something that is urgent enough that I need to post about it.

The main issue I have with the site is not with its homepage (though, your design is cool and I can definitely see that it is more user-friendly. However, it does need to be refined.), not its chat (which has already been quite dead tbh), not incorporating SRL, but the way you submit things. The submissions page is a very complex, annoying and unreliable page. The constant rows of charts which will be brought up every time you go to submit records for a game, even if you just want to submit one, can confuse the user and really cause them to drift away from wanting to submit to the site. I feel like the thing that will make TSC the most accessible is adding the ability to submit to a chart from the chart page. In all honesty, this should've been done ages ago. It would really help in being able to add a submission as quickly as possible. I'm not saying to get rid of the subs page as it is, just keep that if you want to submit a lot of records. I think that adding a feature to submit directly from the chart itself will be best overall.

Another thing is incorporating proof into the site more systematically than it is now. Linking it into your comment and having photographic proof ignored completely is a very clumsy situation. Not to mention, the ability to check and sort proof is almost non-existent. Adding something like a system of tracking one's proofs and also having to get those proofs approved by the mods/admins to check to see if the stat's proof is reliable would make the site a lot more reliable. The proof system as is isn't good enough for a site like TSC.

An issue I've always had with the site is that (at least, seemingly) there isn't any actual built in part of the site that handles suspicious records/investigations. They all seem to rely on either PMs, Skype IMs or the forums. Incorporating a system that tracks suspicious records, allows users to report records and making a system that allows a record to be deleted/unreported/etc. from the site itself would make the jobs of the admins a lot easier.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 17, 2015, 08:32:44 am »
This will be my absolute final post on TSC's forums unless there is something so important that I would need to post. I'm sorry guys, but I've had enough of the constant drama that goes on in these boards. Every time I open this I regret looking at it. There's maybe a few topics from back in 2008 or something that were light-hearted and in the spirit of what I see as TSC, but there are too many topics cluttering the forums that are filled with negativity and spite. I already have enough of that in my life as is, I don't want it on a site I usually look (or rather now, looked) toward for enjoyment and happiness.

With this, I'm leaving the forums and I will not submit unless I dearly have to (aka Liam begs me to). Until these "issues" with the site are "fixed", I can't take being here and watching the site and its staff crumble in front of me. Maybe it is time to put the old dog down. It's up to the remaining members to figure this out.  I wish all the members on the site—including those who may have made mistakes during this time of utter negativity on the forums—the best with their future endeavors and for whatever the future may hold for them.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 17, 2015, 08:11:03 am »

Why did you get back into this...

You're eating away at your already lowered status on the site even more. Don't fuck up the last bit of good status you have on the site. Please.

I forgot that you're not an admin anymore? Not at all.

Did you forget that you're no longer a Brosideon? Do you want that status to be changed to banned? Stop before you hurt yourself again. There's no reason to get caught up in a site where there's drama on a daily basis. You'll just confuse yourself if you even bother. I don't want you to become a user in hiding for reasons of regret (almost like you're forcing yourself to go to Tony levels of offline). In all honesty, I don't want to lose you, Hyper. (Even if you do let small things get the better of yourself)

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:36:46 am »
I was (trying to) make a statement on the fact that people are even considering having to force video proof even in part. I was poor at doing that as I'n still really tired. I understand exactly what is going on, I just don't like or want it to happen as it is. I discussed with Andrew about it and I feel that the incentives are what get me the most. The advantage is quite great. I believe this needs some fine tuning. Good ideas, good thoughts, bad execution. Rework how those ideas should be given.

Anyways, I'm not deleting the first two paragraphs. They're staying there to document my opinion about forcing proof at any point in anyway on any IL site. That's what it was meant for, that's where it will stay.

