We have three gaps in the marathon schedule: Tuesday 3:30-4:30, Wednesday 6:30-7:20, and Thursday 6:00-8:00. These need to be covered ASAP. Good candidates would include Sonic Adventure with characters other than Tails, fan works (particularly Thursday since SRB2 follows that gap), select stages from Unwiished, Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic Advance, or any other missing games.
There are several games for which several people volunteered, yet most of them still don't have one dedicated runner or a plan to do a dual stream. This needs to be resolved
Those of you that offered to fund donation incentives should head over
here and state them officially.
Streamers should give me an e-mail address to which I can send a stream key. Authentication from last year will not work. Names in green have provided an e-mail address for a key, while names in white still need to do so.
- AdamAK
- bertin
- BrokenArthritis
- Chao_Fan
- Combo
- Cruizer
- DarkspinesSonic
- flying fox
- Gamble
- HyperSonic7701
- mike89
- Millernusgaming
- Paraxade
- Shadow Jacky
- SonicBoom737
- Strong Bad
- TimpZ