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The Official Top Tens Topic


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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #420 on: May 03, 2007, 09:51:12 pm »
Alright, here goes. The greatest rivalry on TSC...

sonicandamy vs *nuked*

RPG vs mike89 (The Whole Damn Site)

Now as this is between myself and RPG we're both going to write our own perspectives on the rivalry. However I'm not waiting a week and a half for him again >_>

Where do I begin? The days of mike89 vs RPG go back even before the beginning of TSC. So let's take a stroll down memory lane to about... early 2003

I'd just got SA2B and as I was a regular user on GameFAQs at the time, checked out the relevant message board. The first thing I noticed was that people actually thought that it was Hyper Shadow (...), and the second was that every topic that didn't deal with Shadow's name was a time attack topic. And the times even back then were outstanding. All the usual suspects were there: Cybrax, SS101, SM, NintenDan, and a few others that never really made the transition over here.

One day the plethora of time attack topics was complemented with a boss time attack topic, started by none other than RPG. A quick play through these suggested they'd be far easier to compete on than the levels proper, so I took the challenge and for much of the topic's life we were the top two by a handy margin. There was one other guy who was pretty good by the name of Smashnuke, but he never came to TSC either.

This topic continued even past the beginning of TSC, until it was for whatever reason deleted at about 460 posts. As you can imagine RPG was not impressed. Then bosses were added to SA2B competition in February of 2004 and it didn't matter any more.

Around this time games were getting added to TSC at a rapid rate. It was about this time that Sonic Advance 3 was released, so the game count on TSC sat at 23. It was here that the real rivalry began.

And also here the story of TSC's Unluckiest Member began to emerge. RPG held five separate championships in April, but none for more than two days. Drift was forcibly taken by yours truly, then wrested back and forth for a while. Drift 2 I believe, at this stage, fell to Turbos; Sonic Jam went to some guy whose name eludes me; and Sonic Adventure 2 was re-taken by SS101. Or Cybrax. One of them anyway.

As the year rolled on my list of championships got bigger, and I began to take a comfortable lead in the rivalry. Then the unthinkable happened.

On April 1st, 2005, TSC disappeared. It would not return for a full three months.

Without comparisons to existing times I found it hard to motivate myself to TA, but the rivalry was back on when RPG suggested we keep track of our SA2B improvements until the downtime was over. This got me playing again, and when the weightings were changed at the end of the year, I realised I had a real chance of taking the Crown Jewel for myself. I got to within 200 points before RPG had had enough and took SS101 to another level, leaving me in the dust. And with yoshifan smashing just about every record in sight, my chance has well and truly passed.

2006 and onwards has seen me take a lesser role in the rivalry, as I focused on my studies (shock!) and since finishing school I've taken on more responsibility around the site. RPG caught up to me in a few games, such as Sonic 1, but he's been slowing down of late too.

However, we didn't stop completely. There was the small matter of Sonic Pocket Adventure to contend with.

RPG had just decided to take Rolken and sonicam, the two players who had ruled the roost for a long period of time, to the cleaners. It got me thinking that I could match him blow for blow, and I pretty much did. I fiercely attacked all of RPG's records, and managed to steal a lot only before receiving similar blows back. It continued like that for a couple of weeks when I reached a point where I couldn't continue... agonisingly close to taking the championship again. How the leaderboard sits now is basically how it was then.

Since 2003, RPG and I have had rivalries on the following: SADX, SA2B, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 1 GG, SPA, Sonic R, SD and SD2; and those are only the ones that occur to me as critical rivalries. Ours is by far the widest spanning rivalry on the site.

CURRENT LEADER: Too close to call. I've held more championships and have more records than he does, so statistically I should win. But RPG has more often than not won the one-on-one duels, so after four years we're still level. May another four years of competition bring a result!

The List that is No Longer Mysterious

#10: SkyLights vs Crowbar (Rush)
#9: Cybrax vs Rayku (SA2B)
#8: SJ vs eredani vs sonicam (SH)
#7: Rolken vs eredani (SC)
#6: NintenDan vs RPG vs douglas
#5: Rolken vs sonicam (SC/STT/SPA)
#4: mike89 vs sonicam (SADX)
#3: eredani vs mike89 (S&K)
#2: RPG vs SS101 (SA2B)
#1: RPG vs mike89 (TSC)

And just remember: It's these rivalries that make the site great. I've found that I've got to know the people in engaging in competition with them, and I am particularly impressed with RPG and sonicam as people. The kind of people with that bloody-minded determination that will serve them well in their lives.