I'm getting to sleep.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 14, 2015, 07:29:54 am »
Lemme explain: There's a little thing called trust. To have an open, active and calm submission site, a little bit of trust is needed. If you force on the user to submit not only proof for every sub but video proof for EVERY SINGLE SUBMISSION, Just the concept of that for even part of a site that has all ILs is unbelievable. it will lower traffic on the site, even if it is an entire separate set charts. The advantages given by adding these I know one of the reasons I don't compete on TSC as much as I would like to is because I'm still on a proof per sub basis (though, for a logical reason). There's no need to force this onto every user, including those who have already tried doing this normally, those who have proven themselves trustworthy and those who are brand new to the site. I, for one, will almost be going completely inactive if TSC even partially forces video proof and causes it ti have such an advantage as this system is proposing. In all honesty, I no longer have a good amount of time to sit down, plug in my capture card, wait for Elgato to load, record a bunch of attempts that take up too much space on my laptop, edit out things like load times, process the video, upload the video to YT on my slow connection and then wait for it to be published. It's a long, tiring nuisance. The only time I'd ever try for video proof is if I know I am trying for WR or something close to that. If I'm not or don't think I will, I don't even try. It wastes more time than anything. I would like to record more video proof, but I'm busy with schoolwork, events and assignments. It's not that I don't like having a video. I've used videos to help me learn entirely new games and I'm sure that my videos have helped others find strats and learn games as well, but forcing everyone to do this to get the best possible placement for everything will make the site a systematic prison of submissions, without many actual submissions. It'll be death row for activity on TSC. It will almost force people who want to do well to get video proof. I can see this system either being unused or sbused, depending on the game. It's not fair when looking at the site as a whole.

Anyways, what I'm trying to show with this long rant is that video proof should not be the requirement for ILs. For SS, it makes sense. Those actually have a timer that is in real time and would need video proof to make sure that the run is done correctly. Forcing that for much smaller or more collection-type things, like short TAs, SAs and certainly the majority of RAs would be asking too much of ALL members of TSC. I know that this would increase the amount of subs that we know are true and would make the site more reliable as a whole. However, there's a fine line between reliability and activity for ILs. I agree: Videos are cool. They make a user and the site more accurate and believable. However, if you want more reliability, there's a high price to pay in activity. You cannot get both on a site like this. There will never be a good, equal compromise about this issue. I see the best possible thing being to make some sort of system that encourages video proof (as well as photo proof) but doesn't force it. That also means it has to be a fair system that doesn't cause those who do have proof to have so much of an advantage that a user with a bunch of shit stats that are proven can beat some person who has amazing stats but only a few are proven. That's the closest you can get to forced video proof without losing the majority of both new and old users and causing accessibility by new users to plummet. It's unrealistic in all honesty to have a system of proof like this and still expect the site to both have an active userbase and be fair to those who cannot get proof (this applies especially toward mobile and handheld games).

Having a system that shows proven and unproven stats would be easy to incorporate. (I'd usually go on a large rant as to how I already see these issues popping up in TSC fixed on CS, but I'm not going to due to the fact I shouldn't probably mention CS anymore here.) It would just need to be fair. I don't see how duplicate charts are a positive, however. You're just doing the same thing over again with a capture card or a camera. It's a bit silly if you asked me. If you could just see which ones were proven and which ones weren't on the same chart by clicking a check box or something, that could incorporate that same system without requiring twice the amount of charts TSC has. It would also keep the server faster and therefore have more potential to handle any incoming traffic.

S&A: If you think I'm hating on you just to do so, I'm not. I like the idea you have, it just needs to be reworked to allow accessibility and, in the end, be as fair as can be. As is, however, I don't see this system working well. It's just the fact that now to do well overall on the site, you'd have to make a video for every stat you do. It would be unfair to those who have no time or physically cannot afford to get video or even photo proof. Trust is a basic part of all sites where people submit things, whether it be comments, video game scores, valuables (e.g. an auction or on Amazon or such), trivia, etc. If we don't have trust in submissions as they are and if you truly think this system will add more than what it will take, then so be it. On the surface, nothing seems wrong. But if you dig underneath, you'll see the values and the intrinsic nature of sites like this being blown apart. Like a mine on a minefield. The ground seems fine to step on, but once you step on it, you won't live to tell about it.

