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Messages - SB737

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Competition Central / Re: Glitchless IL and SS runs
« on: July 09, 2017, 08:58:51 am »
As far as single segment competition goes, for some games has glitchless categories for games where theres enough competition for that to work

Its highly unlikely that you'll see glitchless charts on TSC though. So yeah if you'd like to see glitchless levels then watching single segments is your best bet :)

There are quite a few games where different versions of a game are more advantageous, Generations console has glitches that can't be done on PC, and pretty sure Sonic Adventure has dreamcast only glitches. So if it's better for you to post iOS stats then go ahead, as it's the same policy for every game. Only time games get separate charts is when it's a completely different game that plays significantly different, not with ports (e.g Sonic 1 2013 and Sonic 1 GBA have their own charts).

Hope that clears up your question. I think if games started getting version specific charts then things would start to get a bit messy, and each chart would have less stars due to it being over more versions.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: SMB 2-1 349 by heChaosEmeraIds
« on: May 19, 2017, 05:45:54 pm »
Considering in this TAS he got 346, I agree with you, it is likely a typo.

It likely got overlooked as competition isn't as popular as Sonic on there, so the time should probably be removed (If an admin agrees :))

Im confused Vicklaw, how did you record before? I seem to recall you using Fusion, which doesnt have an internal recording feature that gets an imput file. I may be wrong though, if you used an input file before, just record like you used to, and then post the input file to here
Hopefully that solves your problem, and if not, then using a phone to record your screen will work as the next best thing :)

News and Updates / Re: New Heaven, New Earth. Introducing a new site rule
« on: January 09, 2017, 04:56:35 am »
I definitely think that this is a good idea and a step in the right direction for TSC (especially with games like Sonic Mania and Project Sonic 2017 coming, which are very likely to spark a resurgence in competition). 

I like the new rule for untied records but I see no reason why charts like this would need to require a video.
I think the new rule reduces players lying about ring stats or extremely easy records to tie, as it has been known in the past for players to just post stats for easy ring records, on the premise that they know they could do it if they tried it, so admittedly for some games it wouldn't be proving something extremely difficult, but it would prove that others are competing fairly.

Does this mean that if you do a run on an emulator that you are required to use one with rerecording functions? I don't think that's a very good idea at all :/. For one it would clash with the rules on which means that if you do full game runs then you can't submit times if you happen to get an IL PB. Also it forces users to use the rerecording function of TASing emulators which is better than no required proof at all but still does nothing to combat cheating if you know what you're doing. Splices are way harder to do than savestates and hex edits :). Regardless, I very much appreciate the steps you are taking on this.

I also think that Timpz raises a good point. I assume if the emulator you use has the ability to record input files then you would need to record that and post it, however if someone uses an emulator like Fusion for example, would a video alone be accepted? Imo that would be best, rather than encouraging someone to use an emulatior with TASing functionality over a non-TAS one, however I suspect that Zeupar means for this to be the case anyway.

It's good to see TSC still taking steps to move forward, and I'm looking forward to future competition :)

Here's more gameplay on Sonic Mania, shows gameplay as Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic and Tails together, which plays like Sonic 3 would. Also shows a new zone called Mirage Saloon.

Hiya Folks / Hey!
« on: September 25, 2016, 05:13:56 am »
Hello :) Most of you know who I am, but I never made one of these topics when I first joined, so I'm making one now :P
I havent really been active on the site for the last couple of years, but gonna try and compete a bit more regularly now that I have a little more time on my hands. At the very least I'd like to try and reclaim the Sonic Generations Championship and get back up to 4th sitewide. Maybe from there do a full chart of Sonic CD? Not sure as there lots of games I'd like to do really (Sonic Advance being one of them).
So just wanted to say Hi to the new people that don't know me, and to the people who are still here from when I used to compete all the time :)

Considering how Generations is my favourite video game of all time, I can't wait for Project Sonic, I'll definitively be playing it a lot.
And I loved the classic Sonic games so much, so to see them finally release a game of that style is awesome. It looks like Sega might actually do something right with Sonic this time :)

Yeah Im not talking about equalling a record, Im talking about beating a tied record, which would lead to codegirl announcing it in the IRC

Does it have to a be a record that he holds outright, or could it be one that he holds as a joint record, e.g a rings stage that's thought to be maxed, but actually isnt?

