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Messages - Gpro

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Wikkity! / Re: RealSonicKings - 293,100 points on EHZ 2 in 1 run? What?
« on: December 23, 2017, 07:12:51 pm »
If you have to submit this, then you clearly don't know how getting unbanned works ( 'w') Lemme explain it real quick for you: Do your stuff on Cyberscore and become trusted enough there to get unbanned here
Dunno if they allow you to stay if you have video proof of all your videos, though. The reason your other account isn't banned, though, is due to the site being dead af. That basically screwed you over, though. Should've just stayed quiet

Just a very small reminder that anyone can promise anything with words. As truthful as you may be, the mods and admins have no reason to believe you, sorry to say

People have done stats with Metal Sonic in the past and probably will in the future. However, he DOES have different stats than Sonic. His acceleration, for example, is higher, but I think his fastest speed is slightly slower (at least for "walking" speed, not sure about spindashing). His turning is also different. If it were up to me, they'd be separate characters, but, here, they're considered legitimate for Sonic's stats

General Sonic / Re: Anyone play Sonic Adventure DX on PC? Question.
« on: August 08, 2015, 07:05:26 am »
I dunno about Fixed Edition, but XInput Fix 2.0 by SonicFreak works wonders with 360 controllers. It doesn't have support for DInput, though, but it has configurable deadzones. SonicFreak has a post about it if anyone's curious. Just look up SonicFreak XInput fix 2.0
If I remember correctly, the Steam version doesn't have DInput support, but to my knowledge, the Steam version is complete ass anyways.

For reference, SADX PC (not Steam), has some weird crap with the deadzones of XINput controllers as well as thinking the triggers are always set to a value of -1, which essentially forces the camera to spin in Free Camera. It also does something weird with the right stick and causes the game to go to the closer look mode in Auto Camera if you're standing still. This ultimately affects the way the camera moves in Auto Camera while the character is moving in-game, and never in a good way.

As for Steam, I have no idea how controller support works for it because I've never had it nor played it, and I don't care to, but I've heard that it's literal ass, so eh

Information Kiosk / Re: TSC 5.0
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:10:45 am »
Think it may be smart not to make the aesthetics super flashy, if you know what I mean. The concept looks great, but go too far in the flashiness and it'd be a bit of a turn off to people. Obviously just concept art and not actual thing but just to get it out of the way.

I think submitted videos is an important thing to click on, since strats and such, so I believe that it should be a thing on the sidebar for stats, or maybe some extra link showing you the videos submitted for said stat or stage/mission/whatever. Guides ought to also be a thing, but less important.

Rules NEED to be considered too, but putting them on the sidebar may be a bit much. I dunno.

This is about all I can think of at this current time

News and Updates / Re: Administrator Title Change
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:25:32 pm »
V_V I only need to skim this topic to see nothing but bullshit. Okay, look. I'm gonna add my piece, and I'm sorry that this has very little to do with the title change or whatever, and I apologize if what I say is completely out of line, but I'm tired of seeing it.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with all of you fueling yourselves and drama (not aiming at the people trying to be level-headed and looking to end it). You guys are a fucking community, and butting heads too. Hyper and FF, for example, were friends and now at each others' throats in a sense. Where'd that go? What happened to any sense of decency (or was that never there to begin with)? Instead, I see stupid opinions and little aspects of people's anger being thrust on another in a really childish manner and nothing happens, then one person or the other whines that they're not through and hide it until it comes up again.

This kind of thing is something I deal on a semi-regular basis, as I'm a leader of the SADX SS sub-community, as well as see it SO much in the rest of the Sonic SS community as a whole. I've seen it on TSC enough as well, even from admins, and angers me that you guys sometimes don't even know how to handle specific things, as well as poorly representing your own community. And this is as a whole, not individually, though I have personal beef with a few people. The only person I felt I could rely on for decisions that matter was Thorn. You know how bad that is? And the worst part is that I saw no one trying to improve themselves as admins, with some hints that FF was trying hard enough. Being a super mod for has lead me to know that you can only make decisions correctly if you collaborate and have dependable subordinates, and some fill-ins if needed, and you NEED to trust them, and THEY need to trust you. Not only that, but they need to be open about their ideals, and when those ideals matter, and when they do not. And it's your job to make sure things are well-decided FOR THE BETTER OF THE COMMUNITY AND ITS GAMES, NOT to your own ideals, and that's something I've seen too fucking often from TSC (no disrespect, Thorn, don't get me wrong). And without Thorn, I do not see this possible unless there's some more leadership.

