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Messages - Koshibou

Pages: [1] 2
General Sonic / Re: Have you ever met a fellow TSC player?
« on: November 22, 2009, 09:07:38 pm »
Yeah, 4 peoples. mike89 and anotherbean were before TSC so I guess they don't count :(

However, meeting Koshi and Cruizer was through TSC, they had met each other all ready and we just arranged a day for me to go down there :D

It actually took me until just now to realise that you also have met KonaK. He was at our table at the formal, remember!

Also yeah, so seeing as Cruizer got a whole bunch of his friends at school to come to TSC, I've met all of those people. That being Cruizer himself, Fishsticks, and Konak. Also having met werster and mike89, obviously. <_<

Leaderboard Disputes / Dobbing myself in (again -_-)
« on: October 13, 2009, 06:31:54 am »
Yeah so I wanted to point out, AGAIN, that I have been cheating with the majority of my stats in the S2, S3K, S1 area as I have been using savestates to obtain most of these stats. I pointed this out a while ago but Cruizer managed to convince y'all that I wasn't really and I was just being emotional about something. But I had been truthful then, and I am being truthful now.

So I decided I am just going to stay away from TSC for good, regardless. So either wipe my stats, or ban me. Whichever is easier for you guys.

Laters guys.

Wikkity! / Re: ITT TSC learns to Cook!
« on: September 07, 2009, 06:04:45 am »
So flyby, I made that 'petite pasta salad' for dinner tonight. Though to be honest I didn't follow what you set very well and was very much a guideline.

I cooked the corn separate to the pasta and just in a fry pan. I think it keeps the corn more crisp and juicy that way and I like the crunch of it when it's only just been cooked a little bit. I also didn't follow measurements for the oils and just mixed them, tasting it to see what I should add more of and also added some pineapple juice from a can of opened pineapple in the fridge.

Eh, here's a pic of it anyways X)

Also, my siblings didn't seem to like it. But they're very much junk food-a-holics and don't appreciate fresh foods like I do :P So more for me :D I think it tastes great~

Wikkity! / Re: ITT TSC learns to Cook!
« on: September 07, 2009, 03:23:52 am »
So I felt like making bread today and with flyby's guidance, actually got around to making some :o I got some pics of my results. I can't wait to eat them >_<

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:46:07 am »
Yeah see werster, chronokinesis is control of time.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOoooh is THAT why it's called CHRONO trigger :o :o :o

Board Games / <3
« on: August 18, 2009, 11:12:23 pm »
Well, everyon be prepared for ultra furry answers! <_<

Reality / TSC
What's the best dream you remember? (I know there's a topic for this, you can link a post of yours if need be).

bah. Well, I'll give you the one that isn't...well, extremely embaressing ^_^  I had a dream that the humans and furries were having a war and the humans were slowly killing us off and I got to be like "yeeea, kitteh prowa!" and there was this really hot cheatah that I paired up with and wrrf~ x)

Who do you talk to / hang with most on TSC?

Er, well, werster, Umby, Cruizer really but I think most people know that one :P

TSC Furries: Poisoning the site, bringing smiles and happiness to the site, or just more users?

We bring carefree happiness okay! We want to make the word so much more stress-free. Also, that and as the queen of the furrys it is also my job to recruit more furs for our army so that we can take over the wo-errr. WE ARE INNOCENT!

Given one day as admin, what do you change around here?

I'd lift the ban on werster. Whee :3

What do you think about these TSC fads:
* iSketch

Eh I played it a few times but I didn't like it all that much :/

* Mafia

Reminds me of Diplomacy. I might have gotten into it more if I weren't afraid of making myself out to be a complete and utter noob :P

* SRB2

No idea what this is ^_^

* Toulouse

Awesome game. Wish I played it more often~ However, I hate playing it irl because I get bored ^_^

What's your theory on DsS's skills? Genetic mutation, virus, disease, gift from God, result of the Vorlon touch, or something else? Is it (hopefully) communicable?

I call furry overloard.

Does Sonic Team has one foot in the grave, both feet in the grave, or is it rising from the grave as an undead? Or *gulp* is it wising fwom its gwave as some sort of Altered Beast? *shot*

Squeeeeee, altered beast~~~~ *ignores the question, however*


Coolest "psychic" ability to wield at an unrealistic level: psychokinesis (telekinesis), pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, telepathy, empathy, etc.?

