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Messages - Stefan

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Wikkity! / Re: Board Mafia Interest Check.
« on: August 03, 2010, 10:40:42 am »
I know this is two weeks after the most recent post but.

count me in

Oh I'm not in this game am I.

I remember when I was good at sa2:B

Wikkity! / Re: More Freerunning from Azure
« on: May 11, 2010, 01:21:27 pm »
Out of curiosity, what program are you using to edit your mp3 files? I don't want to sink money into fruityloops, and don't like any other programs, so I use terrible web midi to mp3 converters.

You forgot:

"The fact that it's called Sonic 4 means it will suck"

Thorn EDIT:
* It's just plain impossible to live up to the epicness expected of the name "Sonic the Hedgehog 4", so the game will suck.

Already mentioned, read harder!

Ok how about:

"The music sucks. Music was the atmosphere of sonic. The game will thus suck."

Ok how about:

"Every game in the classic sonic series introduced new character types. This game will suck because it goes backwards"

neither does the 5th place competitor!

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: January 09, 2010, 06:06:26 pm »
I've seen skillet in concert twice. :o

General Sonic / Re: Favorite Sonic game of the 2000s
« on: January 05, 2010, 10:21:14 pm »
Anyone who doesn't pick SA2, SA1, or Rush is why this franchise has died.

I pick SA2

Wikkity! / Re: Predictions for 2010!!!
« on: December 27, 2009, 11:41:06 pm »

1. Keep my 4.0 at school.
2. Develop better friendships with people
3. Be less of an overall jerk. my temperament suxxxx
4. Learn to play more instruments.
5. Develop more of my comedy videos with my friends.

not much tsc in there. ;x

Wikkity! / Re: Post your face!
« on: October 30, 2009, 04:58:37 pm »

halloween costumes~

Competition Central / Re: Yet ANOTHER glitch to BAN for S3K
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:07:16 am »
"Common sense applies in all games. If something seems iffy, you probably shouldn't be doing it. Or at least check with someone before you do. Note that if a new rule is enacted, anything already submitted in violation of that rule is void."

If you do a glitch that requires a five minute setup to start halfway into a level, don't you think there might be some provisions against that?

Wikkity! / Re: how do i messed up tsc
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:54:35 pm »
why do you have a tab open about the taliban?


« on: September 22, 2009, 09:46:44 am »
I don't see how getting a game that usually runs ntsc to try and run pal could, in any circumstance, not be considered a modification of code.

Beef / Re: All My Stats.
« on: September 19, 2009, 11:40:00 am »
In an unrelated point, I think it's important to point out that I have a very good chance at being prom king this year (as people who make homecoming court can't run for prom court, and I wasn't eligible for homecoming court but will be for prom court)

In a more serious and relevant point:

Part of the reason the TSC community tends to pick fights with you is something you're already aware of; you like to get in people's heads and see what side of the fence they stand on. There's no sugar coating that when you intentionally antagonize people to study them, they are going to feel antagonized. That creates conflict, end of story.

But, likewise, I really don't think anyone in the IRC community directly hates you as a person. Genus might be condescending about your choice of lifestyle, flyby may think you attach too little meaning with sex, I might disagree with you on pretty much every issue on the face of the planet. But, speaking for myself, I don't think you're a worse person for that, I just think you're an outspoken person who likes to argue, and you happen to be in a community contrary to your primary views.

If you're leaving the TSC community because you don't want to be a part of it or because you want to get your life fullfillment elsewhere, have at it. I'll applaud your courage to leave to pursue whatever else you like in life, I can't do the same. I don't compete any more, I hardly chat anymore, and I really don't understand why I still frequent TSC, but I am unable to bring myself to go. I'm really not sure why that is. But if you're leaving the IRC community because you feel that everyone is out to get you, I hope you can change your mind on the issue.

You say that life can't have meaning without a romantic relationship; that may be a true statement for you, but it's very possible that someone else doesn't want a relationship. But even for people that that is true for, sex may not be that important to the relationship, but even detrimental to it. You are telling me that you prize the value of sex and that sex makes your relationships stronger. Does that not make it even harder to lose a relationship when you've added this extra element to it?

My main objection is your caricature of the TSC community as stereotypical nerds. We don't all live in our parents' basements. We don't all play video games non stop. We don't all refuse the social aspect of life. We prize intellectualism, but can you really say that you like dumb people more than smart ones? Just as you act a certain way in IRC that doesn't reflect your real-life person, all the people whom you don't think you fit in with may do the same.

If you still want to leave, have at it. Doing something that's more rewarding to you in life is the right choice (especially if this IRC community isn't rewarding to you at all). But please, please don't stat bomb. There -are- people who still care about the leaderboards. There are people who really care about how they measure up to other people in the world. And deleting your stats (or alternatively fake stat bombing) makes their comparison all the more invalid. If you have good stats, you can leave them up. It's not a prerequisite that you have to stay at TSC to keep your stats up. Those can still be up to make life a little more rewarding for those who find reward in sonic competition.

sorry for the tl;dr, though I'm sure you are used to my tl;dr posts by now.

