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The Official Top Tens Topic


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #600 on: October 14, 2008, 05:00:51 pm »
Okay, notes: I'm doing one every (edit)10 minutes now and editing them back into this post, and each Top Ten is a joint effort, so there's both genus's and my writing in them.

10. Top Ten Noobs
The common or garden n00b (Idiotus Moronicus) is a curious creature. Shunning intelligence and common decency, they lurk anywhere where the reasonable folks of the intertubes attempt any meaningful interaction, they spread discord where'er they tread, they poison our wells, and most importantly they corrupt our children. Some might say it's a bad idea to have a Top Ten for the most loathed, bumbling moronics ever to grace the hallowed halls of our beloved TSC. Maybe we shouldn't promote or glamourise their behaviour; maybe this topic will give them ideas, maybe the Top Tens should celebrate all that is good about TSC. I, however, feel the following sentiments as strongly as the gout I received from my portly consumption of poached ducklings tongue: 1) pointing and laughing is always a worthwhile exercise, 2) budding n00bs might actually learn from these pillocks' mistakes, striving to tamp their libido for the insensible and 3) the average n00b won't read posts over 3 lines long, so there will be no deaths today by this account.

10 - zac-a-maniac
Our first Harbinger Of Fail is none other than the younger brother of the legend that is mike89.  With his familial credentials and good seemingly-legit stats, it looked like zac could be a real contender - but he had plenty of stats that were clearly BS too.  Unfortunately he was unrepentant, and the inevitable application of Banhammer ensued.  More importantly, he gave us two absolutely diamond posts:
Quote from: zac-a-maniac
Well to start I eat blue tack, paper, plastic, wallpaper, rubber and glue. I'll think of some more later but thats enough for now. also i'm poisoned for life. long live rave parties.
Quote from: zac-a-maniac
I AM NORMAL AND I WILL BE TREATED NORMALLY OR ELSE (the or esle is not to be let out)
zac-a-maniac eventually returned to TSC as smizzla and while this new form has had its differences with TSC, I think we can safely say he's escaped the realms of utter n00bdom - there is hope for you all, guys!

9- cake
Unfortunately for our greater sensibilities, the cake was not a lie; rather, he was one of the old masters noted for their sublime command of the utterly meaningless post (his opus is a topic commonly referred to as “MY TOILET OVERFLEW!!!”). Like all great geniuses, Cake suffered from a peculiar neurosis: a persecution complex that told him we were calling him a noob because of a low post count (when generally accepted data suggest that the site's biggest n00b has the highest post count). His prowess was also undercut by a palate predisposed to reject the many flavours of wry humor. Eventually, his crippling psychological condition proved fatal: he committed suicide by Rolken after posting a raft of insults, so squandering his wunderkid talent in the prime of life. If for nothing else, Cake has earned this accolade for provoking me into composing a serious post- so here is his honorary position on the famed wall of shame.
Quote from: cake
I dont know when its sarcasm or not what are you guys talking about!!! Do you guys hate me or something!!!
We don't hate, we hate to hate. We point and laugh.

8 – Sonic825
By now, you may have gathered that one of the calling cards of the noob is frequent short posts with bugger all to say. In fact, Forum Rule 4 in the Constitution is “If you’re pressing Submit on your third one-liner in a row, you might want to stop and think about the quality of what you’re posting”. Sonic825 gains notoriety not just for violating this sacred principle, but for actually bitching about other people's posts being too long. The reason?
Quote from: Sonic825
I'm not dumb. I have a short attention span.But not dumb.
Upon being chastised, his next input was:
Quote from: Sonic825
I can pay attention. I just made that an excuse
Draw your own conclusions.

7 - Hero Chaos Chao
HCC is one of our most prolific BSers ever.  He submitted a batch of obviously fake times, he got called out on them, he repented, he submitted fake stats again.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  I don't think anyone else has had as many second chances as HCC; the only conclusion is he's a pathological liar.  Either that or he's really a blue apricot called Gerald.