Information Kiosk / Re: Realistic Suggestion On Moving Forward
« on: May 10, 2015, 02:32:34 am »
I'm sorry, but I believe requiring video proof is not the way to go. It limits the competition you can have on the site and will honestly make less and less people want to compete than there currently are. Photo proof should be accepted as well.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:46:05 am »
In regards of getting worked up, no one is getting worked up. You are trying to be as optimistic as possible in a situation that's pretty bleak that we can't directly influence.

- A few of the long time admins have left due to RL and just moving on from Sonic games leaving only Momma Blimp, Zeupar, and Gerbil (probably butchered this) unless I'm missing someone else
- Sonic AD, The head admin, for some reason still hasn't passed on the keys to the site even though he hasn't really been active (if at all) for quite a few years now.
- The site needs a huge update as, TBH, it looks like shit now.
- The person who can update isn't really active as much and if he does update, it may be for nothing as there are other sites that does the same thing TSC does but also host other games
- The community has become toxic towards each other (myself included)to the point that people shit on other games or other people for no justifiable reason, as we've seen in this post.
- The only people I feel is capable to be come the new age admins for the site, if it's to be kept going, is people I don't think the admins want to pass the torch to or they don't want it.
- The site is in a decline

Pretty bleak, don'tcha think?

Eh. I think we're both taking extremes here. I mean, at the least the site functions (poorly, mind you). I don't the site should just go away. If it's lasted this long, it can last a little while longer. CS was in a similar situation from 2009-2010. To quote the site history page on CS:

"Unfortunately though, MikkyX started to become slower when it came to coding CS4, and as a result the project was put on a halt. Because the main programmer and head admin was missing from Cyberscore, the moderators also became less and less active over the days.

It was at its worst late 2009 / early 2010, when almost none of the moderators regularly visited the site anymore. And then the unthinkable happened…

In April 2010, MikkyX threatened to pull the plug. While the main site still had a steady amount of submissions per day, the staff members were nowhere to be seen and the forum had more spambots than it had activity. And MikkyX did not want to pay the server costs if this was what was going on with the site.

When he announced this on the forum though, the community expressed their concern and their will to keep CS up and running. Some people even expressed interest in hosting the site themselves, and eventually it was placed into the hands of TheBrain.

Over the next few days, TheBrain found a suitable place to host the site and started the forum from scratch to mark this new era in Cyberscore’s history."

A similar bleak situation, if not worse than what TSC is currently in, happened to CS. Now, CS has a very active staff. The amount of proof mods, game mods, global mods, and admins is larger than ever before. I believe that, with a little bit of time and maybe even some luck, the same will happen to TSC. I'd love to help by being a staff member, as I have donated a lot of my time to CS and I would love to help TSC, but as a previously banned member twice, I can't really help. I'll just hope for the best, but if the site has to come to a close quite a bit soon, then so be it. It was a good run, guys. A good run indeed.

News and Updates / Re: Hello TSC
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:38:13 am »
Rolken, this was beautifully stated. I agree with every word stated. Without a doubt.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:51:03 am »
Maybe it might be a lot of work...but can't we just import all of the il's for the games over to Most of the Sonic games are there and adding IL's shouldn't be that hard outside of it being time consuming (I'm a mod of a few games over there). If we're to let the site die, I think this would be the best option. That way, all of the IL's are preserved, won't have to go through the effort of updating a site that may all be for nothing, and people can still compete.

The way I think about is that it's for RTA runs, not ILs. I don't think that's where these types of charts should go.

It's not like TSC's servers are going to implode because Parax and Thorn left. Changes like this are (relatively) common and shouldn't cause the entire site to crumble to the ground. People get older and leave. They grow out of who they used to be. They no longer are the same person when they started in the position. Change happens. It's up to us to adapt to it, live through it and go with it. We shouldn't give in and say that the site is dead because the main admin has left us. Power has changed hands multiple times on this site. There's no reason to go so worked up about this.

Personally I think it might be better to let the site die. With the current state of how easy it is to look for records, stats, other runners, etc on YT, Twitch, hell even twitter and other social media I don't think there is much need for TSC to be around. However the primarly reason I say this is that this site is outdated as hell and I do not have much faith in gerbil to update this site. With an outdated site there isn't much you can do. And that admins can't do that much without the irc or gerbil, well that's just disappointing.
Another option would be updating the site but that would require a lot of work. And personally I don't think it's worth the trouble for anyone to do that. After all TSC is after its prime and lasted for over 10 years (which is pretty damn long). But I guess it'd be all up to gerbil or for another developer to show up.

