I have taken a very long break from TSC as well, I have been mostly busy doing chores around my house and earning a salary of 10$ every week. I don't have a job yet, it's really hard to find one these days. I have mostly been up to Sonic Unleashed 360 and Sonic Riders ZG.
My original Sonic Riders died a couple months ago so my activity there is put on delay. I also been playing games like Mass Effect & Kameo for fun. I even play my old Nintendo 64 sometimes too. My activity on Sonic Unleashed (PS2) is pretty much done too. All my runs are fair and square so they are mostly second rate here but I don't care.
My data on Sonic Riders ZG just got corrupted too, so I am working on a new one to replace it, so much bad luck has hit me lately, but I won't beat myself up for this, things will surely turn around for me. I am mostly scoping out more games I don't have at a special store near my home. My collection of games will be gigantic before I quit gaming, which will not happen for a very long time.
I don't make topics here anymore because I don't really have much going on and I don't make proper topics anyway.
Update: I started doing Sonic Unleashed 360 time attacks but I don't submit them here because they are not worthy.
I still check the incoming submissions every now and then too, so I can check competition on games I would enter stats in at another time. Since I am a basic runs gamer I will have an almost impossible time to move up the ranks in the categories of the games. Of course everyone has a different type of speed running style right?