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Messages - X-5

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News and Updates / Re: Hello TSC
« on: July 28, 2015, 01:28:57 pm »
Rolken, F-Man, Dan, everybody....good to see you guys. Especially you, Sir F! you're still the best damn player SADX has ever seen. Always will be. The same could have been said about SA2B as well if you actually cared about that game.

I'm sure nobody really thinks too much of me after what a psychopathic suicidal idiot I came off as all those years ago....but Hey, I was young, jobless, lonely in RL and depressed all the time. That's no excuse, but it is a reason. >.> Now I'm 26 with a decent job, and I even got my own little cabin up in the beautiful Appalachian mountains that I call home.

I can't mix it up in the time attack scene anymore cause I'm too old and slow...but I do enjoy watching the product of the new generation. They play so well it's incredible. I don't think I could compete with them even when I was at my best. (Which wasn't very good to begin with. Haha!)

Leaderboard Disputes / Re: ATTN: sa2bsonic101
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:14:16 pm »
Is this guy just temporarily banned until he shows proof or something?

If it's permanent, it is kinda dumb to leave his name on the charts even if he does have the ban symbol, cause to somebody that doesn't take the time to look won't even know he is banned and the time is fake.

Granted, all of the times he submitted ARE possible for sure, but I just wanted to point this out in case ya'll didn't know the times stay on the charts during perm-ban

Mario News / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: July 10, 2010, 03:13:55 pm »
it kicks ass that the game tracks your best time for every level. We've been needing that since super mario 64! People go for fast times there even though they gotta manually time it :P I can't stand manual timing like that though so I never bothered.

Look out for me, I am gonna have some fun going for fast times once I beat the game! 14 stars and counting.

I wish you the best of luck my friend!

Sucks how you lose so much skill from not playing huh? but at least generally, once you get it back you end up better than before since you've had such a nice long break.

I await the legendary sub 24 GH. I assume he uses superstar's beginning route, and does some of the harder inconsistent tricks I didn't feel I could pull off all in 1 run, like skipping the loop with a perfectly timed jump instead of a jump + homing attack which saves probably a tenth or two.

For pyramid cave, that one definitely needs some improvement, probably sub 1:30 for sure if he can perfect it. I lost a second by missing the stupid hour glass, lost a little over a second by not doing the door first jump, and lost several by not knowing about all those shortcuts Brian showed me. Plus the run was not perfect.. so I predict he will definitely get at least 1:31 at worst, and probably sub 1:30!

I'm shocked we still have 25 of the records, but really I guess I am not cause there's so many missions he has not played yet. Once he does we're screwed. :P

I think it may be over, but that's okay cause there's always someone new that blows everybody away. I mean I could definitely give him a good challenge if I felt like playing again, we all know how far my determination can take me given some incentive. CE1 is going to be mine eventually though if nothing else. Me being in second place is just wrong, just like FR7 being second in FR1.. FR7 FR1... heh :P

yes he will, he is the next gen best S/S player in the world. nobody can touch him..except Brian if he plays still...

however. FR1 is an exception, cause my man FR7 is the fr MASTA, he loves the level, his determination for the level is on par with the best, he refuses to give up this record. it is his level for all eternity! Not even SG, Brian or me will stop him.

Watch out SG, FR7 is gonna getcha for taking his FR1 record!

So anyway, let's discuss the record. Do you agree with me in thinking that without the shortcut, his run was average and would of been 2:10 maybe 2:09? Meaning it should not be too hard to take back. What do you think the max is now?

brother Brian! haha that's cool.. neither of us 3 even know each other in the real life yet we still see ourselves as close enough to be brothers.. that's really awesome! amazing how a game, a message board, and competition can bring people so close.

I am never going to say I am retired cause you guys know what happens when I try, but it is just a good challenge for ya'll if I somehow can't get new records.

Don't say it cannot be done.. my green hill record is more perfected than CE is and look how close sir superstar got to it with practice. Speaking of that, I cannot believe he stopped when he was so close....we both see 23 possible now with ridiculous insanity, as in inconsistent tricks that almost never work.

fr7 is playing again!! crazy new crazy gadget M1 record! Stats on the run? check times? check-free? maximum potential for the level?

Great to see Brian playing too! Really great new WJ2 record, about time it's been taken way down there by someone other than talon. tiny little RH1 improvement and GF3, and a great new CG2 record! Glad you finally submitted your CE1 time too, I was wondering why 1:45 was up for so long even though you got 1:41 months ago.

awesome guys..SA2B is alive once again!! I give you guys one more big challenge to go with the goal of getting all speed records: Take every one of paragod's records! Yes , even the city.. :P


what the heck is going on here man all of a sudden you're a m2 master just like talon

wj2 came outta nowhere too, no warning no talk of it just BOOM you got it. you still gotta beat talon on both of these levels though..but..they're still good times!

