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Messages - THC98

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Hiya Folks / Re: nice
« on: January 07, 2020, 02:33:10 pm »

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic Adventure 2 charts
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:24:38 pm »
My opinion about this is that we should just have M4 charts for hunting stages (Knuckles's and Rouge's stages, except Route 280), because these are the only levels that would have a completely different strat in M4. Creating these charts for the other stages would be pretty much pointless, as the strats are literally the same as M1. And also, keeping the charts for these stages like they are would help who can't be consistent enough at the game and needs to abuse checkpoints in runs to be able to compete with the ones that are really consistent (or persistent) at the game and can do great checkless runs.

If you're talking about the diagonal directions (Up-left, Up-right, Down-left, Down-right) It's common to note that the Dreamcast and GameCube both use a joystick to control with. I'm thinking that the reason why you're getting extra speed, is because of the inaccessible dead-zone you get from maximizing the inputs of both the vertical and horizontal directions, which you cannot achieve with a standard controller due to the nature of the circular joystick pad. This issue exists in Doom as well, where mixing two directions nets you bonus speed, because it doesn't account for the additional vertex movement.

If I did my math correctly, you should have 41.4% extra input direction at the corner than a perfect circle. This is comparing a square with width and length of 2 with a circle of diameter 2. The games were meant to be played on the console anyway, so I can see why this is an oversight. We do have a PC version though...

Oh wow, that makes a lot of sense. But in Dolphin, even though the inputs go beyond the circle of the joystick pad, the game reads the input normally. Maybe the emulator converts the input to avoid the issue, I don't know. If Dreamcast emulators could also convert inputs that way, this issue would be probably solved.

Thanks a lot for the idea!

I hope you continue ur work and I wish you would expand into the dolphin and study, and eventually ban that, if not all emulators!

Thanks a lot! But about banning other emulators, I don't see why that would happen. Most of the emulators are very consistent and accurate to the real console, and the ones that aren't accurate are banned on TSC.

If you run Mega Drive games on Steam re-release (an original SEGA release) and run them on Kega Fusion or Gens (we at TSC prefer running on Kega to avoid issues with rerecording on Gens), you'd notice that the games are exactly the same, no difference. The same applies to Dolphin (I have a lot of experience on Dolphin, as I TAS using this emulator since some years ago), although the loading times aren't completely accurate, which is something that shouldn't matter for speedrunning.

But still, if you find an inconsistency or unaccuracy in any of these emulators (or in ones that are allowed on TSC but I didn't talk about here), you should talk to any TSC mod or create a topic like this so the mods can ban the emulator as well. I don't think that any other emulator will be banned though, Dreamcast emulators were banned because Dreamcast is a really weird console because it's so different to the other ones, so it's hard to make it accurate.

Oh, that emulator version definitely looks more accurate. I'll download it and test myself soon, then I'll post here what I think about it!

Edit: Actually, that emulator doesn't fix the issue. It does run Sonic Adventure better, but if you hold up-left, up-right, down-left or down-right you still get that insane speed up that you shouldn't get.

Maybe it should be possible to make a plugin that fixes this issue? Or maybe there is a plugin like that?? I have to search a little more about it. But so far, no emulator runs Sonic Adventure well enough, unfortunately.

It would also affect RA and SA, as it would be possible to get some rings that you should never get or to get some faster (making the score higher).

Competition Central / Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast) - issue with emulators
« on: February 20, 2015, 09:43:57 pm »
The Dreamcast emulators are currently allowed for Sonic Adventure competition, under the conditions that it runs the game at full speed. But when I watched some videos of emulators running Sonic Adventure and when I tested it myself, I spotted some huge inaccuracy in comparision to the real console. I've tested NullDC, Chankast and Demul emulators, and all of them had this same issue. This inaccuracy is basically how the emulator handles speed while the character is in mid-air, watch it yourself:

This was recorded in NullDC 1.0.4-389 emulator.

The first part of the video was done by simply spindashing over that gap (without jumping). You should fall down and die around in the middle of the gap, but in DC emulators you can barely clear the gap.

In the other part of the video, I show how that issue affects Tails's flying. I show how Tails flies without the flying upgrade then how he does it with that. You can spot that both of them had pretty much the same speed, although flying with the upgrade should be around 2 times faster than flying without it (which flying without it was already much faster than it should ever be).