Now, I'm done ranting about admins. The community. Since I joined, there've been idiots all around starting, fueling, and encouraging drama. One of the first times I posted on the forums, I got into an argument with Cruizer. Aside from that, it's a great introduction to the community (aside from meeting Jawzun and francisco, but that's off-topic). There's a reason I've avoided the TSC community, and this is a large portion of it. While I've seen plenty of welcoming and helpful people, there's a LOT of bigots and idiots that I've met as well that corrupt the community and discourage others. There's lots of arrogance I've seen as well (which, I'll be honest, I've been struggling with arrogance since I got here and I hate it), and people don't know how put themselves in another's shoes and SO many people care more about themselves than someone else, going as far as to hide strats and refuse to use others (though this is shots at the SS community, mainly). This hurts the community. It hurts the meta-game, and does nothing but care for one person to get the "glorious Werl Rekky" you hear about so much.

If y'all even cared REMOTELY, you'd find a way to clean this shit up, regardless of your own fallacies, opinions, and ideals, because that's how you care for a community. It's how you help it grow, not whine and cry at each other like I've seen for all this time interacting with the community, which I've even partaken in, unfortunately. I hate it. It's stupid and self-centered, and all of us should feel ashamed for both letting this go on and taking part in it. You want TSC to thrive, do something FOR THE GOOD OF TSC. This goes for admins AND users/competitors.

If you want my personal opinion as to what all of you should do, you'll be disappointed. It's up to you guys to make a change, for better or worse. For the sake of a community I used to love and partake in, I sure hope it's the former.

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic Adventure 2 charts
« on: April 20, 2015, 10:04:29 am »
What about those who have submitted their M4 times to M1? I mean, yeah, it'd be rare, but I'm pretty sure most people who've submitted regularly to the SA2 charts have figured that M1 and M4 essentially go under the same rules, so that'd technically invalidate those stats (though it'd be impossible to tell which stats are and aren't valid at that point). Only ones that really would have a difference would be Knuckles and Rouge, but technically you could count the M1s done in a single segment as M4 times, because there aren't any checkpoints in their levels. The only real difference being the timer and the ability to segment and nothing more, which is a reason I really don't like this proposal (not to mention that the only way to know for sure is if you get video proof of the stat or a picture, to make matters worse).

I also would like to point out that TECHNICALLY, M4 times can count and fall under M1 anyways, as you can follow the same rules in M1, only difference being the timer and just being a different mission (with the same layout). In contrast, M1s have checkpoints (which obviously can be ignored but still would make it invalid as an M4 submission). Say, for instance, some smart allec comes in and beats his M1 time as M4 and realizes this. He might submit the stat for both M1 and M4, causing duplicate stats. People don't tend to read rules and look through holes within them, and this is likely one of them. Then they may be confused as to why their stat got removed. I believe that this may cause a pretty big mess, but, hey, if you guys can figure it out, by all means go for it.

Beef / Re: Racenights Discussion
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:45:05 pm »
Why not have a team of 6 or more people or something to run it instead of the 2 current people?

News and Updates / Re: New Sonic Adventure 2 charts
« on: April 10, 2015, 07:27:05 pm »
If you ask for my opinion, adding M4s is completely arbitrary, especially since you can already do M1s checkless (pretty much every one of son1cgu1tar's runs, for example), and not having checkpoints is the only difference. I say they should stay as is. Sorry, this idea seems pretty nonsensical to me, lol
Also, there's a decent amount of ILs that are a lot slower with using Checkpoints

EditediteditIdontknowhowforumswork: Knuckles and Rouge M4 charts would be the only completely different runs, so competition for them would make sense and not be arbitrary like the other characters

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:16:09 pm »
This is one of my favorite pics of me. I dunno why. Also cool necromancy, guys B)

Here's another thing as well (a more current pic, I guess B) ).

Wikkity! / Re: How you came up with your username!
« on: December 22, 2014, 07:59:37 pm »
Interestingly enough for me, I never knew about Gamepro magazine, so don't assume crap

This story isn't amazing at all. Basically, my first internet experience was Neopets, and I had this extremely long username (that I'm not exposing to the public for... Reasons). Gamepro011 was the password (I have NO idea where 011 came from, because I wasn't 11 at the time (I was either 6 or 7 at the time, actually). If it wasn't that, I made the Gamepro part a few years after, carrying the 011 from the password, and put it into a username, and I've used it ever since. I REALLY wish I switched over to Gpro a lot earlier, considering it's easier to type and less people read it wrong >_>

Wikkity! / Re: Your opinion of TSC
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:11:48 pm »
From the time I joined up to now, I've definitely liked TSC for what it's worth. It's a place where MOST of the IL WRs are held, since the majority of the community running Sonic games competitively has been here, along with countless other submissions. It's had a positive influence on me for sure, teaching me what it's like to lose something you've worked very hard for to someone. Not to mention that sometimes hard work definitely does pay off. Hyper said it's brought life lessons, and that's definitely something true for me. Met quite a few good people from it as well (and some bads… Every community has them). So, overall, I really like TSC for the experiences I've had, but I've moved away from the site in favor of single segment and gaining more experiences from other places, so to speak. It's a shame that many others have done the same thing, whether it's for new games to compete in or just boredom from competition or other reasons.

