I think that, before each race night, players who have signed up to TRN247 for the game being raced on the race night (players who have not signed up to TRN247 for the game being raced will not be affected as they are TRN247 non-active players) should be able to choose whether they want to participate in that race as a TRN247 active player or not.
By a TRN247 active player, I mean someone whose race results will count towards their TRN247 score, and someone who can be beaten in a race by another TRN247 active player for that player to gain TRN247 points (or lost against by another TRN247 active player for that player to lose TRN247 points).
That way, if a player isn't very good at a game, they can race as a TRN247 non-active player and have fun without having to worry about their own TRN247 score, and without having to worry about an opponent beating them and increasing their TRN247 score. Meanwhile, someone who is more confident and competitive in a game can race it as a TRN247 active player, knowing that their results will count towards their TRN247 score, and that other TRN247 active players who win or lose against them can gain or lose TRN247 points by beating/losing against them.
I think this scheme (or a similar scheme - I haven't thought this through fully and it may need tweaking here and there) will entice more players to participate in these race nights, as they can decide beforehand whether they want to race as a TRN247 active player or not. These are just my thoughts on the matter. As for me, I'm not gonna be racing from 10pm till the next morning this winter :/
Sorry if this was long winded and badly worded, English isn't really my strong point (also I said TRN247 like a hundred times) :V