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Messages - Tha CGS

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Thanks for replying guys ^^ Taking what you all said into account, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I'm edging closer to the rails now, with only being a minute distance off. Shouldn't be too long before I manage it.

Competition Central / Sonic Heroes - Team Rose past the fan in Rail Canyon
« on: November 23, 2007, 01:15:47 pm »
Hehehe... It's been a while since I last posted or submitted stats here XD I just got the urge to go for it again after a 9-month absence from it.

*ahem...* Anywhos... As you can guess, I've been trying to get Team Rose past the fan that Team Sonic use in Rail Canyon. After searching around on YouTube, I found this video, demonstrating how to do it with Team Dark. I tried using this technique with Team Rose, but I've only ever managed to get to just below the tops of the orange panels/structures surrounding the fan.

So... what I'm wondering is: is this the right method to get Team Rose up there? (i.e. am I just missing something I should be doing in this technique?) Or do I need to use a different method to get up there?

Wikkity! / Re: Stage Emblem Challenges
« on: March 12, 2007, 06:45:29 am »
Once again, here's another entry from me. This time, it's the Chemical Plant challenge. Here's the stats I got:

Act 1 - 0:27 with 60 rings
Act 2 - 1:40 with 93 rings
Total - 2:07 with 153 rings

I'll go with CGS again, thanks :)

Wikkity! / Re: Stage Emblem Challenges
« on: March 11, 2007, 06:04:08 pm »
As stated on SCD, I'm posting my runs here while the issue with allowing GIZ files to be hosted on our forums is sorted. So, here's my Emerald Hill Zone challenge entry. CGS for the initials, thanks.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Anyone wanna talk Pokemon?
« on: February 22, 2007, 08:02:21 pm »
Actually, if you notice carefully, the last post before the 'revival' of the topic was from February 14th 2006, meaning this thread was a year and a week, or 53 weeks old when it was brought back from the dead =P

But anywhos... I'm looking forward to the release of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. It's been a while since the last new proper handheld adventure (R/S/E being the last, and FR/LG were remakes), and these games are also offering a lot of cool features from what has been found out about them. Plus, it finally gives me a much needed reason to use my DS again =P Just a shame the game isn't coming out in Europe until several months after the US at the earliest, and importing the game from the US is supposedly going to be very tough, from what I've been hearing Nintendo has planned in order to prevent it happening...

And on the subject of shinies, I've only got one: a shiny Diglett on my LG cartridge Xp

Hiya Folks / Re: Louis plz
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:40:57 am »
Hey Louis! :D Cool to see you've signed up to show off your stuff to TSC. I noticed you had signed up a while back, but didn't understand why you hadn't done anything since then. Guess this explains it XD;;

Anywhos... hope to see you around these parts often :)

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 21, 2007, 11:33:39 am »
Sorry for the lack of acknowledgement of the posting of the video, and I also apologize if this is classified as thread necormacy. I forgot about this from where I've been putting attention towards '06 instead of Heroes, for some variation on what I was playing XP And to finally complete the game, after I've owned it for 3+ months and hadn't passed even Sonic's story...

Anywhos... after watching the video and carrying out more tests, I have deduced that the 'fake wall' does not exist in the X-Box version, or at least the 'X-Box Classics' re-release. I've tried pushing against all areas of the segment of the wall shown in the video, and I have had no success in getting through. I also tried it with Team Sonic again, and I couldn't get them through either ;_; Meh... definitely a version difference, but oh wells... nothing can be done about that, since differences aren't accounted for. Still, thanks for providing the video anyways Marth. Hopefully it helped others out where it wasn't able to for me.