6 - xebra/Brian
Wait what, two in one?  Well yes actually - in fact when Brian was tempbanned once, effy mentioned that he wanted them both banned, and didn't even have to name xebra as the other one for people to get it.  These two were early members, competing with mike89 and FoxLuc in an epic tussle for the Sonic 3 championship - both helped by slowdown, though.  And both behaved in the same atrocious manner towards . . . well, everyone, really.  Fortunately most of their posts are lost to the annals of time, but harassing new members, posting goatse links on the forum and spamming the chat to death were amongst their favourite activities.  Eventually they spazzed out, deleted all their posts and left.  Celebrations were had.
All of this is an aside, of course - we hate them cuz they're black.  For real.

5 - JoshiG4
Another common-or-garden BSer, JoshiG4 (aka Hondaman, in the least convincing ban-dodging alternate account in the history of everything) had some amazing retorts that made him stand out above almost all others.
Quote from: JoshiG4
i just looked at all the videos and i have seen that Mike89 has used an emulator on Sonic 3 Icecap zone 2 and Sadistic has used an Sonic 2 which has included the spin dash which is not the original version in the rules any version altered to include spin dash is not allowed the level select code is so what do you have to say for yourselves
Wait what - SM hacked Sonic 2 to include spindash?  Dirty BSing cheat!
Quote from: JoshiG4
Mike89 and Sadisticmystic i'am arresting you on suspision of member misconduct, you do not have to see but it may harm your defence when mentioned anything you rely on in court. Any you do say may be given in evidence.
He's an intarwebs cop? ZOMG RUN FOR IT GUYS!
Quote from: JoshiG4
tee hee hee that plan was to scare you but it back fires
He was joking?  I mean . . . well . . . obviously I knew all along.  I wasn't scared.  Honest.
Quote from: JoshiG4
i'am keeping by the twisting the truth fact
. . .
Quote from: JoshiG4
i' am going to keep on coming here until i have my rights back even it until the day i die i leave in if you let me submit. ITS ONE SIMPLE TASK AND I EXPECT IT TO BE DONE
Ah crap - since he's never getting back in that means he's going to be immortal.
Quote from: JoshiG4
His parting words, now immortalised in the random front page title.  JoshiG4, for services to making literally everyone else alive feel more intelligent, we salute you (for salute read garotte).

And finally, the inseparable bastions of TSC idiocy – the 4 N00bs Of The Apocalypse!  The Ancient Scrolls Of Wisdom foretell their return, at the head of the ravening hoards of the Unholy Army Of GameFAQs, to destroy TSC, the final refuge of pr0s on teh intartubes.  Know ye well our foes, comrades.

Joint 1 - goalie
Goalie's really a middle rung noob, there's nothing interesting to say about him in terms of his noob factor. Does this make him a noob at being a noob? No, you're not cool enough to think that meta.
What is worth noting, though, is that he dared to cheat in my beloved Advance 2.  The reason, therefore, that we haven't heard from him in many, many moons is that I've had him killed to death.  Fatally killed to death, in fact.  Everyone else take note.

Joint 1 - Marcelo
Precious little is known of this n00b, his main activity coming from the dark annals that time forgot (ie 2004 >_>).  What little is known is that he was a BSer with a different excuse: none of the stats he posted were in fact posted by him!  Presumably there's some sort of plot involving the secret service hacking into his TSC account to post fake stats in order to take over the world; we'll never know the sordid details of the international conspiracy, for the last that was heard of him was thus:
<Marcelo> MOMENTTT
He then quit, never to be seen again, although we all eagerly await the MOMENTTT of his return.

Joint 1 – formarfan
Active for less than a month in the summer of 2004, formarfan was the original pointless poster. One liners abound, as were (as is somewhat typical of your average n00b) accusations of cheating (particularly against SHADOW JACKY). In fact, formarfan liked calling BS so much he created a fake account that was clearly cheating (eevilnew), just so he could call his fake self out. You've got to admire that dedication (and by admire, I mean facepalm at). Multiple accounts, waaay too much forum spam and our old friend BS stats got formarfan banned in short order.

