So, it looks like with
Mania, Sonic is closer than ever to actually truly going back to his roots. Ya, rly. It took him more than two decades, which is "not baaad", like an echidna would say after laying a shiny single egg. Yeah, they DO lay eggs. Isn't that cool? Anyway, I digress. With the release of the highly anticipated new
Sonic game around the corner for console users (:V), I guess I should announce here that we will try to add charts for the game as soon as possible. During the first week of competition, players don't need to provide video proof for first places, because that would be really annoying. This is a policy that we will apply for any newly added games from now on. Of course, we still encourage you to share your runs with the world. Sharing is caring!
In other news, I am finally back to Spain after a whole year backpacking through Asia and Oceania. It feels weird. The good news is that some people contacted me about my request for coders in my last front page post, and now I will finally have the time to coordinate them with Gerbil to try and get some work done on the site. New features might finally come.
In the meantime, here is a video I recorded in Taiwan a couple weeks ago. See you on the charts, fuckers!
Also, play
Yooka-Laylee if you haven't already. :)