Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Sonic & Knuckles: Doomsday Rings Chart

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Well, if we don't, what changes? If we do, RA will become a little more variable when it comes to championships in Sonic & Knuckles. I like it, it brings a new challenge, and there have been harder RA's[I think], so I say: HELL YEAH! Bring on the depletion of rings! ^_^

Strong Bad:
S&K has REALLY hard RAs, some harder than S3's.
but LB2S takes the cake.

A RA that I know that I will not like. I hated Deep Core from  SRA.

I agree with Sylux. I was actually thinking of the exact same thing. The only thing is, doesn't Phase 2 of the battle have rings? People could easily just get rings off that second part and finish the boss. Unless those rings are limited.


--- Quote from: SDM ---It's impossible to max the ring counter within the time limit, despite the fact that rings respawn.
--- End quote ---

Theoretically, there's infinite rings. There's just not enough time to collect 999.


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