Gaming and Grazing / Re: Scribblenauts
« on: September 13, 2009, 06:11:57 pm »


News and Updates / Re: New HD *2D* Sonic Game in 2010
« on: September 12, 2009, 01:25:03 pm »
My sa1 argument was that the -camera- sucks because sa1 introduced -new elements to 3d games-, namely, the tools to both go extremely fast and in very open directions.

Sa1 is extremely glitchy, and I don't plan on defending those glitches., and never have made an argument defending those glitches, quite to the contrary of whatever ignorant 3d fanboy you're making me out to be, steadfast in how perfect the games were.

Gaming and Grazing / Scribblenauts
« on: September 12, 2009, 11:33:05 am »
It's awesome.

I ran over a nitro in a schoolbus, it blew up, and I was launched far enough to beat someone in a distance contest and win the starite.


News and Updates / Re: New HD *2D* Sonic Game in 2010
« on: September 12, 2009, 10:29:43 am »
I'm pretty sure Stefan loses by default for trying to draw an equivalence between the glitchiness of Sonic Adventure and Portal and Fallout 3.

I'm pretty sure you lose by default for changing my argument from sonic adventure 2 to sonic adventure.

News and Updates / Re: New HD *2D* Sonic Game in 2010
« on: September 11, 2009, 04:13:23 pm »
Ok, even falling through a floor ONCE is inexcusable. You know how many times I've fallen through the floor in every 3D game other than Sonic? A grand total of ZERO.  It's like we hold Sonic at a lower standard and just accept MAJOR flaws like collision that is so bad that you actually fall through the level

In the past couple weeks I've fallen through a floor in both Fallout 3 and Team Fortress 2, and glitched outside of a wall in Portal. This is not an issue that only plagues sonic, and my point is that in over 300 hours, experiencing 2 out of bounds glitches (one while intentionally trying to push the game to its limits) is hardly reason for huge concern. Within my first COUPLE HOURS of playing s3&k, I fell through the rising sand in sandopolis 2, and had to wait for a time over. I'm not kidding. You're holding 3d sonic accountable for a problem that isn't singularly in 3d sonic, which is a poor excuse for logic.

It's not "wherever you want." The levels are linear.  Galaxy may not have the speed of Sonic, but the platforming is far complex and the camera is far superior.  Also understand that the speed in Sonic is NOT the cause for the bad camera, because the camera is always centered behind him in faster sections (aside from "scripted" portions). It's when you slow down and have to move more carefully that the camera screws you over.

two things here: one, sonic adventure dx is far more open than the rest of the 3d sonic titles, and it's the one I quoted. On levels like speed highway and red mountain, you always have several different ways to go, and the levels are very open. Those are also the levels I experience the most camera screw on.

And I think it's pretty clear my point about "speed causing camera problems" to be correct. Whether or not that is during the fast sections is not the point; the point here is that because the camera is explicitly designed for speedier gameplay, slowing down becomes an issue. IE, the speed causes the camera problems.

But Sonic never moved as fast as he does in Rush or Unleashed.  When going that fast you can't expect the player to react fast enough to add more complex level designs, so they end up being roller coasters.  Spindash fixed the problem of getting stuck at the bottom of a ramp for one, and it was a way to get to high speed quickly, but again, it still was nowhere near the speed of the modern games. As for picked one level from one game. It's called VARIATION. I'm not saying that there isn't a place for levels like those, but not EVERY LEVEL. Oh and the Fire Shield didn't keep you locked at top speed while performing it, Boosting does. How useful is the Fire Shield dash for picking up speed when running downhill? Now if you know what's at the bottom of the hill and want to just skip it, then sure, just dash and skip the hill. Or how about when going up? When boosting all you have to do is hold one button and you maintain top speed, with the Fire Shield you have to do it repeatedly, because it only GETS you to top speed, it doesn't keep you there. On top of that it's just more active than holding a button, and is just a more interesting mechanic.

But boosting isn't instant win! You have to charge up the meter! Fire shield has no meter, and you can theoretically never stop fire shielding. it, in fact, is more broken than the boost!

How does jumping make enemies redundant? You still have to JUMP over them, which still makes them an obstacle. And with some enemies it's not as simple as just jumping over them (unlke the newer games which recycle the exact same enemies over and over and you can just hold boost and run through them. Yay fun.) As for that last bit...I think you misread me or something. I said that you had to get up to speed to hit the ramp that would launch you up to to the location of a 1up or other such goody, now all you have to do is push a few buttons in succession or just boost up effortlessly.

How does boosting make enemies redundant? You still have to have gotten a boost meter and make sure you boost right, which still makes them an obstacle. And with some enemies it's not as simple as boosting into them (unlike the older games where every variation of a spin attack kills every enemy over and over and you can just spin and roll through them. Yay fun.)

And yeah, I'll concede that I misread what you said. Sorry. Though your description of reaching alternate routes is hardly perfect.