Joint 1 – prcorby
Once again, prcorby started off as your run-of-the-mill BSer.  He was caught, protested his innocence (badly) and banned.  Everyone knew he was a cheat, he was ridiculed and he was sent from the site in shame.  At this point the rest of us would have given up and moved on with our lives. However, n00bs are like zombies – they just keep lurching forward, moaning incomprehensibly, until you blow their head off with a shotgun at close range (and as we all know there are few pleasures more sublime than the tranquil 'plop' of noob brains splattering against the wall). For most noobs, this takes the form of creating multiple accounts, maybe to protest their ban or maybe to attempt to pass unnoticed this time around. For prcorby, however, it was all about shutting TSC down.
He rejoined the forum to enlighten us as to our sins:
Quote from: prcorby
You mother fuckers, get rid of this fuckin site before i die, I've lived for 70 years already. Ow, Mother Fucker, DON'T STEP ON MY TOE.
He sent emails relaying what The Terrorists had told him must happen to the site to ensure the safe release of his kidnapped mother:
Quote from: prcorby
I want you to change your site totally different. I want you to delete: the competitions, the user registration, and the boards. What I was expecting on your site is just info on all the sonic games. It can have CGI, but only a site search or somthing else
Do this or else I'm done for. Please!
He spammed the chat:
Quote from: IRC
[01:00:34] prcorby89 [] has joined #soniccenter[01:00:35] <prcorby89> hi
[01:00:39] <yse> FUCK
[01:00:40] <prcorby89> i want you to take down sonic center
[01:00:42] <prcorby89> now
[01:00:42] <yse> too slow
[01:00:46] <Rolken> X)
[01:01:06] <prcorby89> remove all the competitions
[01:01:12] <prcorby89> otherwise i'll get buttsecks :(
[01:01:16] <SDM> even mine? :(
[01:01:21] <prcorby89> your competitions are cheating
[01:01:22] <yse> i thought you liked that kind of stuff, paul
[01:01:24] <prcorby89> you're all cheating!
[01:01:35] <prcorby89> Delete your competitions now!
[01:01:37] <prcorby89> :(
[01:01:49] <Rolken> :(
[01:01:50] <+GerbilEgg> *** I call BS: prcorby89 didn't get >100 in IQ
[01:01:55] <prcorby89> Also take down that bot.
[01:01:58] <yse> too many zeros
[01:02:20] prcorby89 [] has quit IRC (Quit: Killed (GerbilSoft (no u)))
And most bizarrely posted a negative review of TSC on Amazon (here).
Finally, due to his pleas at Gfaqs and the flaming he received there, TSC was at last shut down:
Quote from: SadisticMystic
if for some reason prcorby decides to come back, his IP is filtered out by the main page and instead of seeing normal TSC pages, for that IP only, it displays the message "Sorry, TSC is shut down at prcorby's request. :( It's been fun, but people were flaming him on GameFAQs and that's just mean, so this site can't stay up anymore."
It is from prcorby we have Constitution Forum Rules 2 and 3, and the front page random message “Shut down TSC or I'll tell my mommy on you”, and for that we thank him. And by 'thank' I mean 'beat in the face with a tire iron'.

Footnote: For the source of the 4 N00bs Of The Apocalypse legend, see  Also RPG loses the cool points that got him by not remembering who they actually were properly when I asked him >_>

Oh, and one more thing: the next Top Ten is . . .  Top Ten Catchphrases!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 05:18:53 pm by douglas »
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline Aitamen

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #601 on: October 14, 2008, 06:27:32 pm »
If #1 isn't "I Call BS!" then I'm not sure this is Soniccenter at all...

Unless it's no u, fu, rickroll'd (recent), g-rated, or royal rainbow...
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #602 on: October 14, 2008, 07:03:03 pm »
Well thats some history I didn't know about...
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #603 on: October 14, 2008, 08:37:47 pm »
formarfan liked calling BS so much he created a fake account that was clearly cheating (eevilnew), just so he could call his fake self out. You've got to admire that dedication (and by admire, I mean facepalm at).

Epic. xDDD

Awesome top ten to start with. Good job. :O
Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #604 on: October 14, 2008, 09:01:15 pm »
I was going to give you cool points for TSCA reference but then I changed my mind >:O
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Stefan

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #605 on: October 14, 2008, 11:13:37 pm »
no SM18, no s&a.

needs work.

but gj! it's pretty awesome.

also, for top ten catchphrases, I expect to see "pay attention, quartz" and "i call bs".

also, if "what" is included I quit tsc.

Offline Aitamen

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #606 on: October 15, 2008, 12:30:53 am »
this is TSC, there's no way "what" will be on the top-10 for catchphrases!

