The currently listed world record for Defection SA is 0:37 shared by Ryan Dwyer and Marcus Dolejsi (Karl Jobst, who has since been banned from the rankings, has 0:35).
They do use strafing, but that isn't as important in Defection as a trick that allows you to fall outside the building then go back in. In Special Agent, you have to use that trick twice, and have to land on a thin wall the second time for optimum effect.
Some scores from me to start:
Rush 2049
Obstacle Course 1:58.332
Stunt 1 - 870,504pt stunt, 75,788 PPM
Stunt 2 - 2,563,904pt stunt, 128,195 PPM
Stunt 3 - 336,330pt stunt, 21,139 PPM
Stunt 4 - 1,159,500pt stunt, 57,993 PPM
Level 1 completion - 0:33.60