Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic the Fighters Rule Clarification

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Personally, I think someone should add the world "all" in front of default since I think this makes the most sense for the game. However, I'm still split opinion-wise because for all I know, someone might have already tweaked other game settings in their times. In this case, simply changing it to something like, "You must use best-of-three fights, 30 seconds per fight, and 5 barriers" would work. Either way will work from a gameplay standpoint. Heck, you could probably even add more categories for certain settings if you really wanted to.

well. hi guys i don't comment much here, but in the general rules this is stated.

* Common sense applies in all games. If something seems iffy, you probably should not be doing it. Or at least check with someone before you do. Note that if a new rule is enacted, anything already submitted in violation of that rule is void.

this part should answer the question

"If something seems iffy, you probably should not be doing it."

so I think that if it says default settings, it's for all of them.
I hope this helps :)


--- Quote from: Zip on March 07, 2014, 02:03:25 pm ---well. hi guys i don't comment much here, but in the general rules this is stated.

* Common sense applies in all games. If something seems iffy, you probably should not be doing it. Or at least check with someone before you do. Note that if a new rule is enacted, anything already submitted in violation of that rule is void.

this part should answer the question

"If something seems iffy, you probably should not be doing it."

so I think that if it says default settings, it's for all of them.
I hope this helps :)

--- End quote ---

That's pretty much why I'm posting. It would seem iffy to muck with other settings and I haven't yet so I came here to ask before doing so. But, it also seems strange and not at all common sense from my point of view to NOT state "all" settings and only list three of them.

I think that general rule is more to handle things like loopholes. This seems like the kind of case where it's important to fix the rule regardless at any rate, because it's not a situation where one thing is obviously wrong, but rather the rule is worded strangely enough that it's a bit confusing to tell what settings you're actually supposed to be using.

It'd be good to hear from some StF players on this.

I've recently been trying my own hand at StF, and I'm confused about a few things:

1) Is Automatic allowed? There's an option for either manual or automatic as soon as you select your character. Technically, there is no real default and both manual and automatic have their advantages. Manual can be better for certain fights and automatic for others. It also depends on the character. In Automatic, you can't do certain moves (this really shows as Espio). In Manual, you can do those moves, but certain moves might be easier to pull off in Automatic (Bark is a good example). Personally, I think both should be allowed but it's up to the admins. It's sorta like manual and automatic in the Mario Kart games.

2) Is the XBLA version allowed? It's the only version I own.


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