...Though, I can report, as much as the wall may not exist... I have got through to the section the wall leads to. How? Simple. Thanks to James Bertoli's findings with Power Plant, and how the trick with gaining another flight guage mid-flight and boosting up is also used in other places (e.g. Chaotix getting into turtle area in Ocean Palace, and Rose going further in Final Fortress), I tried that in the corners of the walls. At first, I tried on the right side, but didn't get anywhere. However, when I tried it on the left, I gained another flight guage mid-flight. This on its own wasn't enough to help, but very shortly after gaining the first one, I gained another, and was pushed above the ceiling. From there, I just headed forwards until I ran out of flight guage, and dropped in front of the cloaked robot. Guess it shows that almost anything can be overcome using flight XD;; Walls and ceilings are no match for the flight characters! *ahem...*
So, if anyone else is having trouble with using the 'fake wall', give this method a try instead ;) I don't think the specific corner mattered towards the success directly, as normally you don't get an extra flight guage each time, so try any of the corners until you succeed.

And just to prove I've done it, here's a picture I took, with the cloaked robot behind Chaotix:

Hmm... y'know, this has provided me with a reason to return to Sonic Heroes for a little while. I put it on hold in favour of '06, to play something different from a while. But yeah, this sounded too interesting to hold up on. And I've also gotta try the Chaotix wall thing still, which I haven't done since Marth posted the vid on how to do it Xp

One thing I found intriguing was, there is a piece of the invisible floor you stand on before getting into the elevator shaft that sticks out into it. So, you can actually land and take off again if you're low on the flight guage, without having to go back inside and get back out to the shaft. Shame that it still doesn't allow you to reach the balloon, so I would have to agree with JB that 462 is the limit here. I'll probably make a vid of my own at some point showing this piece of the floor you can stand on while still having free access to the shaft.

**EDIT: OKs... with how tedious my method of recording videos from my X-Box 360 is for me, I've chosen not to for now. Instead, I've taken a picture of the screen with Team Rose standing on that piece of the invisible floor I was talking about:

Click here for picture.

The spot isn't too far away from the inside area, but it isn't too big, so you have to be careful.

Also, as you can see here, I've got 450 rings. I actually managed to get 453 before I 'chickened out'. A few times, in pursuit of getting the second monitor and the further back rings of the 12 loose ones, I went too far into the shaft and couldn't return, generally leading to inevitable death. However, I am wanting to experiment something with the proper entrance to the elevator shaft, since one time I was able to save myself by landing there. The invisible floor you go on to get out there blocks getting back in this way, or at least it seems to, but I think there may be a way to get back in if you land here. Maybe with this, I can try getting more rings, with having some more courage to venture out.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: loltechsupport :/
« on: February 09, 2007, 06:18:58 am »
Well... I know you're mainly seeking advice from those who use the USB connectors, but I would say that using a wireless router seems to be a lot less hassle than using the USB connector, from what you're describing. The good thing about a wireless router is you don't have to meddle with firewall settings on your computer, since the DS connects directly to the Internet through the router and not the computer. I use the Linksys WRT54-G wireless router, and I've had zero problems getting my DS and my PSP to connect to the Internet. Some routers have built-in firewalls on them, but if your computer has its own firewall (which in your case it does), it's pretty much unnecessary and so can be turned off.

So, if you're able to do so, maybe you should look into trying a wireless router in place of using the USB connector if it causes problems again? It would also prove useful for Wii Connect 24 if you plan on getting a Wii at some point, so it 'kills two birds with one stone'.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 01, 2007, 02:50:19 pm »
*sigh...* Nope, it's no use. No matter what I do, I just can't do it. Tried it with Espio, and nothing happened. Went back to using Charmy, and still no success... So... either I'm an idiot and missing something blatantly obvious in the technique to get through, or this is something that was fixed either when the game was ported to the X-Box or when it was re-released as an 'X-Box Classics' title (that's the version I have)... If it does come down to the latter, there's not much that can really be done, since version differences are something that just has to be accepted here. As much as the X-Box version probably doesn't have any advantages over the GC...

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: February 01, 2007, 01:43:28 pm »
Hmm... OKs, I'll give it another try with the Speed formation. I have been putting more emphasis on Flight rather than Speed when trying this, as I was seemingly getting closer to the wall in that formation. Thanks for the info and pic :) I'll report back on how it goes soon.