Well, we're nearly done here (finally...). When RPG completes his end of the bargain, I've got some honourable mentions for you as usual.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #421 on: May 04, 2007, 01:36:53 am »
Is it just me, or do you two always come out on top in your own things?  >_>

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #422 on: May 04, 2007, 01:59:53 am »
Actually, its the first time either of us have been outright first.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #423 on: May 04, 2007, 02:20:35 pm »
Rolken vs sonicam (Sonic Chaos, Sonic Triple Trouble and Sonic Pocket Adventure)

...This went on for sometime, until Thorn came along and wrestled all of you fuckers into the ground, taking the championship, because you'd all forgotten that times isn't the only category on the site2nd from sonicam, leaving rolk in first (I could be wrong with that.)...


Fixed *shot*. Although I openly admit that once Rolk became "RAWR I want my lead back" and then RPG and mike followed Rolken for whatever reason, I kinda snuck out the back door and played other games while they battled.
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<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #424 on: May 05, 2007, 10:03:56 am »
Okay so RPG is a ho and isn't holding up to his end of the bargain. Honourable mention time!

This time around, I'm giving it to those that didn't get a chance at the rivalries... because nobody was good enough to keep up with them. The Best of the Best Versus the Clock battles!

SprintGod (Take your pick) - Probably could've been picked for about four games, but was eventually upended in Sonic CD mainly due to lack of caring. I suspect a big showing from Sprint by the time the next top tens roll around.

sonicam (STT) - Rolken had a red hot go, but sonicam has proven too strong across all categories. Maybe another target for Sprint?

mike89/Aitamen/stanski (S2) - in order of appearance. All three of us have had our moments in the sun, but stanski deserves particular recognition for getting 100% and raping the poor game to bits. Take the hint, stanski, it can't take any more damage!

Ghost (S1) - much more amazing when we didn't know who he was, but still held complete domination over the time charts for a time.

maggot (S1/S1GG/SCD) - made his way into the top ten sitewide with just three rankings! I think at the time all three were championships above 95%.

Quartz (SAdva3) - The genuine good guy who we all wanted to get 100%. Then I crushed his dream by adding rings. Not like he was doing much to shave off the remaining points anyway...

NintenDan (SAdva) - Who could forget? NintenDan has held sway on Sonic Advance since about March of 2004... until ended recently by Zeupar. Still, he was untouchable for one hell of a long time.

Dishonourable mentions go to half of the above list for taking championships that were previously mine.

And that's it for another six months! I hope you enjoyed it, particularly the delayed ending which I'm sure RPG will try to convince you was always in the plan, and we'll be back in October for the Fourth Anniversary Edition!

~mike89 and RPG

<3 Thorn.

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #425 on: May 05, 2007, 12:39:11 pm »
NintenDan has held sway on Sonic Advance since about March of 2004... until ended recently by Zeupar.
Hi mom. :) *waves to imaginary camera*

Anyway I'm sure Ninty will get back the first position soon...
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #426 on: May 05, 2007, 07:12:55 pm »
I can assure you guys the delayed ending was always part of our grand scheme
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: TSC's Top Ten Titanic Tussles [COUNTING DOWN]
« Reply #427 on: May 06, 2007, 05:45:55 pm »
Quartz (SAdva3) - The genuine good guy who we all wanted to get 100%. Then I crushed his dream by adding rings. Not like he was doing much to shave off the remaining points anyway...
That was crushed on my many, many, MANY, MANY attempts on the two bosses, as well as the invalid records of Altar Emerald.  And laziness on nonagression.  And besides, I'll get at those rings... when I've done enough in Pokémon Pearl version

Offline Telnaior

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #428 on: May 31, 2007, 02:04:52 am »
I can assure you guys the delayed ending was always part of our grand scheme

Yeah, Yeah.

And that's it for another six months! I hope you enjoyed it, particularly the delayed ending which I'm sure RPG will try to convince you was always in the plan, and we'll be back in October for the Fourth Anniversary Edition!



Just thought I'd point that out! ;P again just for the sake of it.

P.S. Sorry for cutting off 7/8ths of your post, but I had to make it short and sweet mike.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #429 on: May 31, 2007, 08:16:39 am »
It was SO planned, mike just forgot, I assure you >_>
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Telnaior

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #430 on: May 31, 2007, 10:16:31 pm »
Well I've got an idea.

Because every day you spend delays the ending more.

Besides, I think that "the whole damn site" means the forums as well.
Mike just anticipated what you were going to say, and beat you!

And what's this "sonicandamy vs everyone else" thing about?
Is it because everyone thinks that Sonic and Amy shouldn't?