Gaming and Grazing / Re: So Howzabout That Super Mario Maker
« on: September 23, 2015, 01:22:54 pm »
I need to get myself a Wii U so I can play this, looks fun, those levels look cool thorn :)

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:12:44 am »
I'd just like to say thanks to Thorn for all the work you've done, you've been a very good admin, and whilst it's a shame to see you go, I can understand your reasoning.
I think that TSC needs an active coder, as I always have, but from what I can see, that may not be possible right now.
The community of speerunning does seem to have shifted much more to full game speed runs, rather than ILs, and RAs/SAs, which is perhaps why people would go to other sites such as SDA and SRL. I thought I'd always be a big competitor on TSC, but I've also moved onto other games and joined other communities (Not saying I've left this community, I'm just a bit less active).
Competition on TSC has been steady for some time now, and I reckon it will stay that way, unless Sega can make a decent game for once, then maybe competition will rise up a bit, like it did for Generations, fingers crossed for Sonic's 25th anniversary in a year or so :P

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic Adventure 2 charts
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:18:37 am »
I feel that they should be added, as they are tracked as an extra mission, so your time would be saved, and in my opninion getting a fast time takes a lot more skill without checkpoint abuse.
I also think that if you get speedshoes or rings from a checkpoint then that should void your stat, if you're doing wanting to submit a mission 1 to mission 4's chaert, as already mentioned.

Competition Central / Re: Is this speedrun OK for you ?
« on: January 22, 2015, 01:05:44 pm »
If you legitly achieved it without using TAS, then you're allowed to submit it.

Wikkity! / Re: Cake
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:20:05 pm »
now seriously, why would you bump a three-month-old topic to tell people not to bump topics?

This is cyberscores chart, don't think you'll find any others: you can see that the record is a bit faster than your time

Competition Central / Re: Sonic 1 2013 Question
« on: January 10, 2015, 03:01:24 pm »
Yeah they are allowed for every category, except for sonic times, time attack must be used

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 13 - Who's your favorite character?
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:28:45 am »
I used to be a big tails fan too till I was about 9 mastakirby lol, but then I turned a sonic kid

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 9 - How did you become a Sonic fan?
« on: January 01, 2015, 07:25:22 am »
I was born in 1997, but my older brother (12 years older than me) had both a mega drive and master system. I grew up playing on those all the time, from about the age of 2, and I had beaten sonic 1 and 2 on SMS by the time I was 3. I also played sonic 1 and 2 on mega drive quite a bit, but never managed to beat them, the labyrinth 3 boss always stopped me, and so did the death egg. My master system broke, and my mega drive was dying, so when I was about 7? I think, my dad bought me a gamecube with sonic mega collection on it, I played on it all the time, but it would be some years till I beat all the games on it. I also had 3d blast on PC, which I played a lot, until I got stuck on the volcanoes valley 3 boss, but once I got a controller I managed to beat that stage ( I've always sucked at keyboards :P). I really loved the adventure games, had sa1 on PC, borrowed from a friend, and played sa2 at a friends house. The first sonic game I ever preordered was generations, and that's the game that got me into speed running.

Death Egg Robot (Generations)
Perfect Chaos (Generations)
Sandopolis 1 boss (cos it's just funny)
Egg Viper (Sadx)

I just wanna play the next GOOD Sonic game...
You're gonna be waiting a loooong time for that...

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric

I'd like to play the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World, only have the 3DS version.
Also Shadow the Hedgehog, I own it, and keep meaning to play it, but haven't yet got round to it.

Wikkity! / Re: FINAL TOPIC! Topic 14 - What Sonic Character matches you?
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:17:33 pm »
I got Tails, not who I expected, but I liked the outcome.

Also yeah, these topics were good, nice to see a bit of life on the forums.

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2014!!!
« on: December 31, 2014, 09:23:20 am »
FocusSight saying Happy New Year 11 hours early reminded me that I'm running out of time to post this.