Dunno what else to say, so… I guess that's pretty much it?

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2015!!!
« on: December 07, 2014, 12:09:57 pm »
Though I'd rather not make a somewhat unnecessary post (somewhat), good luck on that weight goal, PsyMar

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2015!!!
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:04:50 pm »
Oh dear, time for predictions :O Let's get... Personal ˙͜>˙

Personal: I will play video games
Get decent at 3D Blast, then quit after realizing I shouldn't have gotten that far
Play Heroes
Tell people to get good
Be an asshole one way or another
Learn an actually good speedgame (actually, I dunno about this one)

The people
Yuuki will get decent at Chaotix
Cyd will kill himself because of no sub 1 RIP Cyd 12/7/14 He did not sub 1 ˙͜>˙
Tony will die... Again
Battle of the Heroes B)
Thorn will realize the truth
Someone from the old TSC days will do something amazing
Don will mysteriously get a WR without anyone knowing

That's about all I've got


When it comes to actual improvements, I feel like a lot of people are willing to discuss proposed ideas, but fewer are comfortable with bringing them up in the first place. It's important to newer members to feel like they can make a difference with sound logic, that they can bring up a topic without feeling like they are going to be excommunicated for it. There is no anynomous suggestion box so every one have their good name on the line when complaining about something.

This is an extremely important thing. While I have nothing to add about this, I'd like to say my piece: I've seen some heavy criticism, in the form of personal attacks even, in these forums when the person was merely giving their idea, opinion, etc. Maybe it's just some of the more recent topics, but this is something that needs to be dealt with

Unfortunately, I don't really have THAT much to say, but integration with might be the better choice than actually integrating full game into the charts (in whichever way would be deemed appropriate; a bit tired as I type this). I respect Thorn's views in regards to keeping this site where it's intended, but it's true that single segment is now the new thing, and I've been wanting to TRY to get things together all in one place, whether it be community, Leaderboards, or just a network. Everything's been scattered and there's little connections if you aren't already in one of the site's little factions.
Tl;dr, I agree with PM888's points of twitter integration and bringing in new coders as well as thinking Single Segment integration should be implemented, but indirectly, somehow. I dunno, maybe it's stupid, maybe it's not, doesn't matter. These are my thoughts :P

Marathon Planning / Re: Schedule for 2014 marathon
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:32:26 pm »
Time is nothing for me, lol. So... Any date is fine for me, really

Hiya Folks / Re: Hiya TSC
« on: June 20, 2014, 07:54:55 pm »
Awesome. I approve. Welcome to your destruction salvation demise happy fun time... Whatever. Welcome, man

Yes, I fully believe that I just necro'd a 6 YEAR OLD TOPIC because I fail at life.
But still gonna get that 0 point. He will. 2013

Indeed. Jawzun used to have runs that used the 99 lives code. However, that was then and this is now.
And, also, SADX's max life count is 127, not 99, so what might seem like a 99-life cheat code isn't one at all, since the max extends past 99.

Whatever you consider a cheat and what you don't consider a cheat is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that this site considers Action Replays, Gamesharks, and codebreakers, etc. to be a cheating device and is, therefore, against the site's rules. Telling us your viewpoint on it won't change it, unfortunately. I'd suggest not going against the rules, even if you think this should be allowed.

Got4n, please refer to the competition rules. It clearly states that cheating devices are not allowed to be used. Plus, not all SADX runners use GC. Myself, for instance, did all but one of my runs on the XBLA version

News and Updates / Re: TSC Marathon 2014
« on: May 05, 2014, 07:44:13 pm »
I'd do Sonic Heroes Chaotix's Story, but no promises how my net will be when we move out of our current house

I MIGHT want to do SADX, but we all know how salty the game makes me... So that's a small possibility. If no one else offers, anyways


As for the percentage, that's one of the things I wanted some feedback on. Could always tweak it to be in increments of 0.5% instead and max out at 5%? I don't think a set rate would be a good idea, because then you might end up with a situation on some less popular games where submitting a full chart with proof would get you more site points than being the champion, which is dumb.

edit: At a 10% rate, most popular games would grant you 10-15 sitewide points for a full set of proof. A lot of the less popular ones would be around 5.

Not sure if this was fully addressed, but if submitting proof would add to your percentage for games, what will happen to the Champs currently at 100%?  Requiring proof to add to the percentage would make it significantly more difficult to achieve this (not saying it's a bad idea), as it would also require proof for things deemed completely redundant to post proof of int he first place. An example being SADX Big's Emerald Coast, which is actually extremely easy to obtain. Even making a pic seems a little redundant to me. Maybe require proof for certain stats, or the majority of them (TA, RAs that are either deemed difficult and things of the sort, etc.), rather than all stats.

