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Messages - DATBOI | War Anvil

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hiya Folks / Re: Hello
« on: August 23, 2017, 11:46:46 pm »
Freestyle is the time category, in both Sonic 2 and 3&K, where Super Sonic and other transformations are allowed.

A player's given percentage in a category  denotes how many of that category's first-place records are theirs, including shared first-place records.  For example, maggot holds 98.6% of the first-place rankings across all of the original Sonic 1 (1991).

Good to compete with you!

Competition Central / Re: Emulator Proof Thread
« on: April 04, 2014, 03:18:20 pm »
Got some small improvements.  Both of these were achieved in Gens+.

GAME: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (W) [!]
  • Times (Sonic): Aquatic Ruin 1: 26s
  • Times (Sonic): Casino Night 2: 1m35s

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Friend Code Megathread
« on: February 14, 2014, 03:35:37 pm »
I've got my 3DS at the ready.

3DS: 2208-4585-5395

Gaming and Grazing / Re: ITT: POKEMON X AND Y
« on: January 08, 2014, 02:17:15 pm »
Oh, goodie!  This game sure is a thing for me!

I don't have Poké Bank, but may get it in the distant future for kicks and giggles.  As of this writing, I am in Anistar City, Super Training my Florges (named DEATH FLOWER), trying to hatch a Ralts egg, and overall gently traipsing around in the PSS.  Battling with people worldwide is ace, yo.


General Sonic / Sonic 2 attacks iOS and Android today!
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:40:28 am »
As TouchArcade has said for a while, there's a new version of Sonic 2 from the guys behind CD 2011 and S1 2013.

It's out now, and basically has new things added to the original like 3D Special Stages, constant 60FPS action, and - this may be mindblowing to some of you - a canon re-imagining of Hidden Palace Zone.  There will also be many of the Sonic 1 port's features available as well, in addition to a Boss Attack mode (as far as the trailer is concerned).  I think I may give this a go as soon as I can!

What do you guys think?  Should this version be added to TSC's game list?

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2014!!!
« on: December 09, 2013, 07:34:19 pm »
After staying back and submitting stats here and there, here I am again.

  • I'll get back into Generations HD and Unleashed HD.
  • I'd explore more stat possibilities for the Genesis Sonics.
  • Maybe I'll try my hand at Lost World Wii U, should I get it.
  • Parax will keep all other competitors within the confines of death's cold embrace.
  • Sonic CD competitors may move on altogether to CD11.  Same for Sonic 1 and the 2013 version.
I'll think about more as December goes on.

I've actually been doing a random Fire Red Nuzlocke myself - with the Physical/Special split included.

I'm not saying how I got the split in there, though...

« on: May 16, 2012, 12:52:52 pm »
RPG's chart is the best chart for Sonic 4: Episode 2.  I'd take it all the way. (Kakapo gif)

Wikkity! / Guess who just improved?
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:23:06 am »
173 keys per minute, and 34 words per minute.


Wikkity! / Re: Test your typing skills- again!
« on: April 27, 2012, 06:09:55 pm »
171 keys per minute ~ 34 words per minute
Not bad

I agree, Combo.  Although in my case, the sentences weren't too weird. ;)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Pokemon Nuzlocke!
« on: March 31, 2012, 04:36:38 pm »
That's too bad, RPG.  Better luck next time, though.

On another note, I'm working on a Yellow Randomlocke!

So far, I've gotten all the way past Nugget Bridge with two badges.

Gaming and Grazing / Fire Red Nuzlocke
« on: March 24, 2012, 07:34:03 pm »
I've decided to start clean and go with FireRed.

i. Faint is grounds for boxing fainted Pokémon.
- Unless I can give the victim a normal or Max Revive.
ii. Dupes don't work on me, only shinies!
iii. Team loss equals game over.
- Except when I'm limited to my starter.
iv. Name monsters based on whatever I can think of.
v. I will attach a Word-based journal that details my happenings.  This journal will update each Act.
vi. This will only cover up to the first Champion battle.

