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Website constuction help
« on: August 15, 2005, 01:26:13 pm »
I've been wanting to construct a site for my MegaMan Hard Mode Project but I haven't started building it yet. I was wondering if there are any good free website providers. Yes I know the word "free" should signify that it will be crappy, but still, I want to make an appealing site and fill it with information. I have yet to find some good providers. If anyone knows of any providers that are free, please post in this topic. Also, if there really truly aren't any (Ninty already told me that they all suck, but I need more opinions), then what's a good cheap site provider? Thanx.
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Offline magnum12

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 02:17:43 pm »
Please post when you succeed on that. How is this going to work? I've got a little accomplishment that might qualify as hard mode although it will sound so crazy that some will not believe me. (Even my little brother still has no idea how this is even possible.) This stunt is the craziest self imposed handicap I've ever tried in any video game, let alone succeeded at. I managed to defeat Omega's final form (MMZ3) while blind fighting (closing your eyes or some other thing that prevents a player from seeing what's going on in the game). On top of that, I did it while only using the sword and with no sub tanks. All I can say about the experience is that it felt really weird. I was able to hear every move he was doing and made my moves based on them. (I used the splash damage of charged sword attacks to improve my accuracy, but even with that, I still lost some serious health during the battle.) There were even some very small bits of fear mixed into the battle as well. (Imagine the thought of a really fast light saber wielding psychopath stalking you. Now add in how not only can you not see him, but you can't even see where you're going as well.)
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Offline F-Man

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« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2005, 04:35:09 pm »
I'd recommend to make your own server with Apache and
« Last Edit: August 15, 2005, 04:35:47 pm by F-Man »

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« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2005, 09:13:47 pm »
Make my own server? Hmm... That'd be difficult since I have a 28K Dial Up connection, or is that of no concern (I'm not entirely sure D:). How much would Apache and cost?
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Offline Rolken

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« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 07:50:30 am »
They're free.
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« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2005, 04:52:47 pm »
28K? Nevermind then. D:

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« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2005, 07:55:54 pm »
Geocities is good, as long as you're not planning to upload any big files.
15mb space + pictures and stuff + easy-to-use program = :) ...
+slow connection = :(  
(Loading the Pagebuilder takes about a minute or 2 on a 50kb connection.)
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Offline F-Man

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« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2005, 12:15:54 am »
Using Geocities if you're desparate is fine, but for the love of the web do not use their page builder! :O

Hm, I know of which has 100MB of space I think.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 12:17:55 am by F-Man »

Offline Rolken

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« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2005, 11:47:40 am »
I can give you space if you know how to use FTP.
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« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2005, 02:22:41 pm »
I've tried Geocities and I didn't really like it, the templetes are horrible. D:

:o I know how to use SmartFTP, does that qualify? D:
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Offline CosmicFalcon

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« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2005, 03:08:49 pm »
Also lol @ geocities site builder... good times...

But yeah. Leeching off Rolk is always good. Until the server gets like... full. D:

Not my fault I swear. *flee*
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« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2005, 04:03:51 pm »
Please post when you succeed on that. How is this going to work? I've got a little accomplishment that might qualify as hard mode although it will sound so crazy that some will not believe me. (Even my little brother still has no idea how this is even possible.) This stunt is the craziest self imposed handicap I've ever tried in any video game, let alone succeeded at. I managed to defeat Omega's final form (MMZ3) while blind fighting (closing your eyes or some other thing that prevents a player from seeing what's going on in the game). On top of that, I did it while only using the sword and with no sub tanks. All I can say about the experience is that it felt really weird. I was able to hear every move he was doing and made my moves based on them. (I used the splash damage of charged sword attacks to improve my accuracy, but even with that, I still lost some serious health during the battle.) There were even some very small bits of fear mixed into the battle as well. (Imagine the thought of a really fast light saber wielding psychopath stalking you. Now add in how not only can you not see him, but you can't even see where you're going as well.)

Sorry magnum, I disregared your question. D: Well this website will basically hold information about the MegaMan Hard Mode Project, right now it isn't something omg damn, this is fucking serious, it's just a simple description of how to make the game the hardest. Right now I've only came up with the basic limitations, like no Special weapons (unless pathway is impassible) or E-Tanks for the Classics and no Special weapons (unless pathway is impassible) or SubTanks or HeartTanks or Armor pieces for the X games. I've yet to figure out Hard(er) modes for the MegaMan Battle Network games, the Zero games nor the Legends/Dash games, so I'm still working on that. Also, you gave me an idea about that blind eyed boss battle. I could add some crazy challenges for some of the games, creativity is sometimes a good thing if used correctly. :D Too bad I'm not very creative D: This site was also going to have some my progress coverage as I take on my own challenges, readers/challengers would be able to give their feedback or request help (if a forum can be implemented). I had alot of other things planned but I don't want to type up all of it. D: But that's the main jist of things. Also, sonicam can be a Rolk leech? :o
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Offline magnum12