I could get sub 41 since my 42 really sucked but who gives a flying feak about SA2

you have every right to laugh about that, I have no idea why I won but yeah it was a joke and definitely something to laugh about.. heck back when that was going on my best times were like CE 1:39 and maybe green hill 25 or something..nothing else I had was really notable so I basically won cause of CE alone. I guess people really liked what I did to the level.

and I agree, Brian is definitely the newcomer of the year. Skill,Strategies, he has it all and there's no doubt he is one of the best things to happen to SA2 in a long time.

I also agree ties are cool, which is half of the reason I would round up my times if I barely beat someone, til I was told not to do so of course.

woh..crazy tie!

CG2 is definitely way harder than PC tho by a long shot.

well with a second try door skip, 1:31 can be done with Brian's cuts. They definitely save, at the very least 3 seconds, possibly more with insane perfection. But yeah if somehow someone nails a perfect run, perfect shortcuts and a first try perfect door skip they will touch the goal ring somewhere in the 1:29 zone..will it ever happen? Not by me! 1:32 would most likely be my limit, with second try door and decent Brian cuts. (:p)

yeah rayku, trust me the door is definitely not what I would call consistent. works often enough to get it in a check-free run, but you will have to work hard for that. Just keep jumping into the left corner of the door and eventually you will get a feel for where you need to be, and it becomes more consistent. Maybe someone as skillful as you can learn how to do it nearly every time?

yeah I understand going for just decent pieces for the M1 hunts. I have tried before, but even with only half good pieces I still get sick of it. M2's are much better, but most of them I still do not like for some reason, I just suck I guess.

my 1:35 video shows the main route, but don't forget Brian's shortcut video. it has 2 or 3 seconds worth of time savers over mine. That's why 1:30 or even sub is possible, but I am very inconsistent with the shortcuts plus I am never gonna get a first try door :(

anyway I can't believe you're playing hunting FR, especially M1's.. am I right in saying those times were a first try completion? I doubt you put effort into them since they're boring, and for that they are pretty good!

i thought the "=p" would indicate that I am only joking, and that it was just a funny way of encouraging you to go for 23, someday.

i guess not. wow. I guess I ruined a completely great friendship with 1 joke because I was not fully clear. I can't believe what an idiot I am..I understand if you never want to talk to me again :(

wow, I'm shocked I almost have the most time records..especially considering I only play a third of what the game offers..WOW!

never counted all the records before, just sonic/shadow

your new MH3 time sucks because it's not 23. =p

crazy awesome mega super run man heck YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! that's a big leap towards 41/41, very glad it was not left up to me.

2:15.75..that would be a cool time. Probably near perfection, but hey that's the name of my game!

at this rate though, you will no longer be the final master... you'll be the sonic master!

imagine you getting 41/41 by yourself. it'd be FR7 > PA = woah!

you'll figure it out and nail 52 or better! For the PC2 thing, what Brian said is right as usual. This is the main reason I do not play the level much-- I cannot do that light dash properly hardly ever :(

anyway I got.... CE M4 AR Time: 2:22. watchy'all think? Good? Bad? Insane? I definitely wanna take it below sub 2:20, and I bet when I make the video it will help you out with just getting them all in 3:00, knowing the optimal strategies.

you can do it! if you can get impossible FC and sky rail records, you can get all the CE ring records. (GC)

1. I have never not enjoyed any of your vids, CE-masta
2. It's freaking City Escape, how dare you even ask me something like that?

1. that is true. :) at least I can do something right in my life
2. Just now sure if you would have any interest in such a run, in this case i'll also do a metal harbor 154 run in sub 1:25! maybe some others too if it's fun and they can produce lots of entertainment.

About M5, I don't know if the rings disappear or not. For some reason it seems to me like the rings would be lost forever, but I don't know the game inside and out so I can't know.

As for why you're missing rings on M5, assuming it's not from the shield...hmmm, I can't really think of any in particular. truck chase maybe? I doubt there's any stray rings you're missing if you sometimes get 4:41... just do the checkpoints, get a magnet shield, and trek very slowly. I had no problem with this record, except for the fact that it took me a while to figure out you can get a ring box from the mystic melody :P

For M4...I collected 440 rings in 2:30 once, that leaves you 30 seconds to play with if you need to slow down a little bit while boarding. Keep in mind the run was HORRIBLE, so you don't have to be perfect if you do go 30 seconds, just be quick.

