Welcome back again, to Halloween Topics! This is topic #3, topic #4 is coming your way tomorrow!
As for today's topic, we're going to get away from the spooky aspect, and take a look at a different aspect of Halloween; the costumes people wear. That being said, today's question is; what is the most bizarre costume you have ever seen or worn?
I don't really have a story to go along with this one, other than that the social media app ifunny has shown me some costumes where I looked at it and said "why is this a thing?" One of those costumes was this symbol; # Yep, that is legitimately a costume, that symbol made of foam or something, and it's life-size. It's attached to a shirt you put on. And it's called, the hashtag. *smh* What are we coming to? Anyway, the dude who was wearing it for the picture was pretty funny, his face was saying "please kill me now, I don't like this but I have to wear it for this picture."
Okay, done with my turn. Now it's your turn, what's the most bizarre costume you've ever seen or worn?