* JoshuaArgent runs away before someone declares war on him
(Hopefully I got the code right, I'm new to these crazy forum codes)
EDIT: That right? Thanks Rick
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 10:41:47 pm by JoshuaArgent »

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #431 on: May 31, 2007, 10:21:33 pm »
[/me]runs away before someone declares war on him
(Hopefully I got the code right, I'm new to these crazy forum codes)

It is: (me=Insert name) then when you are done (/me)

The parenthessess should be brackets and it will work. ex:

* Rick tries to teach Josh BBcode
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #432 on: June 01, 2007, 04:07:25 am »
Er... it's been finished for a month now >_>

<3 Thorn.

Offline Mo

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #433 on: June 08, 2007, 05:47:00 pm »
I'm the recorded holder for a boss in Sonic and the secret rings and I don't think nobody will ever try to beat my time.   
Shortcuts I have discovered: SSR Skeleton Dome Mission 12 Gate ditch, SA2 Battle: spring dodge.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #434 on: June 08, 2007, 06:00:11 pm »
You were pwned once. Just wait.

Also, why have you posted that here? <_<
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #435 on: June 08, 2007, 06:10:15 pm »
he wants recognition for 1 record?  *shrug*

also try for 44 if you dont want anyone to beat it.
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #436 on: August 22, 2007, 08:59:59 am »

The topic for this edition of the top tens will be epic discoveries (this is not the official title). Basically, things that changed our view of competition (props to SJ for this definition, though unfortunately I had to omit "or just plain awesomeness" because that's implied).

Included in each "bio" will be the trick, the founder (if known), a brief explanation of what the trick is and how to perform it, and it's impact on competition. The latter will be our main focus in terms of ranking.

<3 Thorn.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #437 on: August 22, 2007, 12:35:08 pm »
Early predictions as to what will get in the top 10 (or get an honorable mention, all in no order).
1. The mechanics for how the treasure hunting stages hide their targets (and the locations). Discovered by SM.
2. The TBG (and the controversy it ensued).
3. The mechanism as to how the TB Gauge is built (and how to get it up REAL fast). I believe I was the first person to make the fast build trick public.
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #438 on: August 22, 2007, 01:31:21 pm »
Predictions in a random order:

1. See Magnum
2. See Magnum
3. Whoever first thought of check manipulation and doing crazy backtracks for check manipulation
4. Whoever found out about the SDJ (which will of course be first place, as it effects near every game)
5. Whoever discovered that GH1 :24 was humanly possible
6-10. Five other things SM figured out because he figures out everything >_>
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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #439 on: August 22, 2007, 08:03:26 pm »
SDJ is easy to figure out.

Superbounce, however...

Offline Stefan

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #440 on: August 22, 2007, 10:00:48 pm »
The badnik bounce..

Offline X-5

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #441 on: August 23, 2007, 07:51:48 pm »
I think you should still do player-based top 10 rankings, cuz for god sake your site rankings don't prove who the best is, lets say someone managed a ZERO point SA2B championship and it only took them like a week cuz they got records on levels on like their first try everytime and that gets them 30th or so on  the site rankings are them 29 people really better than them? naaaah

i mean this top ten is interesting and all but I think it should be like a side-based thing with a player top 10 as the main one since these only happen twice a year.

surely someone thinks this way too


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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #442 on: August 23, 2007, 08:33:28 pm »
I think you should still do player-based top 10 rankings, cuz for god sake your site rankings don't prove who the best is, lets say someone managed a ZERO point SA2B championship and it only took them like a week cuz they got records on levels on like their first try everytime and that gets them 30th or so on  the site rankings are them 29 people really better than them? naaaah

i mean this top ten is interesting and all but I think it should be like a side-based thing with a player top 10 as the main one since these only happen twice a year.

surely someone thinks this way too

THANK YOU!  Someone agrees with me!

Offline Stefan

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #443 on: August 23, 2007, 08:36:47 pm »
Sitewide rankings aren't intended to rank the person with the best playing talent, they are there to represent the player with the most overall, varied, and straightforward consistent talent. If I wanted to find the player who has dominated their game the most, the rankings pages are there for me! That's the point of sonic adventure 2 rankings, to show who and to what extent is at the top of the list! The first sentence of the sitewide's formula page alone proves its purpose: "The sitewide ranking formula is designed to reward additional submissions and particularly very high ones." The purpose is to reward large quantities of high ranking stats. That's not a bad basis for a SITEWIDE ranking. Sitewide, as a title, implies that you can play across the site. Surely it's a high quality of a game player to be red overall in every game? Is mike really not deserving of being the champion across the site, rather than someone like stanski who has raped two games to bits? There's no question, overall, Mike is a better player. That overall tag that is the main function of sitewides works fine. Sitewides really do show who excels in multiple games. Claiming that they aren't an accurate measure of success is entirely ridiculous when citing a fictitious example that will not happen. Not only are the overalls not designed to prove who is the best, but rather the most consistent, but they are a very accurate measure of success as well. As I said earlier, dominating a single game is well represented in the single game rankings. The purpose of the sitewide was for a level of playing past that one game.