For the truck, around the corners I suggest jumping instead of hitting the speed pads, and hitting B+A when sonic loops the corner and you should have no problem collecting the rings, and no problem staying far away from the truck. I always used this technique on all my rings and scores.

hope that helps you out a little bit my friend-o-final!

speaking of CE M4... if I made a near-perfect 440 ring/time run in the range of say.. sub 2:25 or even 2:20, would you enjoy watching it?

good job with all the great new records, except for one that I have a problem with:

CE1- M4 --- 427 rings?!?! what is up with that! you better get 440 right now!

very cool! the only thing as good as setting a time record is setting an UNTIED ring record, around here it's shocking when a new max comes up since most are perfect. very nice

most replied to topic? i knew we could do pwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!

heh I thought you guys were saying it was slower than what blazest used on his 56 video, which is what I do now and it yields 51.60 at best. you were talking about compared to his 52 though.

I bet I can get a good time now! thanks Brian, I think I will try yours first because it looks more doable than the other.

thanks Brian, i'm not sure exactly how you do it yet but I am sure once I play I will figure it out, it is a small area after all. you can make a video to help others out if you want, but if it's just for me don't worry about it.

About the double spindash, I have no idea if it saves time or not really but it seems to not bounce as much as the other method which is a plus.

so master final.....when are we going to have that awesome FR5 competition? I can't wait!

that may be a good idea, cause it seems like it may be faster to do 2 spindashes in the beginning instead of lightdash+spindash.

Brian, I played some GF3 and even with the new gravity control loop bounce I can't even get below 51.50 on M3. My best springs are 40.5 or so I do you get to the chao? you don't have to make a video if you cannot, just an ending has to really suck!

The new loop jump is awesome by the way, I love it cause it's not only faster but a fair bit easier than the yoshifan method. I can't do the super bounces up the tree AT ALL though, even after several tries. Pulling both off in a check-free run means you're INSANE!

holy shit man that run was insane for GC! I love it! Checkfree too! I can't believe I never thought to try bouncing up the spring parts like that, the first one looks really hard.

Looks like you pretty much used gravity control on the loop to save time to get that 50 sec on M3, I had a feeling you may have done that part faster but I could not figure it out myself.

This run is 9999999 times better than that pathetic DC record of mine. and speaking of DC, I guess 1:20 can be done huh? we sure will be able to smash japan's 1:22, I knew it would be possible! 1:26 seems insane, but I guess really that's only 1.70 sec, so maybe it can be done.

I may try later, for a M3 record and a much improved M1 record. With that loop skip you do 32 could probably easily be done on M2 as well, I did my record the old fashion way and it still was not perfect.

Those are some fair points, but guess what?

When I first started, I sucked so much at B+A I couldn't even do it on the first staircase on CE without hitting the ground first. But look at me now, I can do them almost instantly like you said. That's just skill gained over several years of playing! Same thing for spindashes, I didn't start out that good.

Also, maybe if you use the B and A buttons the same way I do, you will be just as fast. I am assuming you use the middle or tip of your thumb, and if you do I can see why you are so slow- I am slow that way too. I use the first joint on my thumb to push the buttons (right on the line there) and I noticed you can B+A and spindash much much faster, easier and more accurately! I've been doing this for years. Of course everybody's fingers are different so it may or may not help, but I would give it a shot. Hopefully you understand what I am talking about

Still takes practice of course, but try it if you don't already do so. You may find my speed very easy then!

Can't wait for the vid of GF! It doesn't matter if it's not sub1:29, because what's the difference between 1:29:00 and 1:28.90? Nothing, so just upload it for us to enjoy a crazy run!! ;)

I agree with you PoT

in this particular case, I also agree. they'd both be insane!

I've always sucked at RH so your mission 3 run looked perfect to me. I don't see where time could be saved anymore, so my comments would be quite useless. <_<

oh I get it now, you're saying you don't have much experience with this level so you have no idea how good his time really is.

And I don't know why Brian insists to be third either..? I'm curious to read that list of why he deserves to be third though. I actually got a nice solution to this, but more about that later..

I wanna see this too..Brian is currently the best!


I've been here 3 times longer
He's the one coming up with insane new routes and strategies
He's good all-around

those are among the main reasons why he's the best......cmon Brian just admit you're #1..funny huh? most people would be thrilled about people saying they're the best, Brian wants to argue it though... Brian is definitely a funny guy huh? :P

videos in 10 minutes.....yeahhhhh!!!!!!! SR52!

my god Brian 39 at the springs is incredible... you must make a video!!! I want to see these shortcuts! it's the only way I can get the M3 record! 1:29 M1 on GC is crazy too.. I kinda wondered if 1:28 was possible without a crazy shortcut back when you submitted 1:28, sure enough it is!

I can't believe I cannot figure them out my self :/ I promise you I have searched high and low, but nothing..

Brian = #1

don't argue the facts man :P why do you want to be third so bad anyway? it seems like you would proudly accept the #1 spot..

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