will be your new sonic 3d game
BUT, way more importantly for our veterans, sonic mania!
this is the moment we have all been waiting for! the creators of sonic colors and sonic generations (the only 3d sonic games I personally endorse beside SSR) and sonic mania for the veterans is coming out both in 2017!
lets be honest, the past few years havent been the best years for the TSC community, but I believe with these two games it will reinvigorate the veterans with sonic mania, and inspire the sonic newcomers with generations 2 at the same time. where we can come together and share our best moments of sonic together sparking cross interest between the generations of sonic games.
where our competitive sites ask "do you stand with sonic?" here we say "SONIC STANDS WITH YOU!" and I believe this is the final ho rah from sonic team, if this doesnt work, nothing will.
im hyped, is anyone else hyped? sonic mania will be amazing, any vet can tell that. now its up to sonic generations 2 to get it right, Im higly optimistic for them.
lets make sonic great again!
***also requesting sticky to front page***
enough with the "I am ded homepage feel"