Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Something in Shadow that might need consideration or a ruling


OK. Thing is that there's a glitch in Shadow the Hedgehog that allows you to start moving before a level or boss starts. If you're on the load screen and you press A (GameCube version) to jump and you time it right, then you can get a quick jump before a boss begins or a level starts. I find this glitch hard to activate, but it does make me think about whether it is fair (or not) to get a quicker start this way. I have known about this glitch for a while now, and I was able to use this glitch to get my Black Bull: Hero: 0:13:13 stat (this was back in July 2010)

I'm bringing this up now because of the recent rulings with Sonic Heroes Team Boss Battles, and because of my second thoughts about this (I've been thinking about this for a long time now). This glitch in Shadow kind of works like that Heroes glitch where you restart and you kill the other team in like 1 second, but for shadow's case, the boss doesn't die wicked fast, Shadow just gets a faster start by jumping during the load screen. Lastly, this glitch only works in places where Shadow starts out on the ground (like boss battles, and a few of the levels) or where you control Shadow straight from the start (like Glyphic Canyon, Air Fleet and The ARK).

Whether you guys want to make a ruling on this or not is up to you. If you have questions or want me to explain more details than feel free to ask.       

This trick seems similar to the Sonic Adventure E-101mkII trick, which has always been allowed, as opposed to the Sonic Heroes team battle one. I think this should also be allowed.

also this should be in rule revisions

The Team Battle trick is that you cause the enemies to spawn dead, not just getting an early start.  Generally, the results of a trick define it's legality, and unless this breaks levels completely, I see no reason to ban it.


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