Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Rule Change for Sonic 4 Episode 1?

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I help keep together a topic on Sega forums with the top times and scores for each act using both Sonic and Super Sonic (and TA and SA). I got to the Special Stages section and as I was updating it, I noticed the top times were all from the iOS devices. I decided to look up one of the speedruns done on an iPhone and I think there may need to be a rule change involving iOS devices and Special Stages.

^ That's the video.

The problem is that iOS devices give you free rotation with Sonic as opposed to the XBox, Wii, and Playstation 3 where you can rotate Sonic at only a fixed speed. This clearly gives iOS device users quite an advantage (as you can see at 0:06 in the video...the 3 platform versions cannot rotate at that speed).

I don't think there are any Special Stage times or scores submitted to the charts yet from an iOS device but I think this is something worth addressing.

For comparison:

It's not the same stage but you can clearly see what the max speed for rotation is.

As it stands, only Casino Street 2 and Lost Labyrinth 2 time/score submissions are banned from an iOS device. I think it should be extended to Special Stages as well.

If this seems like a silly thing to ban iOS submissions from, then I apologize XD It seems to give an advantage among most others so I thought it was at least worth mentioning.

yeah, this was brought up on release... I'm actually not sure whether that is possible on Wii and PS3 since I believe both of those versions have motion controls in special stages. I've heard conflicting reports and I can't check it myself.

In any case, there's not much reason to treat this any differently from any other version difference on the site. It's not at all like CS2 and LL2 where it's not even the same level.

This is a pretty irrelevant comment but imo if you're playing on iPhone you fucked up already


--- Quote from: Umbreon on June 06, 2011, 03:32:17 am ---yeah, this was brought up on release... I'm actually not sure whether that is possible on Wii and PS3 since I believe both of those versions have motion controls in special stages. I've heard conflicting reports and I can't check it myself.

In any case, there's not much reason to treat this any differently from any other version difference on the site. It's not at all like CS2 and LL2 where it's not even the same level.

--- End quote ---

Alrighty, thanks for the reply Paraxade. I wasn't sure if it had been brought up or not and I dislike leaving things unsaid if they may be of relevance. Just wanted to be sure :)

And to Selphos, I totally agree, lol

The iphone version is just the beta version, right? So why can people post times from the iPhone version.


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