Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

? Boxes

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Regarding games that isn't Sonic Advance 3. What would you do about the Scores? Since some games scores are affected by how many rings you have and they happen to have ? boxes in there as well. Other than that I say go ahead and destroy them.


--- Quote from: Bertin on January 03, 2012, 12:28:55 am ---Regarding games that isn't Sonic Advance 3. What would you do about the Scores? Since some games scores are affected by how many rings you have and they happen to have ? boxes in there as well. Other than that I say go ahead and destroy them.

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We would do exactly the same than with ring charts; move them to a freestyle category and create new charts for scores achieved without breaking ? boxes.

Zeupar I think you've kinda missed my overlying point. This is creating less competition in two ways. For one, the charts have less stats, and the games (I'm just refering to the Advance series at this point) have little to no competition as is, the new charts would be filled with 2 or so stats, probably yours. You might get the max in those charts, but that's far from competition. Moreover, I could also argue that without ? boxes the charts themselves have less competition value in them as maxes would be much easier to get, with the ? boxes the more time you put in, the better stat you get out, and a record can change hands many times, which in essence is what competition is. But I'll leave that for now...

--- Quote from: Zeupar on January 02, 2012, 10:54:35 pm ---I don't think that trying to fix errors from the past is a bad idea.
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This is not my point at all, my point is if this decision was to be made it -had- to be back then. Now you're just creating more problems than you're solving, and moreover being completely unfair to those who have previously submitted stats.

All in all, just deal with randomness like everyone else, if you're such a fusspot about it there are plenty of other charts out there to compete in.


--- Quote ---and moreover being completely unfair to those who have previously submitted stats.
--- End quote ---
As someone who has suffered through a good portion of these ring attacks in rush/rush adventure, I for one am completely willing to sacrifice the hours upon hours of lost time in my life trying to achieve all 50's in a particular stage to have random ring boxes removed from competition for the rest of time, and I'm sure others would feel the same way if it means that these charts end up being substantially more fun to compete in.

Our charts are about the mastery of the game, the maximums possible therein.  Banning things because people feel they're based on luck instead of skill, or for similar reasons of discontent, is contrary to the previously stated purposes of our charts, and inane, so far as I can tell.


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