So, I'll start off with a personal recap of yesterday's race, writing down my thoughts and impressions.
I, like probably every other member, based on the outcome of the poll, expected 10-15 people in the race.
When there were only 3 people present, 10 minutes after the scheduled start, i wasn't too worried, thinking the race would just be a bit delayed.
I thought, let's open tsc's twitch stream, to see if there's commentary...nope...well, let's see what streams there were the last couple of days...*clicks on videos tab*...ZELDA!!! o.O
By then the race already started...haven't seen a single minute of Sonic Heroes ever, i was happy to see werster(the no.1 ranked player for Sonic Heroes on SRL) participate. Sadly, his stream was lagging, but i thought that would settle.
Just seconds into the race, he started to break the record for most profanity in a video games stream and apparently ragequit after a few minutes. I had enough for the evening and closed my browser. :-(
After reading werster's comment in this thread, i can understand his outburst.
Maybe i expected too much from these weekly races, but there's no doubt, that it could've gone better.
So, i have some suggestions:
-add commentary to tsc's twitch channel
Not only was the marathon for a good cause, it also roused TSC from hibernation and allured 240 followers.
A race coverage with commentary would not solely reach the tsc members, also a broader audience who likes Sonic.
-finding the day of the week and time of day with the largest intersection among members, willing to participate
I know it's impossible to find a date and time that suits everyone, but we should have a fixed schedule soon, otherwise it's impossible to gain viewer loyalty
-pulling together
The most important point of all. Everybody knows the turmoil the site has seen in the last couple of weeks, maybe things should've settled a bit more before undertaking such a big project.
One thing is for sure, not only TSC, even the whole Sonic franchise is at a crucial point.
The classic Sonic games on the Genesis are running the risk of falling into oblivion as opposed to the classic Mario, Mega Man or Zelda games which are prospering more than ever.
TSC can play a pivotal role to turn the tide, so i say, let's forget what divides us and remember why we are here...