Sonic Central > TSC Race Night

Race Night feedback for 2014!

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I only glanced at OP so some of this might have already been said but here's my suggestions

- Change the voting system
- Change the way a tie is decided
- Start penalizing people who vote and don't show up to said race
- Make a day in the current TSC schedule to possible race non Sonic games to spice things up a bit
- Start including prizes for those who win the most races in a schedule (I wouldn't mind supplying those)
- Incorporate a ranking system that's both friendly and competitive where if people reach a certain rank, they win a prize (I can supply these as well).

I agree and support all the ideas token said, I think the voting system definitely needs improving, perhaps a certain amount of points, rather than some people voting for multiple characters. And the way a tie is decided could be changed, not sure how it could be done though (perhaps basing it on the goal history of the game?)


--- Quote from: SB737 on August 17, 2014, 10:04:16 am ---I agree and support all the ideas token said, I think the voting system definitely needs improving, perhaps a certain amount of points, rather than some people voting for multiple characters. And the way a tie is decided could be changed, not sure how it could be done though (perhaps basing it on the goal history of the game?)

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There's a few things with the voting system that NEEDS to change and should be a PRIORITY.

- There shouldn't be more than 2 choices in both game types and character choice as the votes are spread out and often times causes confusion and/or rigging votes. IMO, There should be 1 set goal and a choice of two characters. That way, it's either vote for one or the other.

- Another thing, the ability to vote for MULTIPLE goals shouldn't be a thing. Granted, I get that it gives people a backup choice if the goal they want isn't available or just to have it as a second option. IMO, if my previous suggestion ISN'T taking into consideration, this should be the way to go about it.

- In regards to voting, I feel that once you vote, it should be permanent. Vote changing not only throws the count off but it will also entice other people to switch as well and/or discourage others to not races...especially in a tie.

- In regards to ties, they should be broken by people who show up to the race room about 15 minutes beforehand (You know what time the race starts so there should be no reason to not be in there 15 minutes before). If all voters show up, it should either a) fall down to the extra people who show up or b) chosen by random generator or another method that isn't influenced by anyone.

- Penalties should occur for those who vote and don't show to the room without letting anyone know in advanced. I'm thinking 1 race for first time offenders, 2 races for 2nd time offenders, 3+ for subsequent offenders. If you're not going to enter a race, it should be your responsibility to let either FF or Hyper know that you aren't going to enter as it takes 2 seconds to do. In addition, I was told that banned users from submissions votes didn't count (not sure how true this is) so this should probably be made known in post if it is true.

I think that's it for now. If I come up with more things regarding this specific post, I'll just edit it.

Edit: I think RN should change to a weekday night or move to an earlier time in the day. 12 PM EST sounds quite fair as it's either early for some or not as late for the EU residents.

Okay, so I agree with most of Token's points about the voting system (though I'm still on the fence about not allowing multiple votes), but a few of the other suggestions either are not going to work or be carried out very carefully.

-Racing non-Sonic games could work, but I think we should only race certain kinds of games. I think it would be more annoying than anything to race super long games like RPGs or adventure games because racing those kind of games may not appeal to some users. I also think we should at least stick to SEGA/Sonic Team games because this is a Sonic site and we shouldn't stray TOO far from that. Also, these races should be very uncommon, maybe like once a schedule or something. If it was any more than that it would be more annoying than special and new imo.

-Anything involving physical prizes is an absolute no, imo. There are some people who want to do very well in races but do not care for earning anything physical out of it/don't want to give out their address. This would basically mean that the only people who should try to win are those that want a prize, and people who don't care should let others who want to try for prizes do better than them. I just...can't see this working out at all. And prizes usually work better in big races or tournaments, nowadays we have races with like two people sometimes. I do agree that a ranking system could be fun, however, just without physical prizes involved. (Though technically, we sort of have a ranking system with Hyper's statistics, but I think we should maybe start from scratch because it's impossible to knock the people who have been here since the beginning off the top. If we erase the rankings and start over, both the old and new people have a chance.)

-Weekdays for RNs are also an absolute no, it would actually decrease the amount of people racing due to school, certain weekday jobs, etc. Friday/Saturday/Sunday is just much more accessible for the majority of people. I also think 12 PM is just a little too early; I think if we have to make it earlier it should be somewhere in the middle, like around 2-2:30. I think that's fair enough.


--- Quote from: Kirbymon30 on August 17, 2014, 02:21:47 pm ---Okay, so I agree with most of Token's points about the voting system (though I'm still on the fence about not allowing multiple votes), but a few of the other suggestions either are not going to work or be carried out very carefully.

-Racing non-Sonic games could work, but I think we should only race certain kinds of games. I think it would be more annoying than anything to race super long games like RPGs or adventure games because racing those kind of games may not appeal to some users. I also think we should at least stick to SEGA/Sonic Team games because this is a Sonic site and we shouldn't stray TOO far from that. Also, these races should be very uncommon, maybe like once a schedule or something. If it was any more than that it would be more annoying than special and new imo.

-Anything involving physical prizes is an absolute no, imo. There are some people who want to do very well in races but do not care for earning anything physical out of it/don't want to give out their address. This would basically mean that the only people who should try to win are those that want a prize, and people who don't care should let others who want to try for prizes do better than them. I just...can't see this working out at all. And prizes usually work better in big races or tournaments, nowadays we have races with like two people sometimes. I do agree that a ranking system could be fun, however, just without physical prizes involved. (Though technically, we sort of have a ranking system with Hyper's statistics, but I think we should maybe start from scratch because it's impossible to knock the people who have been here since the beginning off the top. If we erase the rankings and start over, both the old and new people have a chance.)

-Weekdays for RNs are also an absolute no, it would actually decrease the amount of people racing due to school, certain weekday jobs, etc. Friday/Saturday/Sunday is just much more accessible for the majority of people. I also think 12 PM is just a little too early; I think if we have to make it earlier it should be somewhere in the middle, like around 2-2:30. I think that's fair enough.

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I changed my looks...weird

- In regards of the time change, I suggested 12 with the intention of keeping the EU people in mind. 2 seems reasonable but let them decide. I suggested a weekday as it's in a sense more assessable for people since people like to do things Saturday night and you can be often faced with a choice of racing or go least I am. If anything, Sunday seems reasonable as well.

- As for prizes, it's a pretty good idea but I see what you're saying. At the same time, prizes is what kinda draws people in and keep them coming back. Also, by supplying prizes, it kinda brings spirits up and shows that what you're doing isn't for nothing and people are noticing your work. I suggested it because it's a method I used for my tournaments and now they've become successful although I've stopped giving prizes for a different reason which had a good defense. As I said before, it should be for someone who wins the season but could also implement a rule that doesn't allow mods to win to avoid a rigging argument. Also, we could do a prize for the person who has most improved as well.

I have more to say but I have a tournament to run so I'll just finish up later.


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