Mmm, pyrokineses~ However, that is a really hard one for me to answer. So much to chose from. I'd probably just be happy with my shapeshifting powers ^_^

For those of you with a "fursona", or for those just answering for the lulz: your species, gender, and color are...? (I had to do it, sorry... I'm not appealing to a minority with this one anymore~)

Species: PantherxWolf (Basically I'm a fine furred wolf. Shorter muzzle, and a few other things.). Gender: Female. Colour: base is dark blue fur and secondary fur is a brightish blue (so that's like, chest fur, hair, tail tuffet) Link: (old pic. skills have improved since that pic...)

Cooler height to be for a day: 1cm (0.4") or 50m (164'), Square-Cube Law be damned?

1cm ftw! Small is cute~ right?

Coolest Sonic-game body to inhabit?

Oh err hm. I would actually go with Blaze if I was to inhabit someone's body. Anyone up for some BlazexSilver? X)

Coolest non-legendary Pokémon to be?


Coolest Halloween monster to be? (Use traditional definitions, not Twilight definitions)

Tehe, werewolf~

Coolest video game to play the main character's role in?

Final Fantasy 9. yay for mousey chatacter~ :3 I probably could give a better answer if I thought properly, however ^_^ Maybe later I'll edit :P

All done~

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi!
« on: August 11, 2009, 12:35:19 am »
Yeah...I'd be confused too >.>

Information Kiosk / Re: Constitution is outdated, needs an update
« on: August 07, 2009, 06:06:41 pm »

Everybody's suggestions were deemed worthy of addition, save Koshi being a furry leader. The Constitution has been updated.

Thus law 3 of #Roots has been followed. "ITT Luxxy fails". I could probably go on to mention other degrading things as to why anything he says is completely wrong, but I think law 3 says enough.

Information Kiosk / Re: Constitution is outdated, needs an update
« on: August 07, 2009, 08:14:51 am »
Shock! *cue dramatic music* (Yeah I totally didn't mistake 'cue' for any other spelling <_>)

*begins chanting "one of us, one of us"*

Yeah, I'm done :x

Wikkity! / Re: New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 02, 2009, 02:03:34 am »
So, for the noobs who have yet to find out and those who have wanted to discuss this, but don't want to / have the time to talk to us furfags (-werster) there are now new couple arrangments.

Cruizer and I had broken up and with that have moved onto other people.

So here it is:

Cruizer x Paraxade (Luxeon)


werster x Koshi (Too cool to make a shared name 8D)

Discuss? 8D
nonsense. just like this whole topic!

in all honesty i agree >_>

Hear that Umby, he denounces your love! :o

Me however, still loves her werster :D

Wikkity! / Re: New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 02, 2009, 01:00:50 am »
Moar like no one wanted to accept the fact that we're really awesome and you can't escape us 8D

Wikkity! / Re: New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:53:36 pm »
Main of us being me, Cruizer and Umby as furries <_>

Wikkity! / Re: New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:45:03 pm »
Because you needed someone/thing to laugh at? :D

Wikkity! / Re: New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:32:36 pm »
I told you, werster and I are too cool for a combined name. It's for your own good, okay :(

Wikkity! / New Arrangements? 8D
« on: July 01, 2009, 09:10:44 pm »
So, for the noobs who have yet to find out and those who have wanted to discuss this, but don't want to / have the time to talk to us furfags (-werster) there are now new couple arrangments.

Cruizer and I had broken up and with that have moved onto other people.

So here it is:

Cruizer x Paraxade (Luxeon)


werster x Koshi (Too cool to make a shared name 8D)

Discuss? 8D

Hiya Folks / Re: Hello All
« on: June 17, 2009, 04:16:32 am »
AJH fa9pi AO:PFKn

Am I missing out on all the fun? 8D

Ohai random people. *doesn't even know who the new person is of the actual topic and hasn't bothered reading over ANY of the posts :D*

COME JOIN ME IN ROOTS :D We has cookies :3

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:21:14 am »
What, Mike is leaving too? :( You guys are all lame. But again, I would like to express proper interest in helping build on the site with coding and what not, I'm really interested in that sort of stuff. It'd be awesome to have a look over some work you've done, Rolk, for the site to see how it works, and what not...