Aw. You've turned into a true CyberScoreian. Remember when you used to hate CS? :P

While I do not think that the site should die (as it holds a lot more records and details of competition in various Sonic games than any other site I know of), it is in desperate need of an update (as I've stated before). I won't repeat what I said there but I believe it still stands true. If in fact, for no reason whatsoever, the site dies tomorrow, so be it. I don't think it's justified if it's because of possibly being understaffed or a lack of trying. The staff that is left on the site can handle the issues TSC occasionally has popping up. (Though, not something on the scale of the emulator issues topic). I'd say look for some potential admins who can take the place of someone like Parax or Thorn (though we're unlikely to find candidates as good or better than them) that might want to help the site.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 03, 2015, 05:45:19 pm »
two small ideas I have, that I believe ... might be easy for gerbil to do is add a twitter feed of the members to the right of the site. I personally don't use the twitter, but I know its a pretty big deal for a lot of people here, it would keep everyone up to date of what all the members are up to and probably help keep the community stay closer

Another important thing is streaming, I've seen many other sites do it, have a page dedicated streaming, the page would just keep track if a member is online streaming or not, providing an easy one click way to the members stream, via a link you provide in your personal accounts settings.

These are great ideas. It would really help push the social aspect of TSC a bit more than it currently is. However, it's all up to really GerbilSoft to add it. I believe a while back, Zeupar asked if STL (one of the main developers on CS) could have a look at TSC's database/code (iirc). He hasn't been allowed any access to the code so far, but I know he could definitely help the site (if he is willing to do so). I'd need Zeupar to verify if what I'm saying is indeed correct though.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:57:19 pm »
Seriously though, you live in the past, that crap was a decade ago, stop stalking me. you comment on every post I make, and try to make every topic about me, everywhere, you're a creppy kid, and you give me a taste of the "community" thorn describes. the only reason im responding to you, is because you targeted me in this thread alone 3 times. shoooo~ 

Personally I see this as a mourning time in tsc history on par with rolken leaving (which you werent even born yet), and it needs to be respected, dealt with, and then we need to move forward.

Yes, I am the creppiest kid around.

Seriously though. I see your points, just present them without trying to start an argument. That's all I'm saying. The reason I'm "targeting" you is because I've seen on these forums arguments started because of asserting a specific point until it gets out of hand and the forums become a war zone. Don't let it get to that. If you think I'm talking about your behaviour in the past, I'm not. I see you trying to bring up points that really aren't necessary to bring up at this point in time. I have nothing against you from what you've done. I wasn't on the site when you were most active. I'm also not saying that you are trying to destroy the site. Your points are valid, just I'm worried they might cause more argument and debate, which from previous similar discussions, has let to unnecessary and unneeded drama and anger. I agree: Emulators should be sorted out to allow complete fairness on the site. I do not believe that it is necessary to talk about at the very moment, however.

I'm not really even part of TSC's community that actively. I apologize if I have made you feel bad or made you feel like I was trying to impede your points. I was just trying to stop the drama that engulfs the site from happening again.

Personally, I believe the site deserves an update. It's been about 4 years since the last update (according to dates at the bottom of the site). One of the things that I really am quite annoyed about is the inability to easily submit on the chart page itself or edit comments/times easily. Being used to CS, the ability to submit from the chart page itself, being able to see immediate result and being able to edit your comment to add something like proof is a very well thought out system. Having to go to the same screen with all times/scores/rings/whathaveyou and then waiting for the actual submission to go through is an annoyance. I agree (mostly) with Hyper. Having to start from scratch would be extremely hard for all the staff on the site, and I think that's why we're unlikely to even have an update soon.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:26:18 pm »
I don't think it's a great idea to start a "this sonic game is good/bad" argument in this thread, and blame it on that... <_<

Agreed. From what I'm reading, S&A is purposefully trying to start the drama I stated we should avoid. He's bringing up topics that have been known to cause a lot of debate or drama on both the site and the fan base in general. He's not even trying to hide the fact he's doing it. It's blatant.

