Sonic Central > Rules Revisions


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--- Quote from: SpinDashMaster on December 28, 2010, 12:58:48 pm ---* You may use any emulator for competition under two conditions: the original gameplay is preserved and unmodified, and your copy of the emulator performs at full speed (60 FPS in general).

--- End quote ---

That "60 FPS in general" should not be in there. Full speed is dependant on the rom and console. Otherwise this is a better wording.

Final revision per chat discussion; if anyone has qualms, speak now or forever hold your DesMuMe:

You may use any emulator for competition using the following conditions:

* The original game and all its contents are preserved and unmodified.
* Your copy of the emulator performs at full speed while playing the game you're submitting for (60 FPS in most cases).
* Any action performed during the run (be it an in-game action or by use of an emulator function) that cannot be replicated on console voids your stat.

I am in agreement with this rule, but two charts in particular spring to mind when it comes to this rule: Marble 1 and Marble 3 in Sonic 1. Has anyone actually done that zip on a console? I'm under the impression that it's impossible/near impossible because of how close you have to time the left/right inputs. That's something that's always bothered me about it. My guess is that it's more possible on a Playstation console because of the way the D-Pad is fractured on that.

^I've seen Parax pull off the Marble 3 zip on the XBLA version, if that means anything.

Strong Bad:
I eventually did Marble 1's zip on a Genesis, if that means anything.
Probably doesn't <_< >_>


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