Sonic Central > Rules Revisions

Max Time Bonus in SCDS Scores/Extra


So I was browsing's Sonic Colors DS board, when I noticed this topic:

which is very bad for this game's score/extra divisions. Basically, if you press start the exact frame you complete the level, you can hit restart, and this will reset the timer to what it was when you started the level, but you'll start the level at the finished screen, with the maximum time bonus. I tested it on PW-M2, and got a score of 36000. I haven't tested one of the stages, so I don't know if it works on them or not. Regardless, if this isn't disallowed, that basically means that extra is screwed.

This is exactly like restarting on the frame you get ring #100 in SA2 mission 2, which gets 8.25 every time and which we obviously don't allow. The same ban will be in place for this.

Max scores in SRA's sequal, who did not see this coming.

Not all the stages are screwed, The ones with time bonuses in them arent, since the time bonus stages usually have you ending up with a larger time than what you started with.

I'm going to do this so we have a way to know who has used this method and submitted in the future.

Im glad, lets just take them down. Im not a fan of score or extra charts. I plan on playing this game soon, and I rather not bother with those charts.


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