There's no reason to start up another "emulator issues" topic and have that same shit go down again. It really ruins the integrity of the site, causes chaos where there doesn't need to be any and makes people leave TSC because of it. Just keep what peace TSC has left intact.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:02:28 am »
Honesty I think I should be head admin of the site, but I will settle for just regular admin status.


With your past (and still honestly your present) on the site, I think it's unlikely you'll get much of any status.


I am perhaps being a bit optimistic. I don't think that this will affect the site as much as you think it will, still. It'll more than likely be a mix of various statements from both of us.


I'd agree. TSC as a whole has been getting less and less competition (though, S06 has been the most active since 2007-2008). While, there are peaks of activity, I feel that TSC will more than likely stay at the level of activity it currently is, if not lower. I don't feel that TSC, with what it currently is, will ever reach what it was back in 2007-2010. Speedrunners after that time moved onto RTAs. A lot of people from TSC (and even CS) moved from doing ILs to doing RTA SS runs. It's just the way that speedrunning has gone. It's honestly unlikely that ILs will be back to the main focus of speedrunners or even speedrunning in general.

I hope this doesn't become a drama-filled melancholy topic like the Emulator Issues topic a while back. That drama was excessive and unnecessary. Don't let it get to that point again. There's no need for this drama on a site just about submitting scores for various Sonic games. I've talked to Otonyshi previously about it and he's stated to me that's one of the things he doesn't like about TSC in the slightest (this was around the time of the emulator topic). Honestly, I'm with him. I can see how the drama on the forums can cause a new user to feel overwhelmed by the discussion in of itself and the manner it is talked about by some of the users on the site. (Yes, this might feel unrelated in its entirety to some, but the things that I see being brought up are going in the direction that the emulator topic did.)

I'll say my thoughts again: I feel that TSC will do just fine. It's not like the current admins are somehow worse without Thorn. While, I know Thorn was helping FF, I still feel FF is a good enough admin on her own, though she might need a bit more experience to feel completely comfortable in the position. Zeupar is absolutely great at his position, he's well thought out and knows exactly how to act in the position. As for Gerbil...Well, I still don't know Gerbil very well. I know he handles the technical aspect of the site well, not sure about the social aspect.

Geez, I typed a lot.

(P.S.: I think that the site does need to make who the staff are more clear. I know from experience back when I originally joined the site how hard it was to find out who the right people to ask certain things were.)

Beef / Re: ITT Anti-emulator propaganda
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:53:50 am »
Not true. Certain consoles have advantages, along with regions. Being from CS, of course I'd say "oust emulators altogether", but that'd be the unpopular opinion here. The issues with emulators not emulating accurately will always be present.

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:11:17 am »
Well, you've done a lot here Thorn. I can understand where you're coming from, and I wish you the best wherever you go.

To be honest, I'm surprised Parax hasn't done this earlier. It's been quite a long time since you've done anything on the site, frankly. Anyways, you've still dedicated a lot to the site and I hope the best of you in whatever game you decide to run next (you're the only reason I'm on the site, in all honesty. I really do need to thank you).

I'm hoping Gerbil will be up to the task of handling head admin, which (I assume) would mean needing to be more active in areas other than the site's development/programming. We'll see where it goes from here.


I wouldn't say the site is dead. Parax was basically inactive for more than a year, and the site went along fine without one of their main admins. (Fine in a clinical sense, there may have been more tension that I'm not aware of) While, yes, this is big, it already happened for a short amount of time back in 2014, no? I think the site will get along fine. Gerbil, while not very active on the forums, is decently active on IRC and making sure that the site is functioning as normal. Flying Fox, from my experiences with talking to her, is still trying to get used to the position. I still feel like in the long run, she'll be fine. Zeupar is one of the best admins I know. He knows when to be casual and when not to be. He's one of those people made to run a site like this (or any group). It's not like TSC will collapse within the next few days or anything. This happens a lot to many sites, many groups, many businesses. Things will go on just fine.

