Sonic Central > TSC Race Night

Race Night feedback for 2014!

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Gonna copy the previous list styles cause I'm typing on my phone and I'm lazy. Prolly typo's here and there but I don't care lol

a. Ties:  Wouldn't mind seeing this randomized

b. Limiting Options: With this I think it would be cool to remove the last raced goal and/or character that was used in the last race for that game IF IT HAS MORE THAN TWO GOALS. Keep in mind I wouldn't mind either way cause ill still pretty much anything sonic wise, just an idea.

c. Vote Changes: This could be interesting, Im thinking based on the % of races that a person has participated in for the last season should give them a certian amount of  vote changes for the current season. Like heres a quick example lets say there were 10 races in a season and said racer joined 4 of them. Said racer can get 2 vote changes this season(and if its an odd number we round to the nearest even). So the max amount of vote changes one could get for this season is 5 for joining all 10 of last seasons races. We could also use something like this for the amount of times one can multi vote as well? (/me shrugs)Once again just a random idea that came out of nowhere.

- Non-Sonic games: Have nothing against racing other games for the lulz, but for TSC racenights? Nah, I'm not about it

- Prizes: Eh, maybe for a seperate TSC monthly event or something but I'm not feelin' it for racenights...HOWEVER IF YOU READ BELOW

- Prizes based on a ranking system: Depending on how this is set up maybe a seasonal/yearly prize if you honestly wanna go this route?

- Time/Date change: Been a while since the last vote, pretty a good Idea to have one of these every once in a while to give other timezones a chance.

Again just randomness being thrown out, I don't even care If nothing changes since I really like racenights (sucks that rl is eating up all my time tho x.x)

figured i would post here since it's being brought up again. i mainly just want to say i agree with almost everything token mentioned. in fact, several months ago i had listed a lot of these exact ideas to a certain few other individuals.

i'll copy paste hyper's cliffs since they're neatly organized and right there.

- Penalizing people who vote and don't show: i'm a huge proponent of this, and this has managed to bother me a lot with the frequency it happens. hyper mentioned the only real way to punish them is to discount future votes, and i feel that's exactly the punishment they should get.

- Various voting issues:

a. Ties: i also agree that the ties should be either randomized, or allow all the people who showed up to do a tiebreaker vote between the two. this could be done right before the race in the irc or whatever at 4:15 (assuming everyone still is as late as they used to be)

b. Limiting Options: i agree with this, but yes, on a game by game basis. i also think goals that won prior should be taken away the next time the game shows up to prevent getting the same troll option picked again.

c. Limiting Votes: as hyper said, if b. is used, this won't be an issue so much.

d. Vote cannot be changed: i absolutely agree with this. in fact, this is the prime reason i stopped showing up to race nights. especially when this is combined with the tie rules, it makes things extremely frustrating. i've had multiple times where the votes were changed right before voting closes to create a tie, and the tiebreaker rules were used to change the outcome into a trollingly long goal. being one with limited time on saturdays, that made me either ruin my day or forced me to sit out one too many times.

- Non-Sonic games: i don't agree with this for anything related the sonic center race night. however i would love it if members of the community ever actually wanted to race other games and tried to get as many people racing those things for fun. i've been barking at certain individuals to race donkey kong country/mario for a long time.

- Prizes: i don't particularly think this is a good idea if physical prizes are used. given the obsessive nature of this community, and the potential drama caused by it, it could only lead to bad times. however if there was a way to win a badge on your tsc profile or something, i think that would be nice. there could also be badges for things like showing up so many times and not forfeiting and what not, to award people who aren't so skilled, but are consistent.

- Prizes based on a ranking system: not exactly sure why this is separate from the above, but my opinion is the same.

- Time/Date change: i would love more than anything for this to be much earlier in the day or on sunday even. people often bring up the working/school during the week as a reason to have it on saturday. i can agree with that, but the time it is on saturday takes most of my(and i'm sure others') traditional saturday activities and throws them out the window.

hopefully these issues can be sorted out after the marathon so i can start coming back to these things.


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