For what it's worth, a 0 point championship in SA2:B would net you 137.52 sitewide points, or 18th place.

Anyway, I believe the fact that top ten topics are so rare is more reason to put an original one in there. Ranking the best players is fine and dandy until you realize that it's the same rearrangement of yoshifan, mike, rpg, thorn, and sonicam over and over again. We recognize who is a great player, and for the most part the great players don't really change. Since we only get two a year, I think it's a fantastic idea to dedicate top tens to unusual and overlooked facets of competition.

If what you're proposing is a "few-game-menace" idea, rather than an overall rankings, I kind of like it. We haven't necessarily done a top ten list of people who play only a few games, but rape those few to little bits. That's totally seperate from an overall ten, would represent your hypothetical sonic adventure 2 player, and would bring some interesting, lesser known names to the plate.

Offline X-5

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #444 on: August 23, 2007, 11:07:43 pm »
holy kamahazzagazi that was a long detailed post your like smart and like kjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkhjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwfgejknkjshfehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjsfghhjkghhwejkrffkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehghfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejknkjsehfkjshjkhwejkrhnwejkn HAHRRRRRRRRRRRRA




w00t THAT WAS FUUUUUUUN SO TO DA MAXIFIEIED errt okay i shOUldddddd shutup now im going crazy cuz im all tired and ive been eatin waaaaaay too much sugar stuff and its making me in a really funny mood and its just


i jus wanna hit them keys on the keyboard as fast as i can


lol ill have a proper post tomorrow when im thinking straight........

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #445 on: August 23, 2007, 11:42:52 pm »
err okay nevermind I think i'm calm for a few moments here now so

i know what you mean with the overall consistency thing, i mean hell mike for example as #1 has done so much in virtually every game people like me don't stand a chance of overcoming him. like being able to play something until you get it only gets you so far, it doesn't get you #1 spread through like 30 games unless you have 5-10 years to dedicate cuz it will take you so much time on each little thing where a good player gets it in a few minutes which is my major flaw. but I do think my ability to outdo anyone on any given level of any game if I feel like it should be a great skill to have.

So really now im confused... is a good player a player who can push a level so far that no one else could tie or top it? or is a good player someone who does pretty good everywhere really fast.... i'd assume thats a matter of opinion, but in real life competitions generally you don't sit there forever playing it over and over again, you have 1 shot and thats it, so maybe thats a better skill to have... then again you have competitions like tsc where you have unlimited time, so its still a matter of opinion i guess, or matter of what type of competition your into. aeaah i dunno I hope you get what i'm saying.

but I don't want the ranks removed.. nor do I think they are a bad idea. basically what i meant is i just think its stupid to stop the traditional top 10 just because the sitewide rankings are there. Cybrax was in the top 10, but he's nowhere in the sitewide top 10, to give you an example of  why the state ment is wrong: "The reason we stopped the traditional top 10 is because it would be a repeat of the sitewide rankings"

 these "new" top 10s are interesting yeah I like the sound of this current one but I think they should be like a side-thingy and let the regular 10 be something more involving about the players, but I really don't care either way just throwing out my thoughts.

and i didn't have a clue what a 0 point SA2 would be worth so i figured itd be around 30th place, still you get the idea if someone could sweep SA2 that fast let alone at all I guarantee he would be just as consistantly good as the #1 overall, just he hasn't played/ doesn't have as many games =P

mike vs stanski... i'm not gunna say either are superior when it comes down to pure skill, they just each got their own specialties.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #446 on: August 23, 2007, 11:48:40 pm »
There's also the fact that not everyone can get every game or don't care about some games.

Offline Stefan

Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #447 on: August 24, 2007, 08:05:05 am »
The overall top tens were stopped long before the sitewides were created. The sitewides are relatively new, whereas unique top tens are pretty old. Cybrax probably would have been top ten 3 years ago on sitewide, had the method existed. But again, we know it's going to be thorn, mike, sonicam, rpg, and yoshifan at the top, over and over. What is the point of simulating an outcome you already know? It's far more fun to make the top ten entirely dedicated to some lesser known part of competition that is just as relevant as overall score.

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #448 on: August 24, 2007, 12:58:10 pm »
Quite so, it should be entertaining rather than actually informative IMO :)
This topic has now been officially won by me.  Never mind, you might do better next time! - it's in the intarwebs, it must be true!

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Re: The Official Top Tens Topic
« Reply #449 on: August 24, 2007, 08:57:44 pm »
Still, there could at least be a top ten of game trumping...


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