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic the Fighters Rule Clarification
« on: April 25, 2015, 06:12:04 am »
I've recently been trying my own hand at StF, and I'm confused about a few things:

1) Is Automatic allowed? There's an option for either manual or automatic as soon as you select your character. Technically, there is no real default and both manual and automatic have their advantages. Manual can be better for certain fights and automatic for others. It also depends on the character. In Automatic, you can't do certain moves (this really shows as Espio). In Manual, you can do those moves, but certain moves might be easier to pull off in Automatic (Bark is a good example). Personally, I think both should be allowed but it's up to the admins. It's sorta like manual and automatic in the Mario Kart games.

2) Is the XBLA version allowed? It's the only version I own.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi everyone
« on: April 11, 2015, 06:52:36 pm »
He's had a lot of Shadow WRs for a while, just hasn't submitted them until now. Great Shadow runner, recommend you guys look and see where he goes. He might get total Shadow IL WR :D

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic Adventure 2 charts
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:08:01 pm »
It's hard to validate if someone does M1 checkless without a video. I would say if you really want checkless, go for M4 only. Don't allow checkless M1. Forcing video proof isn't a good idea.

General Sonic / Re: Happuage 2 Streaming Issues
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:23:14 am »
Good luck with them, DGF.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hiya!
« on: April 07, 2015, 04:00:38 pm »
Welcome, BryonVilla! Hope you do well here at the site.

About the team thing, Rose is generally the shortest. Due to DsS's love for Rose though, the strats are extremely hard. Dark is the hardest normally, Chaotix is varied, Hero is normal. I'd say to start...well, that's a bit of a hard decision in of itself. I'd recommend trying each team to see how you do with them.

General Sonic / Re: Happuage 2 Streaming Issues
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:40:57 pm »
Yeah. Should've been nicer. I forget to really think sometimes. :/

Have you tried XSplit too? A lot of people who couldn't really work with OBS have used XSplit instead. Might just be better for that capture card.

General Sonic / Re: SA2B Speedrun
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:25:39 pm »
The site stores videos if you link them when you submit your sub (though, it only really keeps the video if it's the highest sub with a video).

They're also in your profile, under videos :P

Hiya Folks / Re: Oh no, not this guy
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:26:15 am »
Don't ever recall seeing you before, but welcome! Hopefully you can run SA2B (I'm presuming Single Segment) soon. :)

What I was saying wasn't serious. I didn't mean to hurt you due to it, but I just found it a bit weird. It is quite good dedication to even try that (seriously, you'd probably have to try for so long to get those many rings without getting hit).

I apologize for what I said, I didn't mean to make you feel this way.

I didn't check either about the CS thing. I just did it because...I didn't think before I posted. If I'm forum banned, I deserve it. I'm hoping we can patch things up. What I did here was unjust and unacceptable. I've been in a similar place to you for a long time, and the last thing I want is to put that same position onto someone else.

TSC Race Night / Re: Week 2 re-do + Week 3 Races
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:33:47 pm »
We Australians basically get fucked when it comes to Sunday races...

« on: March 25, 2015, 03:55:31 am »
It IS a bit much...isn't it?

I mean, yes, the way things get fixed on TSC is a bit too slow. We don't have a consistently active programmer. However, does that fully give you the right to submit false scores on purpose and then openly admit you did? I admit, due to my past here I shouldn't be the one to say that, but I still believe that if one does submit obviously false scores, they should be banned. While you already legitimately got every single 1st on SUDLC, submitting an obvious false score and passing it off as a record is, by the book, eligible by ban. I'm not trying to offend you, but I think a bit more patience and just waiting would've been better than risking your account on the site.

Hiya Folks / Re: A formal reintroduction.
« on: March 22, 2015, 05:59:42 am »
Just decided to drop a little stat bomb on S06 here~

Proof sorting really does take a while though, took me about three hours to get only about 20 pictures (~60 stats), upload them to CS, put all the submissions onto TSC, then link the CS proofs.

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Hits: 10 | Hits This Month: 1 | DB Calls: 8 | Mem Usage: 1.47 MB | Time: 0.08s | Printable

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