Uh, I think I just discovered something that will completely turn the tables on this entire discussion...
The dupe ring bug occurred WHEN THEY WEREN'T IN FLIGHT.THIS.
EVERYTHING.This needed to be brought to light. I discovered this while playing this level one night and noticed one time after falling at the beginning that I had 5 more rings than I should have had, meaning I duped some rings without even flying as Sonic & Tails, so I recreated it as such for this video to demonstrate that flying as S+T is now not the only known circumstance in which duping rings is possible.
Given this information, this changes my view on allowing Tails as an AI partner for RA, since this duping bug seems to occur in more ways than one. This makes verifying a record in the future much more difficult in this category without video proof to ensure that no rings were duped. I see this going one of three ways.
1. All S+T RA records requiring full gameplay video proof, and ensuring that no rings were duped on a case by case basis, which I don't see happening, but it is one way to go about it in the future, ensuring that the player is aware that if any ring they collect is counted twice, their stat is void. (If some other lost soul decides to pick this up in the future anyway, lol)
2. Ban the use of Tails as Sonic altogether, and only allow Sonic alone to prevent duping rings from ever needing to be brought up again. This seems like the most likely option, since it eliminates the problem altogether, and makes for a lot less hassle. As much as I want to delve into exploring some of these levels with S+T in this game, the fact remains that if this bug can be triggered even without them flying together, then it is reasonable to assume that something this easily exploitable should be banned, since it can be done even unintentionally.
3. This is just an idea I've had for a while now, but it's similar to the Sonic Adventure games' rules that apply to Knuckles and Rouge's treasure hunt missions, which go like this;
Sonic Adventure:
Rings you dig up and collect as Knuckles don't count.Sonic Adventure 2:
Any rings dug up and collected as Knuckles or Rouge, or thrown by enemies, don't count toward your total.I don't see why we couldn't have a similar rule for this situation, like perhaps
subtract 1 ring from your total for every duplicate ring you collect. I don't see that as an unreasonable proposal, since SA2's rule flat out says this in parenthesis.
"If you can keep track of how many rings were obtained that way, you can subtract them from the final displayed total." If keeping track of rings that shouldn't count in SA2 and subtracting them is perfectly acceptable, then why not in this case too?
That's my proposal, I'd like to see your guys' perspective on this. If S+T does end up getting banned completely, then my 116 rings on Marble 3 with S+T should be revoked. Hell, I think it should get revoked anyway until an official ruling on this is decided, it doesn't seem very fair to submit a new record that could be in violation of a potential rule change due to a new discovery.