It'd be wut instead >_>
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Luxray

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #607 on: October 15, 2008, 12:59:25 am »
Well thank gosh i wasn't on there for my first forum post >_>
<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #608 on: October 15, 2008, 01:02:55 am »
Anyone remember blueblaze? What on earth could have happened to him?

HE WAS THE BIGGEST NOOB OF THEM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Offline P.P.A.

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #609 on: October 15, 2008, 01:45:48 pm »
No me? Whoo!

Also top ten catchphrases? I'll be offended if neither Royal Rainbow! nor I'M NOT A FURRY is in there!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #610 on: October 15, 2008, 02:48:18 pm »
I did vote for ya, PPA
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Crowbar

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #611 on: October 15, 2008, 03:44:34 pm »
Come on, eggFL at least deserved an honorable mention.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #612 on: October 15, 2008, 04:14:09 pm »
I admit I wasn't looking forward to this, but reading the list was hilarious.  I guess I shouldn't have such a low tolerance for noobs to come if they can produce material such as the top 10.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #613 on: October 15, 2008, 07:15:07 pm »
9. Top Ten Catchphrases
Here at TSC, we are naturally loathe to instigate lengthy discussions. What use is protracted, empty discourse on a common topic when independently reasoned conclusions on stilted values remain the pervading interpretations for all invested parties with snappy one-liners, crude puns, and rickrolls attaining the same effect in a more honest fashion in a shorter time frame? Invariably, certain people regurgitate the same few defense mechanisms, which then become the means by which we identify, stereotype and ridicule them. Hail these notable mannerisms.

10 - RPG: mmmballs
RPG's infatuation with balls is *now* legendary.  He is predisposed towards an amicable love for all species of balls - bouncy ones, rubbery ones, furry ones, smooth ones, big ones, small ones, some as big as your head (and bigger!), multi-coloured ones, plain ones. As long as there are balls, especially lots of them, RPG will stare fawningly on, glistening doe eyes in awe, while a reverential smile waxes for all and sundry.
In celebration of RPG's libido for the round, I found him some (barely legal) ball on ball pornography. I hope that as a spectator he has a very happy, satisfying top 10; it's been hard for him so far with all this free time.

9-Stefan: what Arguments, see attached flowchart:

Well, he said he'd quit TSC if we included "what" as his here's something else. An argument with Stefan is formulaic; tell him something offensive, log the conversation, wait a day, say something else offensive, and compare the two for a comedic effect. Stefan wanders the streets at night looking for innocents to whallop with a pillow sack crammed with quarters and a lot of "whats" rolled with barbed exaggerations under the guise of objectivity. Careful, it leaves a nasty sting because he brings it with him on fox hunts. It's really not a catch phrase in the exact sense of the word, but because it's 4 in the morning, I don't even care whether this is funny or encourages comradery. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.  

8- Shadowjacky: Shit!
SJ doesn't curse like a sailor...he curses like a sailor with spiky hair wearing a leather jacket, faded jeans, and shades riding a motorcycle while smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer, and shooting at squirrels. His comments are filled with enough vulgarities to shame even those especially coarse grandmothers. Zeph recently compiled a list of SJ's more notable comments (Zeph edit: link not available; see attachment instead), though to save time our analyses indicate that they all arc towards this general meaning with slight variability in expression: "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit gay fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit shit shit fuck fuck shit shit fuck fuck shit fuck this shit shit fuck fuck ass gay gay shit shit shit fuck fuck shit shit fuck fuck fuck fuck". It's rumored that JackieChan comes from a sun stricken land in the far east, trained by sensei with particularly abrasive cases of tourrettes syndrome, though the ineffable nature of his stoic character and that really cool surgical mask obfuscates any postulation.

7- Zeph/SBW: >:O!!!
Aka THE FAEC, this is used by Zeph and SBW in their role as chatroom ops to mean "I am extremely displeased with the current state of affairs and will be laying down the law forthwith in no uncertain manner!".  Use of THE FAEC by anyone other than these two is punishable by death, though several recent cases have stirred controversy by raising a justification defense that use of THE FAEC is warranted when responding to Zeph's abuse of the net split button. Because of political pressure, several judges have commuted sentences to a good whacking from Zeph's signature steel toed boot instead of capital punishment. THE FAEC is the most powerful emoticon known to man, said to be the only thing in the entire universe that scares RPG and keeps him in line - hence it is probably the most valuable invention in the history of our beloved teh intarwebs.

