Ohai Rolk. :o
Deep words.
Ah, the glory days. I think Bruce Springsteen wrote
a song about them once. But those days were pretty fun. I was tearing up Adva2, trying my best at a few others... for a while I was pretty good. But after a few years it started getting stressful, and then life happened.
I started grad school. I picked up other hobbies. I found new [offline] friends. I got a job. I got a real job. Between that and people finding more ways to break the games (through glitches, etc.) I once had fun competing in, I wasn't having as fun competing as I originally had and I didn't have as much time to commit. So I backed off. Took a break. After all, if it's not fun, why bother? I went into a new cycle.
So far it seems to be going pretty well though. I finished that master's degree last week. I hit my one-year anniversary at my now-full-time job a couple months ago. I moved out (finally). Turns out I'm also a decent Warmachine player and an ok Magic player. To say I'm disappointed with where things are right now would be a pretty big lie.
I guess what I'm saying is change can be good.
I still dust off my Sonic games every once in a while. Heck, I'm competitive in nature so my speedrunning mind still takes hold every once in a while. (I'm also very rusty it turns out. And I still haven't technically finished Lost World 3DS...) Heck, I still poke around TSC every once in a while to see what's up. (How the hell am I still top 10 in Adva2!?)
Do I miss the old days? Sure. I miss BSing with Mike and RPG at odd hours of [my] night. I miss going back and forth with douglas on Adva2. (That got intense for a while. If you don't believe me, check out
some of
our many
stat comments.) I remember the few records I had. The rom hack/DIY craze. Even a certain phase where myself, RPG, and Quartz (among others) all became basic bird Pokemon (Spearow, Starly, and Taillow) before SkyLghts
brought an end to it. Heck, I even enjoyed the TSC Michigan meetup (and meetup redux when Mike was around). But I can't stand around reminiscing. People change. They grow. They move on.
I haven't submitted a stat in 3 1/2 years. I'm not disappointed... I just had a shift in priorities. Most people do. You can always look back. (I do. I remember when the chat topic in Wikkity was actually funny.) But you have to look forward too. Find your passion. Follow it. Let it change you. After all, when things get stagnant, that's when walls tend to be hit.