To be fair, the system I suggested would require a lot more customization, and I can see it being pretty flawed, requiring a personal perspective rather than a broader one, but I still think it should be addressed :P

I'm all for this, despite the possible difficulty that comes with changing the charts.

My suggestion for previously posted stats is that if there's stats that are easily version specific (Green Forest M1 on DC, for example) is that you get together with some of the most knowledgable runners for those games and check out the charts, or relay the information on what would be an obvious version-exclusive submission.

Edit: I think we shouldn't completely separate version charts, but maybe just split up the stats that have version differences, or at least I think it might be an easier thing to do. I don't disagree with the new renditions by any means, but I think this might be a possibility to bring up.

News and Updates / Re: An Apology and Handling BS
« on: April 12, 2014, 06:01:52 pm »
As has probably been seen, I have a decently large amount of experience with SADX and Sonic Heroes. I'm not telling you I'm a good candidate, but a decent one at best

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:07:15 pm »
@Don You speak as if I'm the only one affected by such a stance. FF, who has also been through several of my hellish RA's, immediately vouched for me when I said how majorly an emulation ban would affect that field in particular.

That said, convenience is just one reason not to ban emulation. It's not the only reason.

It seems to me like you're upset because you feel like I'm not being affected by the rule for some reason. Well, EXCUSE ME for actually upholding higher standards of integrity before they have become expected of us!

Whether that is the case or not, for the same reason you can't be pissed off about a ruling not forcing everyone to adjust their seating a bit or be less comfortable.

That's like saying "Oh adding a ban on pork isn't fair because people who don't eat pork aren't going to be affected. They should be punished somehow too. HEY I KNOW! Let's make them not eat chicken!"

Lemme get this straight... "My hellish RAs" isn't a personal thing?  "Well, EXCUSE ME for actually upholding higher standards of integrity before they have become expected of us!" Um... And the last comparison as well? How is this an argument for anything, or even any kind of comparison for anything at all? I'm just seeing some straying away from the initial topic.

I've seen both you AND Don firing shots, so whatever puts you in a better argument is beyond me.

Also insulting my intelligence is irrelevant to the topic as well, so your lesson is ignored.

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 07, 2014, 08:33:10 pm »
Welp, SDM. All I have to say is from what I've noticed, in your posts you've made a lot of usage of "me" and "I" and maybe "us", leaning towards yourself, but a strange lack of betterment of all competition and competitors, in a way seemingly like putting yourself on a pedestal. A lot of points I've seen you make disregard the competition as a whole, and I highly disagree

Don has made points that go as "this rule isn't affecting many, but rather the few". The convenience topic is irrelevant in itself except for the fact that it wouldn't hurt the competition overall in terms of convenience, not holding it as even a main argument, yet you have persisted an argument towards it and taking it more personally than you should have allowed.

Why would I post this? I find your opinions extremely subjective as aimed at yourself rather than competition and competitors as a whole. You seem to disregard them. That is not how rules should be made. They should be for everyone, not just for ONE person, or a FEW people, unless only those people apply (which, btw, they do not apply for the few, as a large portion of people use emulators, as far as I am concerned)

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 02, 2014, 09:39:42 pm »
When the people who are unable to cheat need to be questioned for legitimacy by the people running the program, or system, then entire thing is completely messed up.

We should probably add a function where you can choose whether you're submitting the stat on console or emulator, and list the amounts of emulators and stuff. MAYBE that would be an easier thing, and if certain emulators have problems and the people are becoming suspicious of said person, then the emulator proof rules should apply. It might be difficult to implement (I know nothing about site changing shizz), but I feel that this might be the best compromise, unlike my previous post, which I didn't think very much on

News and Updates / Re: New rules regarding emulators
« on: April 02, 2014, 04:42:12 pm »
I have mixed feelings about this rule. I mean, I definitely support making it harder to cheat, but not all emulators have the capability to TAS or have some kind of implementation that would void a stat's legitimacy.

If we were to go any way about this, require proof for specific emulators that can be TASed or something that like. To be fair, though, being able to tell who has what emulator is likely impossible, as not everyone will be willing to state their emulator or some people just won't say anything. In other words, while this is probably a better way, it'd still not be the right way to go about this.

I want to support these rules, but it's unfair and still difficult to track and properly implement :/

Rules Revisions / Re: Sonic Colours Egg Shuttle IL times
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:09:34 pm »
Okay, so I'm reading this because it's a thing. I like TimpZ's idea, and while I can see the point as to why it shouldn't be allowed, I can also see why it could be.
Taking something out of consideration because someone MIGHT mess things up is more excuse than legitimate reasoning. It's the pure reason why you remind the newbies to read the rules (which is already put in place at the submissions thingy, if I'm not mistaken).

Pro tip: Being a jerk isn't nice

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