6- CherryMay: :(
CherryMay  pioneered universal appraisal of genocides, rainy Saturdays, headaches, breakups, toothaches, new friends, old friends, too many decisions, too few decisions, death, lack of tigers, and general calamity - though for the uninitiated, it is also acceptable to respond to general delights in this fashion. It makes Cherry sad that she can't be happy, and her manic depression is iconic in the purest comprehensible form. In a 288 day interval,  22.1% of her 34730 lines contained the ':(' emoticon, which itself is the most common emoticon with 49755 uses. I'd say more but I think its status as a catch phrase is self evident :(

5- SkyLights: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (80 lines omitted for brevity)
To communicate with the Gods of Old, the Oracle of Delphi fasted and consumed hallucinatory alms, speaking in tongues to a learned holy man. To communicate with Tikal, SkyLights doesn't take his medication and says AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  (80 lines omitted for brevity) to laymen capable of deriving only an abstruse declaration of distress from the fabled deity. There is a Draconian code governing its usage: only a few righteous, discerning methadone addicts who have conversed with Tikal may declare her will. Defying this law is a sacrilege of sufficient magnitude to warrant  a disapproving look and Sky's proclamation of 2/10, though even those honored few cleared to employ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (80 lines omitted for brevity) must exhibit restraint and avoid its overuse by never using it at all. While it -is- their right, thankfully we live in a totalitarian state and any such exercise of civil liberties is punishable by banhammer to the face.

4- The Channel: PPA is a furry//PPA:I'M NOT A FURRY!!!!!!
Ever since this topic, PPA has been in quarantine away from TSC's healthy, uncorrupted members . Consequently, any discussion involving PPA, animals, anthropomorphised animal-type characters,  taxidermists, anthropomorphised animal-type characters who are taxidermists, the relative tactile merits of polyester over felt, sexual fetishes, and other cursory topics tangentially revisit his furfaggotry. It's TSC's flavorful Godwin, a manifestation of our site's myopic, misanthropic meditations. "I'M NOT A FURRY!!!!!! is PPA's banal retort to these statements alleging that he has peculiar erotic tastes. Naturally, it doesn't work because we all know that PPA loves hot, jungle loving. He says it loud and he says it often, leaving the objective observer to wonder just who he's trying to convince. Given the Kübler-Ross model, we can make reasonable assumptions about his future responses. With transitional phases, it's possible that some of these phrases will blend, and equally his psychology may be such that some steps will be skipped entirely; however, we can approximately expect "No, you're the furry", " I'm not really a furry because I like real girls", "I don't care anymore", and finally "it's not a big deal that I'm a furry". But oh, PPA, how it is. Though as this is TSC's 5th anniversary, and should be a happy occasion, we wish PPA a speedy rehabilitation so that he may enjoy a gradual reintegration into normal society.  Don't give up PPA, we love the part of you that doesn't love Katt (but not like that)!

3- RPG: Hey dude,  welcome to the site =)
This catchphrase was RPG's favoured greeting for new members, but its dignity was tarnished when other members stole it to selfishly make others feel welcome. Everyone's favourite homicidal maniac didn't take kindly to this, and started a campaign of senseless, brutal murder against anyone who used it in a welcome topic. Fortunately, this spike in fatalities didn't scare off too many newbies...though as our cemetery's gatekeeper, his wife the pharmacist, and his brother the bellhop collectively suspect, this isn't necessarily a good thing. RPG's killing spree even found its way into its own topic (topic link here, don't just leave the filler in here this time genus).