This inaccuracy also affects automated script sections, which may end up on the character flying off of the ground and falling for his dead or landing on a later spot in the stage.

I've also seen some runs of Speed Highway as Tails (although I can't find them anymore) that beat the current legit WR by 7-8 seconds by abusing that emulator issue.

My suggestion about this all is to completely ban DC emulators for Sonic Adventure competition, unless someone finds an emulator that fixes this issue (which I couldn't).

General Sonic / Re: Finished my rings TAS.
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:34:02 am »
I watched it when you published it on TASVideos. It's really amazing, I loved it!

Happy birthday TSC!! :D

Ho-Oh >>> Lugia

News and Updates / Re: Submissions Temporarily Halted
« on: October 02, 2014, 03:16:13 pm »
Can't he backup for when the problem wasn't happening, fix it and submit all the lost stats? I don't know if this is possible and easier than how he's doing it, it's just a thought.

Leaderboard Disputes / ATTN: RinKagamine1
« on: July 20, 2014, 02:27:05 pm »
I want to require proof for these following stats, that were done on Trial Mode based on what RinKagamine1 told us:

Here is a screenshot of his stats at the time this topic was created:

This new rule seems to be really good! It'll encourage people that suffers from console disadvantage to compete more, like with the new Ultra Glide glitch on PC version of Heroes. Good job with the idea! :)

News and Updates / Re: An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 13, 2014, 06:16:22 pm »
I have a great experience with SADX, SA2B and Heroes at both real time runs and TASes, so I can help in those games. I also have some experience with Genesis games, so I think I can help in them as well.

Competition Central / Re: Emulator Proof Thread
« on: April 02, 2014, 01:42:40 pm »
Would that apply to any emulator? That's because I use Kega Fusion for my S1 submission, and this emulator doesn't have recording (so it also doesn't have TASing) support.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Heroes: The truth about the Super Glide
« on: February 23, 2014, 02:58:32 pm »
EDIT: And wouldn't THC saying that it isn't possible in other versions mean he had some prior knowledge about it before you did?
He sent me the PM with his video AFTER DsS posted his video, that's why I knew it wasn't possible in the other versions.

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: supersonic917
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:34:39 pm »
I was asked to reorganize all arguments and evidence in 1 post and number them so supersonic917 could provide his answers for them number by number, so here they are:

1. In Aquarium Park 1 ( comparison video with TAS, supersonic917 deleted the original after my first post) you do a double jump and a boost in 5 frames, which means 3 different inputs in a time of less than 0.2 seconds of which the first 2 require you to press the same button, as seen here:, this is impossible for a human. You replied saying that another guy could also do that, in this video: The person in the video however did these actions in 10 frames as displayed here:, which is twice as long as your inputs making this argument invalid. Can you explain us exactly how you were able to do these inputs?
2. In Starlight Carnival 5 ( you did 3 boosts in 6 frames as shown here: These are frame perfect button presses of the same button and are too fast for a human, so you claim that you pressed the button really fast is impossible. Please explain how you were able to do these inputs.
3. In Asteroid Coaster 2 ( you did a frame perfect homing attack (first frame the targeting system activates) onto a spring twice as shown in these pictures You replied saying you pressed the same button twice really fast, but not only would you need to have borderline impossible speed, but you would have to time the homing attack precisely when the targeting system activates, which depends on your distance from the spring and the location, so it can only be timed correctly if you jump at the same location every time, which is impossible for a human (spamming the button hoping to get lucky is not an alternative in this situation, because it would activate a double jump). How were you able to do these inputs?

Any other arguments we had gameplay wise like the aiming of the jump in point 1 and the frame perfect homing attacks into the asteroids we have not included in this list, because they would be possible for humans with very lucky aiming and button mashing which, while statistically very unlikely, is not 100% impossible. Same thing goes for his claim to perform these actions on a keyboard, highly unlikely, but to our knowledge not impossible.

