Back when I was a more active competitor, I did most of my competition on morning commutes. In addition to my Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance, I would play some other games using emulators on my PSP. None of those emulators had any video recording capabilities. If such a rule existed at the time, I probably would've opted to just never compete at all, because it wouldn't have been practical for my time or resources.
It also seems odd to require proof all of the time for one form of playing the game, but not the other. In my personal opinion, all that does is actively encourage people to lie and say they weren't using an emulator to achieve their stats, especially if they legitimately don't have a good way of recording during their attempts on a regular basis, but still want to compete. In comparison, if emulators aren't a weird inconsistent taboo regarding rulings, if something doesn't seem right and people are playing fair, they can show what they did and specify what they used, and if there was some weird emulation flaw, it can be addressed in some way.
If "always submit video evidence" needs to become an official rule, so be it. But if it does, it should be all across the board, consoles and PC's included. However, there's no doubt in my mind that would cut the active competitors down significantly, since that sort of evidence requires special setups in many cases, and lots of less enthusiastic competitors will decide it isn't worth the hassle. That comes with the territory of absolute evidence.
Even if this topic was just an elaborate April Fool's prank or an attempt to get more people talking and bring more opinions out of the woodwork, that's just my two cents regarding such a rule. I didn't bother commenting on the other topic since I found it impossible to take what seemed to be one, maybe two people's whining about emulators seriously. Maybe there was more active discussion happening in the IRC, but if there was I wouldn't know, as I don't use IRC.