Added some notes to last year's predictions:

Personal (In some ways these are targets as well as predictions):
- Top 5 sitewide (no I'm not crazy), although it's been played down that I can make it crazier things have happened to me on TSC 4th (Left it late though!)
- Overtake Hyper sitewide, for some reason I feel satisified knwoing I'm ahead of such a good all round played, who's imo of a similar level to me, just that we both excel in different games. For a period this happened, however he returned fire with his 690 in 69, which regained his lead
- I will get the Sonic 3 championship Was reclaimed by SDM a few times, but I still have it quite comfortably
- I will attempt to get the Colours championship, and perhaps for a period have it, however DsS will come back and get it, mainly by filling in ring attacks and improving scores.Still haven't finished this game yet, and unless I seriously improve my times, this isn't going to happen
-  Someone will take the Lost World 3DS championship from me (I suspect Zip will be the challenger), however I will still strive to keep it above 80% Yep, Zip did take it from me, but I didn't bother to keep it at 80%
- I'll compete in a Sonic car racing game, either ASRT, SASAR, or Sonic Drift 1/2 I competed in Drift 1, and got a full chart, and did a little competition in Drift 2, getting 2 records in the process!
- I'll reach 600 records I did reach about 630 records at one point iirc, but have now dropped down to 587, mainly due to Flyingfox taking alot of my S1GBA time records, and S1-13 score records.
- I'll get Sonic 1-13 to 80% and Sonic 3D Blast to 80% Sonic 1-13 was at about 60% at it's highest, and Sonci 3D Blast was comfortably above 80%
- In addition to all games previously mentioned (bar the racing games), I'll get two more games to red overall. I got both Sonic 4 Episode Metal and Sonic 1 GBA to red, as well as taking Sonic %& Knuckles into red, and then to Platinum
- I'll get back to race nights I raced when I could, but they stopped

- Don won't get Colours to red before 2014 is up. He didn't (57%)
- Infersaime will manage to break into the top 50 sitewide 36th
- Colours will get 100 competitors 103 competitors
- HyperSonic will get 500 sitewide points, and maybe squeeze into the top 5 (if I'm not already there:P) He did a bit more than "just squeeze in",  reaching well over 700 site points, and reaching 2nd place
- Flyingfox will finally decide to ring attack Sky High 1 (S2GG) and will take the championship, thus making it back to the top 10 She STILL hasn't done it!
- SDM will return to competition a little He did, reclaiming the Sonci 3 champ a few times, and improving ring stats.
- Someone will be unbanned Nope

2015 predictions
-Top 3 sitewide
-700 site points
-650 records
-25 leaderships
-Finish Colours off, and take the Scores leadership, and take colours to 80%
- Reach at least 80% for: Sonic 2 (GG), SG3DS, Sonic Advance
-Compete and get a near full chart for either SADX, SA2B, Heroes or Shadow the Hedgehog
-2300 stats submitted

-Hyper will reach 850 site points
-FF will do Sky High 2 rings
-Infersaime will get top 20
-An inactive member will return and compete a bit

General Sonic / Re: Finished my rings TAS.
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:26:10 am »
I liked the unique way of Tasing a game, rather than speedrunning a game in the shortest routes, getting every ring possible as well was pretty awesome. I'd like to see a TAS of tails or knuckles doing this, where you get every emerald in the game too, allowing you to collect 50 rings from the large rings, and then you can't fly/glide with more than 50 rings, which makes the routes really crazy, and clever.

Wikkity! / Re: Topic 6 - What's your favorite soundtrack from a Sonic game?
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:22:49 pm »
I have a few, Planet Wisp 1 from colours and Act 4 (both have the same song), that piano at the start is beautiful. I also like His World from 06, Super Sonic Racing from Sonic R, Unleashed Endless Possibility, Reach for the Stars from Colours, and of course Sonic Boom from Sonic CD :)

Oh and then there's Diamond Dust from 3D blast

And then I also really love Your My Hero from the Sonic 3D Blast credits, uh picking a favourite is impossible :P

I'm banking on getting that lump of coal this year, hopefully Santa will pull through

Well it's a generations classic stage, I know that much, I've clocked in over 1000 hours on that game over the years. I'd have to say that it's probably Chemical Plant 1, when I was trying to beat talon's 42 second run with no skills, since the glitch for it was discovered I spent hours optimizing the stage, and doing it with skills too.

News and Updates / Re: November 2014
« on: December 07, 2014, 08:26:41 am »
Yeah I really like these threads to, get to see what's been going on through the month, hopefully I'll get myself on there for December :)

Competition Central / Re: A Query on the Score Attack Rules
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:46:49 pm »
It's been nearly 3 weeks now, any verdict?

Zeupar edit: We have amended the rules to accommodate the described strategy. Thank you for letting us know about the overall inconsistency.

Hiya Folks / Re: Better late than never...
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:07:47 pm »
Hey welcome to TSC, have fun with competition, SADX is a great game, so keep playing it!

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