News and Updates / Re: The future of TSC
« on: June 16, 2009, 03:39:30 am »
"A referee who can arbitrate the rules, probably with people with knowledge of the games behind him".

Him, what? :(

Also, I wish I could do something for TSC. And maybe I could do something in the near future once I've developed more programming skills. *Is currently only learning* :(

Though, at the same time, I think a few people might not want someone as unstable as me being able to do things to the site *snerk*

Wikkity! / Re: The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:14:05 am »
So, we have now established a phone number for a number of states that anyone can call if they ever have an overdose on oxygen or simply needs some help coping with their addiction.

For Australian residents call:


For those in Los Angeles call:


New York:


and there are many more! Just tell us which state you live in and we'll add the number for your convenience!

Wikkity! / Re: The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center
« on: May 25, 2009, 02:15:29 am »
Recent studies show that there are people and animals that have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years without the use of oxygen. This society continues to grow and even have their own locations. You can find them at places such as your local cemetery! Perhaps we should go for a field trip to find out just how they manage this lifestyle?

Wikkity! / Re: The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center
« on: May 24, 2009, 02:39:08 am »
Hey, kid. Yeah, you. Want to breathe some sweet oxygen? Here, I have this fine Do-It-Yourself kit; all you need to do is take this plant, put it in the sunlight and wat- Ah damn, it's the cops, gotta run now!

Dealing oxygen is not cool man!

(And it's even more uncool to actually BUY it <.<)

Gaming and Grazing / Re: So i was playing Heroes..
« on: May 24, 2009, 01:42:45 am »
wtf o.O

Hiya Folks / Re: A late hi
« on: May 23, 2009, 10:53:10 pm »
OMFG furries everywhere!!!!!!!! *dives into a fire* D:

Wikkity! / Re: The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center
« on: May 23, 2009, 05:12:49 pm »
(Glad someone likes it x) )

Wikkity! / The International Oxygen Rehabilitation Center
« on: May 23, 2009, 04:39:04 pm »
So, due to my mom's attack at me for drinking tea and her reasoning being that 'It's addictive', I went searching for a true problem within society... Something that truly is addictive where, once hooked, a single being may feel that he/she must take this substance/action to the point where he/she may feel that they will die if they do otherwise.

My studies, at first, led me down the track of 'sleeping' but I soon came across something much bigger..


While most of you may be unaware of it, your life relies on this substance.


So, I have decided to start a 'rehabilitation center' to propose other alternatives. But first, we'll go over the actual problems.

Q: How do I know if I'm an oxygen addict?

A: It's a simple, do it yourself, process to test whether or not you are. All you have to do is hold your mouth and nose shut and see if you can last. The second take another breath, you know you're addicted.

Q: How addicting is this substance?

A: The moment you take your first breath, you're pretty much screwed. The first mouthful of oxygen you take cause you to take another, then another, then another. You will even do it in your sleep!

Now, here's a few alternatives for you addicts out there.

1. We can switch you over to other gases which will cure your addiction. We suggest methene or some other poisonous gases. This both cures your addiction and ensures you don't make another.

2. Stick your head under water.

3. We all start wearing plastic bags over our heads.

If none of these will be followed, we will ship out the entire earth's population and dump them in out of space where they will be forced to give up their oxygen addiction.

Also, any births from here on in shall be done underwater. As long as the child never takes his/her first breath of this substance, they should be fine.

Well, that's all we've got for today. We shall answer any questions. Just remember that:


Help us in saving this damned world from oxygen!

Hiya Folks / Re: A late hi
« on: May 23, 2009, 04:20:58 pm »
and furry, just so I can ruin her social status too :3

Gaming and Grazing / Re: So i was playing Heroes..
« on: May 23, 2009, 04:18:41 pm »

Wikkity! / Re: Post your class notes!
« on: May 22, 2009, 07:24:53 am »
In class... I DO NOTHING!

Wikkity! / Re: Banned from IRC
« on: April 14, 2009, 09:08:01 pm »
*sits and pretends she doesn't do any of the afore mentioned things* :x

In any case Werey, you're welcome to come to #Roots so we can kick/ban you there too once you get too annoying :D

Hiya Folks / Re: Greetings Internet
« on: April 11, 2009, 08:26:54 pm »
Beware of the Koshi, lol.


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