ACT1: A New Hope
- Named myself Anvil, as usual.  My rival is named 9Ball, or ⑨ (Guess the reference!).
- Withdrew a Potion from my PC, just in case I'm struggling.
- Got saved by Oak and went to his lab.
- Currently have a choice between Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander.  Which one should I choose?



Out of commission:

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Pokemon Nuzlocke!
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:04:31 pm »
I should really do some more of my own run, relatedly, is Expert Emerald a hack of Emerald, if so it is relevant to my interests~
Yes, it is.  It's pretty much that "Emerald 386" thing, except way more challenging.  Emerald 386 is a fellow hack.

Ya know what?  I'm restarting with Vanilla Emerald, except random wild encounters.

- Same as last time, but you can catch more than one Pokémon per location!

- Named myself Anvil, as usual.
- Used a quiet Magnemite named Marvin to save Prof. Birch.
- After learning ThunderShock, Marv went on to decimate May's Mudkip in one blow.
- Caught a quiet Aron named Cloisonne on Route 102.

- Meet up with Norman (and Wally), then shove off for Rustboro

Marvin - L8 Magnemite
Cloisonne - L6 Aron


KO'd so far:

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Pokemon Nuzlocke!
« on: March 13, 2012, 08:29:36 pm »
Say, I'm doing an Expert Emerald Nuzlocke myself!

Rules are as follows:
- Faint = Box time!
-- Unless I can revive them in battle.
- Catch only the first Pokémon I can on each route.
- No dupes.
-- Shiny Pokémon don't and can't count as dupes, fortunately.
- All of my team fainting is a Game Over.
-- Unless I can't catch anything other than my starter, as you'll soon find out.

- Named myself Anvil.
- Saved Prof. Birch's life with a serious Ivysaur who I later named Jay Gatz.
- After a false start (No Game Over here since I can't catch anything), I rose back up to defeat May just after JG learned Vine Whip.  2HKO for her Skitty, and Mudkip went down in one shot.
- Run into and catch a careful Whiscash named Percy.

Current team
JAY GATZ - L10 Ivysaur
PERCY - L10 Whiscash

Down and out
None yet!

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: March 08, 2012, 04:28:42 pm »

I'm gonna throw my hat in the ring, just because.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic CD 2011 charts?
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:35:57 pm »

I concur.  Sega needs to patch this sometime.

Competition Central / A REALISTIC idea for CD11 charts
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:27:58 am »
Here's how I would go around doing it.

Normal Times, Rings, Special
Time Attack must be used for Sonic, and stage select for Tails.  Only Sonic is available for Special, since you have to use Time Attack.
Past, Good Future, Bad Future Times, all Scores
You must use stage select for both characters.

Normal Times (Present for Zones 1 and 2, Bad Futures for Zone 3) - Sonic and Tails
Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Palmtree Panic 3
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Collision Chaos 3
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Tidal Tempest 3
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Quartz Quadrant 3
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Wacky Workbench 3
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Stardust Speedway 3
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2
Metallic Madness 3

Past - Sonic and Tails

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2

Good Future - Sonic and Tails

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Palmtree Panic 3
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Collision Chaos 3
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Tidal Tempest 3
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Quartz Quadrant 3
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Wacky Workbench 3
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Stardust Speedway 3
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2
Metallic Madness 3

Bad Future - Sonic and Tails

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2

Scores - Sonic and Tails - Past and Present

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2

Scores - Sonic and Tails - Good Future and Bad Future

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Palmtree Panic 3
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Collision Chaos 3
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Tidal Tempest 3
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Quartz Quadrant 3
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Wacky Workbench 3
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Stardust Speedway 3
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2
Metallic Madness 3

Rings - Sonic and Tails (Same deal as Time Attack)