Competition Central / Re: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: January 30, 2007, 07:13:50 am »
When I first tried, I mainly focused on the wall faces rather than the corners. A bit of a mistake there, it seems ^^;; But even now, with putting the focus on the corners, I still can't seem to do it. I've tried just pushing against them while floating on the current, and flying into them with Charmy, but neither works to get through.

If you could make a vid of it, I would be very greatful. If there's any hints you want in return for this, I'll be happy to explain them.

Competition Central / Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion 'Fake Wall'
« on: January 29, 2007, 01:43:17 pm »
Hi everyone.

As you most likely will know, I'm an avid player in the Sonic Heroes division here at TSC. My latest task with the game was completing a Ring Attack with Team Chaotix in the Mystic Mansion. Now, I remember reading in a thread in the 'Leaderboard Disputes' forum describing a 'fake wall' of some kind that Chaotix could go through to reach the other teams' first bob-sled, which for Chaotix is normally locked off. So, I spent a good hour across multiple runs at the level trying to carry out this, but with coming up short on a successful result. I've tried using all three formations against the section of wall described in that thread (the back-right section of where the air current keeps you from falling to the bob-sled area), but with none of them could I get through the wall. I then tried any location on the wall, just to see if my interpretation of 'back-right' was incorrect, but it just led to the same result Xp I also looked at the same section with other teams, since it was described to be easier to get through with teams other than Chaotix, but you can guess what the outcome was there...

So, what I was wondering was: could someone explain how exactly to pass through this 'fake wall' (such as the formation, and what to do in that formation to get through)? ...I know I may be asking for something that I shouldn't, since this is requesting for a technique that could potentially take a record from someone, so I understand if you tell me off and lock this ^^;; But it would be greatly appreciated if someone could explain this to me otherwise. If it is any help to your explanation, I'm using the X-Box version of Sonic Heroes (on my X-Box 360).

Thanks much in advance!

Information Kiosk / Re: Glitch in the Sonic CD ranking?
« on: January 27, 2007, 02:41:52 pm »
Sonic Chaos (4x the fun! I've never seen the names duplicated so many times before)

Well, you should take a look at Heroes. That's currently suffering from 'Quadruple-syndrome' on the Total Rings stat, and bizarrely enough, I'm the person who's supposedly the champion of all four stats. But I know for certain my ring total is below 20K Xp I put suspition that something went wrong when I submitted stats for Heroes to cause this, but I didn't do anything different from what I normally do when submitting stuff.

Hiya Folks / Re: Hi there :)
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:30:04 am »
Hehe... this makes another person I see often on SCD that's now joined TSC XD;;

Hi Icee and welcome :) Hope you enjoy your time here, and be sure to go and bust some new records! ;)

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: I call BS on Nelspike TX
« on: January 11, 2007, 05:56:34 am »
Oh man... I knew this was coming Xp

As some of you may know (from visiting SCD), I'm a friend of Nelspike's. I was actually online in an MSN convo with him at the time that he got these scores last night. However, when he was actually telling me about them, I wasn't really focusing that much, as I was busy doing work on Sonic Heroes myself (and getting a bit riled with the game... *ahem...*), so I was just saying 'good work' and such to them. It was only once he told me he submitted these stats before disappearing offline that I noticed how hefty the scores he got were in comparison to the existing records. Upon seeing them, I expected there was likely to be some BS calls on them. If I had paid more attention when he stated them as he got them, I probably would've quizzed him on them.
Anywhos... I would suspect that he used the 9:59 bonus to get the scores. The breaks between him telling me he was going to try an act and stating his score was a long period of time, maybe 10 minutes or more. I expect he probably overlooked the rule stating that acts in Sonic 3/& Knuckles cannot be completed in 9:59 when he read the rules page (he's only recently begun using the system, so it's possible to overlook some things without intention).

Of course, I can't really act as a proper defence for him, since I'm not sure what exactly he did, for the reason I stated at the beginning, so I'm only assuming ^^;; But I thought it would be best to give some incite on what has likely happened. I'll probably catch up with him later, so I'll tell him to stop by here and explain what he did to get those scores when I do.

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