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Messages - DDC20XL

Pages: [1]
Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: January 20, 2009, 02:00:39 pm »
......... Hm.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: January 20, 2009, 01:09:43 pm »
Hey PoT what happened to your SS ranking? It was #1 now its... gone?

Wikkity! / Re: Top 10 most (and least) sane people at TSC
« on: December 31, 2008, 08:16:10 pm »
Exactly. Just nibsane.

General Sonic / Re: When did you start playing Sonic?
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:41:55 am »
Hmm. When i was 4-5, my older brother got a sega genesis and the first game he got was Sonic 2. I liked the cover of the game, it was pretty cool, so i asked my brother if i could play. We used to race all the time, and after getting beat numerous times, i started to win. He then let me play the whole game as tails while he was sonic. After we beat the game he let me play it alone and was amazed to see i could play it better (I got all the emeralds on my first solo playthrough :) ) so he gave it to me; he had NES too so he thought it would be fair to give me a console of my own. I later got S&K (I somehow missed sonic 3 and didn't get it till l8tr...) and loved it. I beat it very quickly w/ sonic, then took my time exploring the stages as knux. Soon after i got S3 and blazed through it, then i discovered its ability to link w/ other sonic games, added to the fact that all these sonic shows started showing up thanks to DIC© (they were there b4 but i didn't learn of em' till S&K...) and i was set... that was until the genesis died...

From there on i fed my need for the blu blur w/ archie's comics and movies i had bought, till my dad bought himself a dreamcast.

W/ the dreamcast the first thing he got was a demo disc. On this disc was a demo for SA1. It was pretty good and i rented it and beat it in about 5 days, soon after Sonic Shuffle came out. I bought it played it and didn't mind it just tought the AI was kinda cheap and some of the minigames were too luck based (i had played pretty much every mario party up to this time so i was comparing...). Some where around this time i also got Sonic R for the computer... a forgetable experience, although getting the emeralds and still trying 2 win the race was fun, and i thought metal sonic+knux were awesome secret chars. THEN SA2 came out... This had 2 have been the best sonic game i had played since Sonic 3&K. I destoyed this game. Beat it in every way imagineable but was dissapointed at the limited character choices and availible stages for the 2P mode.

Dreamcast faded from mainstream... (although i still have it, it is starting to die on me) and i got a gamecube after brawl came out. That stupid april fools joke got me sucked into sonic again, and i bought Mega Collection and beat it (dissapointed that Sonic CD wasn't there, i still haven't played it to this day...), rented SADX and SA2:B and beat em'. Got a GBSP and Sonic Advance 1, 2, and 3 (liked 2 the most...) and beat them all. After that my only contact w/ sonic (in games anyway...) was through Sonic Advance 3. A bunch of kids on my bus had Gameboy SP and i had this "Spider" connector cord that allowed 4 ppl to connect at the same time so we played "Get the Chao though the rides to school and back. They were'nt too bad so it was chaotic and fun. Also around this time i picked up StH:The Movie, watched some of Sonic X (pales in comparison to older series...) and grabbed a sonic X plushie :)

I got the Wii and the next time i saw the "fastest thing alive" was in SSBB it was (still is...) so much fun playing as him and just seeing him there raised my spirits. I got a DS next along w/ rush which was ok; then later chronicles which was a dissapointment IMO. Then I got Xbox 360 abit after my 18th birthday on Oct. 1st and waited patiently for Sonic Unleashed, was early to the store and beat it, pleasantly i might add, in a week. It has to be the best game i've played since S3&K yet only SLIGHTLY better than SA2:B...

Currently I run Skyscraper Scamperer like a madman, trying to beat the top records. :D

As an extra note: I also found Sonic Mega Collection Plus at a friend's pad and borrowed it. At some point i gotta blow the dust off my PS2 and try that game out... :)

Wikkity! / Re: Top 10 most (and least) sane people at TSC
« on: December 29, 2008, 09:29:02 pm »
We're all a bit nutz... I mean look at me my screen name is short for DIEDIECANNON20XL.

I have yet to figure out what its supposed to mean or represent. I know the 20XL is from one of my favorite sites, but the DIE DIE and the CANNON... *shrugz*


Maybe... i just dunno...

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 29, 2008, 05:03:18 am »
hmm nah i don't think its happened on my skyscraper scamperer runs... Tough i have seen 1 glitch there that has the potential to reduce times by about 2 seconds, unfortunately i can't seem to replicate it.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:33:14 pm »
Finalrush... I beat your skyscraper scamperer time.... BY 1 MILLISECOND 0_o

Edit: Scratch that... I tried again and ended up w/ 2:21:17!

Ex Edit (0_o): Nice 1 final! I'll keep trying too!

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Friend Code Megathread
« on: December 22, 2008, 12:21:14 am »
Jeeze there are brawlers EVERY WHERE! XD

Alright i'll join in. Should be fun. :)

Wii Code: 3173-2844-2309-8027

Brawl Code: 5327-0709-4860

Pokémon Diamond Code: 3910-0700-6886

If ya wanna go message me on my wii. (I love the glow it does when you get a message. :) )

Edit: OH YEAH! I almost forgot! My name is RD for all 3.

Sry bout' that. lol.

Whoa! G+W is top teir! Hmm... kinda explains why i'm so good w/ him i guess...