Supersonic917, could you please provide anwsers for each of these points seperately?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: supersonic917
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:00:47 pm »
Supersonic917, you didn't actually answer my questions. I said that you did 3 button presses in an interval of 5 frames (0.16 seconds in Colors), which is impossible in a real time speedrun. Can you explain that?
Also, you didn't answer flyingfox's question either. Why are you deleting your speedrun videos in the past couple of days, including Aquarium Park 1?
One last thing: in the Dolphin settings pictures you sent, you didn't screenshot the box where you can change the framerate, enable/disable Dual Core and Idle Skipping, can you send us that screenshot as well?

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: supersonic917
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:01:33 pm »
Some of us at TSC have reason to believe some of supersonic917's submitted runs are TASes based on the following things:

Comparisions between his runs and TASes:
Tropical Resort 1:
Aquarium Park 1:

Notes about his runs:
In Aquarium Park 1, he does two jumps and one boost in 5 frames, which is impossible for an human:
In this same run, he also did a stomp to land in exactly the perfect spot in the next platform and did a boost in the following frame:
In Starlight Carnival 5, he does 3 boosts frame perfect at 1:06. I know it doesn't really matter for the time, but it's still impossible for an human:
In Asteroid Coaster 2, he did several of double A taps that are too fast for an human: at 0:23 after getting the boosts, at 0:27 and 0:36 (the homing attack to the spring) and at 0:45 (the homing attacks in the asteroids):

There's also another thing that should invalidate his submited times here. As said in this video , supersonic917 runs Colors in 55-60 FPS while recording (with Fraps). But according to TSC rules, the game should run at FULL speed at the whole time.

General Sonic / Re: Rank your favorite Sonic games that you have played
« on: December 19, 2013, 09:06:41 pm »
1. Sonic Adventure DX
2. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
4. Sonic Heroes
5. Sonic 1
6. Sonic Generations (PC)
7. Sonic Lost World (3DS)
8. Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
9. Sonic 2
10. Sonic Colors
11. Sonic Riders
12. Sonic 4 Episode II
13. Sonic Unleashed (Wii)
14. Sonic Generations (3DS)
15. Sonic Advance 2

And so on... I won't complete the list because I've played a lot of other Sonic games and I can't rank them :P

News and Updates / Re: TSC Twitch Team!
« on: December 10, 2013, 07:27:20 pm »
I don't stream so much, but...

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 25: Special Race
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:57:17 pm »
Number 3!

TSC Race Night / Re: Race Night 21: Sonic Unwiished
« on: March 09, 2013, 11:24:49 am »
Sonic Adventure!

General Sonic / Re: Any way to fight bosses again in SA2B?
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:44:50 pm »
You can also select it from the Story mode after you complete it, just select the story and the scene of the boss.

Marathon Planning / Re: Games List and Volunteers
« on: January 27, 2013, 07:24:48 pm »
I think I'll be able to do Sonic Adventure DX, not sure if I'll have time though. Also, I play the PC version, not sure if that would have some problem (it saves around 4 - 5 minutes due to MUCH faster loading times in a Sonic's Story run). My best time (Sonic's Story) is 35:57 and my average time is somewhere around 38 minutes.

EDIT: Actually, nevermind about that. I won't be able to stream my voice with the stream, because my mic isn't working and I'm not really good at talking in english... Sorry...

3:00 PM    Sonic Adventure    Tails' story       bertin

Hm... 1h and 30 min for this??? Tails' story can be done in under 30 min easily...

Wikkity! / Re: I Have no idea where i should post this :D
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:34:39 pm »
Aww, bad luck :/

If you want to add me, fell free. I also play Generations sometimes.
FC: 0130-2051-5520

See ya!

Competition Central / Re: The Co-op Center...?
« on: May 25, 2012, 07:51:58 pm »
(new here)
Can't co-op just go under Freestyle? (What IS freestyle, anyway?)
As far as I know, Freestyle charts are the ones that don't count for the overall ranking, like an optional chart. It would be a good idea to do Co-op charts as Freestyle, like I said before.

Competition Central / Re: The Co-op Center...?
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:36:39 pm »
You should just create an extra chart for the Co-op games with this mode. It wouldn't change the normal ranking, because the Co-op rankings would be for entertainment purpose. I think that creating a sub-site would be a big thing to a small thing, in other words, an useless thing. It's not everyone that can play in Co-op. By the way, only a few Sonic games have Co-op modes...

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Friend Code Megathread
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:13:23 pm »
I've added you all and the MK7 Community. But we need to decide a hour to we play together.

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