Palmtree Panic 1
Palmtree Panic 2
Palmtree Panic 3
Collision Chaos 1
Collision Chaos 2
Collision Chaos 3
Tidal Tempest 1
Tidal Tempest 2
Tidal Tempest 3
Quartz Quadrant 1
Quartz Quadrant 2
Quartz Quadrant 3
Wacky Workbench 1
Wacky Workbench 2
Wacky Workbench 3
Stardust Speedway 1
Stardust Speedway 2
Stardust Speedway 3
Metallic Madness 1
Metallic Madness 2
Metallic Madness 3

Special - Sonic (Not counting Secret Special Stage.)
Special Stage 1
Special Stage 2
Special Stage 3
Special Stage 4
Special Stage 5
Special Stage 6
Special Stage 7

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello guys
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:35:37 pm »
'Sup?  Welcome to TSC.  I'm rising up in Sonic 3 myself.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: January 22, 2012, 09:10:11 am »
Bring back TUSC, guys!

Not my best, but still.

Hiya Folks / Re: Your RRM time
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:27:24 pm »
THAT is uber.  You should be proud to have made such a record.
Anyway, welcome to TSC!

Hiya Folks / Re: New year, it's time.
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:46:30 pm »
Whoa.  You could very well be the new son1cgu1tar if you keep up.  Even better, at that!

Anyway, I bid you a warm welcome.

Rules Revisions / Re: ? Boxes
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:04:11 pm »
Those Heroes charts have an average of like 70 people on them, putting their efforts into a freestyle chart would be ass. Especially considering chaotix rings have levels like seaside hill with that long ass infinite fly, just suddenly turning around and saying, welp too bad we don't like luck, is just compete and utter ass.

Another thing is that surely this is not a priority in fixing up the charts. Whatever happened to those future and past charts for Sonic CD? What happened to Nonaggression and Doomsday ring charts? And how about the classic Sky Chase getting a score chart, but not Scrap Brain 3, Wing Fortress, Lava Reef 2 Knux and Death Egg 2.

And why oh why for bosses, do we track rings but not scores for S3DB, scores but not rings for the Rushes, both rings and scores for Sonic 4 and Sonic 06, and then neither rings or score for Advance 1/2.

Instead of just bringing up more and more issues we should be actually going through every issue with the charts one by one and not stopping until something is actually done about it.

I agree completely with you, werster.  Nobody knows when the chart additions you mentioned are coming because logic battles are usually being waged on a daily basis in Rules Revisions.

Competition Central / Re: The Random .giz Topic
« on: January 02, 2012, 09:33:55 am »

Sonic 1, SYZ1.  43 seconds.

Wikkity! / Re: TSC: How's it Going?
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:25:12 pm »
I personally think the competitive spirit is still alive.  RPG happens to be first on SG360 so far.

Anyway, nice to see that you have #1 on Sonic Battle.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Generations 3DS Charts
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:19:45 pm »
Okay so, perhaps we should have an attack plan for who unlocks what missions so we can save time? (or y'know, just ban all the missions because they seem to be of SRA Mission quality, and we all know how that was >_>)

I'd say ban all the missions.  I don't think anybody will unlock all of them before the charts come up.

Chaos Emeralds / Re: Cyan Chaos Emerald Challenge
« on: December 29, 2011, 01:36:55 pm »
All right, why not?

Initials are , as usual.

Chaos Emeralds / Re: Green Chaos Emerald Challenge
« on: December 28, 2011, 11:18:34 am »
Finally, I proved I was smart.

Knux was used for this time.  Initials should be .

<...I don't like route and speed. werster~>

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2012!!!
« on: December 26, 2011, 03:19:21 pm »
More Generations content will be available.
Shantae, as I said, gets a third game.
BlazefireLP of Sonic Fan Games HQ will get around to making his Sonic CD engine.
I get smarter when it comes to the forums, at werster's request.

Wikkity! / Re: Your best Christmas present?
« on: December 26, 2011, 11:25:50 am »
An actual Sega Genesis.  It's the second model.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic CD XBLA charts?
« on: December 22, 2011, 03:19:00 pm »

[soldier]YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH.[/soldier]

Maybe this would inspire me to at least try out CD'11

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