that. TrialClix is a "fill out offers to get points, then spend points to get stuff" place--and that free stuff includes GameCube and the DS. Comments about this particular service are very satisfactory.
I vote we abuse the hell out of them.
First get a TrialClix account. When you sign up you get 50 free points, and the referral link you used gets 75 free points.
Then, on to the offers. Different offers are worth different numbers of points, but some require you to buy stuff. Some bad. Some will just nag you for information when you tell them how to contact you.
Providing fake contact info for the TrialClix account itself =
BAD (you don't want your DS to be mailed to a nonexistent address, do you?)
Providing fake info for the offers =
GOODU.S. residents only, but those of you outside the U.S. are welcome to click on other users' referral links if you think they deserve 75 points or something. Address doesn't come in until you're ready to redeem points for a prize.
Also if you have multiple computers on different networks, feel free to use them to create accounts with you as referrer. Who can resist a little point-gathering competition?