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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2005, 01:04:20 pm »
-I have some ideas for rules regarding the Mega Man Zero games. As we both know, these games can get quite nasty even without restrictions so less strict restrictions can be made with those games. From my experiences with MMZ3, (first play thorugh) I had more trouble with that mantis boss than I did with any other boss than practically any boss in the entire series.
1. Players can only use the sword.
2. No elemental chips.
3. No fusion elves.
4. All forms are allowed. (Unsure of ultimate form.)
5. No sub tanks.
6. All EX skills that don't require elemental chips to work are allowed.
7. All body chips are allowed.
-About the no upgrade thing with MMX series, I think it should be revised to no non required upgrades. This mostly applies to the first game where the player has to get the foot chip in order to get to Chill Penguin and after the final battle with Vile when the player automatically gets the gun upgrade.
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« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2005, 02:27:41 pm »
-I have some ideas for rules regarding the Mega Man Zero games. As we both know, these games can get quite nasty even without restrictions so less strict restrictions can be made with those games. From my experiences with MMZ3, (first play thorugh) I had more trouble with that mantis boss than I did with any other boss than practically any boss in the entire series.
1. Players can only use the sword.
2. No elemental chips.
3. No fusion elves.
4. All forms are allowed. (Unsure of ultimate form.)
5. No sub tanks.
6. All EX skills that don't require elemental chips to work are allowed.
7. All body chips are allowed.

I've never played MMZ3, so I don't really know anything about it, so I've never experenced the Mantis boss, nor the fusion elves. You also forgot to say no Cyber Elves (unless that's in correspondence with the Fusion Elves). Ultimate Form should definately be disallowed. Limting to only Sword use can be for another challenge, but not for a Hard Mode. Most EX skills would be useless since you said only the Saber was allowed as many EX skills was for use of the Z-Buster (MMZ2). The non-use of Elemental Chips sounds like a good idea too. Also, I've never heard of a body chip, but thanx for you suggestions.
-About the no upgrade thing with MMX series, I think it should be revised to no non required upgrades. This mostly applies to the first game where the player has to get the foot chip in order to get to Chill Penguin and after the final battle with Vile when the player automatically gets the gun upgrade.

Yeah, I thought that was implyed. Since it's impossible to avoid (like I mentioned the occasional requirment of Special Weapons) then it isn't against the rules. Those parts are required in the game anyway. Many attacks become impossible to evade without dashing (Launch Octopus comes to mind, wow that fight was annoying as hell without armor pieces and Heart Tanks) and Sigma's Final Form can only be harmed with the 3rd charge level of the X Buster and the Rolling Sheild (but Rolling Sheild is disallowed), so yeah, it really doesn't have to be stated, but to remove confusion, I still do so when I get my website ready. :/ I'll be including all of the instances where certain areas are impassible without using Special Weapons/Items and unavoidable items. Also, if you can, would you be able to help me out with MegaMan Zero 3, like if there are anythings that I should know about and different challenges you can make up. That'd be awesome and full credit would go to you.
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Offline Rolken

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« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2005, 02:41:07 pm »
:o I know how to use SmartFTP, does that qualify? D:
Yes. Bug me about it next time you're in the chat, I always forget.
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Offline magnum12

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« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2005, 04:58:45 pm »
-I see what you mean with the weapon restrictions and how they conflict with EX skills being allowed.
-In regards to MMZ3, here's the summary. The body chips I mentioned earlier are attachments that you find via secret disks that give Zero special powers. They are divided into 3 types; foot, head, and body. Foot chips make your character more maneuverable, making combat more fluid. There's frog jump (jump when touching the surface of water), double jump (return of X4 ability), shadow dash (pass through people, mantis battle can be brutal without this one), some chip that prevents slipping on ice, and ultimate (all powers in one, *spoiler ahead* find Phantom in cyber space and defeat him to get this one). Head chips give powers such as quick charge, very slow regeneration if stationary, and one other one I don't remember. Asides from elements, body chips give powers such as not causing some floors to collapse and preventing Zero from being shoved when damaged. These are found by defeating bosses. Cyber elves have been broken up into 2 classes. Fusion elves act like the cyber elves from previous Zero games. Satelite elves give the player increased power without being used up. Most of these elves tend to have considerably less powerful effects than fusion elves. A lot of the new EX skills that don't require elements to use are pretty good (especially the sword and shield boomerang skills). It's a shame that most of the gun skills require elements, since one of them is one of the best skills in the game. The non element gun skill is still great though. (Better than the MMZ2 one.)
-In regards to Mega Man Legends, only the buster should be allowed and the combined levels of the four attributes should be no higher than 12. (I don't remember the level cap for each attribute though.) Sub tanks and armor (level limit of armor is up to you) should not be allowed.
-For the blind fighting challenge, players should only have to fight the boss while blind fighting (they can reach it normally). I don't know if special weapons should be allowed (classic and X only) for blind fighting or not, but if they were,  exceptions should be made for the really broken ones (Thunder Beam, Metal Blade, Storm Tornado, etc).
« Last Edit: August 18, 2005, 07:21:25 pm by magnum12 »
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