I'm interested to know what the redeeming qualities of 3D Sonics are, what advantages they have over the 2D games and why the new mechanics and design direction are better.

Being in three dimensions allows for more precise control and more vast environments (even if they are linear). That's ultimately the underlying factor for me in liking the two 3d sonic games that I like (which are sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2). I don't feel the need to defend heroes, shadow, unleashed, and 06, because I didn't like them. But adventure and adventure 2 had such a great blend of precise control (sonic goes where you tell him to) and speed that it reeled me in.

News and Updates / Re: New HD *2D* Sonic Game in 2010
« on: September 11, 2009, 08:12:18 am »
I can't tell you how many times I've fallen through the floor, or had the camera flip around when I'm trying to jump to a platform or something, or have get caught on something or lose sight of Sonic altogether. I mean 3D camera has been done damn near perfectly before Adventure was even released, so there's no excuse.

I have fallen through the floor in sa2 in a grand total of two places. One was in City Escape, in the truck section, where I was lightdashing the rings and shot through the floor. The other was in metal harbor, where I was trying to cut the somersault to pulley section as short as possible, and glitched some how. I've racked up at least 300 hours on that game.

Do you know why adventure's camera was worse than other games with a 3d camera? That speed thing we were talking about. Go ahead and use that as an argument against speed, if you want, but don't blame it on poor development when it is entirely the result of an UNRELENTING ABILITY to go -wherever you want-. That freedom to platform wherever you want in sadx (The same thing you herald in 2d sonic) is the heart of the issue.


Barrel of Doom. :D

PPA brings up a good point regarding the speed. I'm aware that Sonic's whole idea has been about speed...but since when have the games ever played fast?

When have sonic games played fast... How about in sonic cd, where you had spindash and peelout? That failing, how about the introduction of the spindash in sonic 2? Don't tell me chemical plant had a fluid level design, it was -all- about rolling down hills, going through pipes, and then a couple platforming sections over water at the end. The level as a whole was like advance 2... just boosting along, speed. How about sonic 3, which introduced the "get up to speed instantly" fire shield? Sounds like... a boost to me. I have no doubts that the fire shield was the predecessor to the rush and unleashed boost.

Boosting IMO has ruined Sonic.

See: Fire shield

Any gameplay element that make any elements of the game redundant or pointless is very, very bad game design. Boosting does just that. Enemies are merely fodder to fill your boost gauge. You just run right through them. On top of that they are boring and uninspired. It also ruin other aspects, like alternate routes. Remember getting that high route that had something special by going faster off a ramp? Boosting ruined that, because it instantly shoots you up to max speed, so what is the point of even having the low roads if you can easily hit the high road without fail every time?

What! Even excepting the obvious parallels to be drawn here with the fire shield, any gameplay element that makes others redundant is bad design? You could make the argument that JUMPING makes enemies redundant. how about the SPINDASH? the ROLL? And -what--! There were parts in 2d sonic games where you went to a higher route to get a speedup ramp? I'm not aware of these? I remember going to higher routes to get things like 1ups and rings and easier routes, things that the boost mechanic does not destroy.

Some of your points are valid, but I really hate the general critique of all 3d sonic games, especially those I consider to have hit the spot (sonic adventure 2)

Wikkity! / Re: How did you find TSC?
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:45:53 am »
Gamefaqs. Yeah, I know.

Board Games / Re: Return of the genus-inspired Random Questions Topic
« on: August 21, 2009, 08:03:58 am »
Also Aita I'm curious as to why you'd want to ban me. Last time I checked all my stats are legit. Because I have radically different ways of thinking than pretty much all of TSC's other members? I'm sorry if it's offensive to you, but I'm not all that into being another sheep.


Wikkity! / Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« on: August 19, 2009, 03:37:33 am »
Sonicad, in response to thorn's new questions topic, posits that it would be good to switch lives with alondite. This little gem followed:

[01:35:22] <SonicAD> eh there's positives and negatives <_<
[01:35:32] <werster> positives?
[01:35:34] <werster> name one
[01:35:41] <Stefan> werster: you get laid
[01:35:41] <SonicAD> getting laid? >_>
[01:35:42] <werster> other then "god this makes me life awesome"
[01:35:52] <werster> ...that is not a positive
[01:36:14] <Tails> it is if it's an STD test

Wikkity! / Re: The music maker (is leaving after last post).
« on: August 14, 2009, 02:36:52 pm »
thread necromancy is a sin, but I have a new midi (uploaded mostly so groudon can take it)

Super White completed (add this to the list of "you'll see it in my speedrun", that list is getting huge).
Super Red -easily- done first try, I don't get why you guys were having trouble avoiding a ring, there's not one that's particularly tricky. :P

Wikkity! / Re: itt we guess things that link to other things
« on: August 12, 2009, 01:43:02 am »
I'm up to nineteen squares...

Wikkity! / Re: itt we guess things that link to other things
« on: August 11, 2009, 09:22:00 am »
This is hard, man.

You do know about the big ring there, right? just confirming.

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