NEwayz I use G+W, MK, and Falco as mains... I wanna get better w/ falco though... Any Tips?

Looking back: i'm kinda happy i don't use meta too much. He's soo broken and that makes things way too easy. (Plus he's my punishment character <<:)

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:59:15 pm »
Oh yeah paraxade? Thats kinda vauge but i'll try lookin' for it i guess... thanx for the tip.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 20, 2008, 04:30:19 am »
I do understand what ur sayin' but i REALLY think there's another cut.

I've caught up (almost T_T) 2 final rush and BELIVE ME that took AWHILE. I know the stage so well i can air boost the first shortcut and land on the area b4 the bomb tunnel EVERY SINGLE TIME almost garenteed!

I can boost jump over the first gap w/ all the floating ememies and land on the shortcut platform w/ the life up in its center w/o using the homing attack!

I can boost jump the 3 shooting enemies at the end w/ the ring line + rainbow ring behind them and land on the rail that that short cut woulda landed you on!

Yeah it takes practice but, 10 secs less than me or Finalrush? HOW?

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 20, 2008, 03:00:45 am »
Yo. I wanna talk strategy.

So i'm currently (still) speed running Skyscraper scamperer day. (i'm in 4th place... 13 MILLISECONDS behind PoT/Finalrush... T_T) and i've been looking at the top times... they're about 10 seconds faster... My question: HOW IS GOING THAT FAST POSSIBILE!

I'm thinking glitch or somethin...

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 18, 2008, 02:16:12 pm »
Ah. ok i get it donna. *shrugs*

and yes Iceman GO. They have especially good Legend of Zelda shirts

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Shuffle Re-Trademarked!
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:34:15 pm »
Sry pidgey i'm kinda used to (gaah) it... i'll try to (grrahh) do it less... XP

and Auriman, i know what you mean. They're AI was so high it made it almost impossible to (so hard...) win in later stages. I'm pretty sure i couldn't get past the forest stage no matter how hard i tried. Even w/ Super Sonic i COULD NOT PASS.

this no number thing is gonna take some gettin' used to (so tempting...).

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:24:11 pm »
Hi Iceman! I'm glad 2 be here at the Babylon Black Turbo Werehog Super Sonic Tail Center!

And hi Dona! Hot topic is AWESOME i get all my fave superhero/Video game shirts from there!

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Shuffle Re-Trademarked!
« on: December 17, 2008, 06:30:53 pm »
I just wish there was a trick 2 it thats all. I hate depending on 100% blind luck. I didn't mind many of the other minigames though (heck i wish there were more...) and i LUV'D the accident events. So cool and soo much fun.

The specific character abilities were a nice touch and Force jewels kept things interesting. Event skits were'nt too bad either (cept 4 the sleep music, and medusa 1s... "Nooo! if i only had a forcejewel!"T_T) and each stage had its own flair.

The game was pretty good. If another 1 came out i would probably buy it. It just needed a few minor tweaks thats all.

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Shuffle Re-Trademarked!
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:32:57 am »
F-man i'm not saying it was horrible i'm just saying it coulda been better.

and if you remember F-man the soda minigame was based on pure blind luck, not skill. Eggman shakes a soda can and puts it in the machine, the players come up and quickly pick cans at random. 2 results are possible. Either 1 explodes and the char that picked that 1 loses, or none explode and eggman whines. It is impossible 2 tell which can will blow, its really just pure luck. Thats why i thought it was stupid. I wasn't just hating on an "easy" mini-game.

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:24:45 am »
Heh. Thanx Azure i will.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Unleashed (360/PS3) topic.
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:41:01 am »
Nah. I just luv empire city XD

General Sonic / Re: Sonic Shuffle Re-Trademarked!
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:33:59 am »
Ooh suffle? I thought i coulda been SOOO much better. It had such potential. but seriously, that soda can mingame was crap, that had 2 be THE STUPIDEST minigame eva.

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:29:07 am »
AWW SHIT! DID I SAY SHIT? Goddammit... oh fuck!

.... Yanno whut? I'm done.


NEwayz... Alondite, Minus... HELLO 2 U TOO (or 2? *shrugs*)

btw: minus, i don't cheat, i don't lie, but i can be a moron... Xp

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 15, 2008, 09:31:44 pm »
Hmmm.... Interesting i'll check in somtime then.

Also: hello 2 u too

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 15, 2008, 04:59:48 pm »
Yeah but you guys are tlkn' multiple stages. I'm doing Scamper ATM and i just need to drop 2 secs to get second place so i ain't gots much 2 say there strategy-wise... unless that is you'd like 2 share strategies?

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 15, 2008, 04:37:57 pm »
Hello 2 u 2

And I'll beat FINALRUSH fair + square thank u very much. Wouldn't be as satisfying if i didn't do it that way....

FINAL! Hey! thanx 4 ur tips on Skyscraper Scamperer! I WILL get a better time! Just u wait n' see!

Hiya Folks / Re: Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 15, 2008, 04:14:16 pm »
Hi! I'm glad i'm so "special" :)

And what exactly wouldn't u do?

Hiya Folks / Yo! Whatz up?
« on: December 15, 2008, 04:07:05 pm »
Hey! I'm DDC20XL and i got invited here from Gamefaqs to compete in the Sonic Unleashed (360) time boards.

I mainly speed run Skyscraper Scamperer and until i'm at LEAST second place i'm not moving on.


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