2- GerbilSoft: no u
Gerbil's weapon of choice, this is an infallible, bulletproof comeback to everything. Ever. When you say 'no u' in an argument, you win; your opponent completely deflates, then everything loves you and hot chicks start coming round to your place to let you know just how amazing you are. The secret to weight loss is 'no u', it improves your love life, it can even get this wine stain out of your whites! Don't try -that- with just any colloquialism! The more you say "no u", the better your life will be, so say "no u" proudly! Say it with a friend, say it to an enemy! Stick it on any surface: walls, refrigerators, windows, you name it! Act now, and you'll even get a free *facepalm*, perfect for showing your kids just who's boss! You must act now, though; 'no u' will be banned minutes after this post! Call now!
1- mike89: I call BS!
Or the less eloquent, "I call bullshit!". This venerable catchphrase was born in a raging typhoon some miles south of mainland Japan as Mike's warcry against the tide of n00bs that is forever bombarding our charts, but now it is a complete mainstay of all TSCers for any untruth, no matter the relative severity of the perceived infraction (ex: "<PPA> I'm not a furry! <Douglas> I call BS!").  It's also used by n00bs incapable of understanding how much we pwn -it has become a rite of initiation for all new members to call BS on DarkspinesSonic, our current sitewide champion (who recently waxed philosophical about his cheating, lieing, blackness, and puppy strangling in the best-selling self help book Cheating, Lieing, Being Black, and Puppy Strangling: How I Became TSC's Top Player, and How You Can Too), and their subsequent hazing only strengthens our fraternal bond. "I call BS" can also refer to calling 'blue shells', 'blue skips', 'banal saliency', 'bachelor of science', 'bachelor of surgery', 'backspace', 'BASIC', 'BellSouth', 'BioShock', 'blood sugar', 'boy scouts', 'British Sugar', though it won't so don't be so gullible next time.

Our topic for next time will be. .
top 10 nicknames

Let the games continue!
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 08:45:06 am by Buizel »


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #614 on: October 15, 2008, 08:18:17 pm »
The word "windows" is included in the explanation of Gerbil's catchphrase. He will love it. xD

Also... Blasphemy! "Blasphemy!" was not included in this list!

Awesome nicknames? Mmm... Paraxade, Psyknux, Rolken, Cybrax, ALAKTORN, eredani, Paragod, nitsuja...

Not WingedInsignia... <_<

Fail collection: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
:o - :O - X) - :D

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #615 on: October 15, 2008, 08:20:04 pm »

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #616 on: October 15, 2008, 11:19:00 pm »
yse, Rolkopop, Starly/Pidgey/Spearow/Taillow fad?

Kooky the Badgerowl? >_>


Man that reminds me, what was that horrific long name I had before that began with VLAAD
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #617 on: October 15, 2008, 11:21:55 pm »
#1? I call BS!

(lol see what I did there)

<3 Thorn.

Offline F-Man

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #618 on: October 15, 2008, 11:33:06 pm »
Top Ten entry or not, I don't care, I'm bringing that marquee tag down as well.

Offline Magnezone

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #619 on: October 15, 2008, 11:42:52 pm »
Top Ten entry or not, I don't care, I'm bringing that marquee tag down as well.
i object

Offline F-Man

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #620 on: October 16, 2008, 12:01:22 am »
Top Ten entry or not, I don't care, I'm bringing that marquee tag down as well.
i object
I still hate the epicness of that post preventing me from doing my duty.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #621 on: October 16, 2008, 03:08:54 am »
these top tens are on a roll

I'm so glad I made #8 on catchphrases
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #622 on: October 16, 2008, 05:22:08 am »
*laughs*  that had to be one of the best pieces of late-night literature to ever grace the intarwebz (dis-grace?)

I vote Thorn, because his nickname is awesome... (he wanted a name that had a point... I couldn't resist... and it stuck ^_^)
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Luxray

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #623 on: October 16, 2008, 06:12:30 am »
I just hope  'Top Ten worst forum posts' doesn't come up. I'd be there for sure. Already said that up there ^^^^^

<+DsS|away> eat a dick
<+GerbilSoft> actually i could

<Umbreon> sleeping with cruizer is awesome

Offline P.P.A.

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #624 on: October 16, 2008, 08:36:04 am »
And in addition, I never add any !s to that line! And Katt is not furry!

Also :( should be higher up there. :(

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline Pokemonmaster888

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #625 on: October 16, 2008, 04:57:13 pm »
Great new Top Ten lists! They are really interesting, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one.

