Objectively, I don't see a particular reason to have a bias against the HD (PSN/XBLA) version. At least from what I've seen and heard, the HD version doesn't seem like a particularly bad port, and could be compared to how the GC version was a reasonable port of the DC version.
We're allowing GC only and DC only tricks, and we practically even have GC only charts (see: kart racing and R101/R280 rings). The merging of GC and DC stats has always been a bit of a point of contention, but that's what we've done up to now. The thing that would be most consistent with our previous handling of this game would be to allow HD only tricks, and even charts, like Freestyle Cannon's Core 3 and 5.
Two potential issues:
Maybe the way we handle versions at TSC isn't the best way (I believe there's been a lot of discussion on this in other threads), and we shouldn't follow the example we've made up to this point. Then again, what could we do otherwise? Two other options are a. banning the HD version, or b. making a separate TSC game for Sonic Adventure 2 HD, neither of which seem very appealing to me.
SA2(B) competition has been just DC and GC for a very long time - for the whole 8-9 years of TSC's existence, in fact, and SA2B has been out for even longer than that. Allowing HD only tricks could be a bit jarring for the more serious competitors who've been around for a while, particularly those who don't have (or plan to get) the HD version.
Now, Freestyle charts don't really have a history of intense competition anyway. However, HD only tricks or shortcuts in non-Freestyle charts seem like a distinct possibility, even if we don't know of any yet (I think?). And our policy about the HD version should be applied consistently to both Freestyle and non-Freestyle charts.
(Personally, though, I wouldn't mind HD only tricks or shortcuts. I was already too lazy to get the Dreamcast version, even though I could get a used DC for relatively cheap on Amazon. And the HD version would actually be easier for me to get, since I have a PS3.)
So in short... I would lean yes to adding these charts. But I mainly wanted to lay out some issues and points to think about.