Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

? Boxes

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--- Quote from: werster on January 03, 2012, 02:16:56 am ---the new charts would be filled with 2 or so stats, probably yours.
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I think that in the long term more players would try ring attacking Sonic Advance series if we finally ban ? boxes. Why? Well, compare the number of players here and here.

--- Quote from: werster on January 03, 2012, 02:16:56 am ---
--- Quote from: Zeupar on January 02, 2012, 10:54:35 pm ---I don't think that trying to fix errors from the past is a bad idea.
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Now you're just creating more problems than you're solving, and moreover being completely unfair to those who have previously submitted stats.
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It would be unfair if players couldn't influence in the decision, and that's the reason this poll was created.

--- Quote from: Aitamen on January 03, 2012, 03:24:02 am ---Our charts are about the mastery of the game, the maximums possible therein.  Banning things because people feel they're based on luck instead of skill, or for similar reasons of discontent, is contrary to the previously stated purposes of our charts, and inane, so far as I can tell.

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That's incorrect. Check our rules and you will realize that you are completely wrong. For example, we have this rule for Sonic Adventure 2 (B): *You may not obtain two speed shoe items within 14 seconds of each other. Edited: Also, we deleted Sonic Heroes' score charts not too long ago when Shadow Jacky discovered they were luck-dependant.

Actually, the scores weren't luck dependant its how you hit multiple robots with thundershoot and you end up getting points without damaging the robots which can result in a maximum score with enough time spent into it.

The possibility of putting a time limit to avoid that problem was suggested, but people said it was still random, and that was the sole reason that ultimately lead to the removal of those charts.

A random amount of points in the bonus...not random as its random if you get any points or not.

Wait, would this mean I would have to go back to SAdv2 and spam R trick again? OH GOD NO PLEASE!@#!!!!!!!!


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