Offline douglas

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #626 on: October 16, 2008, 05:12:40 pm »
8. Top Ten Nicknames
10. Rolken
Rolken's nick achieves greatness not in itself but through it's derivatives:
Rolken: Site admin, lame, has a hawt wife.
lolken: Admins have failed to execute their duties to my satisfaction.
Rolkosexual: Some new TSC slang word for 'heterosexual'.
Rolkenner: To be more Rolken: "I'm Rolkenner than you!".
Rolkennest: To be the most Rolken: "Rolken is the Rolkennest Rolken in Rolkenland".
Rolkenland: A strange and terrifying place where people care about Sonic Chaos.
Rolkenism: A quasi-spiritual movement whose members attempt to become Rolkenner through transcendental meditation and playing Sonic Chaos.  Believe they will go to Rolkenland when they die.
Rolkenite: Follower of Rolkenism.
Rolkenisation: The process of converting someone to Rolkenism.
Rolkevangelism: Spreading the word of Rolkenism.
Rolkephobic: Allergic to success.
Rolkeholic: Someone who abandons Rolken's teachings on moderation for a lifestyle of excessive conservation.
Rolkopop: Known to the state of California to contain carcinogenic substances.
* douglas shot

9. CosmicFalcon
CF's nick recalls the quaint image of a freedom fighting birdman blasting through space, all elegant and heroic and stuff - something like this guy, maybe:

Why is reality such a let-down :(

8. SkyLights
SkyLights is included out of sympathy for his ignorance - dude, we call them "stars".  Or maybe "planes".  Or "the moon".  Or "the sun", I guess.  At a stretch, maybe "UFOs coming to take us away in the middle of the night and anal probe us have a leisurely conversation about ourselves and our culture over a nice hot cup of tea and some lovely buttered crumpets, just like mum used to buy."
Actually, come to think of it, it functions well as an umbrella term. So now I must begrudgingly acknowledge my own comparative shortcomings as a humble bootblack.

7. Nintendan
It's like Nintendo mixed with Dan, because Nintendan's real name is Dan and he plays Nintendo.  Get it?  It's, like, a clever word thing.
Well I lol'd.

6. Taco


5. RPGnutter
You might think that ARRPEEGEE's nick comes from a combination of liking role-playing games and being mildly eccentric; however, you'd be wrong.  Probably dead wrong.  The 'nutter' part is totally apt; he's a homicidal sociopath who in his time here has carved a wave of destruction the like of which has never been seen before.  He's actually wanted in 3 States in the US, and is permanently banned from France for reasons that are illegal to discuss in Europe so rely on the approximation that his most depraved acts dwarf even...preemptive anti-Godwin.  Oh, and 'RPG' stands for Rocket Propelled Grenade.

If you see him coming, run away.  Quickly.

4. Crowbar

Hell yeah.

3. SadisticMystic

This nick puts me in mind of a seaside fortune teller who tells a punter to go to a dark alley late at night where they'll meet a "tall dark stranger" they'll spend the rest of their life with - literally. It is a truth universally acknowledged that evil exploitation of gullible people = win

2. SprintGod

Never has a name been so apt for a competitor as SprintGod's.  Sprint, as we all know, is a stickler for perfection in his TAing, and also for recording all of his runs to show us mere mortals how it's done.  He has been a trailblazer, one whom we follow and learn from in our quests for TA godhood, and so his moniker fits perfectly.

1. Spinballwizard
Ever since I was a young boy
I played the blue buzz ball
From GeneDrive to PS3
I must have played them all
But I ain't seen nothing like him
In any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean Spinball

He's a Spinballwizard
There's got to be a twist
A Spinballwizard
He's got such a supple wrist

Disclaimer: While SpinballWizard isn't deaf or blind, the site's higher-ups know he does have a supple wrist.  And how he got it.

Edit: better late than never, tomorrow's Top Ten is . . . Top Ten Points Whore Records!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 07:55:53 pm by douglas »
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

Offline Crowbar

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #627 on: October 16, 2008, 05:35:22 pm »

Offline Taillow

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #628 on: October 16, 2008, 06:08:44 pm »
So you meant main nicknames.

Also you forgot Rolkinoke and RolkoNut.  Or was it RolkNut?

Also, points whore records?  I'm am curious as to what that means.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #629 on: October 16, 2008, 07:35:15 pm »
yse, Rolkopop, Starly/Pidgey/Spearow/Taillow fad?

Kooky the Badgerowl? >_>


Man that reminds me, what was that horrific long name I had before that began with VLAAD

I do believe what happened was during the time you had Kooky the Badgerowl, a couple people (including me) said the name was cute and in response you changed it to VLAAD THE CANNIBALISTIC AVATAR OF SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH.

Also Quartz I do believe a prime example would be all of Adv2. Scalping and shit.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.


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