A Change in The Top 5!?That's right! Quite a bit is happening in up in at the Top 5. It seems like ol' RPGnutter is improving some old stats and raking in those points. He has gone up by around 50 points in the last few days after submitting improved stats to SA(DX) and Sonic R, being only 16 points away from passing Shadow Jacky. Keep it up RPG! Following behind is me, working on improving my Sonic 3, and other stats. I was hoping to reach #5 before RPG, but his sudden climb took me by surprise.
Congratulations!! to Bertin for passing up mike! Bertin has been submitting improved stats to Shadow the Hedgehog, taking a few records along the way. But is he done yet? Only 24 points between Bertin and Thorn. Will he continue working on new stats until he reaches to the #2 rank, or is he nearing the end of his streak?
Congratulations!! again to DsS for reaching 1000 points.
More TSC stuff!OmegaDJ has been improving some stats in Shadow the Hedgehog, mostly in response to Bertin's new records.
Etch is back and posting up some improved times to Sonic R.
Arch continues submitting more stats, currently at 1570 stats!
Dunno what's going on with the Marathon, but it's not dead or anything! Bother/help Thorn out some so we can get this flowing!
CLICK HEREOther stuffLooks like OoT got broked. ZFG beat Ocarina of Time in around 25 minutes using a new glitch that warps link from the first boss to the ganon tower collapse scene.
CLICK HERE and enjoy!
I'm still working on my Sonic Advance 2 SS run. It's a real pain, but hoping I get a decent run off soon.